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Small simulation of a battle between two RPG units with a clean code and modular architecture.

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Human VS Orc

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This project is a small simulation of a battle between two RPG units (a human and an orc).

Goal of this project

The goal of this project is to have a clean code architecture and be modular to add easily new RPG classes, skills or attributes.

See the Class Diagram for more details about the architecture design.

Here are the main features implemented:

  • Modular skill system with the use of the Command Pattern
  • Modular RPG attribute system for units
    • Attributes depending on other attributes (e.g. critcal_chance gaining +1 for each 5 points of agility) can be created.
  • Modular "Life System" on top of attributes
    • Used to handle current and max health points, or similar
    • Can be modified during runtime to add a shield, without changing the Unit class implementation
  • Modular Bonus system for attributes
    • items can be equipped to add bonuses to attributes
    • skills can add bonuses to attributes
  • Modular Status Effect system for units
    • units can be stunned, bleeding, etc...
    • status can be added by skills
  • Modular RPG units with attributes and skills that can be added at runtime


How to build and run

Build the project using CMake, while in the root directory of the repository:

If you are using a single configuration generator like Unix Makefiles, specify the -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE parameter to either "Debug" or "Release" (default is Debug):

# OPTION 1 : Configure the build in Release
cmake -S HumanVSOrc -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
# build the binaries
cmake --build build

# OPTION 2 : Configure the build in Debug
cmake -S HumanVSOrc -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
# build the binaries
cmake --build build

Otherwise, if you are using a multi-configuration generator like Visual Studio, do not specify the -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE parameter:

  # Configure the build
  cmake -S HumanVSOrc -B build
  # Build debug binaries
  cmake --build build --config Debug
  # Build release binaries
  cmake --build build --config Release

The binaries will be located in the HumanVSOrc/bin folder. It contains the following executables:

  • HumanVSOrc(.exe): the main game/simulation project
  • TestProject(.exe): the unit testing project

These commands will build the project in Release mode. To build in Debug mode, just replace Release by Debug in the commands above.

Unit Testing

Unit testing is done with Google Test. The tests sources are located in the HumanVSOrc/TestProject folder.

To run the tests, you can either run the TestProject executable (see above) or run the tests in your IDE (e.g. Rider or Visual Studio).

Test coverage

I'm using OpenCppCoverage to generate the test coverage. To generate the report, run the following command in the root directory of the repository:

OpenCppCoverage.exe --sources HumanVSOrc --excluded_sources gtest --excluded_sources Game -- .\HumanVSOrc\bin\Debug\TestProject.exe

It ignores the gtest and Game.cpp files as there is no point to test them.

As of the last commit, the test coverage is 86% although few parts are not tested because they just print debug messages.

Class Diagram

Here is the class diagram of this project. Note that not all methods nor class attributes are present to keep it as readable as possible. Also, Factory classes are not shown.

Class Diagram

How to use this project

Below are several examples of how to use the classes defined in this project in order to create a new RPG unit, add skills, attributes or items to it.

How to add a new RPG Unit

Let's say you want to add a new RPG unit called Paladin. No need to create another class, you can add the components you want to the Unit instance that you create. Here are the steps to follow:

// 1. Create a new Unit instance
Unit paladin("Paladin");
// 2. Add the attributes you want
paladin.AddAttribute(AttributeType::HEALTH, "Health", 200.0f);
paladin.AddAttribute(AttributeType::DAMAGE, "Damage", 15.0f);
// etc...
// 3. Add the skills you want
paladin.AddSkill(skills::SkillFactory::CreateOverpoweredPaladinSkill()); // See skill creation section for more details

How to create a new Skill

Skills are implemented using the Command Pattern. To create a new skill, you just need to instantiate a new Skill object with the desired Command object.

For instance, to create a Fireball skill and add it to the unit, you can do the following using the DealDamageCommand command:

Unit unit;
float fireball_damage = 15.0f;
int cooldown = 3; // 3 turns
float success_rate = 0.95f; // 95% chance to succeed
unit.AddSkill(std::make_unique<Skill>("Fireball", cooldown, success_rate, std::make_unique<DealDamageCommand>(fireball_damage)));

A SkillFactory is also available to create predefined skills, e.g. SkillFactory::CreateChargeSkill() which returns a unique_ptr<Skill>.

How to add a new RPG attribute

It's easy to add a new attribute to the RPG system and add it to any unit. Not all units are required to have all attributes.

  1. First add a new attribute type in the AttributeType enum in AttributeType.h. For instance DEXTERITY.
  2. Then we can just add this attribute at runtime to any unit using the AddAttribute method. For instance:
Unit unit;
float base_value = 10.0f;
std::string display_name = "Dexterity";
unit.AddAttribute(AttributeType::DEXTERITY, display_name, base_value);

You can also define dependant attributes. For instance, let's say that the EVASION attribute is defined as EVASION = +1 for each 5 points of DEXTERITY. We can do the following:

// Define the dependency rules
auto dexterity = unit.GetAttribute(AttributeType::DEXTERITY);
std::vector<DependentAttribute::Dependency> dependencies{
    DependentAttribute::Dependency(dexterity, 1.0f, 5.0f)
// Then create the dependent attribute
unit.AddDependentAttribute(AttributeType::EVASION, "Evasion", 0.0f, dependencies);

Possible Improvements

  • Only EquippableItem items are defined but we could easily add Consumable items (e.g. potions) with the use of the already implemented Command pattern.


Small simulation of a battle between two RPG units with a clean code and modular architecture.







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