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walk-gltf - GLTF 2.0 model viewer



walk-gtf is a viewer for GLTF 2.0 files. It is written in C++ and uses the Vulkan API for graphics and SDL2 for windowing / input. It uses basic PBR shading.


Compiling this source code requires a C++20 compatible compiler and the development files for Vulkan, SDL2, tinygltf and json.hpp.

On Ubuntu 21.10 these can be installed with:

sudo apt install build-essential libsdl2-dev nlohmann-json3-dev libtinygltf-dev libvulkan-dev vulkan-validationlayers-dev glslang-tools

To build the source code, type:

mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. && make -j4

To install the program and its required files, type:

make install

To configure installation into an another prefix than the default, type (for example):



To view a gltf file, type:

walk-gltf filename

Command line arguments

-f           Full screen
-b           Borderless window
-g           Don't grab mouse
-s [path]    Use a skybox from the given directory.
             Uses the following filenames: px.jpg, nx.jpg, py.jpg, ny.jpg, pz.jpg, ng.jpg
-l           Do not add extra lights
-fps         Print FPS to stdout
-n           Force flat shading
-x           Deduplicate vertices
-t           Do not load textures
-h           Print this help


w, a, s, d, r, f   - move around
SHIFT (hold)       - faster movement
+, -               - increase / decrease movement speed
5 / KEYPAD 5       - toggle fly / walk
7 / KEYPAD 7       - increase model scale
1 / KEYPAD 1       - decrease model scale
4 / KEYPAD 4       - reset model scale
ESC                - quit

Included software

This source code includes copies of the following libraries:


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