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Contribution Guidelines

Damian Green edited this page Aug 3, 2015 · 2 revisions

When contributing to the textAngular project we ask that you follow the following steps:

  • Code should be tab indented, not spaces.
  • Lines should not be much longer than 80 characters.
  • Comments should always be on their own line.
  • Run the test suites before submitting, the tests run via grunt on node. Once you have installed node you can run npm install which will setup all the dependencies for testing. Then run grunt which will run the tests, minify the files, check code coverage and jsHint the code. If all these pass submit a Pull Request and we will look into it as soon as we can.
  • In the past we have accepted code formatting pull requests, due to the trouble we have had with this we will no longer be accepting pull requests that re-format large sections of the codebase.
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