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tek committed Apr 27, 2018
1 parent d38dca7 commit 93117c6
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Showing 51 changed files with 67 additions and 107 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ additional info for implicit resolution errors.
# Usage

addCompilerPlugin("io.tryp" % "splain" % "0.2.9" cross CrossVersion.patch)
addCompilerPlugin("io.tryp" % "splain" % "0.3.0" cross CrossVersion.patch)

# Configuration
Expand Down
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions build.sbt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
scalaVersion := "2.12.5"
crossScalaVersions ++= List("2.10.6", "2.11.11", "2.11.12", "2.12.1", "2.12.2", "2.12.3", "2.12.4")
crossVersion := CrossVersion.full
organization := "io.tryp"
name := "splain"
fork := true
libraryDependencies ++= List(
scalaOrganization.value % "scala-compiler" % scalaVersion.value % "provided",
"org.specs2" %% "specs2-core" % "3.8.6" % "test",
"com.chuusai" %% "shapeless" % "2.3.2" % "test",

addSourceDir { case (2, minor, _) if minor >= 11 => "2.11+" }
addSourceDir { case (2, 12, patch) if patch >= 4 => "2.12.4+" case _ => "2.12.3-" }
javaOptions in Test ++= {
val jar = (Keys.`package` in Compile).value.getAbsolutePath
val tests = baseDirectory.value / "tests"
List(s"-Dsplain.jar=$jar", s"-Dsplain.tests=$tests")

publishMavenStyle := true
publishTo := Some(
if (isSnapshot.value) Opts.resolver.sonatypeSnapshots
else Resolver.url("sonatype staging", url(""))
licenses := List("MIT" -> url(""))
homepage := Some(url(repo))
scmInfo := Some(ScmInfo(url(repo), ""))
developers := List(Developer(id="tryp", name="Torsten Schmits", email="", url=url(github)))

import ReleaseTransformations._
releaseCrossBuild := true
releaseProcess := Seq[ReleaseStep](
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion project/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1 @@
103 changes: 20 additions & 83 deletions project/build.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,90 +2,27 @@ package tryp

import sbt._, Keys._

import sbtrelease.ReleasePlugin.autoImport.{ReleaseTransformations, releaseProcess, ReleaseStep}
import ReleaseTransformations._

object SplainLibs
extends Libs
object P
extends AutoPlugin
val splain = ids(
scalaOrganization.value % "scala-compiler" % scalaVersion.value % "provided",
"org.specs2" %% "specs2-core" % "3.8.6" % "test",
"com.chuusai" %% "shapeless" % "2.3.2" % "test"

object Build
extends MultiBuild("splain")
override def defaultBuilder =
scalaVersion := "2.12.5",
crossScalaVersions ++= List("2.10.6", "2.11.11", "2.11.12", "2.12.1", "2.12.2", "2.12.3", "2.12.4"),
crossVersion := CrossVersion.full,
TrypBuildKeys.libs := SplainLibs

val versionRex = raw"(\d+)\.(\d+).(\d+).*".r

def addSourceDir(f: PartialFunction[(Int, Int, Int), String]) =
(unmanagedSourceDirectories in Compile) ++= {
val add = for {
a <- scalaVersion.value match {
case versionRex(ma, mi, pa) => Some(ma.toInt, mi.toInt, pa.toInt)
case _ => None
(ma, mi, pa) = a
b <- f.lift(ma, mi, pa)
} yield List(baseDirectory.value / s"src-$b")

lazy val splain = "splain"
organization := "io.tryp",
name := "splain",
addSourceDir { case (2, minor, _) if minor >= 11 => "2.11+" },
addSourceDir { case (2, 12, patch) if patch >= 4 => "2.12.4+" case _ => "2.12.3-" },
fork := true,
javaOptions in Test ++= {
val jar = (Keys.`package` in Compile).value.getAbsolutePath
val tests = baseDirectory.value / "tests"
List(s"-Dsplain.jar=$jar", s"-Dsplain.tests=$tests")
object autoImport
val versionRex = raw"(\d+)\.(\d+).(\d+).*".r

def addSourceDir(f: PartialFunction[(Int, Int, Int), String]) =
(unmanagedSourceDirectories in Compile) ++= {
val add = for {
a <- scalaVersion.value match {
case versionRex(ma, mi, pa) => Some(ma.toInt, mi.toInt, pa.toInt)
case _ => None
(ma, mi, pa) = a
b <- f.lift(ma, mi, pa)
} yield List(sourceDirectory.value / "main" / s"scala-$b")

val github = ""
val repo = s"$github/splain"

def publishSettings = List(
publishMavenStyle := true,
publishTo := Some(
if (isSnapshot.value) Opts.resolver.sonatypeSnapshots
else Resolver.url("sonatype staging", url(""))
licenses := List("MIT" -> url("")),
homepage := Some(url(repo)),
scmInfo := Some(ScmInfo(url(repo), "")),
developers := List(Developer(id="tryp", name="Torsten Schmits", email="", url=url(github)))

def releaseSettings = List(
releaseProcess := Seq[ReleaseStep](
ReleaseStep(action = Command.process("publishSigned", _), enableCrossBuild = true),
ReleaseStep(action = Command.process("sonatypeReleaseAll", _), enableCrossBuild = true)
val github = ""
val repo = s"$github/splain"
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion project/plugins.sbt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
addSbtPlugin("net.virtual-void" % "sbt-optimizer" % "0.1.2")
addSbtPlugin("com.jsuereth" % "sbt-pgp" % "1.1.1")
addSbtPlugin("org.xerial.sbt" % "sbt-sonatype" % "2.3")
addSbtPlugin("com.github.gseitz" % "sbt-release" % "1.0.8")
7 changes: 0 additions & 7 deletions project/project/project/build.scala

This file was deleted.

9 changes: 0 additions & 9 deletions project/project/tryp.sbt

This file was deleted.

1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion project/project/trypVersion.sbt

This file was deleted.

2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions project/tryp.sbt

This file was deleted.

1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion project/trypVersion.sbt

This file was deleted.

1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion splain/version.sbt

This file was deleted.

File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions version.sbt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
version in ThisBuild := "0.3.0-SNAPSHOT"

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