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Sathish Kumar Thiyagarajan edited this page May 14, 2014 · 5 revisions

Any Error Page that System detects will be redirected to this page which will have title and description. Optionally it might have Auto suggest also

For e.g First time user opens the app who might be suggested to

  1. Install Mongo DB locally
  2. Link remote DB

Types of Error could be

  1. Warning
  2. Error
  3. Information
  4. Tip


  1. Title for the error page: May be the message of the exception.
  2. Description may be the call stack in the traditional sense.


  • How do we associate the errors with the severity(warning -- tip) in a dynamic way?
  • How to associate auto-suggest with the dynamic error messages?

@sathishk Do you have ideas on these questions?


  • Error might result with Exceptions(Error) thrown or custom event firing(warning or info)
  • Auto suggest for now let it be only hyper links that redirect to coresponding page(like template not found, create one). We need to discover the autocorrect only in future
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