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Command an armada of processes in a cluster.

This module integrates with git using propagit, to make rolling out new code to a bunch of worker drones super simple!


With npm do:

npm install -g fleet


In a fresh directory, start a fleet hub:

$ fleet hub --port=7000 --secret=beepboop

in another fresh directory start a drone:

$ fleet drone --hub=localhost:7000 --secret=beepboop

You can start as many drones as you want in fresh directories.

Now from a git repo, set a remote:

$ fleet remote add default --hub=localhost:7000 --secret=beepboop

Now deploy your code to all the drones:

$ fleet deploy

Deploying just checks out your commit to a fresh directory on every drone.

To run a process on the latest commit do:

$ fleet spawn -- node beep.js 8080

To see the process list across all your drones do:

$ fleet ps


fleet remote

This command creates and updates a file called fleet.json in your git project root so you don't need to type --hub and --secret all the time for the deploy, spawn, stop, and ps commands.

fleet remote add NAME=default --hub=HUB --secret=SECRET

Register a remote with NAME and OPTIONS.

Inspired by git remote.

fleet remote rm NAME

Delete a remote.

fleet remote ls

List the remotes from your fleet.json.

fleet hub --port=PORT --secret=SECRET

Create a new hub listening on a port with a secret passphrase.

fleet drone --hub=HOST:PORT --secret=SECRET

Spin up a worker drone and connect to the hub.

fleet deploy

From a git directory, push the top commit from git log and check out the code on all the drones in an isolated directory based on the commit hash.

fleet ps

List the processes running on all the drones.

fleet spawn OPTIONS -- command...

Spin up command on a random drone.

You can control which drone by specifying --drone=id.

Your spawned process will get the $REPO name, $COMMIT hash, $DRONE_ID, and $PROCESS_ID as environment variables from propagit.

fleet stop id

Stop a process. Get the id by running fleet ps. It doesn't matter which drone the process is running on, fleet spams the request out to all the drones and ignores the request if the drone doesn't have the requested process id.

fleet monitor

Work in progress. This command will let you listen to all the events ever across the whole cluster.