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Installation for users (Orange Pi boards that uses the H3 Soc)

techtek edited this page Nov 10, 2017 · 10 revisions

SteemPi Installation instructions for Orangi Pi (H3 boards, Orange pi pc plus, orange pi pc, orange pi one, orange pi zero plus 2, and possibly other H3 Soc boards)

Step 1: Operating system

Install the latest version of Armbian on your SD card with Win32diskimager

  • Connect a keyboard and mouse to your board.
  • Boot the system, follow the easy steps on the screen and the system will boot to the dektop
  • Connect to your home network and the internet (Wifi or cable)

Step 2: SteemPi Installation

  • Install Apache and PHP7, open a terminal and copy and paste the following commands: sudo apt-get update and install with the command sudo apt-get install apache2 php7.0 libapache2-mod-php7.0

  • Test the Apache websserver by opening a browser and type in the IP of your board, it should show a "it works" page.

  • #If the test went ok you can delete the index file from /var/www/html/ open the directory by using the command cd /var/www/html/ and to remove, sudo rm index.html

  • Clone the SteemPi project files to your Pi cd /var/www/ and to clone it into the root html folder use the command, sudo git clone html

The Webinterface is done!, Open the IP address of your board in a browser and you should see the SteemPi webinterface.

Step 3: Steemit LED light notifications

cd WiringOP chmod +x ./build sudo ./build

  • Connect a LED (+) to physical Pin 12 on the header of your Orange Pi board and the other end to ground pin (pin39) gpio readall to double check the pin out diagram.

(and you should solder the correct resistor to the LED. it works without one, no problems so far but you may damage the board if you dont use one.)

  • Make executable, cd /var/www/html/ledscript/ and use the command sudo chmod u+x
  • To run the script manualy: cd /var/www/html/ledscript/ and to run it, sudo ./ The LED should blink one time because it detected change.

You can test if it is working by making a reply on my Steemit account This way you can test if your LED lights up, and it's a way to let me know you installed SteemPi.

If the LED lights up, change @techtek in the script, to watch your account for updates to do this, use the commands: cd /var/www/html/ledscript/ and to edit use the command sudo nano edit the username @techtek to your username in the URL and exit and save with, ctrl+x

To make boot on startup, sudo nano /etc/rc.local add in this file before exit 0 this line /var/www/html/ledscript/./ and exit and save with, ctrl+x

Additionally you could add this to rc.local to start SteemPi on each boot DISPLAY=:0 chromium-browser --incognito --kiosk http://localhost/

sudo nano /etc/rc.local

Also add to rc.local

gpio mode 0 out gpio mode 1 out gpio mode 2 out

To make the GPIO(led) ports output ports

Everything is now ready to use!

(When loading the interface local on the Pi it can be slow because of the auto-play of the 2 video feeds, you can fix this by disabling the autoplay function in index.php)

If you make changes to the SteemPi project, please do share them back to the SteemPi project so others can use those functionalities as well.

Please support the makers of the services that are integrated into SteemPi.

If you have a service or functionality you want to integrate, you could help by writing a custom code for your service that can be implemented in the SteemPi web interface.