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Revert PR #44017: [PluggableDevice] Kernel C API enhancement for retr…
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PiperOrigin-RevId: 346844467
Change-Id: I9d2121c3ea2402df51879852d0bade21577b3d9b
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mihaimaruseac authored and tensorflower-gardener committed Dec 10, 2020
1 parent 94bef4c commit 03e4d9f
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Showing 3 changed files with 3 additions and 623 deletions.
171 changes: 3 additions & 168 deletions tensorflow/c/
Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ limitations under the License.
#include "tensorflow/stream_executor/stream.h"
#endif // !defined(IS_MOBILE_PLATFORM) && !defined(IS_SLIM_BUILD)

using tensorflow::errors::InvalidArgument;
// This file forms the basis of a stable ABI for third-party kernel
// implementations. It is crucial that changes to this file are made cautiously
// and with a focus on maintaining both source and binary compatibility.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,25 +87,9 @@ void AddTypeConstraint(TF_KernelBuilder* kernel_builder, const char* attr_name,
TF_SetStatus(status, TF_OK, "");
#undef CASE

} // namespace
} // namespace tensorflow

namespace {
const tensorflow::AttrValue* GetAttrValue(TF_OpKernelConstruction* ctx,
const char* attr_name,
TF_Status* status) {
auto* cc_ctx = reinterpret_cast<::tensorflow::OpKernelConstruction*>(ctx);
const tensorflow::AttrValue* attr =
if (attr == nullptr) {
status->status = InvalidArgument("Operation '", cc_ctx->def().name(),
"' has no attr named '", attr_name, "'.");
return attr;
} // namespace

void TF_KernelBuilder_TypeConstraint(TF_KernelBuilder* kernel_builder,
const char* attr_name,
const TF_DataType type,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -274,81 +257,7 @@ void TF_OpKernelContext_Failure(TF_OpKernelContext* ctx, TF_Status* status) {

void TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttrSize(TF_OpKernelConstruction* ctx,
const char* attr_name,
int32_t* list_size,
int32_t* total_size,
TF_Status* status) {
const tensorflow::AttrValue* attr = GetAttrValue(ctx, attr_name, status);
if (!status->status.ok()) {
*list_size = -1;
*total_size = -1;
switch (attr->value_case()) {
#define SINGLE_CASE(kK, attr_type, size_expr) \
case tensorflow::AttrValue::kK: \
*list_size = -1; \
*total_size = size_expr; \

SINGLE_CASE(kS, TF_ATTR_STRING, attr->s().length());
attr->shape().unknown_rank() ? -1 : attr->shape().dim_size());

case tensorflow::AttrValue::kList:
*list_size = 0;
*total_size = -1;
#define LIST_CASE(field, attr_type, ...) \
if (attr->list().field##_size() > 0) { \
*list_size = attr->list().field##_size(); \
__VA_ARGS__; \
break; \

s, TF_ATTR_STRING, *total_size = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < attr->list().s_size();
++i) { *total_size += attr->list().s(i).size(); });
shape, TF_ATTR_SHAPE, *total_size = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < attr->list().shape_size(); ++i) {
const auto& s = attr->list().shape(i);
*total_size += s.unknown_rank() ? 0 : s.dim_size();
#undef LIST_CASE

case tensorflow::AttrValue::kPlaceholder:
*list_size = -1;
*total_size = -1;

case tensorflow::AttrValue::kFunc:
*list_size = -1;
*total_size = -1;

case tensorflow::AttrValue::VALUE_NOT_SET:
status->status =
InvalidArgument("Attribute '", attr_name, "' has no value set");

#define DEFINE_TF_GETATTR(func, c_type, cc_type, attr_type, list_field) \
#define DEFINE_TF_GETATTR(func, c_type, cc_type) \
void TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttr##func(TF_OpKernelConstruction* ctx, \
const char* attr_name, \
c_type* val, TF_Status* status) { \
Expand All @@ -360,84 +269,10 @@ void TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttrSize(TF_OpKernelConstruction* ctx,
if (s.ok()) { \
*val = static_cast<c_type>(v); \
} \
} \
void TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttr##func##List( \
TF_OpKernelConstruction* ctx, const char* attr_name, c_type* vals, \
int max_vals, TF_Status* status) { \
TF_SetStatus(status, TF_OK, ""); \
const tensorflow::AttrValue* attr = GetAttrValue(ctx, attr_name, status); \
if (!status->status.ok()) return; \
if (attr->value_case() != tensorflow::AttrValue::kList) { \
status->status = \
InvalidArgument("Value for '", attr_name, "' is not a list."); \
return; \
} \
status->status = \
tensorflow::AttrValueHasType(*attr, "list(" attr_type ")"); \
if (!status->status.ok()) return; \
const auto len = std::min(max_vals, attr->list().list_field##_size()); \
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { \
vals[i] = static_cast<c_type>(attr->list().list_field(i)); \
} \

DEFINE_TF_GETATTR(Type, TF_DataType, tensorflow::DataType, "type", type)
DEFINE_TF_GETATTR(Int32, int32_t, tensorflow::int32, "int", i)
DEFINE_TF_GETATTR(Int64, int64_t, tensorflow::int64, "int", i)
DEFINE_TF_GETATTR(Float, float, float, "float", f)
DEFINE_TF_GETATTR(Bool, TF_Bool, bool, "bool", b)

void TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttrString(TF_OpKernelConstruction* ctx,
const char* attr_name, char* value,
size_t max_length,
TF_Status* status) {
std::string v;
auto* cc_ctx = reinterpret_cast<::tensorflow::OpKernelConstruction*>(ctx);
::tensorflow::Status s = cc_ctx->GetAttr(attr_name, &v);
::tensorflow::Set_TF_Status_from_Status(status, s);

if (!status->status.ok()) return;

if (max_length <= 0) {
std::memcpy(value,, std::min<size_t>(v.length(), max_length));

void TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttrStringList(TF_OpKernelConstruction* ctx,
const char* attr_name,
char** values, size_t* lengths,
int max_values, void* storage,
size_t storage_size,
TF_Status* status) {
std::vector<std::string> v;
auto* cc_ctx = reinterpret_cast<::tensorflow::OpKernelConstruction*>(ctx);
::tensorflow::Status s = cc_ctx->GetAttr(attr_name, &v);
::tensorflow::Set_TF_Status_from_Status(status, s);

if (!status->status.ok()) return;

const auto len = std::min(max_values, static_cast<int>(v.size()));
char* p = static_cast<char*>(storage);
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
const std::string& s = v[i];
values[i] = p;
lengths[i] = s.size();
if ((p + s.size()) > (static_cast<char*>(storage) + storage_size)) {
status->status = InvalidArgument(
"Not enough storage to hold the requested list of strings");
memcpy(values[i],, s.size());
p += s.size();

bool TF_OpKernelConstruction_HasAttr(TF_OpKernelConstruction* ctx,
const char* attr_name, TF_Status* status) {
auto* cc_ctx = reinterpret_cast<::tensorflow::OpKernelConstruction*>(ctx);
return cc_ctx->HasAttr(attr_name);
DEFINE_TF_GETATTR(Type, TF_DataType, tensorflow::DataType)
DEFINE_TF_GETATTR(Int32, tensorflow::int32, int32_t)

TF_StringView TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetName(TF_OpKernelConstruction* ctx) {
auto* cc_ctx = reinterpret_cast<tensorflow::OpKernelConstruction*>(ctx);
Expand Down
124 changes: 0 additions & 124 deletions tensorflow/c/kernels.h
Expand Up @@ -184,24 +184,6 @@ TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern TF_DataType TF_ExpectedOutputDataType(
// Returns the step ID of the given context.
TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern int64_t TF_StepId(TF_OpKernelContext* ctx);

// Get the list_size and total_size of the attribute `attr_name` of `oper`.
// list_size - the length of the list.
// total_size - total size of the list.
// (1) If attr_type == TF_ATTR_STRING
// then total_size is the cumulative byte size
// of all the strings in the list.
// (3) If attr_type == TF_ATTR_SHAPE
// then total_size is the number of dimensions
// of the shape valued attribute, or -1
// if its rank is unknown.
// (4) If attr_type == TF_ATTR_SHAPE
// then total_size is the cumulative number
// of dimensions of all shapes in the list.
// (5) Otherwise, total_size is undefined.
TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern void TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttrSize(
TF_OpKernelConstruction* ctx, const char* attr_name, int32_t* list_size,
int32_t* total_size, TF_Status* status);

// Interprets the named kernel construction attribute as a TF_DataType and
// places it into *val. *status is set to TF_OK.
Expand All @@ -220,112 +202,6 @@ TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern void TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttrInt32(
TF_OpKernelConstruction* ctx, const char* attr_name, int32_t* val,
TF_Status* status);

// Interprets the named kernel construction attribute as int64_t and
// places it into *val. *status is set to TF_OK.
// If the attribute could not be found or could not be interpreted as
// int64, *status is populated with an error.
TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern void TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttrInt64(
TF_OpKernelConstruction* ctx, const char* attr_name, int64_t* val,
TF_Status* status);

// Interprets the named kernel construction attribute as float and
// places it into *val. *status is set to TF_OK.
// If the attribute could not be found or could not be interpreted as
// float, *status is populated with an error.
TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern void TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttrFloat(
TF_OpKernelConstruction* ctx, const char* attr_name, float* val,
TF_Status* status);

// Interprets the named kernel construction attribute as bool and
// places it into *val. *status is set to TF_OK.
// If the attribute could not be found or could not be interpreted as
// bool, *status is populated with an error.
TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern void TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttrBool(
TF_OpKernelConstruction* ctx, const char* attr_name, TF_Bool* val,
TF_Status* status);

// Interprets the named kernel construction attribute as string and
// places it into *val. `val` must
// point to an array of length at least `max_length` (ideally set to
// total_size from TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttrSize(ctx,
// attr_name, list_size, total_size)). *status is set to TF_OK.
// If the attribute could not be found or could not be interpreted as
// string, *status is populated with an error.
TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern void TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttrString(
TF_OpKernelConstruction* ctx, const char* attr_name, char* val,
size_t max_length, TF_Status* status);

// Interprets the named kernel construction attribute as a TF_DataType array and
// places it into *vals. *status is set to TF_OK.
// `vals` must point to an array of length at least `max_values` (ideally set
// to list_size from
// TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttrSize(ctx, attr_name, list_size,
// total_size)).
TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern void TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttrTypeList(
TF_OpKernelConstruction* ctx, const char* attr_name, TF_DataType* vals,
int max_vals, TF_Status* status);

// Interprets the named kernel construction attribute as int32_t array and
// places it into *vals. *status is set to TF_OK.
// `vals` must point to an array of length at least `max_values` (ideally set
// to list_size from
// TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttrSize(ctx, attr_name, list_size,
// total_size)).
TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern void TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttrInt32List(
TF_OpKernelConstruction* ctx, const char* attr_name, int32_t* vals,
int max_vals, TF_Status* status);

// Interprets the named kernel construction attribute as int64_t array and
// places it into *vals. *status is set to TF_OK.
// `vals` must point to an array of length at least `max_values` (ideally set
// to list_size from
// TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttrSize(ctx, attr_name, list_size,
// total_size)).
TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern void TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttrInt64List(
TF_OpKernelConstruction* ctx, const char* attr_name, int64_t* vals,
int max_vals, TF_Status* status);

// Interprets the named kernel construction attribute as float array and
// places it into *vals. *status is set to TF_OK.
// `vals` must point to an array of length at least `max_values` (ideally set
// to list_size from
// TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttrSize(ctx, attr_name, list_size,
// total_size)).
TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern void TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttrFloatList(
TF_OpKernelConstruction* ctx, const char* attr_name, float* vals,
int max_vals, TF_Status* status);

// Interprets the named kernel construction attribute as bool array and
// places it into *vals. *status is set to TF_OK.
// `vals` must point to an array of length at least `max_values` (ideally set
// to list_size from
// TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttrSize(ctx, attr_name, list_size,
// total_size)).
TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern void TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttrBoolList(
TF_OpKernelConstruction* ctx, const char* attr_name, TF_Bool* vals,
int max_vals, TF_Status* status);

// Interprets the named kernel construction attribute as string array and fills
// in `vals` and `lengths`, each of which must point to an array of length at
// least `max_values`. *status is set to TF_OK. The elements of values will
// point to addresses in `storage` which must be at least `storage_size` bytes
// in length. Ideally, max_values would be set to list_size and `storage` would
// be at least total_size, obtained from
// TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttrSize(ctx, attr_name, list_size,
// total_size).
TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern void TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttrStringList(
TF_OpKernelConstruction* ctx, const char* attr_name, char** vals,
size_t* lengths, int max_values, void* storage, size_t storage_size,
TF_Status* status);

// Return true if the kernel construction has the attr_name
TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern bool TF_OpKernelConstruction_HasAttr(
TF_OpKernelConstruction* ctx, const char* attr_name, TF_Status* status);

// Returns the unique operation name for this OpKernel.
TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern TF_StringView TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetName(
TF_OpKernelConstruction* ctx);
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