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A πŸ”₯ MERN Stack & GraphQL Chat SPA

MERN Stack = MongoDB, Express, React, Node

MERN full-stack with GraphQL! By the end, I'm going to build a chat SPA with a Node.js server using Express.js, MongoDB database engine, React.js front-end, and GraphQL API back-end.

I will also architecture our GraphQL web service with Apollo Server and Apollo Client v2, and will implement routing with React Router v4.

Developed by Facebook in 2012, GraphQL is a query language and a server runtime for APIs. It is backed up by a spec and comes with official integration libraries for many languages, including JS, and frameworks, such as Express. With its vast open-source ecosystem, GraphQL offers an easily-implementable approach for orchestrating multitier apps with complex API communications. Instead of querying resources with multiple roundtrips in a RESTful API, in GraphQL, you send off queries to a single URL to get back a particular data structure that you need. Forget about under and over-fetching of data. Using a strongly-typed schema, you map out your query requests to any data source that your app has in place, be it a database or a 3rd-party API. With full control over queries, your clients, mobile or web, now exchange data more efficiently, incurring a lesser load on your infrastructure, and tolerating poor network signals.

Top 5 Reasons to Use GraphQL:

GraphQL spec rundown:

GraphQL Server Basics (schemas, resolvers, etc.):

GraphQL vs. REST:

Learn GraphQL.js:

Real-time Chat App (WIP)

Note: this project is in active development.



  • sign up / sign in / reset password (?)

  • direct messaging (1 on 1)

  • private group chat (2+ users)

  • channels (public / private / favorite) & teams (?)

  • avatar upload in user profile

  • typing indicator, edit messages, user status (logged in / out / inactive)

  • respond to comments (like, quote, emoji, favorite) (?)

  • file sharing (img, text, video (?))

  • social login (Google, FB, GitHub, etc)

  • RWD + mobile first

  • chat bot (?)

  • notifications

  • emails (confirm registration, reset password, etc.) (?)

  • lazy loading, persisted queries, Apollo Engine

  • switch themes

  • unit testing

  • markdown, code snippets (?)

  • deployment to a cloud host (AWS, Heroku, Zeit, or other)

  • production (scalability, security, performance, etc.)

  • CI/CD

  • 12 factor app (?)


  • Apollo Server v2

  • Apollo Client v2

  • Mongoose ORM

  • Web Sockets (Apollo subscriptions that use Web sockets behind the scene)

  • JWT auth

  • Gravatar (?)

  • ES 2015/16/17 + Babel, Webpack, Nodemon, Reload



  Field      |  Type        |  Options
  _id        |  ObjectId    |
  name       |  String      |  required
  email      |  String      |  required, unique
  password   |  String      |  required
  avatarUrl  |  String      |
  role       |  String      |  required
  chats      |  [ObjectId]  |
  createdAt  |  Date        |
  updatedAt  |  Date        |


  Field      |  Type        | Options
  _id        |  ObjectId    |
  name       |  String      |
  users      |  [ObjectId]  |
  messages   |  [ObjectId]  |
  createdAt  |  Date        |
  updatedAt  |  Date        |


  Field      |  Type        |  Options
  _id        |  ObjectId    |
  body       |  String      |  required
  user       |  ObjectId    |
  createdAt  |  Date        |
  updatedAt  |  Date        |

MongoDB Dev Setup with mLab

Note: You can use the docker setup, however I have found it to work best with Ubuntu. For this project I will be using mLab's AWS sandbox db

Start by going to and sign up for login.

Once logged in select 'Create New' for MongoDB Deployments

Select Amazon Web Services (AWS) as the cloud provider and Sandbox as the plan type which is free

Click continue, then once the sandbox db is created under the name of your choosing select your deployment.

At the top left you will see two commands missing actual login information showing how you can connect to

  1. The MongoDB shell, open up a CLI for ex: iTerm or standard Terminal accessing db from any location with the appropriate criteria.
  2. Connect using a driver via the standard MongoDB URI (This is what we will use to set our server.js file to connect to the mLab MongoDB database)

yarn add dotenv at the root of your directory, create a .env file, add .env to your .gitignore file, and in your server.js file add:


In the env file pase SECRET=''

Next, in mLab interface of the database you created select Users tab and Add database user

Give your user a name of admin or administrator and give it a good password, ensure you do not lose this password or that it is not easily guessed like 'password123'. Ensure that read only is not selected.

Inside the strings paste the mLab MongoDB URI and replace the and with the admin user name and the admin password you created. This .env SECRET url will remain private.

Next, in the Server.js or Index.js file where dotenv was required we connect via Mongoose using our secret env variable


MongoDB Dev Setup with Docker (Alternative Option)

Note: could easily use other free 3rd party cloud providers such as mLab or Atlas instead.

## Start a MongoDB container on port 27017 and create a 'root' user on the 'admin' database
docker run -d --name mongodb -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=root -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret mongo

## Run the mongo CLI client on the container as 'root' against 'admin' database and connect to 'chat'
docker exec -it mongodb mongo -u root -p secret --authenticationDatabase admin chat

## Inside the client, create an admin user for the 'chat' database
  user: 'admin', pwd: 'secret', roles: ['readWrite', 'dbAdmin']