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Custom titlepages

telegraphic edited this page Sep 17, 2012 · 1 revision

The title page for this thesis template is based on the requirements for the Mathematical Institute here at Oxford. If you're doing a different degree at a different uni, then chances are you'll have to change the title page to match your needs.

Unfortunately, it turns out that this isn't particularly easy. This page is to give you a rough idea of what you need to do.

The title page is defined in the ociamthesis-lyx.cls file, in a command called \maketitle. While you can hack at the source, a better option is to use \renewcommand, and change it in your document preamble (Document > Settings... > LateX Preamble, in thesis.lyx).


Here's an example for the University of Queensland Economics. They don't need a college field, but they do need a faculty, and a word count on the front page.

% Make some macro definitions

% Maketitle command, modified for U. Queensland Economics
    {\large \vspace*{1mm} {\crest \par} \vspace*{5mm}} 

 {{\bfseries {\@university}} \par} \vspace*{1ex}
 {{\bfseries {\@faculty}} \par}   \vspace*{1ex}
 {{\bfseries {\@school}} \par}   

\vspace*{15mm} { \Large {\bfseries {\@title}} \par} \vspace*{15mm}

{ \textsc{By}  \par}            \vspace*{1ex}	 
{ \textsc{\@author} \par} \vspace*{2ex}
{ \textsc{\@degree} \par} \vspace*{10mm}

{\it \small {\submittedtext} \par} \vspace*{10mm}

{\textsc{\@degreedate} \par} \vspace*{2ex}


% Use graphics package

% The crest on the titlepage can be set by changing the def below.

% Set the text on the title page here
% You need to change the \maketitle command to change order on page
\title{An Income Insecurity Index with Applications to Australian Data}
\author{Zach Zhang}
\degree{Bachelor of Economics}
\university{University of Queensland}
\faculty{Faculty of Business, Economics and Law}
\school{School of Economics}

% Set the text on the title page here
\renewcommand{\submittedtext}{An Honours thesis submitted to the School of Economics, the University of Queensland, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of BEcon (Honours).}

\degreedate{Novemeber 2012}
\wordcount{Word count: 25,000}

In this example, a few new fields are added, and the location of the uni logo is moved. If you copy and paste this into your latex preamble (Document > Settings... > LateX Preamble), you should see the page layout change signficantly.

You'll see that each line of text is separated by a \vspace*{ } command, which adds a vertical space. You'll need to play around with these spacings to make your title page look nice.

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