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Project Architecture and Distribution

tomat edited this page Jun 13, 2024 · 4 revisions


The Nitrate developer wiki details information for an unreleased version of Nitrate. Versions before Nitrate 0.4 are compiled as regular tModLoader mods, while Nitrate 0.4 and after are instead distributed as a fork of tModLoader.

Nitrate versions 0.4 and above are developed as a fork of tModLoader (often referred to internally by Nitrate as Terraria.ModLoader).

Project Architecture

Nitrate is split into three significant components:

  • Terraria.ModLoader.Setup,
  • Terraria.ModLoader,
  • and Nitrate.



For instructions on how to use the setup tool to set up a Nitrate developer environment, please see TODO.

A significantly-modified hard fork of the tModLoader setup tool, Terraria.ModLoader.Setup is tool used for preparing a Nitrate development workspace.


The basis for the actual tModLoader fork, Terraria.ModLoader is the name Nitrate uses to refer to tModLoader components internally and is comprised of tModLoader source projects like tModPorter and tModBuildTools (both of which may be eventually subject to refactoring in Nitrate) as well as the patched Terraria, ReLogic, and eventually FNA.Core projects.


The Nitrate component itself is separate from Terraria.ModLoader. While Terraria.ModLoader provides and implements the Nitrate API, the Nitrate project is just the publishable tModLoader mod that handles installation Nitrate on a user's machine.

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