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Programmers Guide


There are still some relics of the old manual of features that have been deprecated.

In this section an introduction is given how to write programs within the NEMO environment. It is based on an original report NEMO: Elementary Mechanics Observatory by Joshua Barnes (1986).

To the application programmer NEMO consists of a set of (C) macro definitions and object libraries, designed for numerical work in general and stellar dynamics in particular. A basic knowledge how to program in C, and use the local operating system to get the job done, is assumed. If you know how to work with Makefile's, even better.

We start by looking at the Hello Nemo program:

#include <nemo.h>                         /* standard (NEMO) definitions */

string defv[] = {       /* standard keywords and default values and help */
    "n=10\n                    Number of interations",           /* key1 */
    "VERSION=1.2\n             25-may-1992 PJT",                 /* key2 */
    NULL,               /* standard terminator of defv[] vector          */

string usage = "Example NEMO program 'hello'";        /* usage help text */

void nemo_main()                   /* standard start of any NEMO program */
    int n = getiparam("n");                          /* get n            */

    printf("Hello NEMO!\n");                         /* do some work ... */
    if (n < 0)                                       /* deal with fatal  */
       error("n=%d is now allowed, need >0",n);      /* errors           */

The NEMO Programming Environment

The modifications necessary to your UNIX environment in order to access NEMO are extensively described elsewhere. This not only applies to a user, but also to the application programmer.

In summary, the essential changes to your environment consist of one simple additions to your local shell startup file or you can do it interactively in your shell (be it sh or csh like).

   % source /opt/nemo/
   % source /opt/nemo/nemo_start.csh

where the location of NEMO=/opt/nemo is something that will likely be different for you.

The NEMO Macro Packages

We will describe a few of the most frequently used macro packages available to the programmer. They reside in the form of header include files in a directory tree starting at $NEMOINC. Your application code would need references like:

#include <nemo.h>              // this will include a few basic core NEMO include files
#include <snapshot/body.h>
#include <snapshot/get_snap.c>

Some of the macro packages are merely function prototypes, to facilitate modern C compilers (we still use the C99 standard), and have associated object code in libraries in $NEMOLIB and programs need to be linked with the appropriate libraries (normally controlled via a Makefile).


The macro package stdinc.h provides all basic definitions that ALL of NEMO's code must include as the first include file. It also replaces the often used stdio.h include file in C programs. The stdinc.h include file will provide us with a way to standardize on future expansions, and make code more machine/implementation independent (e.g. POSIX.1). In addition, it defines a more logical standard for C notation. For example, the normal C practice of using pointers to character for pointer to byte, or integer for bool, tends to encourage a degree of sloppy programming, which can be hard to understand at a later date.

A few of the basic definitions in this package:

  • NULL: macro for 0, used to distinguish null characters and null pointers. This is often already defined by stdio.h.
  • bool: typedef for short int or char, used to specify boolean data. See also next item. NOTE: the curses library also defines bool, and this made us change from short int to the more space saving char.
  • TRUE, FALSE: macros for 1 and 0, respectively, following normal C conventions, though a non-zero value can also be used as true.
  • byte: typedef for unsigned char, used to specify byte-sized data.
  • string: typedef for char *, used to point to strings. Don`t use string for pointers you increment, decrement or explicitly follow (using *); such pointers are really char *.
  • real, realptr: typedef for float or double (float * or double *, respectively), depending on the use of the SINGLEPREC flag. The default is double.
  • proc, iproc, rproc: typedefs for pointers to procedures (void functions), integer-valued functions and real-valued functions respectively. % This always confusing issue will become clear later on.
  • local, permanent: macros for static. Use local when declaring variables or functions within a file to be local to that file. They will not appear in the symbol table be usable as external symbols. Use permanent within a function, to retain their value upon subsequent re-entries in that function.
  • PI, TWO_PI, FOUR_PI, HALF_PI, FRTHRD_PI:] macros for \pi, 2\pi, 4\pi, 4\pi/3, respectively.
  • ABS(x), SGN(x): macros for absolute value and sign of x, irrespective of the type of x. Beware of side effects, it's a macro!
  • MAX(x,y), MIN(x,y): macros for the maximum and minimum of x,y, irrespective of the type of x,y. Again, beware of side effects.
  • stream: typedef for FILE *. They are mostly used with the NEMO functions stropen and strclose, which are functionally similar to fopen(3) and fclose(3), plus some added NEMO quircks like (named) pipes and the dot (.) /dev/null file.


The command line syntax is implemented by a small set of functions used by all conforming NEMO programs. A few function calls generally suffice to get the values of the input parameters. A number of more complex parsing routines are also available, to be discussed below.

First of all, a NEMO program must define which program keywords it will recognize. For this purpose it must define an array of *string*s with the names and the default values for the keywords, and optionally, but STRONGLY recommended, a one line help string for that keyword:

#include <nemo.h>       /*   every NEMO module needs this  */

string defv[] = {       /* definitions of the keywords */
    "in=???\n          Input file (a snapshot)",
    "n=10\n            Number of particles to view",
    "VERSION=1.1\n     14-jul-89 - 200th Bastille Day - PJT",

string usage = "example program";   /* def. of the usage line */

The keyword=value and help part of the string must be separated by a newline symbol (\n). If no newline is present, as was the case in NEMO's first release, no help string is available. ZENO uses a slightly different technique, where strings starting with ; are the help string. This example in ZENO would look as follows:

string defv[] = {      "; example program",
    "in=???",          ";Input file (a snapshot)",
    "n=10",            ";Number of particles to view",
    "VERSION=1.1",     ";14-jul-89 - 200th Bastille Day - PJT",

You can see the first string is actually the same as NEMO's usage string. The current NEMO getparam package is able to parse both NEMO and ZENO style defv[] initializers.

The help=h command line option displays the help part of string during execution of the program for quick inline reference. The usage part defines a string that is used as a one line reminder what the program does. It's used by the various invocations of the user interface.

The first thing a NEMO program does, is comparing the command line arguments of the program (commonly called string argv[] in a C program) with this default vector of keyword=value strings (string defv[]), and replace appropriate reset values for later retrieval. This is done by calling initparam as the first step in your MAIN program:

main (int argc, string argv[])
    . . .

It also checks if keywords which do not have a default value (i.e. were given ???) have really been given a proper value on the command line, if keywords are not specified twice, enters values of the system keywords etc.

There is a better alternative to define the main part of a NEMO program: by renaming the main entry point main() to nemo_main(), without any arguments, and calling the array of strings with default key=val's string defv[], the linker will automatically include the proper startup code (initparam(argv,defv)), the worker routine nemo_main() itself, and the stop code (finiparam()). The above section of code would then be replaced by a mere:

void nemo_main()
    . . .

This has the obvious advantage that various NEMO related administrative details are now hidden from the application programmers, and occur automatically. Remember that standard main() already shields the application programmer from a number of tedious setups (e.g. stdio etc.). Within NEMO we have taken this one step further. A recent example that was added to nemo_main is the management of the number of processors in an OpenMP enhanced computing mode.

Once the user interface has been initialized, keyword values may be obtained at any point during execution of the program by calling getparam(), which returns a string


ANSI rules say you can't write to this location in memory if they are direct references string defv[]; this is something that may well be fixed in a future release.

if (streq(getparam("n"),"0")
    printf(" You really mean zero or octal?\n");

There is a whole family of getXparam() functions which parse the string in a value of one of the basic C types int, long, bool, and real. It returns that value in that type:

#include <getparam.h>     //   included by <nemo.h>
. . .
int nbody;
. . .
if ( (nbody = getiparam("n")) <= 0) {
    printf("Cannot handle %d particles\n",nbody);

Finally, there is a macro called getargv0(), which returns the name of the calling program, mostly used for identification:

if (getbparam("quit"))
    error("%s: early quit", getargv0());

This is very useful in library routines, who normally would not be able to know who called them. Actually, NEMO's error function already uses this technique, since it cannot know the name of the program by whom it was called. The error function prints a message, and exits the program.

More detailed information can also be found in the appropriate manual page: getparam(3NEMO) and error(3NEMO).

Advanced User Interface and String Parsing

Here we describe setparam to add some interactive capabilities in a standard way to NEMO. Values of keywords should only be accessed and modified this way. Since keywords are initialized/stored within the source code, most compilers will store their values in a read-only part of data area in the executable image. Editing them may cause unpredictable behavior.

If a keyword string contains an array of items of the same type, one can use either nemoinpX or getXrange, depending if you know how many items to expect in the string. The getXrange routines will allocate a new array which will contain the items of the parsed string. If you do already have a declared array, and know that all items will fit in there, the nemoinpX routines will suffice.

An example of usage:

double *x = NULL;
double y[NYMAX];
int nxret, nyret;
int nxmax=0;

nyret = nemoinpd(getparam("y"), y, NYMAX);

nxret = getdrange(getparam("x"), &x, &nxmax);

In the first call the number of elements to be parsed from an input keyword y= is limited to NYMAX, and is useful when the number of elements is expected to be small or more or less known. The actual number of elements returned in the array y[] is nyret.

When the number of elements to be parsed is not known at all, or one needs complete freedom, the dynamic allocation feature of getdrange can be used. The pointer x is initialized to NULL, as well as the item counter nxmax. After calling getdrange, x will point to an array of length nxmax, in which the first nxret element contain the parsed values of the input keyword x=. Proper re-allocation will be done when a larger space is need on subsequent calls.

Both routines return negative error return codes, see nemoinp(3NEMO).

More complex parsing is also done by calling burststring first to break a string in pieces, followed by a variety of functions.

Alternatives to nemo_main

It is not required for your program to define with nemo_main(). There are cases where the user needs more control. An example of this is the falcON N-body code in $NEMO/use/dehnen/falcON. A header file (see e.g. inc/main.h) now defines main, instead of through the NEMO library:

// in main.h:

extern string defv[];
extern string usage;

namespace nbdy {
   char version [200];                             // to hold version info
   extern void main();                             // to be defined by user

int main(int argc, char *argv[])                  // ::main()
   snprintf(nbdy::version,200,"VERSION=" /*..*/ ); // write version info
   initparam(argv,defv);                           // start NEMO
   nbdy::main();                                   // call nbdy::main()
   finiparam();                                    // finish NEMO

and the application includes this header file, and defines the keyword list in the usual way :

// in

#include <main.h>

string defv[] = { /*...*/, nbdy::version, NULL }; // use version info
string usage  = /*...*/ ;

void nbdy::main() { /*...*/ }                     // nbdy::main()


The filestruct package provides a direct and consistent way of passing data between NEMO programs, much as getparam provides a way of passing (command line) arguments to programs. For reasons of economy and accuracy, much of the data manipulated by NEMO is stored on disk in binary form. Normally, data stored this way is completely unintelligible, except to specialized programs which create and access it. Furthermore, this approach to data handling tends to be very brittle: a trivial addition or alteration to the data stored in such a file can force the tedious and error-prone revision of many programs. To get around these problems and provide an explicit, flexible, and structured method of storing binary data, we developed a collection of general purpose routines to access binary data files.

From the programmers point of view, a structured binary file is a stream of tagged data objects. In XML parlor, you could view this as binary XML. These objects come in two classes. An item is a single instance or a regular array of one of the following C primitive types: char, short, int, long, float or double. A set is an unordered sequence of items and sets. This definition is recursive, so fully hierarchical file structures are allowed, and indeed encouraged. Every set or item has a name tag associated with it, used to label the contents of a file and to retrieve objects from a set. Data items have a type and array dimension attributed associated with them as well. This of course means that there is a little overhead, which may become too large if many small amounts of data are to be handled. For example, a snapshot with 128 bodies (created by mkplummer) with double precision masses and full 6 dimensional phase space coordinates totals 7425 bytes, whereas a straight dump of only the essential information would be 7168 bytes, a mere 3.5% overhead. After an integration, with 9 full snapshots stored and 65 snapshots with only diagnostics output, the overhead is much larger: 98944 bytes of data, of which only 64512 bytes are masses and phase space coordinates: the overhead is 53% (of which 29% though are the diagnostics output, such conservation of energy and angular momentum, cputime, center of mass, etc.).

The filestruct package uses ordinary stdio(3) streams to access input and output files; hence the first step in using filestruct is to open the file streams. For this job we use the NEMO library routine stropen(), which itself is not part of filestruct. stropen(name,mode) is much like fopen() of stdio, but slightly more clever; it will not open an existing file for output, unless the mode string is "w!". (append???) An additional oddity to stropen is that it treats the dash filename "-" as standard in/output, and "s" as a scratch file. Since stdio normally flushes all buffers on exit, it is often not necessary to explicitly close open streams, but if you do so, use the matching routine strclose(). This also frees up the table entries on temporary memory used by the filestruct package. As in most applications/operating systems a task can have a limited set of open files associated with it. Scratch files are automatically deleted from disk when they are closed.

Having opened the required streams, it is quite simple to use the basic data I/O routines. For example, suppose the following declarations have been made:

#include <stdinc.h>
#include <filestruct.h>

stream instr, outstr;
int    nbody;
string headline;

#define MAXNBODY 100
real    mass[MAXNBODY];

(note the use of the stdinc.h conventions). And now suppose that, after some computation, results have been stored in the first nbody components of the mass array, and a descriptive message has been placed in headline. The following piece of code will write the data to a structured file:

outstr = stropen("mass.dat", "w");

put_data(outstr, "Nbody", IntType, &nbody, 0);
put_data(outstr, "Mass", RealType, mass, nbody, 0);
put_string(outstr, "Headline", headline);


Data (the 4th argument in put_data, is always passed by address, even if one element is written. This not only holds for reading, but also for writing, as is apparent from the above example. Note that no error checking is needed when the file is opened for writing. If the file mass.dat would already have existed, error() would have been called inside stropen() and aborted the program. Names of tags are arbitrary, but we encourage you to use descriptive names, although an arbitrary maximum of 64 is enforced by chopping any incoming string.

The resulting contents of mass.dat can be viewed with the tsf utility:

% tsf mass.dat
int Nbody 8
double Mass[8] 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
char Headline[20] "All masses are equal"

It is now straightforward to read data from this file:

instr = stropen("mass.dat", "r");

get_data(instr, "Nbody", IntType, &nbody, 0);
get_data(instr, "Mass", RealType, mass, nbody, 0);
headline = get_string(instr, "Headline");


Note that we read the data in the same order as they were written.

During input, the filestruct routines normally perform strict type-checking; the tag, type and dimension supplied to get_data() must match the attributes of the data item, written previously, exactly. Such strict checking helps prevent many common errors in using binary data. Alternatively, you can use get_data_coerced(), which is called exactly like get_data(), but interconverts float and double values.

To provide more flexibility in programming I/O, a series of related items may be hierarchically wrapped into a set:

outstr = stropen("mass.dat", "w");

put_set(outstr, "MySnapShot");
   put_data(outstr, "Nbody", IntType, &nbody, 0);
   put_data(outstr, "Mass", RealType, mass, nbody, 0);
   put_string(outstr, "Headline", headline);
put_tes(outstr, "MySnapShot");


Note that each put_set() must be matched by an equivalent put_tes(). For input, corresponding routines get_set() and get_tes() are used. These also introduce a significant additional functionality: between a get_set() and get_tes(), the data items of the set may be read in any order (tagnames must now be unique within an item, as in a C struct, or not even read at all). For example, the following is also a legal way to access the MySnapShot:

instr = stropen("mass.dat", "r");

if (!get_tag_ok(instr,"MySnapShot"))
    error("File mass.dat is not a MySnapShot");

headline = get_string(instr, "Headline");


This method of filtering a data input stream clearly opens up many ways of developing general-purpose programs. Also note that the bool routine get_tag_ok() can be used to control the flow of the program, as get_set() would call error() when the wrong tag-name would be encountered, and abort the program.

The UNIX program cat can also be used to catenate multiple binary data-sets into one, i.e.

% cat mass1.dat mass2.dat mass3.dat > mass.dat

The get_tag_ok routine can be used to handle such multi-set data files. The following example shows how loop through such a combined data-file.

instr = stropen("mass.dat", "r");

while (get_tag_ok(instr, "MySnapShot") {
   get_set(instr, "MySnapShot");
   get_data(instr, "Nbody", IntType, &nbody, 0);
   if (nbody > MAXNBODY) {
        warning("Skipping data with too many (%d) items",nbody);
   get_data(instr, "Mass", RealType, mass, nbody, 0);
   headline = get_string(instr, "Headline");
   /*   process data   */


The loop is terminated at either end-of-file, or if the next object in instr is not a MySnapShot.

It is easy to the skip for an item if you know if it is there:

while(get_tag_ok(instr,"MySnapShot"))     /*  ??????? */

The routine skip_item() is only effective, or for that matter required, when doing input at the top level, i.e. not between a get_set() and matching get_tes(), since I/O at deeper levels is random w.r.t. items and sets. In other words, at the top level I/O is sequential, at lower levels random.

A relative new feature in data access is the ability to do random and blocked access to the data. Instead of using a single call to get_data and put_data, the access can be sequentially blocked using get_data_blocked and put_data_blocked, provided it is wrapped using get_data_set and get_data_tes, for example:

get_data_set    (instr, "Mass", RealType, nbody, 0);
real *mass = (real *) allocate((nbody/2)*sizeof(real));
get_data_blocked(instr, "Mass", mass, nbody/2);
get_data_blocked(instr, "Mass", mass, nbody/2);
get_data_tes    (instr, "Mass");

would read in the Mass data in two pieces into a smaller sized mass array. A similar mode exists to randomly access data with an item. A current limitation of this mode is that such access is only allowed on one item at a time. In this mode an item must be closed before the next one can be opened in such a mode.


The vectmath.h macro package provides a set of macros to handle some elementary operations on two, three or general N dimensional vectors and matrices. The dimension $N$ can be picked by providing the package with a value for the preprocessor macro NDIM. If this is not supplied, the presence of macros TWODIM and THREEDIM will be checked, in which case NDIM is set to 2 or 3 respectively. The default of NDIM when all of the above are absent, is 3. Of course, the macro NDIM must be provided before vectmath.h is included to have any effect. Resetting the value of NDIM after that, if your compiler would allow it anyhow without an explicit #undef, may produce unpredictable results.

There are also a few of the macro's which can be used as a regular C function, returning a real value, e.g. absv() for the length of a vector.

Operations such as SETV (copying a vector) are properly defined for every dimension, but CROSSVP (a vector cross product) has a different meaning in 2 and 3 dimensions, and is absent in higher dimensions.

It should be noted that the matrices used here are true C matrices, a pointer to an array of pointers (to 1D arrays), unlike FORTRAN arrays, which only occupy a solid 2D block of memory. C arrays take slightly more memory. For an example how to make C arrays and FORTRAN arrays work closely together see e.g. Numerical Recipes in C by Press et al. (MIT Press, 1988). and NEMO's mdarray(3NEMO) package.

In the following example a 4 dimensional vector is cleared:

#define NDIM 4
#include <vectmath.h>

    vector a;           /* same as:   double a[4]  */


snapshots: get_snap.c and put_snap.c

These routines exemplify an attempt to provide truly generic I/O of N-body data. They read and write structured binary data files conforming to the overall form seen in earlier sections. Internally they operate on Body structures; A Body has components accessed by macros such as Mass for the mass, Pos and Vel for the position and velocity vectors, etc. Since get_snap.c and put_snap.c use only these macros to declare and access bodies, they can be used with any suitable Body structure. They are thus provided as C source code to be included in the compilation of a program. Definitions concerning Body's and snapshots are obtained by including the files snapshot/body.h and snaphot/snapshot.h.

A program which should handle a large number of particles, may decide to include a more simple Body structure, as is e.g. provided by the snapshot/barebody.h macro file. This body only includes the masses and phase space coordinates, which would only occupy 28 bytes per particle (in single precision), as opposed to the 100/104 bytes per particle for a double precision Body from the standard snapshot/body.h macro file. This last one contains Mass, PhaseSpace, Phi, Acc, Aux and Key.

In the example listed under Table~ref{src:snapfirst} the first snapshot of an input file is copied to an output file.

Notice that the first argument of stropen(), the filename, is directly obtained from the user interface. The input file is opened for reading, and the output file for writing. Some history (see below) is obtained from the input file (would we not have done this, and the input file would have contained history, a subsequent get_snap() call would have failed to find the snapshot), and the first snapshot is read into an array of bodies, pointed to by btab. Then the output file has the old history written to it (although any command line arguments were added to that), followed by that first snapshot. Both files are formally closed before the program then returns.


When performing high-level data I/O, as is offered by a package such as get_snap.c and put_snap.c, there is an automated way to keep track of data history.

When a NEMO program is invoked, the program name and command line arguments are saved by the initparam() in a special history database. Most NEMO programs will write such history items to their data-file(s) before the actual data. Whenever a data-file is then opened for reading, the programmer should first read these data-history items. Conversely, when writing data, the history should be written first. In case of the get/put_snap package:

get_snap(instr, &btab, &nbody, &time, &bits);
   /*     process data     */
put_snap(outstr,&btab, &nbody, &time, &bits);

Private comments should be added with the app_history() .. footnote{The old name, {tt add_history} was already used by the GNU {it readline} library} When a series of snapshot is to be processed, it is recommended that the program should only be output the history once, before the first output of the snapshot, as in the following example:

for(;;) {
    get_history(instr);     /* defensive but in-active */
    get_snap(instr, &btab, &nbody, &time, &bits);
        /*     process data  and decide when done */
    put_snap(outstr,&btab, &nbody, &time, &bits);

Note that the second call to get_history(), within the for-loop, is really in-active. If there happen to be history items sandwiched between snapshots, they will be read and added to the history stack, but not written to the output file, since put_history() was only called before the for-loop. It is only a defensive call: get_snap() would fail since it expects only pure SnapShot sets (in effect, it calls get_set(instr,"SnapShot") first, and would call error() if no snapshot encountered).

Building NEMO programs

Besides writing the actual code for a program, an application programmer has to take care of a few more items before the software can be added and formally be accepted to NEMO. This concerns writing the documentation and possibly a Makefile, the former one preferably in the form of standard UNIX manual pages. We have templates for both Makefile's and manual pages. Both these are discussed in detail in the next subsections.

Because NEMO is a development package within which a multitude of people are donating software and libraries, linking a program can become cumbersome. In the most simple case however (no graphics or mathematical libraries needed), only the main NEMO library is needed, and the following command should suffice to produce an executable:

% gcc -g -o snapprint snapprint $NEMOLIB/libnemo.a -lm

Each user is given a subdirectory in $NEMO/usr, under which code may be donated which can be compiled into the running version of NEMO. Stable code, which has been sufficiently tested and verified, can be placed in one of the appropriate $NEMO/src directories. For proper inclusion of user contributed software a few rules in the Makefile have to be adhered to.

The mknemo script should handle compilation and installation of most of the standard NEMO cases. Some programs, like the N-body integrators, are almost like complicated packages themselves, and require their own Makefile or install script. For most programs you can compile it by

% mknemo snapprint


If you need to write a new program in NEMO, you can always clone an existing program and modify it, if it fits the workflow. Another approach is to use the template script that does all the initial tedious work of writing your nemo_main. It also can write the initial manual page. Here is an example:

% $NEMO/src/scripts/template foobar a=1 b=2.3 n=10 m=10
% mknemo foobar
% $NEMO/src/scripts/mkman foobar > $NEMO/man/man1/foobar.1

After some editing, compiling, testing those two files are ready for inclusion in the package via a git commit!

Manual pages

It is very important to keep a manual file (preferably in the UNIX man format) online for every program. A program that does not have an accompanying manual page is not complete. Of course there is always the inline help help=) that every NEMO program has. We have a script that will check if the parameters listed in help= are the same (and in the same order) as the ones listed in the MAN page.

To a lesser degree this also applies to the public libraries. A template roff sample can be found in example.8. We encourage authors to have a MINIMUM set of sections in a man-page as listed below. The ones with a '*' are considered somewhat less important:

  • NAME the name of the program, or whichever applies
  • SYNOPSIS command line format or function prototype, include files needed etc.
  • DESCRIPTION maybe a few lines of what it does, or not does.
  • PARAMETERS description of parameters, their meaning and default values. This usually applies to programs only.
  • EXAMPLES in case non-trivial, but recommended anyhow
  • DEBUG at what debug levels what output appears.
  • SEE ALSO references to similar functions, more info
  • BUGS one prefers not to have this of course
  • TIMING performance, dependence on parameters if non-trivial
  • STORAGE storage requirements - mostly of importance when programs allocate memory dynamically, or when applicable for the programmer.
  • LIMITATIONS does it have any obvious limitations?
  • AUTHOR who wrote it (a little credit is in its place) and/or who is responsible.
  • FILES in case non-trivial
  • HISTORY date, version numbers, why updated, by whom (when created)


Makefiles are scripts in which "the rules are defined to make targets", see make(1) for many more details. In other words, the Makefile tells how to compile and link libraries and programs. NEMO uses Makefiles extensively for installation, updates and various other system utilities. Sometimes scripts are also available to perform tasks that can be done by a Makefile.

There are several types of Makefiles in NEMO:

  • 1. The first (top) level Makefile. It lives in NEMO's root directory (normally referred to as $NEMO) and can steer installation on any of a number of selected machines, it includes some import and export facilities (tar/shar) and various other system maintenance utilities. At installation it makes sure all directories are present, does some other initialization, and then calls Makefile's one level down to do the rest of the dirty work. The top level Makefile is not of direct concern to an application programmer, nor should it be modified without consent of the NEMO system manager.
  • 2. Second level Makefiles, currently in $NEMO/src and NEMO/usr, steer the building of libraries and programs by calling Makefiles in subdirectories one more level down. Both this 2nd level Makefile and the one described earlier are solely the responsibility of NEMO system manager. You don't have to be concerned with them, except to know of their existence because your top level Makefile(s) must be callable by one of the second level Makefiles. This interface will be described next.
  • 3. Third level Makefiles live in source or user directories $NEMO/src/topic and $NEMO/usr/name (and possibly below). They steer the installation of user specific programs and libraries, they may update NEMO libraries too. The user writes his own Makefile, he usually splits up his directory in one or more subdirectories, where the real work is done by what we could then call level 4 or even level 5 Makefiles. However, this is completely the freedom of a user. The level 3 Makefiles normally have two kinds of entry points (or 'targets'): the user 'install' targets are used by the user, and make sure this his sources, binaries, libraries, include files etc. are copied to the proper places under $NEMO. The second kind of entry point are the 'nemo' targets and never called by you, the user; they are only called by Makefiles one directory level up from within $NEMO below during the rebuilding process of NEMO, i.e. a user never calls a nemo target, NEMO will do this during its installation. Currently we have NEMO install itself in two phases, resulting in two 'nemo' targets: 'nemo_lib' (phase 1) and 'nemo_bin' (phase 2). A third 'nemo' target must be present to create a lookup table of directories and targets for system maintenance. This target must be called 'nemo_src', and must also call lower level Makefiles if applicable.
  • Testfile : this is a Makefile for testing (the make test command will use it)
  • Benchfile : this is a Makefile for benchmarks. Under development.

This means that user Makefiles MUST have at least these three targets in order to rebuild itself from scratch. In case a user decides to split up his directories, the Makefiles must also visit each of those directories and make calls through the same entry points 'nemo_lib' and 'nemo_bin', 'nemo_src'; a sort of hierarchical install process.

For more details see the template Makefiles in NEMO's sec subdirectories and the example below in section~ref{ss-example}.

We expect a more general install mechanism with a few more strict rules for writing Makefiles, in some next release of NEMO.

An example NEMO program

Under Table~ref{src:hello} below you can find a listing of a very minimal NEMO program, hello.c:

and a corresponding example Makefile to install by user and nemo could look like the one shown under Table~ref{src:makefile}

Note that for this simple example the Makefile actually larger than the source code, hello.c, itself. Fortunately not every programs needs their own Makefile, in fact most programs can be compiled with a default rule, via the bake script. This generic makefile is used by the bake command, and is normally installed in $NEMOLIB/Makefile, but check out your bake command or alias.

Programming in C++

Most relevant header files from the NEMO C libraries have been made entrant for C++. This means that all routines should be available through:

extern "C"  {

The only requirement is of course that the main() be in C++. For this you have to link with the NEMO++ library before the regular NEMO library. So, assuming your header (-I) and library (-L) include flags have been setup, you should be able to compile your C++ programs as follows:

% g++ -o test -L$NEMOLIB -lnemo++ -lnemo -lm

Programming in FORTRAN

Programming in FORTRAN can also be done, but since NEMO is written in C and there is no 'standard' way to link FORTRAN and C code, such a description is always bound to be system dependent (large differences exist between UNIX, VMS, MSDOS, and UNICOS is somewhat of a peculiar case). Even within a UNIX environment there are a number of ways how the industry has solved this problem (cf. Alliant). Most comments that will follow, apply to the BSD convention of binding FORTRAN and C.

In whatever language you program, we do suggest that the startup of the program is done in C, preferably through the nemo_main() function. As long as file I/O is avoided in the FORTRAN routines, character and boolean variables are avoided in arguments of C callable FORTRAN functions, all is relatively simple. Some care is also needed for multidimensional arrays which are not fully utilized. The only thing needed are C names of the FORTRAN routines to be called from C. This can be handled automatically by a macro package.

Current examples can be found in the programs nbody0 and nbody2. In both cases data file I/O is done in C in NEMO's snapshot(5NEMO) format, but the CPU is used in the FORTRAN code.

Examples of proposals for other FORTRAN interfaces can be found in the directory $NEMOINC/fortran}.

Again this remark: the potential(5NEMO) assumes for now a BSD type f2c interface, because character variables are passed. This has not been updated yet. You would have to provide your own f2c interface to use FORTRAN potential routines on other systems.

Simple FORTRAN interface workers within the snapshot interface are available in a routine snapwork(n,m,pos,vel,...).

Calling NEMO C routines from FORTRAN

The NEMO user interface, with limited capabilities, is also available to FORTRAN programmers. First of all, the keywords, their defaults and a help string must be made available. This can be done by supplying them as comments in the FORTRAN source code, as is show in the following example listed under Table~ref{src:testf2c}

The documentation section between C+ and C- can be extracted with a NEMO utility, ftoc, to the appropriate C module as follows:

% ftoc test.f test_main.c

after which the new test_main.c file merely has to be included on the commandline during compilation. To avoid having to include FORTRAN libraries explicitly on the commandline, easiest is to use the gfortran command, instead of gcc:

% gfortran -o test test.f test_main.c -I$NEMOINC -L$NEMOLIB -lnemo

This only works if your operating supports mixing C and FORTRAN source code on one commandline. Otherwise try:

% gcc -c test_main.c
% gfortran -o test test.f test_main.o -L$NEMOLIB -lnemo

where the NEMO library is still needed to resolve the user interface of course.

Calling FORTRAN routines from NEMO C

No official support is needed, although for portablility it would be nice to include a header file that maps the symbol names and such.


Apart from the usual debugging methods (gdb, ddd etc.), NEMO programs usually have the following additional properties which can cut down in debugging time. If not conclusive during runtime, you can either decide to compile the program with debugging flags turned on, and run the program through the debugger, or add more dprintf, warning or error function calls:

  • During runtime you can set the value for the debug= (or use the equivalent DEBUG environment variable) system keyword to increase the amount of output. Note that only levels 0 (the default) through 9 are supported. 9 should produce a lot of output. In bash the following two constructs are equivalent:
% DEBUG=2 mkplummer . 10
% mkplummer . 10 debug=10
  • During runtime you can set the value for the error= (or use the equivalent ERROR environment variable) system keyword to bypass a number of fatal error messages that you know are not important. For example, to overwrite an existing file you would need to increase error by 1.


Two examples, one with existing code (easier), and one about adding new code.

Existing Code

To hack an existing code, no new directories, Makefiles or the like need to be added or modified.

Lets say we want to add a new feature to a program, lets say ccdprint. The first step would be to find the code and confirm it still compiles. For this the mknemo script is probably the easiest:

% mknemo ccdprint
MKNEMO> Searching ccdprint.c:
found one: /home/teuben/NEMO/nemo/src/image/io/ccdprint.c
gcc -g ...

where it found the code in the src/image/io directory of NEMO, after which it got compiled with gcc. In that directory there will also be Makefile, so an alternative is to do the usual edit-compile-debug cycle in that directory:

%1 cd $NEMO/src/image/io
%2 edit ccdprint.c
%3 make ccdprint
%4 ccdgen junk.ccd
%5 ccdprint junk.ccd ...

%6 mknemo ccdprint

Where the final mknemo was meant to copy the new binary to $NEMOBIN for general usage.

Now lets say the this version of ccdprint need a new function in the image library. This is located in $NEMO/src/image/io/image.c, which was conveniently in the same directory as ccdprint.c. Apart from editing the library code, the corresponding $NEMOINC/image.h probably also needs to know about this new function. So now the debug cycle is a two-step proccess:

%1 edit $NEMOINC/image.h
%2 edit image.c
%3 make install

%4 edit snapprint.c
%5 make snapprint
%6 ccdprint junk.ccd ...

%7 mknemo ccdprint

where the new feature is being tested out, and finally submitted for general usage. For any important new features, it might be useful to add this to the self-explanatory Testfile in this directory.

%1 edit Testfile
%2 make -f Testfile ccdprint

Finally, some man pages may need an update

%1 edit $NEMO/man/man1/ccdprint.1
%2 edit $NEMO/man/man3/image.3

New Code

A new program, or a new code for the library is something that can be discovered from looking at the library. Lets take the example of adding xyzio.c to the NEMO library. Looking at the library, this will likely be adding new xyz related references to the Makefile

INCFILES = image.h matdef.h xyio.h                            xyzio.h
SRCFILES = image.c ccddump.c xyio.c                           xyzio.c
OBJFILES = image.o xyio.o wcsio.o                             xyzio.o
LOBJFILES= $L(image.o) $L(xyio.o) $L(wcsio.o)                 $L(xyzio.o)
BINFILES = ccddump ccdprint ccdslice sigccd ccdspec ccdhead   ccdxyz

and testing/compiling

%1 edit Makefile
%2 edit $NEMOINC/xyzio.h
%3 edit xyzio.c
%4 make install

%5 edit ccdxyz.c
%6 mknemo ccdxyz

and some man page updates:

%7 $NEMO/src/scripts/mknemo ccdxyz > $NEMO/man/man1/ccdxyz.1 %7 edit $NEMO/man/man1/ccdxyz.1 %7 edit $NEMO/man/man3/xyzio.3

Extending NEMO environment

Let us now summarize the steps to follow to add and/or create new software to NEMO. The examples below are suggested steps taken from adding Aarseth's nbody0 program to NEMO, and we assume him to have his original stuff in a directory ~/nbody0.

  • 1: Create a new directory, "cd $NEMO/usr ; mkdir aarseth"
    and inform the system manager of NEMO that a new user should be added to the user list in $NEMO/usr/Makefile. You can also do it yourself if the file is writable by you.
  • 2: Create working subdirectories in your new user directory,
    "cd aarseth ; mkdir nbody0".
  • 3: Copy a third level Makefile from someone else, and substitute
    the subdirectory names to be installed for you, i.e. your new working subdirectories ('nbody0' in this case): "cp ../pjt/Makefile . ; edit Makefile".
  • 4: Go 'home' and install, "cd ~/nbody0 ; make install", assuming
    the Makefile there has the proper install targets. Check the target Makefile in the directory $NEMO/usr/aarseth/nbody0 what this last command must have done.

Actually, only step 1 is required. If a user cannot or does not want to confirm to the level 3/4 separation, he may do so, as long as the Makefile in level 3 (e.g. $NEMO/usr/aarseth/Makefile) contains the nemo_lib, nemo_bin and nemo_src install targets. which has it's own internal structure.