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#A mysterye of inyquyte contayned within the heretycall genealogye of Ponce Pantolabus, is here both dysclosed & confuted by Iohan Bale. An, M.D.xlii. Marke in the capytall letters of this boke, the .A.B.C. with the name of the author#

##Bale, John, 1495-1563.## A mysterye of inyquyte contayned within the heretycall genealogye of Ponce Pantolabus, is here both dysclosed & confuted by Iohan Bale. An, M.D.xlii. Marke in the capytall letters of this boke, the .A.B.C. with the name of the author Bale, John, 1495-1563.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


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Major revisions

  1. 2003-03 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2003-04 Aptara Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2003-05 Olivia Bottum Sampled and proofread
  4. 2003-05 Olivia Bottum Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2003-06 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##


  1. The Preface. The Table.ABbotes hanged for treason. 31Antibaptystes & Papistes all one. 53Antichrist / what he is. #####Body#####

  2. ☜☜A mysterye of inyquite opened of Iohan Bale / by the manifes•acion of Ponce Pantolabus Genealogye of heresye / in the year of owr lorde. M.D. and. xlii.

    _ A mysterye.1 The Genealogye of heresye.2 Compyled by Ponce Pantolabus ¶The openinge.

    _ A mysterye.1 Blynde obstynacye.2 Begate heresye.3 By a myschaunce4 Of dame ignoraunce. Malicia eorum excecauit eos. Sap. 2. ¶The openinge.

    _ A mysterye.1 Herefye begate.2 Stryfe and debate.3 Debate and ambycyon.4 Begate supersticyon.5 Odium suscitat rixas. Prouerb. 10. ¶The openinge. 1.

    _ A mysterye.1 Supersticion playne. Begate disdayne.2 Dysdayne of trovvthe. Begate slovvthe.3 Slovvthe & sluggyshnesse. Begate vvylfulnesse.2 Vult & non vult piger. Prouer. 13. ¶The openinge. 1.

    _ A mysterye.1 Supersticion playne. Begate disdayne.2 Dysdayne of trovvthe. Begate slovvthe.3 Slovvthe & sluggyshnesse. Begate vvylfulnesse.2 Vult & non vult piger. Prouer. 13. ¶The openinge. 1.

    _ A mysterye.1 Vvylfulnesse verelye. Nygh cosyne to heresye.2 Begate myschefe. Father of vvyclefe.3 Vvhich ded bringe inne. His grand father synne.4 Qui facit peccatum ex diabolo est, quoniam ab inicio diabolus peccat. Ioan. 3. The openinge. 1.

    _ A mysterye.1 After this brother. Came forth an other.2 His name to discusse. Menne called him husse.3 He and his cumpanye. Began in Germanye.4. He• est gens que non audiuit vocer• domini sui. Hiere. 2. The openinge. 1.

    _ A mysterye.1 And after that. Came in a gnat.2 Of the same kynde. Vvhose sovvle is blynde.3 His name you shall here. Menne call him Luthere. ¶The openinge .1.

    _ A mysterye.1 He by his meane. Hath bānyshed cleane.2 Out of that coste. The holye ghoste.3 And hath brought inne. Lyberte and synne.4 Posuerunt templū sanctum. Psal. 78. The openinge. 1.

    _ A mysterye.1 Next after him Is his chefe lym.2 One Melanchtonus. Nequaquam bonus. 3 Euanuerun• in cogitationibus sut•. 〈◊〉. • The openinge. 1.

    _ A mysterye.1 Next after this vvhelpe Came in to helpe.2 One Oecolampadius / Vvith his brother zvinglius. ¶The openinge. 1.

    _ A mysterye.1 These praters of dyuynite vvith their affynyte. hath sought about2 The vvorlde through out3 For vngracyou•e teachers to be their preachers.4 Conuenerunt in vnum aduersus dominum & aduersus Christum eius. psal. 2. The openinge. 1.

    _ ¶A mysterye1 And here in this londe Certayne they fonde.2 Vvhich by and bye Dyd them applye.3 For to sett forth Thynges nothynge vvorth.4 And preached openlye Both treason and heresye. ¶The openinge. 1.

    _ A mysterye.1 The first captayne Of this false trayne.2 Vvas one Iohan Frith / Vvhich had no pyth.3 Of lernynge nor vvytt Not vvorth a nytt.4. Via stulti recta in oculis eius. psal. 12. The openinge. 1.

    _ A mysterye.1 He dyd saye playne There ded not remayne.2 Rya••ye present In the blessed sacrament.3 Os iusti pascitur imperitia. Pro. 15. ¶The openinge. 1.

    _ A mysterye.1 The flesshe and blood And lyuelye food.2 And onlye vvelthe Of oure soule helthe.3 Qul manducat hunc panem, viuet in aeternum. Ioan. 6. ¶The openinge. 1.

    _ A mysterye.1 O braynelesse nodye Christ sayd my bodye2 Is verelye meate For manne to eate.3 Caro mea vere est cibus, &c. Ioan. 6. The openinge. 1.

    _ A mysterye.1 Vvhye vvist thu then / Sett to thy penne.2 And so playnelye Christes vvordes denye / 3 Thy peuyshe pyld reasons Vvere not vvorthe .ii. peasons4Vvherfore in a •yre Thu haddest thy hyre.5 Iuste patiebantur secundum suas nequitias. Sapien. 19. ¶The openinge. 1.

    _ A mysterye.1 Next of this secte That vvas suspecte.2 Vvas one Lamberte A manne peruerte.3 And almost vvood.4 Probauerunt habere Deum in notitia, tradidit illos Deus in reprobum sensum. Rom. 1. ¶The openinge. 1.

    _ A mysterye.1 Vvhich vvolde make good. Vvith tonge and penne. Before all menne.2 That in the Masse. Nothinge els vvas.3 But a signifycacion. Of Christes passion.4 Ne sis sapiens a pud te ipsum. Prou. 1. ¶The openinge. 1.

    _ A mysterye.1 And vtterlye He ded denye.2 That Christ vnfayned Vvas there contayned.3 Both ryastye And substancyallye.4 Quotiescuncque manducabitis panem hunc▪ & calicem bibetis &c. 1. Cor. 10. The openinge. 1.

    _ A mysterye.• But lyke a fole He vvas set at scole.• By a dyuyne For to declyne.3 This prono vvne hoc.4 Hoc est corpus meum. Matth. 26. ¶The openinge. 1.

    _ ¶Amysterye.1 But lyke a blocke. He had nought to saye. Nother ye nor naye.2 Vvher for lyke a davve. He vvas iudged by the lavve.3 To be dravvne verelye. And burned for heresye. 4 Confuse sunt sapientes. Hiere. 3. ¶The openinge. 1.

    _ A mysterye.1 Next after him Came in a lymme.2 Of Antichrist An Anabaptyst.3 One Peter Franke.4 Hi sunt fontes sine aqua, quibus caligo tenebrarum reseruatur. 2. Pet. 2. ¶The openinge. 1.

    _ A mysterye.1 Vvhich sayd full ranke. That Christ and God. Toke not manhode.2 Of Marye the virgine. Vvhich vvas vvithout synne3 Verbum caro factum est. Ioan. 1. ¶The openinge.

    _ A mysterye.1 Next after this Came in yvvys.2 Barnes the blynde That neuer coude fynde.3 By nyght nor daye The ryght path vvaye4 To Christes lore.5 Qui peruersi cordis est, non inuenit bonum. Prouer. 17. ¶The openynge. 1.

    _ A mysterye.1 But euermore By meane of ambycyon Ded so vve sedycyon.2 He sayd certayne In vvordes playne.3 It coude not be founde

That vve vvere bounde.4 To be obedient.5 Vir apostara iurgia seminat. Sap. 6. The openinge. 1.

_ A mysterye.1 To the commanndement.

Of the hygh povvers At anye hovvres.2 On payne of synne But vvhat ded he vvynne.3 He vvas tyed at a poste. And there ded roste.4 Onnis anima potestatibus subdita sit. Rom. 8. ¶The openinge .1.

_ A mysterye.1 On his ryght syde

Vvas also tyed.2 A brother of his One garretyvvys.3 Vna enim cachena tenebrarum colligati erant. Eccle. 17. ¶The openinge. 1.

_ A mysterye.1 And on the lefte hande

One Hierome ded stande.2 One of that nest As blynde as the best.3 And thus they thre Novv burned be.4 Ipsi sibi grauiores tenebrae. Eccless. 17. ¶The openinge. 1.

_ A mysterye.1 I feare me sore

There vvyll come more.2 Vnto that ende Except they amende.3 Vix corriguntur impij. Eccle. 1. ¶The openinge. 1.

_ A mysterye.1 For vvithout doubte

There is a rovvte.2 Of these same slepers And corner crepers.3 That vere a fayre face In euerye place.4 Multos enim supplantauit nequitia illorum. Sap. 19. The openinge. 1.

_ A mysterye.1 yet are they as frovvarde

And as vnto vvarde.2 As the other vvere Of vvhom ye ded here.3 For vvithout doubt It vvill not out.4 That is bred by the bone. ¶The openynge. 1.

_ A mysterye.1 For though they be gone.

yet is there behinde That are as blynde.2 As the other before Vvhich kepe in store.3 Full close and pryuelye Their cankered heresye.4 Stultorum infinitus est numerus. Eccles•. 1. ¶The openinge. 1.

_ A mysterye.1 But I praye God

To spare the rod.2 And that vvith hart They maye conuert.3 And call for grace Vvhyle they haue space.4 Dum lucem habetis, credite in lucem, vt filij lucis sitis. Ioan. 12. ¶The openinge. 1.

_ A mysterye.1 And for this tyme

Here endeth my ryme.2 The Genealogye. Of stynkynge heresye. ¶The openinge. 1.

_ A mysterye.1 Vvherin I requyre.

And humblye desyre.2 All menne y vvys. That shall rede this.3 Aboue all thinge. To praye for our kynge.4 Domine in virtute tua letabitur rex, & super salutare tuum exultabit vehementer. Psal. 20. ¶The openinge. 1.

_ A mysterye.1 And the quene also

Vvhere so euer she go.2 And for the sauegarde Of oure prince Edvvarde.3 Vvhom I praye Iesu Longe to contyne vve / Amen. The openinge. 1.

_ A mysterye.1 Cōpyled by Ponce Pātolabus2 Imprynted at London

In Pater noster rovve.3 At the signe of our ladye pytye By Iohan Redman Ad imprimendum solum. ¶The other coppye.4 Imprented by me Robert Vvyer. Ad imprimendum solum. ¶The openinge. 1.

Types of content

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