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IBM Database Terraform Module

Module deprecated

🕸️ This repo is no longer maintained. Use one of the following public modules if you consume the module from GitHub:

Changes if you use the Hashicorp registry

Important: This module will be deleted from the Hashicorp registry on 1 August 2023.

If you consume the module from the Hashicorp registry, use one of the following instead:

This is a collection of modules that make it easier to provision database on IBM Cloud Platform:

  • database_elasticsearch
  • database_etcd
  • database_mongo
  • database_postgresql
  • database_rabbitmq
  • database_redis
  • service-credentials


This module is meant for use with Terraform >= 0.13.


Full examples are in the examples folder, but basic usage is as follows for creation of database:

provider "ibm" {
data "ibm_resource_group" "resource_group" {
  name = var.resource_group
module "database_rabbitmq" {
  source                               = "../../modules/rabbitmq"
  resource_group_id                    =
  name                                 =
  plan                                 = var.plan
  location                             = var.location
  adminpassword                        = var.adminpassword
  database_version                     = var.database_version
  memory_allocation                    = var.memory_allocation
  disk_allocation                      = var.disk_allocation
  cpu_allocation                       = var.cpu_allocation
  service_endpoints                    = var.service_endpoints
  backup_id                            = var.backup_id
  remote_leader_id                     = var.remote_leader_id
  kms_instance                         = var.kms_instance
  disk_encryption_key                  = var.disk_encryption_key
  backup_encryption_key                = var.backup_encryption_key
  tags                                 = var.tags
  point_in_time_recovery_deployment_id = var.point_in_time_recovery_deployment_id
  point_in_time_recovery_time          = var.point_in_time_recovery_time
  users                                = var.users
  whitelist                            = var.whitelist
  cpu_rate_increase_percent            = var.cpu_rate_increase_percent
  cpu_rate_limit_count_per_member      = var.cpu_rate_limit_count_per_member
  cpu_rate_period_seconds              = var.cpu_rate_period_seconds
  cpu_rate_units                       = var.cpu_rate_units
  disk_capacity_enabled                = var.disk_capacity_enabled
  disk_free_space_less_than_percent    = var.disk_free_space_less_than_percent
  disk_io_above_percent                = var.disk_io_above_percent
  disk_io_enabled                      = var.disk_io_enabled
  disk_io_over_period                  = var.disk_io_over_period
  disk_rate_increase_percent           = var.disk_rate_increase_percent
  disk_rate_limit_mb_per_member        = var.disk_rate_limit_mb_per_member
  disk_rate_period_seconds             = var.disk_rate_period_seconds
  disk_rate_units                      = var.disk_rate_units
  memory_io_above_percent              = var.memory_io_above_percent
  memory_io_enabled                    = var.memory_io_enabled
  memory_io_over_period                = var.memory_io_over_period
  memory_rate_increase_percent         = var.memory_rate_increase_percent
  memory_rate_limit_mb_per_member      = var.memory_rate_limit_mb_per_member
  memory_rate_period_seconds           = var.memory_rate_period_seconds
  memory_rate_units                    = var.memory_rate_units

NOTE: To make use of a particular version of module, Set the version argument to respective module version.


Terraform plugins



Be sure you have the correct Terraform version (>= 0.13), you can choose the binary here:

Terraform plugins

Be sure you have the compiled plugins on $HOME/.terraform.d/plugins/

How to input varaible values through a file

To review the plan for the configuration defined (no resources actually provisioned)

terraform plan -var-file=./input.tfvars

To execute and start building the configuration defined in the plan (provisions resources)

terraform apply -var-file=./input.tfvars

To destroy the Database resources

terraform destroy -var-file=./input.tfvars

All optional parameters by default will be set to null in respective example's file. If user wants to configure any optional paramter he has overwrite the default value.


All optional fields should be given value null in respective resource file. User can configure the same by overwriting with appropriate values.

Pre-commit Hooks

Run the following command to execute the pre-commit hooks defined in .pre-commit-config.yaml file

pre-commit run -a

We can install pre-coomit tool using

pip install pre-commit


IBM-Cloud Elastic Search Database docs

IBM-Cloud Etcd Database docs

IBM-Cloud Mongo Database docs

IBM-Cloud Postgresql Database docs

IBM-Cloud Messages for Rabbitmq Database docs

IBM-Cloud Redis Database docs