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CLI static site generator using an embedded clojure DSL. Uses hiccup and garden under the hood.



(def site-name "My amazing website")

(def-asset global-style
  {:path "/css/global.css"
   :type :css
   :data [:body {:background-color :red}]})

(defn page
  [title content]
    [:title (str site-name " - " title)]
    (stylesheet global-style)]
   [:body content]])

(def-asset home-page
  {:path "/index.html"
   :type :html
   :data (page "Hello world" [:p "This is magic"])})
statik compile site.clj

# Generates:


Namespaces and Requires

Statik includes the following namespaces by default:

  • garden.core
  • garden.stylesheet
  • garden.color
  • garden.units

You can also require your own namespaces, assuming you are running from a root directory, src/ will be on the classpath.


Live Reload

statik watch src/site.clj
# Starts a (live-reloading) server on localhost:3000


# Start a statik server in the current directory
statik serve

# Start a statik server in out/
statik serve out/

Building and Installing

To build statik you will need Graal v20.2.0 w/ OpenJDK v11, as well as the native-image plugin.

Arch / Manjaro

# Install via Yay / Pacman
yay -S native-image-jdk11-bin jdk11-graalvm-bin

# Set as the default JVM
sudo archlinux-java set java-11-graalvm

# Ensure its in your PATH
export PATH=/usr/lib/jvm/default/bin:$PATH

Installing Graal From Scratch

Download the appropriate release of Graal for your VM from the releases page.

# Untar it
tar -xvzf graalvm-ce-java11-linux-amd64-20.2.0.tar.gz

# Install it
sudo mv ./graalvm-ce-java11-20.2.0 /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-graalvm

# Set it as the default JVM
sudo rm -f /usr/lib/jvm/default
sudo rm -f /usr/lib/jvm/default-runtime
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-graalvm /usr/lib/jvm/default
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-graalvm /usr/lib/jvm/default-runtime

# Ensure its in your PATH
export PATH=/usr/lib/jvm/default/bin:$PATH

# Install Native Image
gu install native-image

Compiling Statik

# Compile
cd /path/to/statik
mkdir build # This is the output dir, but its not version controlled
clj -A:native-image

# Install Binary
cp build/statik ~/.local/bin

# Test and Enjoy
statik --help

clj-kondo config

If you use clj-kondo for linting, the following is recommended:

;; .clj-kondo/config.edn
{:lint-as {clojure.core/def-asset clojure.core/def}
 :linters {:unresolved-symbol
           {:exclude [def-asset stylesheet asset-path register-asset!]}}}

Note that this doesn't yet cover ignoring vars created by def-asset.