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This repository has been archived by the owner on Aug 28, 2018. It is now read-only.


Parser did not support regexp in directives (GH-2)
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- added Travis build
- removed HUnit dependency
- added tests
- gitignore cabal files
  • Loading branch information
temoto committed Jan 25, 2015
1 parent 52794b6 commit ed8ad9c
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Showing 7 changed files with 216 additions and 64 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions .travis.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
language: haskell
- 7.8
- 7.6
- 7.4

email: true
# enable fast container runtime
sudo: false
41 changes: 25 additions & 16 deletions NginxLint/Parse.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,22 +33,26 @@ blockDecl :: Parser Decl
blockDecl = do whiteSpace
pos <- getPosition
name <- identifier
args <- try (many argument)
args <- many argument
ds <- braces (many decl)
return $ Block pos name args ds
<?> "block directive"

ifDecl :: Parser Decl
ifDecl = do whiteSpace
pos <- getPosition
reserved "if"
_ <- symbol "("
args <- argument `manyTill` try (symbol ")")
ds <- braces (many nonIfDecl)
args <- parens $ many1 ifArgument
ds <- braces $ many nonIfDecl
return $ Block pos "if" args ds
<?> "if directive"
ifArgument = try parseInteger <|> try quotedString <|> plain
<?> "if argument"
plain = mkString " \"\v\t\r\n(){};" "if plain string"

argument :: Parser Arg
argument = parseInteger <|> quotedString <|> plainString
<?> "directive argument"
argument = try parseInteger <|> try quotedString <|> plainString

parseInteger :: Parser Arg
parseInteger = do pos <- getPosition
Expand All @@ -57,24 +61,29 @@ parseInteger = do pos <- getPosition

quotedString :: Parser Arg
quotedString = do pos <- getPosition
_ <- symbol "\""
s <- many (noneOf "\"")
_ <- symbol "\""
_ <- symbol q
s <- many (noneOf q)
_ <- symbol q
return $ QuotedString pos s
where q = "\""

plainString :: Parser Arg
plainString = do pos <- getPosition
s <- lexeme ps
return $ RawString pos s
<?> "plain string"
where ps = many1 (noneOf " \"\v\t\r\n(){};")
mkString :: String -> String -> Parser Arg
mkString excl help = p <?> help
p = do
pos <- getPosition
s <- lexeme $ many1 (noneOf excl)
return $ RawString pos s

plainString = mkString " \"\v\t\r\n{};" "plain string"

lexer :: T.TokenParser ()
lexer = T.makeTokenParser nginxDef

nginxDef = emptyDef
{ T.commentLine = "#"
, T.identStart = alphaNum <|> char '_'
, T.nestedComments = False
, T.opLetter = oneOf "<=>"
, T.reservedNames = ["if"]
Expand All @@ -90,7 +99,7 @@ identifier = T.identifier lexer
integer = T.natural lexer
lexeme = T.lexeme lexer
--natural = T.natural lexer
--parens = T.parens lexer
parens = T.parens lexer
reserved = T.reserved lexer
--semi = T.semi lexer
--semiSep = T.semiSep lexer
Expand Down
File renamed without changes.
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions nginx-lint.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,12 +37,11 @@ test-suite nginx-lint-test
main-is: Main.hs
-- TODO: bisect compatible versions
build-depends: base (>= 4 && < 5),
other-modules: NginxLint.Data, NginxLint.Parse

Expand Down
43 changes: 32 additions & 11 deletions test.conf
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,20 +1,41 @@
# Normal string.
error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log info;
error_log error.log info;

# Quoting is not needed.
error_log "/var/log/nginx/quoted.log" info;
error_log "quoted.log" info;

# Regex is not needed.
location ~ ^/foo {
root /excessive/regex;
events {

# Regex may be not needed (if user didn't want case insensitive matching)
location ~* ^/foo {
root /maybe/excessive/regex;
daemon off;

http {
client_body_temp_path nginx-test;
fastcgi_temp_path nginx-test;
uwsgi_temp_path nginx-test;
scgi_temp_path nginx-test;
access_log off;

server {
# Regex is not needed.
location ~ ^/foo {
root /excessive/regex;

# Regex may be not needed (if user didn't want case insensitive matching)
location ~* ^/foo {
root /maybe/excessive/regex;

if (!-f $request_filename) {
set $v1 (0ov;
rewrite ^/(.*).(gif|jpg|png)$ /$1_2x.$2;

if (!-f $request_filename) {
root /dont/use/if;
charset_map koi8-r utf-8 {

80 E282AC ; # euro
179 changes: 145 additions & 34 deletions test/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,57 +1,168 @@
module Main (main) where

import Data.List (isInfixOf)
import qualified Test.Framework as T
import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase)
import Data.Monoid (mempty)
import Debug.Trace
import Test.Framework.Options (TestOptions, TestOptions'(..))
import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty)
import Test.Framework.Runners.Options (RunnerOptions, RunnerOptions'(..))
import qualified Test.Framework as T
import qualified Test.QuickCheck as Q
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as P
import qualified Test.QuickCheck.Property as QP
import qualified Text.Parsec

import NginxLint.Parse (argument, parseFile)
import qualified NginxLint.Parse

main :: IO ()
main = T.defaultMain tests

tests =
T.testGroup "Cases" $ zipWith (testCase . ("Case "++) . show) [1::Int ..] [
T.testGroup "Properties" $ zipWith (testProperty . ("Property "++) . show) [1::Int ..] [
, prop_ParseArg01
main = do
let empty_test_opts = mempty :: TestOptions
let my_test_opts = empty_test_opts {
topt_maximum_generated_tests = Just 2000
, topt_maximum_unsuitable_generated_tests = Just 10000
, topt_maximum_test_size = Just 500
let empty_runner_opts = mempty :: RunnerOptions
let my_runner_opts = empty_runner_opts {
ropt_test_options = Just my_test_opts
, ropt_color_mode = Just T.ColorAuto
T.defaultMainWithOpts tests my_runner_opts
tests = [
T.testGroup "Parser" $ [
testProperty "comment-01" $ Q.forAll genComment checkFile
, testProperty "arg-01" $ Q.forAll genArg checkArg
, testProperty "decl-01" $ Q.forAll genRewrite checkDecl
, testProperty "block-01" $ Q.forAll genBlock checkDecl

genArg :: Q.Gen String
genArg = Q.oneof [genPlainString]

genBlock :: Q.Gen String
genBlock = do
name <- Q.oneof [return "events", return "http", return "server", genIdentifier]
args <- Q.resize 3 $ Q.listOf genArg
decls <- Q.resize 5 $ Q.listOf genDecl
return $ name ++ " " ++ unwords args ++ " {" ++ concat decls ++ "}"

genComment :: Q.Gen String
genComment = do
s <- Q.arbitrary `Q.suchThat` notElem '\n'
s <- Q.listOf $ Q.arbitrary `Q.suchThat` (/= '\n')
return $ "#" ++ s

genPlainString :: Q.Gen String
genPlainString = Q.listOf1 c
c = Q.elements (['A'..'Z'] ++ ['a'..'z'] ++ ['0'..'9'] ++ "~!@#$%^&*")
genDecl :: Q.Gen String
genDecl = Q.frequency [
(1, genBlock)
, (2, genDeclIf)
, (10, genDeclSimple)

genArg :: Q.Gen String
genArg = Q.oneof [genPlainString]
genDeclIf :: Q.Gen String
genDeclIf = do
args <- Q.resize 3 $ Q.listOf1 genArg
decls <- Q.resize 5 $ Q.listOf genDeclSimple
return $ "if (" ++ unwords args ++ ") {" ++ concat decls ++ "}"

prop_ParseComment01 = Q.forAll genComment isValidConfig
genDeclSimple :: Q.Gen String
genDeclSimple = do
name <- genIdentifier
args <- Q.resize 3 $ Q.listOf genArg
return $ name ++ " " ++ unwords args ++ ";"

prop_ParseArg01 = Q.forAll genArg isValidArg
genIdentifier :: Q.Gen String
genIdentifier = Q.resize 20 $ Q.listOf1 $ Q.elements identChars

genPlainString :: Q.Gen String
genPlainString = Q.listOf1 $ Q.elements plainStringChars

genRegex :: Q.Gen String
genRegex = do
prefix <- genFreqMaybe 2 begin
suffix <- genFreqMaybe 2 end
middle <- fmap concat $ Q.resize 10 $ Q.listOf genoptions
return $ prefix ++ middle ++ suffix
genoptions = Q.frequency [
(1, group)
, (3, klass)
, (5, raw0)
klass = do
m <- fmap concat $ Q.resize 5 $ Q.listOf1 klassoptions
flag <- genFreqMaybe 3 begin
return $ "[" ++ flag ++ m ++ "]"
klassoptions = Q.frequency [
(3, raw1)
, (1, return "a-z")
, (1, return "0-9")
group = do
flag <- genFreqMaybe 1 (return "?:")
m <- fmap concat $ Q.resize 5 $ Q.listOf1 groupgenoptions
q <- genquant
return $ "(" ++ flag ++ m ++ ")" ++ q
groupgenoptions = Q.frequency [
(1, return "|")
, (1, genEmpty)
, (1, begin)
, (1, end)
, (2, group)
, (3, klass)
, (10, raw1)
genquant = Q.frequency [
(10, genEmpty)
, (1, return "?")
, (1, return "*")
begin = return "^"
end = return "$"
raw0 = Q.resize 10 $ Q.listOf genchar
raw1 = Q.resize 10 $ Q.listOf1 genchar
genchar = Q.elements $ letterChars ++ digitChars ++ "~!@%&."

genRewrite :: Q.Gen String
genRewrite = do
rule <- genRegex
target <- gtarget
flag <- gflag
return $ concat ["rewrite ", rule, " ", target, flag, ";"]
gtarget = Q.elements ["/", "/$1_2x.$2", "http://example$request_uri?"]
gflag = Q.elements ["", " break", " last", " permanent"]

-- Begin utils

isRight :: Either a b -> Bool
isRight (Right _) = True
isRight _ = False

isValidConfig :: String -> Bool
isValidConfig s = isRight $ P.parse parseFile "" s

isValidArg :: String -> Bool
isValidArg s = isRight $ P.parse argument "" s
genEmpty :: Q.Gen String
genEmpty = return ""

genFreqMaybe :: Int -> Q.Gen String -> Q.Gen String
genFreqMaybe n g = Q.frequency [(n, g), (10, genEmpty)]

assertParsed :: Either Text.Parsec.ParseError a -> QP.Result
assertParsed a = case a of
(Right _) -> QP.succeeded
(Left e) -> QP.failed { QP.expect = True, QP.reason = show e }

checkFile :: String -> QP.Property
checkFile = checkParsed NginxLint.Parse.parseFile
checkArg :: String -> QP.Property
checkArg = checkParsed NginxLint.Parse.argument
checkDecl :: String -> QP.Property
checkDecl = checkParsed NginxLint.Parse.decl

checkParsed :: Text.Parsec.Parsec [a] () a1 -> [a] -> QP.Property
checkParsed p s = Q.collect (length s) $ Q.within 100000 $ assertParsed $ Text.Parsec.parse p "" s

digitChars :: String
digitChars = ['0'..'9']
letterChars :: String
letterChars = ['A'..'Z'] ++ ['a'..'z']
identChars :: String
identChars = letterChars ++ digitChars ++ "_"
plainStringChars :: String
plainStringChars = identChars ++ "~!?@%^&*"

-- End utils

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