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Ncloud VPC Terraform module

This version of the module requires Terraform version 1.3.0 or later.

This document describes the Terraform module that creates multiple Ncloud VPCs.

Variable Declaration

Structure :

You need to create and copy & paste the variable declaration below.

You can change the variable name to whatever you want.

variable "vpcs" {
  type = list(object({
    name            = string
    ipv4_cidr_block = string                          // cidr block

    subnets = optional(list(object({
      name        = string
      usage_type  = optional(string, "GEN")           // GEN (default) | LOADB
      subnet_type = string                            // PUBLIC | PRIVATE, If usage_type is LOADB in the KR region, only PRIVATE is allowed. 
      zone        = string                            // (PUB) KR-1 | KR-2 // (FIN) FKR-1 | FKR-2 // (GOV) KR | KRS
      subnet      = string                            // cidr block
      network_acl = optional(string, "default")       // default (default) | NetworkAclName, If set "default", then "default Network ACL" will be set. 
    })), [])

    network_acls = optional(list(object({
      name           = string                         // if set "default", then "default Network ACL rule" will be created
      description    = optional(string, "")           // if name is "default", then description is ignored

      // The order of writing inbound_rules & outbound_rules is as follows.
      // [
      //   priority(number),                                      // 1-199
      //   protocol(string),                                      // TCP | UDP | ICMP
      //   cidr_block(string) | deny_allow_group_name(string),      
      //   port_number(number) | port_range(string),              // need to enter "" if protocol is ICMP
      //   rule_action(string),                                   // ALLOW | DROP
      //   description(string)
      // ]
      inbound_rules  = optional(list(list(any)), [])
      outbound_rules = optional(list(list(any)), [])
    })), [])

    deny_allow_groups = optional(list(object({
      name        = string
      description = optional(string, "")
      ip_list     = optional(list(string), [])        // IP address (not CIDR)
    })), [])

    access_control_groups = optional(list(object({
      name           = string                         // if set "default", then "default ACG rule" will be created
      description    = optional(string, "")           // if name is "default", then description is ignored

      // The order of writing inbound_rules & outbound_rules is as follows.
      // [
      //   protocol(string),                                      // TCP | UDP | ICMP
      //   cidr_block(string) | access_control_group_name(string),      
      //   port_number(number) | port_range(string),              // need to enter "" if protocol is ICMP
      //   description(string)
      // ]
      inbound_rules  = optional(list(list(any)), [])
      outbound_rules = optional(list(list(any)), [])
    })), [])

    public_route_tables = optional(list(object({
      name         = string                           
      description  = optional(string, "")             
      subnet_names = optional(list(string), [])    // All subnets not specified in the separately created route table are automatically associated to the "default route table".
    })), [])

    private_route_tables = optional(list(object({
      name         = string                           
      description  = optional(string, "")             
      subnet_names = optional(list(string), [])    // All subnets not specified in the separately created route table are automatically associated to the "default route table".
    })), [])

    nat_gateways = optional(list(object({
      name        = string
      zone        = string                            // KR-1 | KR-2
      route_table = optional(string, "default")       // default (default) | RouteTableName, If set "default", then "default Route Table for private Subnet" will be set.
    })), [])
  default = []

Example : terraform.tfvars

You can create a terraform.tfvars and refer to the sample below to write the variable specification you want. File name can be terraform.tfvars or anything ending in .auto.tfvars

It must exactly match the variable name above.

First element creates :

  • 1 VPC named "foo"
  • 2 Subnets each for Public & Private & Load Balancer
  • 1 Network ACL for Load Balnacer Subnets
  • 1 Deny-Allow Group for Load Balancer Network ACL
  • 1 Access Control Group each for Public & Private Subnets
  • 1 NAT Gateways each for KR-1 & KR-2 zone
  • 1 Route Tables each for KR-1 & KR-2 zone

Second element creates :

  • 1 VPC named "bar"
  • 1 Subnets each for Public & Private
  • 1 Access Control Group each for Public & Private Subnets
  • 1 NAT Gateways for KR-1 zone
  • 1 Route Tables for KR-1 zone
  • Default Network ACL & Default Access Control Group declarations omitted.
vpcs = [

    name            = "vpc-foo"
    ipv4_cidr_block = ""

    subnets = [
        name        = "sbn-foo-public-1"
        usage_type  = "GEN"
        subnet_type = "PUBLIC"
        zone        = "KR-1"
        subnet      = ""
        network_acl = "default"
        name        = "sbn-foo-public-2"
        usage_type  = "GEN"
        subnet_type = "PUBLIC"
        zone        = "KR-2"
        subnet      = ""
        network_acl = "default"
        name        = "sbn-foo-private-1"
        usage_type  = "GEN"
        subnet_type = "PRIVATE"
        zone        = "KR-1"
        subnet      = ""
        network_acl = "default"
        name        = "sbn-foo-private-2"
        usage_type  = "GEN"
        subnet_type = "PRIVATE"
        zone        = "KR-2"
        subnet      = ""
        network_acl = "default"
        name        = "sbn-foo-lb-1"
        usage_type  = "LOADB"
        subnet_type = "PRIVATE"
        zone        = "KR-1"
        subnet      = ""
        network_acl = "nacl-foo-loadbalancer"
        name        = "sbn-foo-lb-2"
        usage_type  = "LOADB"
        subnet_type = "PRIVATE"
        zone        = "KR-2"
        subnet      = ""
        network_acl = "nacl-foo-loadbalancer"

    network_acls = [
        name        = "default"
        description = "Default Network ACL for this VPC"
        inbound_rules = []
        outbound_rules = []
        name        = "nacl-foo-loadbalancer"
        description = "Network ACL for loadbalaner subnets"
        inbound_rules = [
          [100, "TCP", "dagrp-foo", 22, "ALLOW", "SSH allow form dagrp-foo"],
          [110, "TCP", "", 22, "ALLOW", "SSH allow form any"]
        outbound_rules = [
          [110, "TCP", "", "1-65535", "ALLOW", "All allow to any"]

    deny_allow_groups = [
        name        = "dagrp-foo"
        description = "foo deny allow group"
        ip_list     = ["", ""]

    access_control_groups = [
        name        = "default"
        description = "Default ACG for this VPC"
        outbound_rules = [
          ["TCP", "", "1-65535", "All allow to any"],
          ["UDP", "", "1-65535", "All allow to any"]
        name        = "acg-foo-public"
        description = "ACG for public servers"
        inbound_rules = [
          ["TCP", "", 22, "SSH allow form any"]
        outbound_rules = [
          ["TCP", "", "1-65535", "All allow to any"],
          ["UDP", "", "1-65535", "All allow to any"]
        name        = "acg-foo-private"
        description = "ACG for private servers"
        inbound_rules = [
          ["TCP", "acg-foo-public", 22, "SSH allow form acg-foo-public"]
        outbound_rules = [
          ["TCP", "", "1-65535", "All allow to any"],
          ["UDP", "", "1-65535", "All allow to any"]

    public_route_tables = []
    private_route_tables = [
        name         = "rt-foo-private-1"
        description  = "Route table for Private, LB subnets on KR-1 zone"
        subnet_names = ["sbn-foo-private-1", "sbn-foo-lb-1"]
        name         = "rt-foo-private-2"
        description  = "Route table for Private, LB subnets on KR-2 zone"
        subnet_names = ["sbn-foo-private-2", "sbn-foo-lb-2"]

    nat_gateways = [
        name        = "nat-gw-foo-1"
        zone        = "KR-1"
        route_table = "rt-foo-private-1"
        name        = "nat-gw-foo-2"
        zone        = "KR-2"
        route_table = "rt-foo-private-2"

    name            = "vpc-bar"
    ipv4_cidr_block = ""

    subnets = [
        name        = "sbn-bar-public"
        usage_type  = "GEN"
        subnet_type = "PUBLIC"
        zone        = "KR-1"
        subnet      = ""
        network_acl = "default"
        name        = "sbn-bar-private"
        usage_type  = "GEN"
        subnet_type = "PRIVATE"
        zone        = "KR-1"
        subnet      = ""
        network_acl = "default"

    access_control_groups = [
        name        = "acg-bar-public"
        description = "ACG for public servers"
        inbound_rules = [
          ["TCP", "", 22, "SSH allow form any"]
        outbound_rules = [
          ["TCP", "", "1-65535", "All allow to any"],
          ["UDP", "", "1-65535", "All allow to any"],
          ["ICMP", "", "", "All allow to any"]
        name        = "acg-bar-private"
        description = "ACG for private servers"
        inbound_rules = [
          ["TCP", "acg-bar-public", 22, "SSH allow form acg-bar-public"]
        outbound_rules = [
          ["TCP", "", "1-65535", "All allow to any"],
          ["UDP", "", "1-65535", "All allow to any"],
          ["ICMP", "", "", "All allow to any"]

    private_route_tables = [
        name         = "rt-bar-private"
        description  = "Route table for Private, LB subnets on KR-1 zone"
        subnet_names = ["sbn-bar-private"]

    nat_gateways = [
        name        = "nat-gw-bar"
        zone        = "KR-1"
        route_table = "rt-bar-private"

Module Usage

Map your VPC variable name to a local VPC variable. VPC module are created using local VPC variables. This eliminates the need to change the variable name reference structure in the VPC module.

locals {
  vpcs = var.vpcs

Then just copy & paste the module declaration below.

module "vpcs" {
  source = "terraform-ncloud-modules/vpc/ncloud"

  for_each = { for vpc in local.vpcs : => vpc }

  name                  =
  ipv4_cidr_block       = each.value.ipv4_cidr_block
  subnets               = each.value.subnets
  network_acls          = each.value.network_acls
  deny_allow_groups     = each.value.deny_allow_groups
  access_control_groups = each.value.access_control_groups
  public_route_tables   = each.value.public_route_tables
  private_route_tables  = each.value.private_route_tables
  nat_gateways          = each.value.nat_gateways