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#The pa[n]dectes of the euangelycall lawe Comprisyng the whole historye of Christes Gospell. Set forth by Thomas Paynell.#

##Paynell, Thomas.## The pa[n]dectes of the euangelycall lawe Comprisyng the whole historye of Christes Gospell. Set forth by Thomas Paynell. Paynell, Thomas.

##General Summary##


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Major revisions

  1. 2000-00 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2002-01 Aptara Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2002-03 Kirk Davis Sampled and proofread
  4. 2002-03 Mona Logarbo Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2002-04 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##


  1. ¶To the ryghte worshipful syr Iohn Baker knight, Chauncelour of the kinges Maiesties courte of firste frutes and tenthes, & vnder Tresurour of Englande. Thomas Paynell sendeth gretinge.


  1. ¶The fyrst Boke of the Pandecte of the Euangelical lawe, contaynynge Christes commynge into the worlde, and his eternall Generacion.

    _ ☞ Of Christes eternall generacion. Ioan. i. Cap. i.

    _ ☞ Of the Cōception of our Sauiour. Luc. i. Ioan. i. Cap. iii.

    _ ☞ Howe Mary visited Elizabeth. Luc. i. Cap. iiii.

    _ ☞ Of the byrth and circumcision of Iohn y• Baptist. Luc. i. Ca. v.

    _ ☞ Of the temporal Genealogie of Christ. Math. i. Cap. vi.

    _ ☞ Of the Natiuite of Christe. Luc. ii. Cap. vii.

    _ ☞ Of Christes Circumcision. Luc. ii. Cap. viii.

    _ ☞ Of the commynge of the wyse men. Math. ii. Cap. ix.

    _ ☞ Of ye presentacion of Christ in the temple. Luc. ii. Capi. x.

    _ ☞ Of hys flyte into Egypte, and occision of the Innocentes, and of hys retournynge oute of Egypte. Math. ii. Cap. xi.

    _ ☞ Of Iohns habitacion in the Deserte. Luc. i. Capi. xii.

    _ ☞ Of the fyndyng of Christ in the temple. Luc. ii. Cap. xiii.

    _ ☞ Of y• autoritie of preaching and Baptisynge geuen vnto Iohn of God. Luk. iii. Iohn. i. Mark. i. Math. iii. Cap. xiiii.

    _ ¶Of Iohns testimonies of Christ. Ioan. i. capi. 15. ¶The seconde Booke of Christes procedynge in the worlde, contaynyng what Iesus did, and sayde inclus _ ¶The seconde Booke of Christes procedynge in the worlde, contaynyng what Iesus did, and sayde inclusyuely from hys Baptyme vnto Maundy Thursday. It is deuyded in foure partes. The firste, doeth contayne the worckes that he dyd in hys thyrtie yere. The seconde, the worckes of hys one and thyrtye yere. The thyrde, the worckes of his two and thyrtie yere. And the fourth, the worckes of hys thre and thyrtye yere, vnto the dedes he dyd on maundye Thursday.

    • ☞ Of Christes Baptime. Mat. iii. Luke. iii. Mark. i. Cap. i.

    • ☞ Of the genealogie of Christ Lucke. iii. Capi. ii.

    • ☞ Of Christes fasting & temptacion. Mathew. iiii. Marke. i. Luke. iiii. Ca. iii.

    • Of other testimonies of Iohn of Christ. Iohn. i. Cap. iiii.

    • ☞ Of the firste vocation & callynge of the disciples, by the whiche they were called to the symple knowledge of Christe. Iohn. i. Luke. iiii. Cap. v.

    _ ¶The seconde parte of the seconde boke, contaynynge what Iesus dyd and sayde in the one and thyrtye yeare of hys age.

    • ☞ Of the mutacion and chaungynge of water into wyne. Iohn. ii. Cap. vi.

    • ☞ Of hys fyrste commynge to Easter, and of the dryuynge out of those that dyd sell in the temple. Iohn. ii. Ca. vii.

    • Of Nicodemus. Ioan. 3 cap. 8.

    • ¶Of the complaynte that Iesus did baptise. Ioan. 3. cap. 9.

    • ☞ Of Iohns incarseracie. mat. xiiii. Mar. vi. Luc. iii. Capi. x.

    • ¶Of the begynnynge of Christes publike, predicacion. Mat. iii. mar. i, Ioa. iiii. cap. xi.

    • ☞ Of the seconde vocation of the disciples, by the whiche they were called to Christes familiarite. Luke. v. Cap. xii.

    • ☞ Of the third vocation of the Apostles, by y• whiche they are called to y• discipleship of Christ Math. iiii. Marke. i. Cap. xiii.

    • Of the healing of a certaine demoniake in the sinagoge of the citie of Capernaum. Luke. iiii. Marke. i. Cap. xiiii.

    • Of the healynge of al diseases. Math. iiii. Cap. xv.

    • ☞ Of Simons mother in law. L•. iiii. Mat. viii. Mar. i. ca. 16.

    • ☞ Of the callyng of Mathew. Luc. v. Mat. ix Mar. ii. ca. xvii.

    • ☞ Of the election of y•. xii. disciples vnto the apostleship done in moūte Thabor: and of y• fyrst part of Christes sermone made there, contaynynge eyght Beatitudes, & certen maledictiōs. Mat. v. Mar. iii. Luc. vi. ca. 18.

    • What prelates ought to do in worde and dede, and that Christ came not to breake, but to fulfyl the lawe. Math. v. Capi. xix.

    • ¶Of hauing pacience, & of shewīg liberalite to our neighboures. Math. v. Luck. vi. cap. xx.

    • ¶Humayne prayse is not to be looked for in doynge of good workes. Mat. vi. Capi. xxi.

    • ☞ Of the maner of prayinge and forgeuynge. Math. vi. Luke. xi. Cap. xxii.

    • ☞ Of the maner of fastynge, and that we shoulde not treasure vp in earth, but in heauen. Mathewe. vi. Luke. xii. Cap. xxiii.

    • ☞ Of doynge of mercye, and that we shoulde not iudge, and of the truste and confidence of prayer. Luk. vi. Mathewe. vii. Cap. xxiiii.

    • ☞ Of the narowe waye, and conclusion of the Lordes sermone made in ye mounte Thabor. Mat. vii. Luk. vi. Ca. xxv.

    • ☞ Of the leper which was healed. Mat. viii. Marke. i. Luc. v Capi. xxvi.

    • Of the Centurions seruaunte. Mat. viii. Luc. vii. Cap. xxvii.

    • ¶Of the wyddowes sonne reuiued. Luc. vii. Cap. xxviii.

    • ¶Of a craftye Scribe, and of two that woulde folowe Christe. Math. viii. Luc. ix. Capi. xxix.

    • Of the quietinge of the sea, at Christes cōmaundemēt. Math. viii. Mar. iiii. Luc. viii. cap. 30.

    • ☞ Of two Demoniakes which were healed mat. viii. Luc. viii. Mar. v. capi. xxxi.

    • ☞ Of hym that was healed of the Palsye. Mathe. ix. Mark. ii. Luc. v. Ca. xxxii.

    • Of y• feast in Mathewes house, Mat. 9. Mar. 2. Luk. 5. Ca. 33.

    • ☞ Of the reuyuynge of the Arche synagoges doughter. And of her that was dyseased with an yssue of bloude. mat. ix. Marke. v. Luke. viii. Capi. xxxiiii.

    • ☞ Of two blynde men illuminated, and of the domme demoniake. Mathew. ix. Capitu. xxxv.

    • ☞ The dysciples are cōmaunded to pray the Lord of the haruest to sende workemen. Mat. ix. Mar. vi. Luc. x. cap. xxxvi.

    • Of the sendynge forthe of the twelue Apostles to preache with power, to heale the dyseased. Math. x. xi. Mar. vi. Luc. ix. x. Capitu. xxxvii.

    • ☞ Of Iohns interrogation. Arte thou he that shall come. Mathe. xi. Luke. vii. Cap. 38.

    • ☞ Of the maledictions of the cities, vnto the whiche Christe had preached. Math. xi. Mar. iii. Luke. x. Cap. xxxix.

    • ☞ Of the Apostles returnynge to Christ. Mar. vi. Luke. ix. capi. 40.

    • ☞ Of the sendynge foorth of the seuentye and two dyscyples. Luke. x. Capitulo. xli.

    • ¶Of the commynge againe of the seuentye and two disciples Mathew. xi. Luc. x. Capitulo. xlii.

    _ ¶Of the Samaritane that tooke cure of the wounded. Luke. x. Capitulo. xxxiiii.

    • ☞ Of Mary Magdalens conuersion. Luke. vii. Capi. xliiii.

    • ☞ Of Marthas ministerye and seruyce Luke. x. Cap. xlv.

    • ☞ Of the doctrine of prayer. Luke. xi. Capitu. xlvi.

    _ ¶The thyrde parte of the seconde Booke, contaynynge what Iesus dyd and sayde in the two and thyrty yeare of hys age.

    • ☞ Of the woman of Samaria. Iohn. iiii. Cap. xlvii.

    • ☞ Of the Rulers Sonne. Iohn. iiii. Capitulo. xlviii.

    • ¶Of the women whyche ministred vnto Christe. And of the parable of the sower, and the exposicion there of. Luke. viii. Math. xiii. Marke. iiii. Capi. xlix.

    • ¶Of the Parable of tares, and of mustarde seede. Mat. xiii. Marke. iiii. Luke. xiii. Capitulo. l.

    • ☞ Of thre Parables in the house. Mathewe. xiii. Capitulo. li.

    • Of the Lordes comming to Nazareth, where he rode, and yt the

Nazarites wolde haue cast hym doune headling. Mat. xiii. Mar. vi. Luke. iiii. Capit. lii.

  * ¶Of Iohn y• Baptistes death.

Math. xiiii. Mar. vi. Cap. liii.

  * Of y• refectiō of. v. M. m•. Mat.
  1. Ioh. 6. Luc. 9. Mar. 6 ca. 54.

    • ¶Of Christes deambulation vpon the sea. Math. xiiii. Mark. vi. Ioan. vi. Capi. •v.

    • ☞ Of the Predicacion of Eucharistia, for the whyche certen went backe and departed. Ioan. vi. Capi. lvi.

    • ☞ Of the rubbynge of the eares of corne vpon the Sabboth. Mathew. xii. Mar. ii. Luke. vi. Capitulo. lvii.

    • Of the healyng of the wythered hande. Math. xii. Marke. iii. Luke. vi. Capitu. lviii.

    • Of Herode sayinge y• Iohn was risen, & dyd miracles. Mat. xiiii. Mark. vi. Luke. ix. Cap. lix.

    • ☞ Of the domme Deuell. Mat. xii. Marke. iii. Luke. xi. Capi. lx.

    • ☞ Of the Iewes requyrynge a sygne from heauen. Mathew. xii. Luke. xi. Capi. 61.

    • ¶Of the woman that lyfted vp her voyce, and of the Lordes mother and brethren whyche soughte hym. Mat. xii. Mar. iii. Luke. xi. and. viii. Capit. lxii.

    • ☞ Of the checkynge of the Pharises. Luke. xi. Capitu. 63.

    • ☞ Of the brother which desyred Christe to deuyde the heretage Luke. xii. Capitulo. lxiiii.

    • Of the ryche man, that woulde make wyder his barnes. Luk. xii. Capitulo. lxv.

    • ¶Of the poole probatique. Iohn. v. Capitulo. lxvi.

    • ¶Of the Galileans which were s•ayne. And of the fygge tree. Luke. xiii. Capi. 67.

    • ☞ Of the croked woman. Luk. xiii. Cap. xlviii.

    • ¶Of the interrogacion made vnto Christe, whether fewe shoulde be saued. And that Herode soughte to kyll hym. Luke. xiii. Capitu. lxix.

    • ¶Of hym that was healed of the dropsye, and of Christes exhortacion to humilite Luke. xiiii. Capitulo. lxx.

    • ☞ Of callynge the poore to the feast, and the parable of a great supper. Luke. xiiii. Capitu. lxxi.

    • That for Christes sake we muste hate our parētes. Luc. 14. cap. 72

    • ☞ Of the feast of Tabernacles and predication of Christes Passion. Mathe. xvii. Mar. ix. Luke. ix. Iohn. vii. Capitulo. lxxiii.

    • ¶Of the woman deprehended in Aduoutry. Iohn. viii. Ca. lxxiiii.

    • Of Christes wordes in the treasurie. Ioan. viii. Capit. 75.

    • ¶Of another communicacion of Christe, for the which they would haue slayue hym. Ioan. viii. Capitulo. lxxvi.

    • ¶Of hym that was borne blinde Ioan. ix. Capi. lxxvii.

    • ¶Of Christes Sermone, I am the good shepherd. Ioh. x. ca. 87.

    • ☞ Of the dedication. Iohn. x. Capitulo. lxxix.

    • Of the reprehencion of the Iewes tradition. Mathewe. xv. Mark. vii. Capitulo. lxxx.

    • ☞ Of the woman of Chanane. Mat. xv. mar. vii. Capi. lxxxi.

    • ☞ Of a deafe and a dumme man whyche was healed, and of many other. Math. xiii. Marke. vii. Capitulo. lxxxii.

    _ ¶The fourthe parte contaynynge those thynges which Iesus dyd and sayde in the thre and thyrtye yere of hys age.

    • ¶Of the seconde refection of the people wyth seuen loues. Math. xv. Marke. viii. Capi. lxxxiii.

    • ☞ Of the Iewes askinge againe a sygne from heauen. And of the auoydynge of the Pharises leuē. Math. xvi. mar. viii. Capi. 84.

    • ¶Of a blynde man healed at Bethsaida. Mar. viii. Cap. 85.

    • ¶Of Peters confession of the true faythe. Mat. xvi. Mar. viii. Luke. ix. Cap. lxxxvi.

    • ☞ Of bearynge the crosse after Christ. Mathe. xvi.. Mark. viii. Luke. ix. Capi. lxxxvii.

    • Of the Lordes trans•yguracion. mat. 17. Mar. 9. Luk. 9. Cap. 88.

    • Of the domme and lunatike spirite, whō Christes disciples could not heale. Math. xvii. Mar. ix. Luke. ix. Cap. Ixxxix.

    • ☞Of the disciples desyrynge theyr faythe to be increased. Luke. xvii. Capi. xc.

    • Of the paymente of Didragma. Mat. xvii. Capi. xci.

    • ¶Of the dyscyples contencion whyche of them shoulde be greatest. Mat. xviii. mark. 9 Luke. ix. Capi. xcii.

    • Of hym that cast out deuels and folowed not Christe. Mark. ix. Luke. ix. Capi. xciii.

    • ¶Of thre parables, the shepe, & grote that was lost, and of y• prodigal sonne. Luke. xv. Capi. 94.

    • ¶Of brotherly correccion. Mat xviii. Luke. xvii. Capitu. 95.

    • ¶Of the wycked seruaunt vnto whome all the dette was forgeuen. Mat. xviii. Capi. xcvi.

    • ¶Of Christes commynge into the coastes of Iewrye: and that his Disciples shoulde not feare those that kyll the body. Mat. xix. Mar. x. Luk. xi. Cap. xcvi•

    • ¶Of the cause why a man shuld forsake hys wife. Mat, 19. Mar.

  2. Luc. 16. Cap. 98.

    • ¶Of yonge chyldren whiche were broughte vnto the Lorde Mat xix. Mark. x. Luke. xviii Capi. xcix.

    • ¶Of the yonge man that asked what he shuld do to possesse eternall lyfe. Math. xix. Mar. x, Luc. xviii. Capi. C.

    • ¶Howe harde it is for a ryche man to entre in to the kingdome of heauen. Mat. xix. Marke. x. Luc. xviii. Cap. Ci.

    • ¶Of the rewarde of those which leue all and folow Christ. Mat. xix. Mar. x. Luc. xviii. cap. 102.

    • ☞Of the laberous quotidian peny, whyche were sent into the vyneyarde. Math. xx. Capitu. 103.

    • ¶Of the vnryghteous 〈…〉 warde. Luke. xvi. Capitulo. Ciiii.

    • ☞Of the ryche glotten. Luke. xvi. Capitulo. cv.

    • ¶Of the reuyuynge of Lazarus. Ioan. xi. Capitu. Cvi.

    • ¶Of the conspiracye made agaynste Iesus and of his going to Ephraim. Ioh. xi. Capitulo. C. vii.

    • ¶Of hys departynge from Ephraim to Ierusalem. Mat. xx. Mar. x. Luk. xviii. Cap. C. viii.

    • ¶Of the true Lepers healed in the waye. Luc. xvii. cap. Cix.

    • ☞Howe the Samaritans receaued not Chryste. Luke. ix. Capit. C. x.

    • The peticion of the chyldren of zebede. mat. xx. Mar. x, Ca. cxi

    • ¶Of the illuminacion of the blynde before his goinge into Hierico, and of zacheus, and the ten poundes. Luke. xviii. xix. Mar. x. Cap. cxii

    • ¶Of two blynde men whiche receaued theyr syghte, at his departynge from Hierico. Mat. xx Capitu. C. xiii.

    • ¶Of blinde Bartimeus, which receaued hys syghte betwyxte Hierico and Bethani. Mack. x. Capit. C. xiiii.

    • ¶Whan that the lorde, after hys returne frō Ephraim came to Bethani. Iohn. xii. Capitu. C. xv.

    • ¶Of the syttynge vpon the Asse. Math. xii. Mark. xi. Luc. xix. Iohn. xxi. Cap. C, xvi.

    • ¶Of the glorious rec•auynge of Christe vpon Palme sondaye. Math. xxi. Marke. xi. Luke. xix. Ioan. xii. Capi. Cxvii.

    • How Iesus wepte vpon Ierusalem, and of the castynge oute of those that solde. Mat. xxi. Mar. xi. Luke. xix. Capi. Cxviii.

    • Of the heathen whyche sought to se Christ. Ioan. xii. mat. xxi. mar. xi. Luke. xxi. Capi. Cxix.

    • Of the cursynge of the fygge tre, and of the thirde election of those that solde. And of y• Pharise and the Publicane. Mat. xxi. Mar. xi Luke. xviii. Capi. Cxx.

    • ¶Of the disciples admiracion vpon the wythering of the fygge tree. mat. 21. mar. 11. Capit. Cxxi.

    • ¶Of the question of Iohns baptime. Mat. xxi. Marke. xi. Luke xx. Capi. Cxxii.

    • ☞Of two sonnes, of the whiche the one accomplyshed his fathers wil. Mat. xxi. Capi. Cxxiii.

    • ¶Of the vyneyarde which was let out to the husbandemen. mat.

  3. mar. xii. Luk. xx. Cap. Cxxiiii.

    • ¶Of the weddynge garmente Math. xxii. Luke. xiiii. Capitulo. Cxxv.

    • ¶Of payinge trybute vnto Cesar. Mat. xxii. Marke. xii. Luke. xx. Capi. Cxxvi.

    • Of the woman whiche had seuen husbandes. Mathew. xxii. Mar. xii. Luc. xx. Cap. C. xxvii

    • ¶Of the firste commaundement that is, of the loue of God. mat xxii. Marke xii. Luke. x. xvii. Cap. Cxxviii.

    • ☞ Of the interrogation, whose sonne Christe is. Math. xxii. Mar. xii. Luc. xx. Capi. C. xxix.

    • ☞ Of hearinge the Pharyses doctrines. Mat. xxiii. Mat xii Luk. xxiiii. Cap. C. xxx.

    • ¶Of dyuers and many vowes Math. xxiii. Luc. xi. xiii. Capit. C. xxxi.

    • Of the Iewes obstinacie, & of the wyddow which offred two mytes. ••un. 12. mar. 12. luk. 21. Cap. 132

    • Of the building of y• tēple, and of the threatening of y• destrucciō of the same. Mat. 24. Marke. xiii. Luke. xxi. Capi. Cxxxiii.

    • ¶Of the commynge, and persecucion of Antechrist. Math. xxiiii. Marke, xiii. Luke. xxi. Capitu. C. xxxiiii.

    • ¶Of the signes of the consumation of the worlde. Math. xxiiii. mar. xiii. Luc. xviii. Ca. C. xxxv

    • Of the laste signes of the consumation of the worlde. Mat. xxiiii. Luc. xxi. Capi. C. xxxvi.

    • ¶Of the comminge of Christe the iudge, diuerselye sygnified Math. xxiiii. Luke. xvii. xxi. Mar. xiii. Cap. C. xxxvii.

    • Of watch and prayer. Luc. xxi xviii. math. xxiiii. marke. xiii. Capit. C. xxxviii.

    • ☞Of the ten virgins, and tenne talentes. Math. xxv. Luke. xix. Capi. Cxxxix.

    • ¶Of the purgynge of the floore in the laste iudgemente. Math. xxv. Capi. Cxl.

    • ¶Of Christes last returning from mounte Oliuet vnto Bethani. Luke. xxii. Math. xxvi. Mar. xi. Cap. C xli.

    • ¶Of the Alablaster boxe of ointment. Iohn. xii. Marke. xiiii. Math. xvi. Cap. C. xlii.

    • ¶Howe Christe was solde by Iudas. Mat. xxvi. Mar. xiiii. Luc. xxii. cap. C. xliii.

  4. ¶The thyrde boke of Chrystes going out of the world.

    _ Of the sendynge of Peter and Iohn to prepare the passeouer. mat. xxvi. Mar. xiiii. Iohn. xiii. Luke. xxii Capitulo. I.

    _ ¶Of the eatinge of the paschall lambe at the Lordes supper. Math. xxvi Marke. xiiii. Luc. xxii Cap. ii.

    _ Of the washynge of the disciples feete, and of the obscure manifestacion of the traytour Iohn. xiii. Cap. iii.

    _ ¶Of the institucion of the sacramente of the body and bloude of Christ. Math. 26. Marke. xiiii. Luke. xxii. Capi. iiii.

    _ Of a more open detection of the trayter, and of his goynge forthe. mat. xxvi. marke. xiiii. Iohn. xiii. Luke. xxii. Capi. v.

    _ Of the question which of the discyples should be greatest, and of the fore tellynge of Peters denyall. mat. 26. mar. xiiii. Luke. xxii. Ioan. xiii. Capi. vi.

    _ ¶Of the fyrste parte of the Lordes Sermon at Supper. Ioan. xiii. xiiii. Math. xxvi. Capitulo. vii.

    _ The remnaunt of the Lordes sermone whiche he spake after his departure from the citie, somtimes goynge and some times standinge. Iohn. xv. xvi. xvii. capi. viii.

    _ ¶Of Christes entrynge in to y• garden, and of his prayer and captiuite. Math. xxvi. Marke xiiii. Luc. xxii. Ioh. xviii. cap. ix

    _ ¶Howe Christe was sente to Annas, and of Peters first deniall. Math. xxvi. Marke. xiiii Luke. xxii. Iohn. xviii. Cap. x.

    _ ¶Howe Christe was sente vnto Caiphas, and of Peters seconde and thirde denyall, in Caiphas house, and of false witnesses againste Iesus. Math. xxvi. Marke xiiii. Luke. xxii. Iohn. xviii. Cap. xi.

    _ ¶Of the thyrde comming together of the elders, and howe Iesus was delyuered to Pilate. Math. xxvii. Mar. xv. Luk. xxii. xxiii. Iohn. xviii. xix. Capi xii.

    _ ¶Of the leadynge forth of Iesus to Caluarie, and of hys crucifiynge. Mathew. xxvii. Marke. xv. Luk. xxiii. Ioan. xix. Ca. xiii.

    _ ☞Howe they derided Iesus vpon y• Crosse, & of hys wordes, and of the sygnes after hys deathe. Mathewe. xxvii. Marke. xv. Luke. xxiii. Iohn. xix. capit. xiiii.

    _ ¶Of the Lordes buryall. Mat. xvi. Luk. xxiii. Iohn. xxix. ca. xv.

    _ ¶Of the lordes resurrection, and howe the wemen came fyrst very earlye to the graue. Mat. xxviii. Marke. xvi. Luc. xxiiii. Iohn. xx. Cap. xvi.

    _ ¶Howe that Peter and Iohn came to Christes graue, and of the two disciples going to Emaus Ioh. xx. Luk. 24. ca. xvii

    _ ¶Of the fyrst appearynge shewed vnto Marie Magdalene at her second commyng to the Sepulchre. Math. xxviii. Mar. xvi Iohn. xx. Capi. xviii.

    _ Of the second appaeringe to the women in the way, returning the seconde tyme from the sepulchre. And of y• second appearing to Peter, going the second time to y• sepulchre. Mat. xxviii. Mar. xvi. Luk. xxiiii. Capi. xix.

    _ ¶Of the fourth appearynge shewed in Emaus to the two disciples. And that he had alreadye appeared to Peter. Luke. xxiiii. Mathew. xvi. Capitulo. xx.

    _ ¶Of the fyfte appearynge shewed to hys disciples in the daye of hys resurrection, Thomas beynge absent. And of Thomas incredulitie. Luke. xxiiii. Iohn. xx. Capitulo. xxi.

    _ ¶Of the syxte appearynge, shewed after eyghte dayes vnto the disciples. Thomas beynge present. And that god dyd manye thynges whiche are not written. Iohn. xx. Capitulo. xxii.

    _ ¶Of the seuenth appearynge shewed vnto seuen disciples at the sea of Tiberias. And howe Iesus askte Peter thre tymes whether he loued hym Ioh. xxi. Capitu. xxiii.

    _ ☞Of the eyghte apearynge shewed vnto the eleuen disciples in Galile. Math. xxviii. Capitulo. xxiiii.

    _ ¶Of the nynthe and tenth aperynges shewed vnto the disciples vpon the ascencion daye. Mar. xvi. Luke. xxiiii. cap. xxv

    _ ☞The conclusion of the Euangelicall historye. Iohn. xxi. Capitulo. xxvi.

#####Back##### ¶The titles of the first boke.OF Christes eternal generation Capitulo.i.Of the Annuntiation and conc _ ¶The titles of the first boke.

_ ¶The tytles of the seconde boke.

_ The titles of the thirde boke.

A.ABraham desyred to se my daye. ii lxxviAdulterers shoulde be stoned. ii. bokecapitulo. lxA.ABraham desyred to se my daye. ii lxxviAdulterers shoulde be stoned. ii. bokecapitulo. lxB.Barrabas, a notable prisoner. iii. boke. Capitu.xiiBeleue and be saued. ii. bo.cap. viii.Beleue inC.a Candle vnder a bushel•ii. b. ca. xix. xlixCapharnaum.ii. bok. cap. xi. xxxix.Care not for youre D.Dauid dyd eate theii, boke, ca, lvii,Delycate lyuersii, boke, ca, xxxvi,the Dead shal heare y• voyE.Eate suche as they set before you. ii. bo. capitulo.xliElizabeth was olde and baren. i. boke capitF.the Father is not knowen but to the sonne. ii. bokecapitu. xliithe Fathers wyll. ii. bokecapit. lvG.Gabaranites. ii. bokecapi, xxxithe Galilians receaue Christ. ii. bo. capitulo.xi.Gather treasure iH.HAters of lyghte. ii. boke.cap. viiiHaue ye eyes & se not. ii. b. capitulo.lxxxiiii. Haue pacienceI.Iairus. ii. bokecapi. xxxiiiI am not worthy. &c.ii. bo. capitu. xxviiiI am not come to call the ryK.the Kyngdom of heauen is at hand ii. boke.cap. xi.the Kyngdom of heauen belongeth to chyldren ii. L.the Labourers are feweii. bo. cap. xlithe Labourer is worthy of his reward.

ii. boke.cap. xli.LabM.Man lyueth not onely by breade ii. bo. capitu.iii.Manne muste be borne of water and the spiriteii.N.Naaman is cleansed of hys Leprosve. ii.boke.cap. lii.Nathaniels confession of Christii. bo.capitulO.Offences are to be auoydedii. bo. ca. xc.Of thyne owne mouth I iudge thee ii. boke.cap. cxii.Olde P.Parable of the sower.ii. bo. capit. xlxixParable of tares and of mustard sede. ii. bokecapitulo. lQ.the Quene of the south. ii. bo.cap. lxiR.Rabby. ii. bokecapitu. vRacha. ii. boke.capi. xixRachel bewayleth her chyldren. i. boke capit.xiReS.Saduces deny the resurrection. ii. boke capitulocxxviiSalte that hathe loste his saltnesse. ii bokT.Take no thought what ye shal speake. ii. boke.cap. xxxvii.Take thy crosse, & folowii. b. ca. xxxviU. W.the Uayle of the Temple. iii. boke. capitulo.xiiii.Uertue went out of Christe. ii. bo. capituloY.Yea, yea, naye, naye. ii. bokoe. capitulo.xix.Ye shall seeke me, and not fynde me. ii. boke.cap, lZ.Zachary walcked in the commaundementes of God. i. boke. capitulo.ii.Zachary was smytten domme. i. ☞ Imprynted at London by Nycolas Hyll, for Wyllyam Seres, and Abraham Uele.Cum priuilegio ad imprime Types of content

  • There are 76 verse lines!
  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

There are 316 ommitted fragments! @reason (316) : illegible (306), duplicate (10) • @resp (290) : #TECH (290) • @extent (316) : 1 letter (290), 1 page (10), 2 letters (13), 1 span (3)

Character listing

Text string(s) codepoint(s)
Latin-1 Supplement 182
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General Punctuation •… 8226 8230
Miscellaneous Symbols 9758
CJKSymbolsandPunctuation 〈〉 12296 12297
LatinExtended-D 42864

##Tag Usage Summary##

###Header Tag Usage###

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14. trailer 4


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