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How to put in a Proposal

1. Useful console commands

getgovernanceinfo - This shows when the next superblock will be produced.

gobject list - This shows the proposals currently available for voting.

gobject vote-many HASH funding yes (or no).

2. How it works

This is a very complicated process and at a future date we will have a proposal website where most of this will be done for you.

To put in a proposal it costs 10 TRC so before you put in the proposal you will want to make sure that you have a general idea if the proposal will pass or not.

Also keep in mind that there is a limited amount of budgetary funds available.

21,600 TRC is available for proposals approximately every 30 days. If there are more requested TRC then there is available TRC the pay outs are done in order of highest number of yes votes.

This means that you want to get your proposals in early in the budget cycle and you want to make sure you have a good chance of winning.

3. Tools needed

You will need a Ascii Text to Hexadecimal converter that can remove "padding" I recommend this one:

Uncheck the padding option

You will also need to convert current and future times into a Epoch Unix Time Stamp. Here is the site I recommend:

4. Prepare

Now is when it gets complicated.

Each proposal needs this info:

[["proposal",{"end_epoch":"1539000000","name":"Terracoin Team Pay","payment_address":"1LKRZGiYSM74PtPCHLd3yRMDFa6qeMWxxh","payment_amount":"6480","start_epoch":"1507488816","type":1,"url":"#2"}]]

This looks like a big pile of garbage so I will break it down.

"proposal" just means that you are putting in a proposal so that always needs to be there.

"end_epoch" is the approximate time when the proposal ends. So if you want the proposal to last a year you will need to use the Unix Time Stamp page to figure that out. For a normal proposal you want the put this as about a week after the superblock.

"name" a name for the proposal

"payment_address" this is your TRC address where you will receive payment

“payment_amount” is the amount you will get paid per 30 day period

“start_epoch” is the Unix Time Stamp of when you want the proposal to start. Depending how far into the proposal month you are you might want it to start the next month.

“type” should always be 1.

“url” This is the url of your proposal. It can be any website, but it is recommended that people use the issues tab here on Github.

Once you have filled out all of those areas your proposal should look like this:

[["proposal",{"end_epoch":"1539000000","name":"Terracoin Team Pay","payment_address":"1LKRZGiYSM74PtPCHLd3yRMDFa6qeMWxxh","payment_amount":"6480","start_epoch":"1507488816","type":1,"url":"#2"}]]

Now you need to “prepare” the proposal.

First open up the Ascii to hex converter:

Paste that whole thing into it, uncheck padding and convert to Hexadecimal. It will return something like this:


In front of that line of hex put in gobject prepare 0 1 and the current time in Unix Time. So it should look like this:

gobject prepare 0 1 1507489984 5b5b2270726f706f73616c222c7b22656e645f65706f6368223a2231353339303030303030222c226e616d65223a225465727261636f696e205465616d20506179222c227061796d656e745f61646472657373223a22314c4b525a476959534d373450745043484c643379524d4446613671654d57787868222c227061796d656e745f616d6f756e74223a2236343830222c2273746172745f65706f6368223a2231353037343838383136222c2274797065223a312c2275726c223a2268747470733a2f2f6769746875622e636f6d2f7465727261636f696e2f70726f706f73616c732f6973737565732f32227d5d5d

The 0 after the prepare is always a 0 if it is the first version of the proposal. The 1 is a one if it is the first version.

Unlock your wallet, and now you are going to copy and paste that into the debug console, but remember once you hit enter your 10 TRC is gone and the proposal is “prepared.”

It will output a line of garbage which needs to be saved for the next step. It should look something like this: aed513880fdce4fe13dcb68680f19a245f4b3a74ca27cdf100ddd0945eac5c61

Lock your wallet.

Step 6. Submit

Wait for your proposal payment to get 6 confirmations. Once that is done you are going to take your last command and change two things. Change “prepare” to “submit” and put the line of garbage at the end. It should look like this:

gobject submit 0 1 1507489984 5b5b2270726f706f73616c222c7b22656e645f65706f6368223a2231353339303030303030222c226e616d65223a225465727261636f696e205465616d20506179222c227061796d656e745f61646472657373223a22314c4b525a476959534d373450745043484c643379524d4446613671654d57787868222c227061796d656e745f616d6f756e74223a2236343830222c2273746172745f65706f6368223a2231353037343838383136222c2274797065223a312c2275726c223a2268747470733a2f2f6769746875622e636f6d2f7465727261636f696e2f70726f706f73616c732f6973737565732f32227d5d5d aed513880fdce4fe13dcb68680f19a245f4b3a74ca27cdf100ddd0945eac5c61

Once you hit enter it will return the proposal hash. This is very important because this is how you get people to vote on your proposal.

Step 7. Vote

To vote you will need that hash that was just generated and the vote command.

gobject vote-many 59dc3f7b61102f27a22fa02d22ce88b9f17f80349f7e05befd809e488318d55d funding yes

Take that line and post it as a comment on your issue and also post it all over so people can vote on your proposal.

That is it! You are done!


Put your proposals in as Issues so that other people can comment on them






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