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nerdy weeks - types and tools artwork

Nerdy Weeks Types & Tools


  • git v2 or greater
  • NodeJS v10 or greater
  • npm v6 or greater
  • VSCode latest

Test if they exists

git --version
node --version
npm --version


To get started and install all dependencies for you run the following commands in your terminal.

git clone
cd nerdy-weeks-types-and-tools
npx lerna bootstrap

This will use lerna to install all dependencies in the subfolders, so you don't have to.

When done open the folder nerdy-weeks-types-and-tools with VSCode to get started.

VSCode Things


When opening this project with VSCode it should ask to install or review recommended extension. You will need to enable them one by one.

The folder ./vscode-things contains a script to install all the recommended extension from the shell. Make sure that the VSCode cli is available in your PATH and review the script you will have to remove an exit 0 command.



The current font of choice is Dank Mono which is not free but meh!… Not everything is free. An alternative monospaced font with ligatures and italics for VSCode could be:

You might also need these fonts if you use powerline fonts in your terminal:

To enable italics you need to add some settings to your VSCode. You will find them also in the file .vscode/fabianmoronzirfas.settings.json

  "editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
    "textMateRules": [
            "scope": "comment",
            "settings": {
                "fontStyle": "italic"
            "scope": "keyword",
            "settings": {
                "fontStyle": "italic"
            "scope": "language",
            "settings": {
                "fontStyle": "italic"

Color & Icon Theme

The color theme of choice os the Nord theme. Which can be found for many different editors or shells (here for VSCode). The file icons are the Material Icon theme


There is a full copy of my VSCode settings under vscode-things/fabianmoronzirfas.settings.json. Just open your settings by hitting ⌘ + , and opening them as a file by clicking the little file icon on the upper right. Just paste it all or take what you need.


For the exercises you will find the following folder structures displayed below. In the folder ./final you will find all the results we hope to achieve on that day. Under ./start you can find some boilerplate projects so you don't have to configure everything by yourself.

├── final
│   ├── server
│   ├── client
│   └── typescript
└── start
    ├── server
    ├── client
    └── typescript

Best way to work will be to open these folders in a new VSCode window. For example by running

# For the typescript examples
# you should create a copy of the folder ex_ 
# So you don't have all in one file
cp -R ./start/typescript/ex_ ./start/typescript/ex1 && code ./start/typescript/ex1 -n
# For the react client project
code ./start/client/ -n
# For the express REST api server project
code ./start/server/ -n