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#The herball or Generall historie of plantes. Gathered by Iohn Gerarde of London Master in Chirurgerie very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Iohnson citizen and apothecarye of London#

##Gerard, John, 1545-1612.## The herball or Generall historie of plantes. Gathered by Iohn Gerarde of London Master in Chirurgerie very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Iohnson citizen and apothecarye of London Gerard, John, 1545-1612.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


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Major revisions

  1. 2000-00 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2001-07 Apex CoVantage Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2005-03 Ben Griffin Sampled and proofread
  4. 2005-03 Ben Griffin Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2005-04 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##


  1. TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE HIS SINGVLAR GOOD LORD AND MASTER, SIR WILLIAM CECIL KNIGHT, BARON OF Burghley, Master of the Court of Wards and Liueries, Chancellor of the Vniuersitie of Cambridge, Knight of the most noble Order of the Garter, one of the Lords of her Maiesties most honorable Priuy Councell, and Lord high Treasurer of England.

  2. LANCELOTVS BRVNIVS MEDICVS REGINEVS IOHANNI GERARDO Chirurgo peritissimo, & rei Herbariae callentissimo S. P. D.


  4. In GERARDI Botanologian 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉.

  5. Ad Iohannem Gerardum Chirurgum Herbariumque peritissimum.

  6. In historiam plantarum, Io. Gerardi ciuis & Chirurgi Londinensis, M. Iacobi Ihonstonij Scoti Ballinerifae Regij pagi portionarij Epigramma.

  7. In Plantarum historiam, a solertissimo viro, Reique Herbariae peritissimo, D. Iohanne Gerardo, Anglice editam Epigramma.

  8. Thomas Newtonus, Cestreshyrius, D. Io. Gerardo, amico non vulgari, S.

  9. To the well affected Reader and peruser of this Booke, St. Bredwell Physition, greeting.

  10. George Baker, one of her Maiesties chiefe Chirurgions in ordinarie, and M. of the Chirurgions of the Citie of London, to the Reader.

  11. To the courteous and well willing Readers.


  13. A Catalogue of Additions.


  1. THE FIRST BOOKE OF THE HISTORIE OF PLANTS: Containing Grasses, Rushes, Reeds, Corne, Flags, and Bulbous, or Onion-rooted Plants.

    _ CHAP. 1. Of Medow-Grasse.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 2. Of Red Dwarfe-Grasse.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ‡ ¶ The Names in particular.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues. † The first figure was onely a varietie of the second, according to 〈◊〉; yet in my iudgement it was _ CHAP. 3. Of Corne-Grasse.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place and Time.

    • The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 4. Of Millet Grasse.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place, 〈◊〉, Nature, and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 5. Of Darnell Grasse.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Names.

    _ CHAP. 6. Of Feather-top, Ferne, and Wood-grasse.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Time and Place.

    • ¶ The Names.

    _ CHAP. 7. Of great Fox-taile Grasse.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place and Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    _ CHAP. 8. Of Great Cats-taile Grasse.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place and Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    _ CHAP. 9. Of Cyperus Grasse.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place, Time, and Names.

    _ CHAP. 10. Of Water-Grasse.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place and Time.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 11. Of Flote-Grasse.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Names.

    _ CHAP. 12. Of Kneed-Grasse.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place, Time, and Names.

    _ CHAP. 13. Of Bearded Panicke Grasse.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place and Time.

    • ¶ The Names and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 14. Of Hedge-hog Grasse.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place and Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 15. Of Hairy Wood-〈◊〉.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place, Time, and Names.

    • ¶ Their Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 16. Of Sea Spike-Grasse.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place, Time, Names, Nature, and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 17. Of Couch-Grasse, or Dogs-grasse.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 18. Of Sea Dogs-Grasse.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place, Time, Names, Nature, and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 19. Of vpright Dogs-Grasse.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 20. Of Dew-Grasse.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place and Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The 〈◊〉

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ ¶ CHAP. 21. Of diuers Cyperus Grasses.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place and Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temper and Vertue.

    _ ‡ CHAP. 22. Of diuers other Grasses.

    • ¶ The Description.

    _ CHAP. 23. Of Cotton Grasse.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place and time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • The nature and vertues.

    _ CHAP. 24. Of English Galingale.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place and time.

    • ¶ The name in generall.

    • ‡ ¶ The names in particular.

    • ¶ The nature.

    • ¶ The vertues.

    _ ‡ CHAP. 25. Of Jtalian Trasi, or Spanish Galingale.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The 〈◊〉 and vertues.

    _ ‡ CHAP. 26. Of the true Galingale, the greater and the lesser.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ Their temper and vertue.

    _ ‡ CHAP. 27. Of Turmericke.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The temperature and vertues.

    _ CHAP. 28. Of Zedoarie.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The temperature and vertues.

    _ CHAP. 29. Of Rushes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and vertues.

    _ CHAP. 30. Of Reeds.

    • ¶ The kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The nature.

    • ¶ The vertues.

    _ CHAP. 31. Of Sugar Cane.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and vertues.

    • ¶ The vse.

    _ CHAP. 32. Of Flowring Reed.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and vertues.

    _ CHAP. 33. Of Paper Reed.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The nature, vertues, and vse.

    _ CHAP. 34. Of Mat-Weed.

    • ¶ The kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The temperature, vertues, and vse.

    _ CHAP. 35. Of Camels Hay.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The temper.

    • ¶ The vertues.

    _ CHAP. 36. Of Burre-Reed.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The temperature.

    • ¶ The vertues.

    _ CHAP. 37. Of Cats Taile.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The nature.

    • ¶ The vertues.

    _ CHAP. 38. Of Stitchwort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The nature.

    • ¶ The vertues.

    _ CHAP. 39. Of Spiderwort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The nature.

    • ¶ The vertues.

    _ CHAP. 40. Of the Floure de-luce.

    • ¶ The kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The nature.

    • ¶ The vertues.

    _ CHAP. 40. Of Floure de-luce of Florence.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The nature.

    • ¶ The vertues.

    _ CHAP. 42. Of Variable Floure de-luces.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The nature.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ Their nature and vertues.

    _ CHAP. 43. Of stinking Gladdon.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The nature.

    • ¶ The vertues.

    _ CHAP. 44. Of Ginger.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The nature.

    • ¶ The vertues.

    _ CHAP. 45. Of Aromaticall Reeds.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The nature of the true Acorus, or our sweet garden Flag.

    • ¶ The vertues of the same.

    • ¶ The choice.

    • ¶ The faculties of the true Calamus out of Dioscorides.

    _ CHAP. 46. Of Corne.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The nature.

    • ¶ The vertues.

    _ CHAP. 47. Of Rie.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The temperature.

    • ¶ The vertues.

    _ CHAP. 48. Of Spelt Corne.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The temper.

    • ¶ The vertues.

    _ CHAP. 49. Of Starch Corne.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    _ CHAP. 50. Of Barley.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The temperature.

    • ¶ The vertues.

    _ CHAP. 51. Of Naked Barley.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The vertues.

    _ CHAP. 52. Of Wall Barley.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The vertues.

    _ CHAP. 53. Of Saint Peters Corne.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ‡ ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The nature.

    • ¶ The vertues.

    _ CHAP. 54. Of Otes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The nature.

    • ¶ The vertues.

    _ CHAP. 55. Of Wilde Otes.

    • The description.

    • ‡ ¶ The time and place.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and vertues.

    _ CHAP. 56. Of Bearded Wilde Otes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    _ CHAP. 57. Of Burnt Corne.

    • ¶ The Description.

    _ CHAP. 58. Of Darnell.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The temperature.

    • ¶ The 〈◊〉.

    • ¶ The Danger.

    _ CHAP. 59. Of Rice.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The temperature and vertues.

    _ CHAP. 60. Of Millet.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The temper.

    • ¶ The vertues.

    _ CHAP. 61. Of Turkie Corne.

    • ¶ The kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The temperature and vertues.

    _ CHAP. 62. Of Turkie Millet.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The temperature and vertues.

    _ CHAP. 63. Of Panick.

    • ¶ The kindes.

    • ¶ The descrip tin.

    • ¶ The place and time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The temperature.

    • ¶ The vertues.

    _ CHAP. 64. Of Canary seed, or Pety Panicke.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and vertues.

    _ CHAP. 65. Of Fox-Taile.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The temperature and vertues.

    _ CHAP. 66. Of Jobs Teares.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and vertues.

    _ CHAP. 67. Of Buck-wheat.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The temper.

    • ¶ The vertues.

    _ CHAP. 68. Of Cow Wheat.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Danger.

    _ CHAP. 69. Of Wilde Cow-Wheat.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and vertues.

    _ CHAP. 70. Of White Asphodill.

    • ¶ The kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The time and place.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The nature.

    • ¶ The vertues.

    _ CHAP. 71. Of the Kings Speare.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The temperature and vertues.

    _ CHAP. 72. Of Onion Asphodill.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The nature.

    • ¶ The vertues.

    _ CHAP. 73. Of Yellow Lillies.

    • ¶ The kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The nature.

    • ¶ The vertues.

    _ CHAP. 73. Of Bulbed Floure de-Luce.

    • ¶ The kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The nature.

    • ¶ The vertues.

    _ CHAP. 75. Of Spanish Nut.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and vertues.

    _ CHAP. 76. Of Corne-Flagge.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The nature.

    • ¶ The vertues.

    _ CHAP. 77. Of Starry Hyacinths and their kindes.

    • ¶ The kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ‡ ¶ The vertues.

    _ CHAP. 78. Of Autumne Hyacinths.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    _ CHAP. 79. Of the English Iacinth, or Hare-Bels.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ Of double floured Oriental Hyacinths.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The nature.

    • ¶ The vertues.

    _ CHAP. 80. Of Faire baired Iacinth.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 81. Of Muscari, or Musked Grape-floure.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 82. Of Woolly Bulbus.

    • ¶ The Description.

    _ CHAP. 83. Of two feigned Plants.

    • ¶ The Description.

    _ CHAP. 84. Of Daffodils.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 85. Of the Bastard Daffodill.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 86. Of diuers other Daffodils or Narcisses.

    • ¶ The Descriptions.

    _ CHAP. 87. Of Tulipa, or the Dalmatian Cap.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 88. Of Bulbous Violets.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 89. Of Turkie or Ginny-hen Floure.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 90. Of true Saffron, and the wilde or Spring Saffrons.

    • The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    • ¶ The Kindes of Spring Saffron

    • ¶ The Description of wilde Saffron

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 91. Of Medow Saffron.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues of Hermodactyls.

    • ¶ The correction.

    • ¶ The Danger.

    _ CHAP. 92. Of Starre of Bethlem.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 93. Of Onions.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    • ¶ The Hurts.

    _ CHAP. 94. Of Squils, or Sea-Onions.

    • The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues of Squills.

    _ CHAP. 95. Of Leekes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    • ¶ The Hurts.

    _ CHAP. 96. Of Ciues or 〈◊〉, and wilde Leekes.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Time and Place.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 97. Of Garlicke.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place and Times.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 98. Of Crow-Garlicke and Ramsons.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 99. Of Mountaine Garlicks:

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ‡. ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temper.

    • ¶ Their Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 100. Of Moly, or the Sorcerers Garlicke.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Names in particular.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ ‡ CHAP. 79. Of diuers other Molyes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    _ CHAP. 102. Of White Lillies.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The 〈◊〉.

    _ CHAP. 103. Of Red Lillies.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 104. Of Mountaine Lillies.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 105. Of the Red Lillie of Constantinople.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ ‡ CHAP. 106. Of the narrow leaued reflex Lillies.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temper and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 107. Of the Persian Lilly.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 108. Of the Crowne 〈◊〉.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 109. Of Dogs Tooth.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 110. Of Dogs stones.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    • ¶ The Choice.

    _ CHAP. 111. Of Fooles Stones.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 112. Of Goats Stones.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 113. Of Fox Stones.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 114. Of Sweet Cullions.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 115. Of Satyrion Royall.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 116. Of Serapia's Stones.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 117. Of Fenny Stones.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ‡ ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 118. Of Birds nest.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ Nidus avis flore & caule 〈◊〉〈◊〉〈◊〉; an Pseudoleimodoron Clus. Hist. Rar. plant. pag. 270.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.


    _ CHAP. 1. Of Turneps.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 2. Of wilde Turneps.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ 〈◊〉 Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 3. Of Nauewes.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The 〈◊〉.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 4. Of Lyons Turnep, or Lyons leafe.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 5. Of Radish.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 6. Of wilde Radish.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 7. Of Horse Radish.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 8. Of Winter Cresses.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 9. Of Mustard.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 10. Of Rocket.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP.11. Of Tarragon.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The time.

    • The names.

    • ¶ The temperature and vertues.

    _ CHAP.12. Of garden Cresses.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 13. Of Indian Cresses.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 14. Of Sciatica Cresses.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 15. Of Banke Cresses.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 16. Of Docke Cresses.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 17. Of Water-Parsenep, and Water-Cresses.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 18. Of wilde Water-Cresses, or Cuckow Floures.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Time and Place.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 19. Of Treacle Mustard.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    • ¶ The Danger.

    _ CHAP. 20. Of Candie Mustard.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Name.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    _ CHAP. 21. Of Treacle Mustard.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 22. Of Wooddy Mustard.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 23. Of Towers Mustard.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ ‡ CHAP. 24. Of Turky Cresses.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Vertues, attributed to the first.

    _ CHAP. 25. Of Shepheards-purse.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 26. Of Italian Rocket.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    _ CHAP. 27. Of Groundsell.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 28. Of Saint James his Wort.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 29. Of Garden Succorie.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place and Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 30. Of wilde Succorie.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 31. Of Gumme Succorie.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ‡ ¶ Names in particular.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 32. Of Dandelion.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 20. Of Sow-thistle.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ‡ ¶ Names in particular.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 34. Of Hawke-weed.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names in generall.

    • ‡ ¶ The Names in particular.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 35. Of Clusius Hawkeweed.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 36. ‡ Of French or Golden Lung-wort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temper and 〈◊〉.

    _ CHAP. 37. Of Lettuce.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ ‡ CHAP. 38. Of Wilde Lettuce.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • The Temper.

    • The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 39. Of Lambs Lettuce, or Corne sallad.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 40. Of Coleworts.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 41. Of Rape-Cole.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 42. Of Beets.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 43. Of Blites.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 44. Of Floure-Gentle.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place and Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature, and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 45. Of Orach.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 46. Of Stinking Orach.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 47. Of Goose-foot.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 48. Of English Mercurie.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 49. Of Spinach.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 50. Of Pellitorie of the wall.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 51. Of French Mercurie.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 52. Of Wilde Mercurie.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 53. Of Torne-sole.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • The description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 54. Of Scorpion Grasse.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 55. Of Nightshade.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 56. Of sleepy Nightshade.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • The Place.

    • The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 57. Of winter Cherries.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 58. Of the Maruell of the World.

    • The description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 59. Of Madde Apples.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The vse and danger.

    _ CHAP. 60. Of Apples of Loue.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 61. Of the Aethiopian Apple.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertucs.

    _ CHAP. 62. Of Thornie-Apples.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 63. Of Bitter-sweet, or Wooddy Nightshade.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The 〈◊〉.

    _ CHAP. 64. Of Binde-weed Nightshade.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 65. Of Mandrake.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 66. Of Henbane.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 67. Of yellow Henbane, or English Tabaco.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 68. Of Tabaco, or Henbane of Peru.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 69. Of Tree Nightshade.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 70. Of Balme Apple, or Apple of Hierusalem.

    • The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The 〈◊〉.

    _ CHAP. 71. Of Ginnie or Indian Pepper.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 72. Of horned Poppie.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 73. Of Garden Poppies.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 74. Of Corne-Rose, or wilde Poppy.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 75. Of Bastard wilde Poppy.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 76. Of Winde-floures.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ ‡ CHAP. 77. Of diuers other Anemones, or Winde-floures.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place and Time.

    • ¶ Their Names.

    • ¶ Their Temper and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 78. Of wilde Anemones, or Winde-floures.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 79. Of Bastard Anemones, or Pasque floures.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 80. Of Adonis floure.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 81. Of Dockes.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 82. Of Water Dockes.

    • The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 83 Of Rubarb.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • The choice of Rubarbe.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 84. Of Sorrell.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 85. Of Bistort or Snake-weed.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 86. Of Scuruy-Grasse, or Spoon-wort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 87. Of Twayblade, or herbe Bifoile.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 88. Of Adders-Tongue.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 89. Of One-berry, or Herbe True-loue, and Moone-wort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 90. Of Winter-Greene.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature:

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 91. Of Lilly in the valley, or May Lilly.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 92. Of Sea Lauander.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 93. Of Serapias Turbith, or Sea Starwort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 94. Of Turbith of Antioch.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 95. Of Arrow-head, or Water-archer.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 96. Of Water Plantaine.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 97. Of Land Plantaine.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 98. Of Rib-wort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 99. Of Sea Plantaines.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues,

    _ CHAP. 100. Of Sea Buck-horne Plantaines.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 101. Of Bucke-horne Plantaines, or Harts-horne.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 102. Of Saracens Consound.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 103. Of Golden Rod.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 103. Of Captaine Andreas Dorias his Wound-woort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 105. Of Felwoort, or Baldmoney.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 106. Of English Felwoort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ ‡ CHAP. 107. Of Bastard Felwoort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ Their Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 106. Of Calathian Violet, or Autumne Bel-floure.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 109. Of Venus Looking-glasse.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 110. Of Neesing root, or Neesewoort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 111. Of Wilde white Hellebor.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 112. Of our Ladies Slipper.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 113. Of Sope-wort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 114. Of Arsmart or Water-Pepper.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place and Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 115. Of Bell-Floures.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place and Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 116. Of Throat-wort, or Canturbury-Bells.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 117. Of Peach-bells and Steeple-bells.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 118. Of Rampions, or wilde Bell-floures.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 119. Of Wall-floures, or yellow Stocke-Gillo-floures.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 120. Of Stocke Gillofloures.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 121. Of Sea Stocke Gillofloures.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 122. Of Dames Violets, or Queenes Gillofloures.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 123. Of White Sattin floure.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ Their Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 124. Of Galen and Dioscorides Moonwoorts or Madwoorts.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 125. Of Rose Campion.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 126. Of Rose-Campion.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 127. Of wilde Rose-Campions.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ ‡ CHAP. 128. Of diuers other wilde Campions.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 129. Of Willow-herbe, or Loose-strife.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 130. Of Barren-woort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ ‡ CHAP. 131. Of Fleabane.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place, Time, and Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 132. Of Starre-woort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 133. Of Woade.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 134. Of Cow-Basill.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ‡ ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 135. Of Sesamoides, or Bastard Weld or Woade.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ‡ ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 136. Of Dyers Weed.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ‡ ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 137. Of Staues-acre.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vcrtues.

    _ CHAP. 138. Of Palma Christi.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Name, and canse thereof.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 139. Of Spurge.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 140. Of Herbe Terrible.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 141. Of Herbe Aloe, or Sea Housleeke.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 142. Of Housleeke or Sengreene.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 143. Of the Lesser Housleekes or Prickmadams.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ ‡ CHAP. 144. Of diuers other small Sengreenes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Temper and 〈◊〉.

    _ CHAP. 145. Of Stone-crop, called Wall-pepper.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 146. Of Orpyne.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 147. Of the smaller Orpyns.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place, Time, Names, Temperature, and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 148. Of Purslane.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 149. Of sea Purslane, and of the shrubby Sengreens.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 150. Of Herbe-Iuy, or Ground-Pine.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 152. Of Nauelwoort, or Penniwoort of the Wall.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 152. Of Sea Pennywoort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 153. Of Rose-woort, or Roseroot.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 144. Of Sampier.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 155. Of Glasse Saltwoort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 156. Of Thorow Waxe.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 157. Of Honie-woort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ‡ ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 158. Of S. Iohns wort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 159. Of Saint Peters wort, or square S. Johns Grasse.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 160. Of Tutsan or Parke-leaues.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ ‡ CHAP. 161. Of Bastard S. Johns wort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 162. Of the great Centorie.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 163. Of Small Centorie.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 164. Of Calues snout, or Snapdragon.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 165. Of Tode-Flax.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 166. Of Garden flaxe.

    • The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 167. Of Wilde Flaxe.

    • ¶ The Description.

    _ Linum syluestre 〈◊〉. Mil-mountaine. I came to know this herbe by the name of Mil-mountaine, and his vertue by this meanes. On the second

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 168. Of Blacke Saltwoort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 169. Of Milke-woort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 170. Of Knot-Grasse.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 171. Of sundry sorts of Knot-Grasses.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 172. Of Rupture woort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertue.

    _ CHAP. 173. Of wilde Time.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 174. Of Garden Time.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 175. Of Sauorie.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 176. Of Dodder.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 177. Of Hyssope.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 178. Of Hedge Hyssope.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names in generall.

    • ‡ ¶ Names in particular.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 179. Of Lauander Spike.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 180. Of French Lauander, or Stickeadoue.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 181. Of Flea-wort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    • ¶ The Danger.

    _ CHAP. 185. Of Gloue Gillofloures.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 183. Of Pinks, or wilde Gillofloures.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 184. Of Sweet Saint Johns and Sweet Williams.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 185. Of Crow floures, or Wilde Williams.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • The Temperatures and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 186. Of Catch-Flie, or Limewoort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 187. Of Thrift, or our Ladies Cushion.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names:

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 188. Of the Saxifrage of the Antients, and of that great one of Matthiolus, with that of Pena and Lobel.

    • Icon & descriptio ex Manuscripto vetutissimo.

    • Vna cura ipsius ad calculos expellendos

    • The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 189. Of Sneesewoort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 190. Of Hares Eares.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 191. Of Gromell.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 192 Of Chickeweed.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 193. Of the bastard Chickweeds.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 194. Of Pimpernell.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 195. Of Brooke-lime, or water Pimpernell.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 196. Of stinking Ground-Pine.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 197. Of Whiteblow, or Whitelow Grasse.

    • ¶ The 〈◊〉.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Tmperatures and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 198. Of the female Fluellen, or Speedwell.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 192. Of Fluellen the male, or Paul's Betonie.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 198. Of herbe Two pence.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 200. Of Bugle or Middle Comfrey.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 201 Of Selfe-heale.

    • ¶ The 〈◊〉.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 202. Of the great Daisie, or Maudelen woort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 203. Of little Daisies.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 204. Of Mouse-eare.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 205. Of Cotton-weed or Cud-weed.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 206. Of Golden Moth-wort, or Cudweed.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 207. Of Golden Floure-Gentle.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 208. Of Costmarie and Maudelein.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 209. Of Tansie.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 210. Of Fetherfew.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 211. Of Poley, or Pellamountaine.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 212. Of Germander.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Dèscription.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 213: Of Tree Germander.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 214. Of Water Germander, or Garlicke Germander.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 215. Of Wood Sage, or Garlicke Sage.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 216. Of Eye-bright.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 217. Of Marierome.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The 〈◊〉.

    _ CHAP. 218. Of wilde Marjerome.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 219. Of Goates Marjerome, or Organy.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 220. Of Herbe Masticke.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 221. Of Pennie Royall, or pudding grasse.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 222. Of Basill.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 223. Of wilde Basill.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 224. Of Basill Valerian.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 225. Of Mints.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 226. Of Nep, or Cat Mint.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 227. Of Horse-Mint or Water-Mint.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 228. Of Mountaine Mint or Calamint.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 229. Of Bawme.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 230. Of Horehound.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 231. Of wilde Horehound.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ ‡ CHAP. 232. Of the Fronwoorts or Alheales.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Time, Place, &c.

    • ¶ The Temperatures and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 233. Of Water Horehound.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 234. Of blacke or stinking Horehound.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 235. Of Archangell, or dead Nettle.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 236. Of Mother woort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 237. Of stinging Nettle.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 238. Of Hempe.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 239. Of wilde Hempe.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 240. Of Water-Hempe.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues, which chiefely belong to the last described.

    _ CHAP. 241. Of Egrimonie.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 242. Of Sawewoort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 243. Of Betony.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 244. Of Water-Betony.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 245. Of Great Figge-wort, or Brownewort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 246. Of Veruaine.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 247. Of Scabious.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 248. Of Diuels bit.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 249. Of Matfellon or Knapweed.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 250. Of Siluer Knapweed.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 251. Of Blew Bottle, or Corne Floure.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 252. Of Goats Beard, or Go to bed at noone.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 253. Of Vipers-Grasse.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place and Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 254. Of Marigolds.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 255. Of Germane Marigolds.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 256. Of Corne-Marigold.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 257. Of Oxe-Eie.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 258. Of French Marigold, or African Marigold.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 259. Of the floure of the Sun, or the Marigold of Peru.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 260. Of Jerusalem Artichoke.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 261. Of Cammomill.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 262. Of May-weed, or wilde Cammomill.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 263. Of Pellitorie of Spaine.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 264. Of Leopards bane.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 265. Of Sage.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 266. Of French Sage or wooddie Mullein.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 267. Of Clarie.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 268. Of wilde Clarie, or Oculus Christi.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and 〈◊〉.

    _ CHAP. 269. Of Mullein.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 270. Of base Mullein.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 271. Of Moth Mullein.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 272. Of Mullein of Aethiopia.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 273. Of Cowslips.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 274. Of Birds-eine.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP: 275. Of Beares eares, or Mountaine Cowslips.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 276. Of Mountaine Sanicle.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 277. Of Fox-Gloues.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 278. Of Baccharis out of Dioscorides.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 279: Of Elecampane.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 280. Of Sauce alone, or 〈◊〉 by the hedge.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 281. Of Dittany.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 282. Of Borage.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 283. Of Buglosse.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 284. Of Alkanet or wilde Buglosse.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 285. Of Walland Vipers Buglosse.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 286. Of Hounds-tongue.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 287. Of Comfrey, or great Consound.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 288. Of Cowslips of Jerusalem.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 289. Of Clote Burre, or Burre Docke.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 290. Of Colts-foot, or Horse-foot.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 291. Of Butter-Burre.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ ‡ CHAP. 292. Of Mountaine Horse-foot.

    • ¶ The 〈◊〉.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues, out of the Antients.

    _ CHAP. 293. Of small Celandine or Pile-woort.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 294. Of Marsh Marigold.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and 〈◊〉.

    _ CHAP. 295. Of Frogge-bit.

    • ¶. The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 296. Of Water Lillie.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 297. Of Pond-weed, or water Spike.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 298. Of Water Saligot, water Caltrops, or water Nuts.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 299. Of water Sengreene, or fresh water Soldier.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 300. Of Water Yarrow, and water Gillofloure.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 301. Of Ducks meate.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 302. Of Water Crow-foot.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 303. Of Dragons.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 304. Of Cockow pint, or wake-Robin.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 305. Of Friers Cowle, or hooded Cuckowpint.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The 〈◊〉.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 306. Of Astrabacca.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 307. Of Sea Binde-weed.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 308. Of the Grasse of Parnassus.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 309. Of white Saxifrage, or Golden Saxifrage.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 310 Of Sow-bread.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    • ¶ The Danger.

    _ CHAP. 311. Of Birthwoorts.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 312. Of Violets.

    • The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 313. Of Hearts-ease, or Pansies.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 314. Of Ground-Juy, or Ale-hoofe.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 315. Of Juy.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 316. Of rough Binde-weed.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 317. Of smooth or gentle Binde-weed.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 318. Of Blew Bindweed.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 319. Of Scammonie, or purging Bindweed.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 320. Of Briony, or the white Vine.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 321. Of blacke Brionie, or the wilde Vine.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 322. Of Bryonie of Mexico.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 323. Of the Manured Vine.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    • ¶ Of Grapes.

    • ¶ Of Raisins.

    • ¶ Of Must.

    • ¶ Of Cute.

    • ¶ Of Wine.

    • ¶ Of the delaying, or tempering of Wine.

    • ¶ Of the liquor which is destilled out of wine, commonly called, Aqua vitae.

    • ¶ Of Argall, Tartar, or wine Lees.

    • ¶ The briefe summe of that hath been said of the Vine.

    _ CHAP. 324. Of Hops.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 325. Of Trauellers-Joy.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 326. Of Ladies Bower, or Virgins Bower.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 327. Of purging Peruinckle.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 328. Of Wood-binde, or Hony-suckle.

    • The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 329. Of Jasmine, or Gelsemine.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 330. Of Peruinkle.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 331. Of Capers.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 332. Of Beane Capers.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 333. Of Swallow-wort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 334. Of Indian Swallow-woort.

    • ¶ The Description

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 335. Of the Bombaste or Cotton-Plant.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 336. Of Dogs-bane.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 337. Of Solomons Seale.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 338. Of Knee-holme, or Butchers broome.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 339. Of Horse-tongue or Double-tongue.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 340. Of Cucumbers.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 341. Of Wilde Cucumber.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 342. Of Citrull Cucumbers.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place and Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 343. Of the wilde Citrull called Colocynthis.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 344. Of Muske-Melon, or Million.

    • The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 345. Of Melons, or Pompions.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    _ Melones aquatici edules Virginiani. The Virginian Water-Melon.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 346. Of Wilde Pompions.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 347. Of Gourds.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 348. Of the wilde Gourd.

    • ¶ The Description

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 349. Of Potato's.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 350. Of Potatoes of Virginia.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 351. Of the Garden Mallow called Hollihocke.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 352. Of the wilde Mallowes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 353. Of Marsh Mallow.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 354. Of the yellow Lillie.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 355. Of Venice Mallow, or Good-night at Noone.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 356. Of Cranes-bill.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 357. Of Herbe Robert.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 358. Of knobbed Cranes-bill.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 359. Of Musked Cranes-bill.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 360. Of Crow-foot Cranes-bill, or Gratia Dei.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 361. Of Candy Cranes bill.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 362. Of diuers wilde Cranes-bills.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ ‡ CHAP. 363. Of certaine other Cranes-bills.

    • ¶ The Description.

    _ CHAP. 364. Of Sanicle.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 365. Of Ladies Mantle, or great Sanicle.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 366. Of Neese-wort Sanicle.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 367. Of Crow-feet.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place and Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    _ CHAP. 368. Of Double yellow and white Batchelors Buttons.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 369. Of Turkie or Asian Crow-feet.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 370. Of Speare-woort, or Bane-woort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature of all the Crowfeet.

    • ¶ The Vertues of all the Crowfeet.

    _ ‡ CHAP. 371. Of diuers other Crowfeet.

    • ¶ The Description.

    _ CHAP. 372. Of Woolfes-bane.

    • ¶ The kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 373. Of Winter Wolfes-bane.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 374. Of Mithridate Woolfes-bane.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 375. Of yellow Wolfes-bane.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 376. Of other Wolfes-banes and Monkes-hoods.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    • ¶ The Danger.

    _ CHAP. 377. Of blacke Hellebore.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 378. Of Dioscorides his blacke Hellebor.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 379. Of Herbe Christopher.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 380. Of Peionie.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 381. Of toothed Violets or Corall woorts.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 382. Of Cinkefoile, or fiue finger Grasse.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 383. Of Setfoile, or Tormentill.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 384. Of wilde Tansie or Siluer-weed.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 385. Of Auens, or Herbe Bennet.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 386. Of Straw-berries.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 387. Of Angelica.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 388. Of Masterworts and herbe Gerard.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 389. Of Hercules Wound-wort, or All-heale.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 390. Of Clownes Wound-wortor All-heale.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 391. Of Magydare, or Laser-wort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 392. Of common Louage.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 393. Of Cow Parsnep.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 394. Of Herbe Frankincense.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 395. Of Corianders.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 396. Of Parsley.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The 〈◊〉.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 367: Of water Parsley, or Smallage.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 398. Of Mountaine Parsley.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 399. Of stone Parsley of Macedonie.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ ‡ CHAP. 400. Of Corne Parsley, or Hone-wort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 401. Of Alexander.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 402. Of wilde Parsley.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 403. Of bastard Parsley.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 404. Of Candy Alexanders.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 405. Of Parsneps.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 406. Of Skirrets.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place and Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 407. Of Carrots.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 408. Of Wilde Carrot.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 409. Of Candie Carrots.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 410. Of stinking and deadly Carrots.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 411. Of Fennell.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 412. Of Dill.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 413. Of Caruwaies.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 414. Of Annise.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 414. Of Bishops Weed, Herbe-William, or Ameos.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 416. Of Cheruill.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 417. Of Shepheards needle or wilde Cheruill.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 418. Of Tooth-picke Cheruill.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 419. Of Mede-sweet, or Queene of the Medowes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 420. Of Burnet Saxifrage.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The 〈◊〉.

    _ CHAP. 421. Of Burnet.

    • ¶ The Kinds.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 422. Of English Saxifrage.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 423. Of Siler Mountaine or bastard Louage.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 224. Of Seselios, or Harte-worts of Candy.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 425. Of Spignell, Spicknell, or Mewe.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 426. Of Horestrange, or Sulphurwoort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 427. Of Herbe Ferula, or Fennell Gyant.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 428. Of Drop-wort, or Filipendula.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place and Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 429. Of Homlocks, or herbe Bennet.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 430. Of wilde and water Hemlockes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 431. Of Earth-nut, Earth Chest-nut, or Kipper-nut.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 432. Of Cumin.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 433. Of wilde Cumin.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 434. Of Flixweed.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 435. Of the great Celandine, or Swallow-woort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 436. Of Coxcombe, or Yellow Rattle.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 437. Of red Rattle, or Lousewoort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 438. Of Yarrow, or Nose-bleed.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 439. Of yellow Yarrow, or Milfoile.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 440. Of Valerian, or Setwall.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 441. Of Mountaine Setwall, or Nardus.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 442. Of Larkes heele or Larkes claw.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 443. Of Gith, or Nigella.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 444. Of Cockle.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place and Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 445. Of Fumitorie.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 446. Of bulbous Fumitorie, or Hollow-root.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 447. Of Columbine.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 448. Of Wormewood.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 449. Of Small leafed Wormewood.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 450. Of Sea Wormewood.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 451. Of Holy Wormewood.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 452. 〈◊〉 and Bastard Wormewoods.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 453. Of Mugwort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 454. Of Sothernwood.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 455. Of Oke of Jerusalem, and Oke of Cappadocia.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 456. Of Lauander Cotton.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 457. Of Sperage, or Asparagus.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 458. Of Horse-taile, or Shaue-grasse.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 459. Of Sea-Cluster, or Sea Raison.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 460. Of Madder.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 461. Of Goose-grasse, or Cliuers.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 462. Of Crosse-woort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 463. Of Woodrooffe.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 464. Of Ladies Bedstraw.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 465. Of Ferne.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 466. Of Water-Ferne, or Osmund the water-man.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 467. Of Polypodie or wall-Ferne.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 468. Of Oke-Ferne.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 469. Of blacke Oke-Ferne.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 470. Of Harts-tongue.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 471. Of Spleene-woort, or Milt-waste.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 472. Of diuers small Fernes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 473. Of true Maiden-haire.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 474. Of English, or common Maiden-haire.

    • ¶ The Description:

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues..

    _ CHAP. 475. Of Thistles.

    • ¶ The Kindes:

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 476. Of the Cotton Thistle.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 477. Of our Ladies-Thistle.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 478. Of the Globe Thistle.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 479. Of the Artichoke.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 480. Of Golden Thistles.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 481. Of white Carline Thistle of Dioscorides.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 482. Of wilde Carline Thistle.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 483. Of Chamaeleon Thistle.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 484. Of Sea Holly.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 485. Of bastard Sea Hollies.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 486. Of Star-Thistle.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 487 Of Teasels.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 488. Of Bastard Saffron.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 489. Of Wilde Bastard Saffron.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 490. Of Thistle vpon Thistle, and diuers other Wilde Thistles.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 491. Of the Melon or Hedge-hog Thistle.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 492. Of the gummie Thistle, called Euphorbium.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ ‡ CHAP. 493. Of soft Thistles, and Thistle gentle.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 494. Of three leafed Grasse, or Medow Trefoile.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 495. Of stinking Trefoile, or Treacle Clauer.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 496. Of diuers other Trefoiles.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 497. Of the great Trefoiles, or winged Clauers.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 498. Of Water Trefoile, or Bucks Beanes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 499 Of sweet Trefoile, or garden Clauer.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 500. Of Fenugreeke.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 501. Of Horned Clauer, and blacke Clauer.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 502. Of Medicke Fodder, or snaile Clauer.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 503. Of Wood Sorrell, or Stubwort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 504. Of noble Liuer-wort, or golden Trefoile.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 505. Of Melilot, or plaister Clauer.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ ‡ CHAP. 506. Of certaine other Trefoiles.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 597. Of Pulse.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 508. Of Kidney Beane.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 509. Of the flat Beane called Lupine.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place and Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 510. Of Peason.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertnes.

    _ CHAP. 511. Of the 〈◊〉 or Garden Ciche.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and 〈◊〉.

    _ CHAP. 512. Of wilde Ciches.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 513. Of Lentils.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 514. Of Cich or true Orobus.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 515. Of the Vetch or Fetch.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 516. Of Chichlings, Pease, and Tare euerlasting.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 517. Of the oylie Pulse called Sesamum.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 518. Of Hatchet Fetch.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 519. Of Pease Earth-Nut.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 520. Of Milke Vetch.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 521. Of Kidney Vetch.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 522. Of Blacke milke Tare.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 523. Of red Fitchling, Medick Fitch, and Cockes-head.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 524. Of Bastard Dittanie.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 525. Of Land Caltrops.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ ‡ CHAP. 526. Of Spring or mountaine 〈◊〉 or Vetches.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ ‡ CHAP. 527. Of some other Pulses.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 528. Of bastard Rubarb.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 529. Of Goats Rue.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 530. Of Pliny his Leadwoot.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 531. Of Rue, or herbe Grace.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.


    _ The Proeme.

    _ CHAP. 1. Of Roses.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The 〈◊〉.

    • ¶ Te Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    • ¶ The Temperature of Red Roses.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues of the parts.

    _ CHAP. 2. Of the Muske Roses.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 3. Of the wilde Roses.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 4. Of the Bramble or black-Berry bush.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and 〈◊〉.

    _ CHAP. 5. Of Holly Roses, or Cistus.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ A generall Description, wherein all the sorts of Cistus are comprised.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 6. Of other Plants reckoned for dwarfe kindes of Cistus.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 7. Of Cistus Ledon, and Ladanum.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 8. Of Rosemarie.

    • ‡ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 9. Of Vpright Wood-binde.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 10. Of Sene.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place and Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 11. Of bastard Sene.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 12. Of 〈◊〉

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 13. Of Milke Trefoile or Shrub Trefoile.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 12. Of Bastard Milke-Trefoiles.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 15. Of the venomous Tree Trefoile.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 16. Of the shrub Trefoile called also Makebate.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 17. Of Broome, and Broome Rape.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 18. Of base Broome or greening weed.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 19. Of Spanish base Broomes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 20. Of Furzes, Gorsse, Whin, or prickley Broome.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 21. Of Cammocke Furze, Rest-Harrow, or Petty Whinne.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 22. Of Goose-berrie, or Fea-berry Bush.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 23. Of Barberries.

    • ¶ The Kindes:

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 24. Of the white Thorne, or Hawthorne Tree.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ 〈◊〉〈◊〉

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 25. Of Goats Thorne.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 26. Of the Aegyptian Thorne.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Nature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 27. Of box Thorne, and the iuice thereof called Lycium.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 28. Of Ramme or Harts Thorne.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 29. Of 〈◊〉 Thorne.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 30. Of Buck-Thorne, or laxatiue 〈◊〉.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 31. Of the Holme, Holly, or Huluer tree.

    • ¶ The Description,

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 32. Of the Oke.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 33. Of the Scarlet Oke.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 34. Of the great Skarlet Oke.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 35. Of the great Holme-Oke.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 36. Of the Corke Oke.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 37. Of the Gall tree.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 38. Of Misseltoe or Misteltoe.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 39. Of the Cedar tree.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 40. Of the Pitch tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 41. Of the Pine Tree.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 42. Of the Wilde Pine tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ Of Rosins.

    • ¶ The Temperature and 〈◊〉.

    • Of Pitch and Tar.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 43. Of the Firre or Deale Tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 44. Of the Larch Tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 45. Of the Cypresse tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 46. Of the Tree of Life.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 47. Of the Yew tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • Taxus tantum florens. The Yew which only floures.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    _ CHAP. 48. Of the Iuniper tree.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 49. Of the prickly Cedar, or Cedar Iuniper.

    • ¶ The Kindes:

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 50. Of Sauin.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 51. Of Tamariske.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 52. Of Heath, Hather, or Linge.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues..

    _ CHAP. 53. Of Heath of Ierico.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 54. Of the Chaste Tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 55. Of the Willow Tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 56. Of the Oliue Tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 57. Of Priuet or Prim Print.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 58. Of Mocke-Priuet.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 59. Of bastard Priuet.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 60. Of the fruitlesse Priuet.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 61. Of the white and blew Pipe-Priuet.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 62. Of Widow-Waile, or Spurge Oliue.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The 〈◊〉.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 63. Of Germane Oliue Spurge.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place and Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 64. Of Spurge Flax.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 65. Of Spurge Laurell.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 66. Of Rose Bay, or Oleander.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 67. Of dwarfe Rose Bay.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Names.

    _ CHAP. 68. Of the Bay or Laurell tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 69. Of the Wilde Bay tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 70. Of the Box Tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 71. Of the Myrtle Tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 72. Of sweet Willow or Gaule.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 73. Of Worts or Wortle berries.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 74. Of the Marish Worts or Fenne-Berries.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The 〈◊〉.

    _ CHAP. 75. Of Cloud-berry.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 76. Of shrub Heart-Wort of Aethiopia.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 77. Of the Elder tree.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 78. Of Marish or Water Elder.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 79. Of Dane-Wort, Wall-Wort, or Dwarfe Elder.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 80. Of Beane Trefoile.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 81. Of Iudas Tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 82. Of the Carob tree, or Saint Iohns Bread.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 83. Of Cassia Fistula, or Pudding Pipe.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 84. Of the Lentiske, or Masticke tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 85. Of the Turpentine Tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The 〈◊〉.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 86. Of the Frankincense tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 87. Of Fisticke Nuts.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 88. Of the Bladder Nut.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 89. Of the Hasell tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 90. Of the Wall-nut tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 91. Of the Chestnut tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 92. Of the Beech tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 93. Of the Almond tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 94. Of the Peach tree.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 95. Of the Aprecocke or Abrecocke tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 96. Of Pomegranat tree.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 97. Of the Quince Tree.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 98. Of the Medlar Tree.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 99. Of the Peare tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The generall description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 100. Of the wilde Peare tree.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The generall Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 101. Of the Apple tree.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 102 Of the Wilding or Crab tree.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The generall Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 103. Of the Citron, Limon, Orange, and Assyrian Apple trees.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 104. Of the Cornell tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 105. Of the female Cornell or Dog-Berry tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 106. Of Spindle tree or Pricke-wood.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 107. Of the blacke Aller tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 108. Of the Seruice tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 109. Of the Ash tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 110. Of the wilde Ash, otherwise called Quicke-Beame or Quicken tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 111. Of Coriars Sumuch.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 112. Of red Sumach.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 113. Of the Alder Tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 114. Of the Birch tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 115. Of the Hornebeame, or Hard beame Tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 116. Of the Elme tree.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 117. Of the Line or Linden Tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 118. Of the Maple tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 119. Of the Poplar tree.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 120. Of the Plane tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 121. Of the Wayfaring Tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 122. Of the Beade tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 123. Of the Lote, or Nettle tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 124. Of Italian wood of Life, or Pocke wood, vulgarly called Lignum vitae.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 125. Of the Strawberry tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 126. Of the Plum tree.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 127. Of Sebesten, or the Assyrian Plum.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 128. Of the Indian Plums, or Mirobalans.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place and Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 129. Of the Juiube tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 130. Of the Cherrie Tree.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 131. Of the Mulberrie tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 132. Of the Sycomore tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 133. Of the Fig tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 134. Of the prickly Indian Fig tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 135. Of the arched Indian Fig tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 136. Of Adams Apple tree, or the West-Indian Plantaine.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 137. Of the Date tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 138. Of the wilde Date trees.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 139. Of the drunken Date tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place, Time, and Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 140. Of the Indian Nut tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues and vse.

    _ CHAP. 141. Of the Dragon Tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 142. Of the Sassafras, or Ague tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 143. Of the Storax tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 144. Of the Sorrowfull tree or Indian Mourner.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place, Time, and Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 145. Of the Balsam tree.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 146. Of a kinde of Balme, or Balsame Tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 147. Of the Canell, or Cinnamon tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 142. Of Gum Lacke and his rotten tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 149. Of the Indian leafe.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 150. Of the Cloue tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 151. Of the Nutmeg tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 152. Of the Pepper Plant.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 153. Of bastard Pepper, called Betle, or Betre.

    • ¶ The 〈◊〉.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Vse and Temperature.

    _ CHAP. 154. Of Graines, or Graines of Paradise.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 155. Of Yucca or Jucca.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    _ CHAP. 156. Of the fruit Anacardium, and Caious, or 〈◊〉.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 157. Of Indian Morrice Bells, and diuers other Indian Fruits.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names and Vse.

    _ CHAP. 158. Of the vomiting and purging Nuts.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place and Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 159. Of diuers sorts of Indian fruits.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    _ CHAP. 160. Of Sun-Dew, Youth woort, Ros Solis.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 161. Of Mosse of trees.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 162. Of ground Mosse.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 163. Of Liuerwort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 164. Of Lung-wort, or wood Liuer-wort, and Oister-greene.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time and Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues:

    _ CHAP. 165. Of Sea Mosse, or Coralline.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 166. Of Corall.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 167. Of Mushrumes, or Toadstooles.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 168. Of great Tooth-wort, or Clownes Lung-wort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 166. Of Saunders.

    • ¶ The Kindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Temperature.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 170. Of Stony wood, or wood made Stones.

    • ¶ The Description.

    _ CHAP. 171. Of the Goose tree, Barnacle tree, or the tree bearing Geese.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Time.

  4. AN APPENDIX OR ADDITION OF certaine Plants omitted in the former Historie.

    _ The Preface.

    _ CHAP. 1. Of the Maracoc or Passion-floure.

    • ¶ The Description.

    _ CHAP. 2. Of Ribes or red Currans.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place, Time, and Names.

    • The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 3. Of Parsley Breake-stone, and bastard Rupturewort.

    • ¶ The Description.

    _ CHAP. 4. Of Heath Spurge and Rocke Rose

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 5. Of Bastard dwarfe Box.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    _ CHAP. 6. Of Winged Bind weed, or Quamoclit

    • ¶ The Description.

    _ CHAP. 7. Of the sensitiue Herbe.

    • ¶ The Description.

    _ CHAP. 8. Of the Staffe tree, and euer-greene Priuet.

    • ¶ The Description.

    _ CHAP. 9. Of Mocke-Willow.

    • ¶ The Description.

    _ CHAP. 10. Of the Strawberry-Bay.

    • ¶ The Description.

    _ CHAP. 11. Of the Cherry-Bay.

    • ¶ The Description.

    _ CHAP. 12. Of the Euer-greene Thorne.

    • ¶ The Description.

    _ CHAP. 13. Of the Aegyptian Nap, or great 〈◊〉 tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Vertues out of Alpinus.

    _ CHAP. 14. Of the Persian Plum.

    • ¶ The Description.

    _ CHAP. 15. Of Gesners wilde Quince.

    • ¶ The Description.

    _ CHAP. 16. Of Tamarindes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 17. Of the Mamoera, the Male and Female.

    • ¶ The Description.

    _ CHAP. 18. Of the Cloue-Berry Tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    _ CHAP. 19. Of Guaiacum, or Indian, Pock-wood.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 20. Of the Guayaua, or Orange-Bay.

    • ¶ The Description.

    _ CHA. 21. Of the Corall tree.

    • ¶ The Description.

    _ CHAP. 22. Of the sea Lentill.

    • ¶ The Description.

    _ CHAP. 23. Of the Sea Feather.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Place.

    • ¶ The Names.

    • ¶ The Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 24. Of the Sea Fan.

    • ¶ The Description.

    _ CHAP. 25. Of China, and Bastard China.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 26. Of Costus.

    • ¶ The 〈◊〉.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues out of the Antients.

    _ CHAP. 27. Of Drakes root, or Contra-yerua.

    • ¶ The Description.

    _ CHAP. 28. Of Lignum Aloes.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Temperature and Vertues.

    _ CHAP. 29. Of Gedwar.

    • ¶ The Description.

    _ CHAP. 30. Of Rose-wood.

    • ¶ The Description.

    • ¶ The Faculties out of Dioscorides.

    • Hieracium medio nigrum flore maiore Boelij.

    • Hieracium medio nigrum flore minore Boelij:

    • Hieracium lanosum

    • Blitum spinosum: est Beta Cretica semine aculeato Baubini Matth. pag. 371.

    • Geranij Baeticae species Boelij.

    • Antirrhinum minus flore Linariae luteum inscriptum.

    • Linaria minor aestiua.

    • Scorpioides multiflorus 〈◊〉.

    • Scorpioides siliquacrassa Boelij. Cyperus Indicus, siue Curcuma. Turmericke. Pag. 33. Lib. 1. 〈◊〉.〈◊〉Iuncus minor capitulis Equiseti. #####Back#####

  5. INDEX LATINVS STIRPIVM IN HOC opere descriptarum necnon nomina quaedam Graeca, Arabica, Barbara, &c.

  6. NOMINVM ET OPINIONVM HARmonia & consensus.

  7. A Table of such English names as are attributed to the Herbes, Shrubs, and Trees mentioned in this Historie.

  8. A Supplement or Appendix vnto the generall Table, and to the Table of English Names, gathered out of antient written and printed Copies, and from the mouthes of plaine and simple country people.

  9. A Catalogue of the British Names of Plants, sent me by Master Robert Dauyes of Guissaney in Flint-Shire.

  10. A TABLE, WHEREIN IS CONTAINED THE NATVRE AND VERTVES OF ALL THE Herbes, Trees, and Plants, described in this present Herbal.

  11. Errata.

Types of content

  • There are 365 verse lines!
  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

There are 13732 ommitted fragments! @reason (13732) : illegible (12756), foreign (954), symbol (4), duplicate (18) • @extent (12778) : 1 word (12756), 1 letter (4), 1 page (18)

Character listing

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7. desc 13732
8. div 5543 @type (5543) : title_page (1), dedication (2), encomium (7), to_the_reader (4), list_of_additions (1), book (3), chapter (854), characteristic (4653), note (1), proem (1), appendix (1), preface (1), variant (7), index_of_Latin_names (1), list_of_alternative_Latin_names (1), index_of_English_names (1), list_of_alternative_English_names (1), list_of_Welsh_names (1), index_of_effects_and_virtues (1), errata (1) • @xml:lang (10) : lat (0), wel (0) • @n (854) : 1 (5), 2 (5), 3 (5), 4 (4), 5 (4), 6 (4), 7 (4), 8 (4), 9 (4), 10 (4), 11 (4), 12 (5), 13 (4), 14 (3), 15 (4), 16 (4), 17 (4), 18 (4), 19 (4), 20 (5), 21 (4), 22 (4), 23 (4), 24 (4), 25 (4), 26 (4), 27 (4), 28 (4), 29 (4), 30 (4), 31 (4), 32 (3), 33 (2), 34 (3), 35 (3), 36 (3), 37 (3), 38 (3), 39 (3), 40 (5), 42 (3), 43 (3), 44 (3), 45 (3), 46 (3), 47 (3), 48 (3), 49 (3), 50 (3), 51 (3), 52 (4), 54 (3), 55 (3), 56 (3), 57 (3), 58 (3), 59 (4), 60 (3), 61 (3), 62 (3), 63 (3), 64 (3), 65 (3), 66 (3), 67 (3), 68 (3), 69 (3), 70 (3), 71 (3), 72 (3), 73 (4), 75 (3), 76 (3), 77 (3), 78 (3), 79 (4), 80 (3), 81 (3), 82 (3), 83 (3), 84 (3), 85 (3), 86 (3), 87 (3), 88 (3), 89 (3), 90 (3), 91 (3), 92 (3), 93 (3), 94 (3), 95 (3), 96 (3), 97 (3), 98 (3), 99 (3), 100 (3), 102 (3), 103 (4), 104 (2), 105 (3), 106 (4), 107 (3), 108 (2), 109 (3), 110 (3), 111 (3), 112 (3), 113 (3), 114 (3), 115 (3), 116 (3), 117 (3), 118 (3), 41 (2), 53 (2), 74 (2), 101 (2), 119 (2), 120 (2), 121 (2), 122 (2), 123 (2), 124 (2), 125 (2), 126 (2), 127 (2), 128 (2), 129 (2), 130 (2), 131 (2), 132 (2), 133 (2), 134 (2), 135 (2), 136 (2), 137 (2), 138 (2), 139 (2), 140 (2), 141 (2), 142 (3), 143 (2), 144 (3), 145 (2), 146 (2), 147 (2), 148 (1), 149 (2), 150 (2), 152 (3), 153 (2), 155 (2), 156 (2), 157 (2), 158 (2), 159 (2), 160 (2), 161 (2), 162 (2), 163 (2), 164 (2), 165 (2), 166 (3), 167 (2), 168 (2), 169 (1), 170 (2), 171 (2), 172 (1), 173 (1), 174 (1), 175 (1), 176 (1), 177 (1), 178 (1), 179 (1), 180 (1), 181 (1), 185 (2), 183 (1), 184 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9. epigraph 1
10. ex 54
11. expan 54
12. figure 2789
13. g 8303 @ref (8303) : char:yhwh (1), char:EOLhyphen (8240), char:abque (54), char:cmbAbbrStroke (8)
14. gap 13732 @reason (13732) : illegible (12756), foreign (954), symbol (4), duplicate (18) • @extent (12778) : 1 word (12756), 1 letter (4), 1 page (18)
15. head 8490
16. hi 27431 @rend (290) : sup (290)
17. item 8189
18. l 365
19. lb 2
20. lg 83
21. list 324
22. milestone 3217 @type (3217) : tcpmilestone (3217) • @unit (3217) : unspecified (3217) • @n (3217) : A (685), B (574), C (445), D (350), E (267), F (212), G (165), H (125), I (98), K (70), L (57), M (43), N (29), O (22), P (16), Q (14), R (10), S (8), T (7), V (6), X (6), Y (4), Z (4)
23. note 345 @place (345) : margin (86), end (256), bottom (3) • @n (258) : “ (1), * (2), † (247), ‡ (8)
24. opener 1
25. p 11269 @n (2905) : 1 (708), 2 (685), 3 (427), 4 (309), 1,2 (12), 3,4 (5), 5 (213), 6 (141), 7 (90), 8 (71), 9 (52), 10 (38), 11 (24), 12 (24), 2,3,5 (1), 2,3 (5), 4,5 (2), 1,2,3 (2), 1,4,5 (1), 1,3 (1), 13 (23), 14 (15), 15 (12), 16 (9), 17 (6), 18 (4), 19 (4), 20 (4), 21 (3), 22 (3), 23 (3), 24 (1), 3,4,5 (1), 2,3,4 (1), 5,6 (1), 11,12 (1), 7,8 (1), 25 (1), 26 (1)
26. pb 1585 @facs (1585) : tcp:23022:1 (2), tcp:23022:2 (2), tcp:23022:3 (2), tcp:23022:4 (2), tcp:23022:5 (2), tcp:23022:6 (2), tcp:23022:7 (2), tcp:23022:8 (2), tcp:23022:9 (2), tcp:23022:10 (2), tcp:23022:11 (2), tcp:23022:12 (2), tcp:23022:13 (2), tcp:23022:14 (2), tcp:23022:15 (2), tcp:23022:16 (2), tcp:23022:17 (2), tcp:23022:18 (2), tcp:23022:19 (2), tcp:23022:20 (2), tcp:23022:21 (2), tcp:23022:22 (2), tcp:23022:23 (2), tcp:23022:25 (2), tcp:23022:26 (1), tcp:23022:27 (2), tcp:23022:28 (2), tcp:23022:29 (2), tcp:23022:30 (2), tcp:23022:31 (2), tcp:23022:32 (1), tcp:23022:33 (2), tcp:23022:34 (1), tcp:23022:35 (2), tcp:23022:36 (2), tcp:23022:37 (2), tcp:23022:38 (2), tcp:23022:39 (2), tcp:23022:40 (2), tcp:23022:41 (2), tcp:23022:42 (2), tcp:23022:43 (2), tcp:23022:44 (2), tcp:23022:45 (2), tcp:23022:46 (2), tcp:23022:47 (2), tcp:23022:48 (2), tcp:23022:49 (2), tcp:23022:50 (2), tcp:23022:51 (2), tcp:23022:52 (2), tcp:23022:53 (2), tcp:23022:54 (2), tcp:23022:55 (1), 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27. q 51
28. salute 1
29. seg 11 @rend (11) : decorInit (11)
30. signed 9
31. trailer 3


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