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Move some path functions to leiningen.util.paths. Add defdeprecated.
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technomancy committed May 29, 2011
1 parent fa172db commit 6e18fc4
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Showing 2 changed files with 119 additions and 60 deletions.
117 changes: 57 additions & 60 deletions src/leiningen/core.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,10 +2,43 @@
(:use [leiningen.util.ns :only [namespaces-matching]]
[clojure.string :only [split]]
[clojure.walk :only [walk]]
[robert.hooke :only [add-hook]])
[robert.hooke :only [add-hook]]
[ :only [file]])
(:require [lancet.core :as lancet]
[leiningen.util.paths :as paths])
(:import ( File)
(org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning DefaultArtifactVersion)))

(defmacro defdeprecated [old new]
`(let [new# ~(str (.getName (:ns (meta (resolve new)))) "/" (name new))
warn# (delay (println "Warning:" '~old "is deprecated; use" new#))]
(defn ~(vary-meta old assoc :doc (format "Compatibility alias for %s" new))
[& args#]
(force warn#)
(apply ~(resolve new) args#))))

(defdeprecated home-dir paths/leiningen-home)

(defdeprecated ns->path paths/ns->path)

(defdeprecated normalize-path paths/normalize-path)

(defn user-init
"Load the user's ~/.lein/init.clj file, if present."
(let [init-file (File. (paths/leiningen-home) "init.clj")]
(when (.exists init-file)
(load-file (.getAbsolutePath init-file)))))

(defn user-settings
"Look up the settings map from init.clj or an empty map if it doesn't exist."
(if-let [settings-var (resolve 'user/settings)]

;;; defproject

(def ^{:private true} project nil)

(defn- unquote-project [args]
Expand All @@ -17,18 +50,13 @@

(defn ^{:internal true} normalize-path [project-root path]
(when path
(let [f (File. path)]
(.getAbsolutePath (if (.isAbsolute f) f (File. project-root path))))))

(defmacro defproject [project-name version & args]
;; This is necessary since we must allow defproject to be eval'd in
;; any namespace due to load-file; we can't just create a var with
;; def or we would not have access to it once load-file returned.
`(let [m# (apply hash-map ~(cons 'list (unquote-project args)))
root# ~(.getParent (File. *file*))
normalize-path# (partial ~normalize-path root#)]
normalize-path# (partial ~paths/normalize-path root#)]
(alter-var-root #'project
(fn [_#] (assoc m#
:name ~(name project-name)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -75,41 +103,13 @@

(defn exit
"Call System/exit. Defined as a function so that rebinding is possible."
(System/exit code))
([] (exit 0)))

(defn abort
"Print msg to standard err and exit with a value of 1."
[& msg]
(binding [*out* *err*]
(apply println msg)
(exit 1)))

(defn home-dir
"Returns full path to Lein home dir ($LEIN_HOME or $HOME/.lein) if it exists"
(.getAbsolutePath (doto (if-let [lein-home (System/getenv "LEIN_HOME")]
(File. lein-home)
(File. (System/getProperty "user.home") ".lein"))

(defn user-init
"Load the user's ~/.lein/init.clj file, if present."
(let [init-file (File. (home-dir) "init.clj")]
(when (.exists init-file)
(load-file (.getAbsolutePath init-file)))))

(defn user-settings
"Look up the settings map from init.clj or an empty map if it doesn't exist."
(if-let [settings-var (resolve 'user/settings)]
(defn read-project
(try (binding [*ns* (the-ns 'leiningen.core)]
(load-file file))
(catch _)))
([] (read-project "project.clj")))

(def default-repos {"central" {:url ""
:snapshots false}
Expand All @@ -131,13 +131,21 @@
(into {} (for [[id settings] (:repositories project)]
[id (init-settings id settings)]))))

(defn read-project
(try (binding [*ns* (the-ns 'leiningen.core)]
(load-file file))
(catch _)))
([] (read-project "project.clj")))
(defn exit
"Call System/exit. Defined as a function so that rebinding is possible."
(System/exit code))
([] (exit 0)))

(defn abort
"Print msg to standard err and exit with a value of 1."
[& msg]
(binding [*out* *err*]
(apply println msg)
(exit 1)))

;;; Task execution

(def aliases (atom {"--help" "help" "-h" "help" "-?" "help" "-v" "version"
"--version" "version" "überjar" "uberjar" "cp" "classpath"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -174,17 +182,6 @@
(when (System/getenv "DEBUG")
(.printStackTrace e)))))))

(defn ns->path [n]
(str (.. (str n)
(replace \- \_)
(replace \. \/))

(defn path->ns [path]
(.. (.replaceAll path "\\.clj" "")
(replace \_ \-)
(replace \/ \.)))

(defn arglists [task-name]
(:arglists (meta (resolve-task task-name))))

Expand Down
62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions src/leiningen/util/paths.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
(ns leiningen.util.paths
(:use [ :only [file]]))

(defn ^{:internal true} normalize-path [project-root path]
(when path
(let [f (file path)]
(.getAbsolutePath (if (.isAbsolute f) f (file project-root path))))))

(defn- get-by-pattern
"Gets a value from map m, but uses the keys as regex patterns, trying
to match against k instead of doing an exact match."
[m k]
(m (first (drop-while #(nil? (re-find (re-pattern %) k))
(keys m)))))

(def ^{:private true} native-names
{"Mac OS X" :macosx "Windows" :windows "Linux" :linux
"FreeBSD" :freebsd "OpenBSD" :openbsd
"amd64" :x86_64 "x86_64" :x86_64 "x86" :x86 "i386" :x86
"arm" :arm "SunOS" :solaris "sparc" :sparc})

(defn get-os
"Returns a keyword naming the host OS."
(get-by-pattern native-names (System/getProperty "")))

(defn get-arch
"Returns a keyword naming the host architecture"
(get-by-pattern native-names (System/getProperty "os.arch")))

(defn native-path
"Returns a File representing the directory where native libs for the
current platform are located."
(when (and (get-os) (get-arch))
(let [osdir (name (get-os))
archdir (name (get-arch))
f (file "native" osdir archdir)]
(if (.exists f)

(defn leiningen-home
"Returns full path to Lein home dir ($LEIN_HOME or $HOME/.lein) if it exists"
(.getAbsolutePath (doto (if-let [lein-home (System/getenv "LEIN_HOME")]
(file lein-home)
(file (System/getProperty "user.home") ".lein"))

(defn ns->path [n]
(str (.. (str n)
(replace \- \_)
(replace \. \/))

(defn path->ns [path]
(.. (.replaceAll path "\\.clj" "")
(replace \_ \-)
(replace \/ \.)))

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