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Releases: testpushpleaseignore/acquisition


31 Dec 17:55
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Fix for #29, where Acquisition would sometimes incorrectly parse the name of hybrid Support Gems.


02 Dec 01:44
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Fixed User Agent to conform to GGG's standard - should fix login issues that people have been seeing.


06 Jul 02:48
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This release contains fixes for issue #18 , to hopefully prevent and cleanup any bloated database files.


01 Jul 14:47
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#18 Added cleanup code for the items table, since it would bloat up in size sometimes. Still need to figure out how it was getting NULL tab locations, but for now I figured that I should at least include this cleanup code.


19 Jun 17:28
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#17 Fix for fracturedMods, since they weren't being parsed until now.


31 May 02:57
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  • Added missing influences (e.g. Fractured items)
  • Greatly sped up mod parsing, so both the initial launch as well as the stash tab refreshes will go a lot quicker.
  • One more fix to allow the data caching to work when upgrading Acquisition versions


26 May 23:39
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Fixed the "Type" search filter, so that items will fall into categories defined by the data in the below repo:

Also fixed the Acquisition upgrade data caching, so that your %LOCALAPPDATA%\acquisition\data directory continues to be backed up every time you upgrade Acquisition. In the event of a rollback, you can delete the current data folder in this directory, and then rename the data_save_<VERSION> directory back to data, depending on which version you are rolling back to. So if you upgraded here to v0.9.1, and then needed to roll back to v0.9.0, you could then delete your current data folder, rename data_save_v0.9.0 back to data, and then relaunch Acquisition version v0.9.0 to complete the rollback.

EDIT: Including quick fix for upgrade data caching, since I had created a logical mistake for upgrading from xyzz versions of this program.


13 May 20:08
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Releasing the first version of an update that I'm working on, where it will provide more mods to filter by when searching for items. The list comes from the below repo of information, where they scrape the info from the content.ggpk files in PoE. PLEASE NOTE that this list is significantly longer, so it will typically be harder to find mods under more generic names (e.g. life, fire, lightning, cold, etc.), so you may need to type out several words when searching to find the mod you want

Also, I've switched to the semantic versioning system, so this will start on v0.9.0. Please place an issue ticket if you are finding any issues when searching for mods, since I won't be surprised if there are some errors in the mod list.


07 May 13:35
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Updated additional http requests that were missing the user-agent that needs to be added now.

UPDATE: repackaged the installer to include a couple of missing OpenSSL dlls
UPDATE 2: fixed shop upload issue, will move on with version numbering from here on out

0.8e update

06 May 05:53
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Fixed issue #10, where it seems that Cloudflare is blocking http requests that don't have a valid (or custom) user-agent in the header. Added the "Acquisition" user-agent to all requests, so that it will let the program through.

As usual, you may need to remove your current Acquisition installation before installing this (since I've never figured out how to make a good installer before, just using QT's installer).

update: I figured out how to get xyzz's original installer script working, so now I should have a much better installer that can be used.