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Global Preferences

Tim Eckel edited this page Feb 28, 2021 · 9 revisions

Please note: Deprecated! Global preferences incorporated in config menu refactor

Global preferences are non-model specific settings that are defined by creating a prefs.dat file in the SCRIPTS\TELEMETRY\iNav\cfg\ folder. Creating this file allows you to set certain features globally to your preference. It currently supports 3 settings (each a single digit, so 3 digits long). The 3 settings are as follows:

  1. Aircraft symbol (Horus only): 0 - 5 as shown below (default = 0)


  2. Radar home position (Horus only): 0 = Adjust to fit (default), 1 = Fixed in center

  3. Default orientation: 0 = Launch/pilot-based (default), 1 = Compass-based

Example: prefs.dat with the content: 510 would use the waterline aircraft symbol (#5), fix home position to the center in the radar view (#1), and make the default orientation launch/pilot-based (#0). All options default to 0 so if the file doesn't exist or doesn't have enough digits it will use the default option.

You may be asking: Why are these global preferences set in a cryptic file instead of the config menu? The reason is memory, which there's very little reserved for lua scripts. Adding options to the config menu uses a significant amount of memory. By using the prefs.dat file, very little precious memory is used, so more features can be added, yay!