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Ember TED Docs

Components for writing docs sites for your open-source projects at TED.



This is an Ember addon, so it assumes you'll be creating your docs site as an Ember app.

Documenting an Ember addon

You already have an Ember app under /tests/dummy, so you can just use that for your docs site. There's also a great addon that makes it easy to deploy this app to GitHub Pages.

Documenting another project

You'll be making a new Ember app for your docs. Install Ember CLI if you haven't already. Then, from your project's repo, check out an orphaned branch and create an Ember appj

git checkout --orphan docs
git clean -fd  # this removes the working files in your directory
ember init

and you're ready to go!


Install the following addons:

ember install ember-cli-sass
bower install --save bootstrap-sass
ember install ember-ted-docs

and import Bootstrap and TED docs' styles (you may need to rename app.css to app.scss:

<!-- tests/dummy/app/styles/app.scss -->
@import 'bower_components/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap';
@import 'ember-ted-docs/styles';

Now ember s and develop your docs using the components below.


In your template you can now use the <ted-page-header> component:

  byline='The best, most amazing thing to happen to anyone, anywhere'

and here's what you get:


Now, go forth and document!