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#Relation of the expongnable attempt and conquest of the yland of Tercera, and all the ylands thereto adioyning: don by Don Albaro de Bacan, Marques of Santa crnz [sic], the cheefe comme[n]dador of Leon, and captayne generall of his Maiestie. And of all the enemies that were in the sayd ylande, and of the bulwarkes, artilerie, and munitions of the citie of Angra, and townes and vilages thereto belonging: and of the dwellers therin, and of all the punishment that was done vpon them. Done in An. 1583#

##Bazan, Álvaro de, marquês de Santa Cruz, 1526-1588.## Relation of the expongnable attempt and conquest of the yland of Tercera, and all the ylands thereto adioyning: don by Don Albaro de Bacan, Marques of Santa crnz [sic], the cheefe comme[n]dador of Leon, and captayne generall of his Maiestie. And of all the enemies that were in the sayd ylande, and of the bulwarkes, artilerie, and munitions of the citie of Angra, and townes and vilages thereto belonging: and of the dwellers therin, and of all the punishment that was done vpon them. Done in An. 1583 Bazan, Álvaro de, marquês de Santa Cruz, 1526-1588.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2006-04 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2006-05 Aptara Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2006-08 Judith Siefring Sampled and proofread
  4. 2006-08 Judith Siefring Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2006-09 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##


#####Body##### THurſeday the 23 day of Iune, in the yeare of our Lord 1583, vpon the euen of the glorious S. Iohn B _ All ſuch Spanyardes as were Priſoners.

_ Portugals that were in priſon.
  1. Relation of the Ships and other Veſſelles whiche they tooke of the French army which brought ſuccour to thē of the iland of Tercera, who was Captaine generall ouer them all the Commendador Monſieur de Chattes: and alſo of the Nauy that Don Antonio had, who was captaine generall ouer them, Manuuel Serradas a Portugall and natural of the Yland of Madera: and was the ſame that did ſack Cabo Ʋerde and Arguin.

    _ In the Caſtell called Sanſebastian.

    _ ¶Relation of the Fortes which were from the citie of Angra vnto the Forte called the poynt of San Mateo, and of al the Ordinance that were in them.

    _ ¶What was found in a trenche adioyning vnto the ſame Forte.

    _ ¶In the Fort called San Antonio, which is vpon the poynt of the Braſill.

    _ In an other fort called the çimbrero.

    _ In an other fort called the Fanaes.

    _ In an other fort called O alcaide.

    _ In an other fort called the Ladeoua de Pero gonçalez.

    _ In a ſmal fort called La huerta del Bachilor Rubio.

    _ In a trenche called Pombado.

    _ In an other for caled the Prayna.

    _ In a trenche which is harde by the other forte.

    _ In an other fort called the Azogue.

    _ In the laſt fort that was viſited called San Matheo.

    _ In the Frenches about this forte.

    _ Relation of the fortes that is betwixt the Citie of Angra, vnto the point of the Village of the Plaie and all the Artillerie founde in them.

    _ In a fort called San Antonio de Porto Judio.

    _ In the fort called El Pico de Saluador Coello.

    _ In the fort called, El Porto de Caſa Salga where as Don Pedro de Valdes was loſt.

    _ In the fort of the Muelas.

    _ In the greate and olde forte of San Sebaſtian and nowe called Porto Nouo.

    _ In an other Fort which is at the poynt of the Ribera Seca.

    _ In the Fort of the Perezoſas.

    _ In the Forte of Porto Martin.

    _ In certaine trenches which were againſt the Forte.

    _ In the Fort of Santa Catalina.

    _ In the Caſtle called Dopao.

    _ In the Fort of Medio Faul whiche is before this.

    _ In the Fort called San Anton.

    _ ¶In a Bulwarke which is nigh vnto the Play.

    _ In the Forte called the Chagas.

    _ In a Fort that is in the Playe called San Franciſco.

    _ In the Fort called Nueſtra ſennora de la ••uz.

    _ In the Fort called San Pedro.

    _ In the Forte called Sauta cruz.

    _ In the Fort called the Conception.

    _ In a trenche which is betwixt the two fortes.

    _ In a Platforme which is vppon the Poynt, and thereto they haue viſited.

    _ ¶Relation of the munition that they found in the high church of the Citie of Angra, and in the College of the Teatinos.

    _ Relation of that which was founde in the cuſtome houſe of the Citie of Angra.

    _ In a Warehouſe ouer agaynſte the Cuſtome houſe.

    _ In an other Ware-houſe was founde as followeth.

    _ At the gate towardes the Sea on the left hande. ¶The Commiſsion giuen vnto the Licentiado Mosquera, Generall Auditor of the Nauie and Armie for to p

  2. Relation of all ſuch as were put to execution in the Citie of Angra, in the publique place, the 8 daye of Auguſt, Anno. 1583.

Types of content

  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

There are 16 ommitted fragments! @reason (16) : illegible (16) • @extent (16) : 1 letter (6), 1 word (7), 2 letters (3)

Character listing

Text string(s) codepoint(s)
Latin-1 Supplement Áê²ç¶ 193 234 178 231 182
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Geometric Shapes ◊▪ 9674 9642
CJKSymbolsandPunctuation 〈〉 12296 12297

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