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#An exposition vpon some select Psalmes of David conteining great store of most excellent and comfortable doctrine, and instruction for all those that (vnder the burthen of sinne) thirst for comfort in Christ Iesus. Written by that faithfull servant of God, M. Robert Rollok, sometime pastour in the Church of Edinburgh: and translated out of Latine into English, by C. L. minister of the Gospell of Christ at Dudingstoun. The number of the psalmes are set downe in the page following. Commentarius in selectos aliquot Psalmos. English#

##Rollock, Robert, 1555?-1599.## An exposition vpon some select Psalmes of David conteining great store of most excellent and comfortable doctrine, and instruction for all those that (vnder the burthen of sinne) thirst for comfort in Christ Iesus. Written by that faithfull servant of God, M. Robert Rollok, sometime pastour in the Church of Edinburgh: and translated out of Latine into English, by C. L. minister of the Gospell of Christ at Dudingstoun. The number of the psalmes are set downe in the page following. Commentarius in selectos aliquot Psalmos. English Rollock, Robert, 1555?-1599.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2005-06 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2005-06 Aptara Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2005-08 Andrew Kuster Sampled and proofread
  4. 2005-08 Andrew Kuster Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2005-10 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##


  1. A Table of the Pſalmes expounded in this Booke.

  2. TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE, GRAVE and Godlie Matrone, LILIAS GILBERT, Spouſe to M. IOHN PRESTOVN, of Fentoun-Barnes; One of the Senatours of the Colledge of juſtice, and Collectour generall of Scotland. C. L. wiſheth grace mercy, and everlaſting peace, paſſing all knowledge, from God the Father of our Lord Ieſus Chriſt for ever. Amen.

#####Body##### ANE EXPOSITION vpon the third Pſalme.THE ARGVMENT.A Pſalme of Prayer. Now the maker thereof, and the _ ANE EXPOSITION vpon the third Pſalme.



The firſt part of the Pſalme.

The other part of the Pſalme. THE ARGVMENT. Of the VI. PSALME.This is a Pſalme of Prayer, and it is manifeſt out of the inſcriptio * THE ARGVMENT. Of the VI. PSALME.


The firſt part conteineth the petition, the cauſe whereof hee adjoyneth.

The other part of the Pſalme.the heavineſſe of the godly is turned into joy, they caſting down into confidence. THE ARGVMENT Of the XVI. PSALME.A Pſalme it is of a mixt kinde, partly a Prayer, partly a Thankſ giv * THE ARGVMENT Of the XVI. PSALME.


The firſt part of the Pſalme a petition of preſeruing

The other part of the Pſalme an holy glorying.

The laſt part of the pſalme. THE ARGVMENT Of the XXIII. PSALME.A Pſalme it is of doctrine, in which David glorying, openeth vp hi * THE ARGVMENT Of the XXIII. PSALME.


THE ARGVMENT. Of the XXXII, PSALME.It is manifeſt out of the inſcription, that it is a Pſalme of Doc * THE ARGVMENT. Of the XXXII, PSALME.

  * The XXXII. Pſalme.

The firſt propoſitiō

The second part of the pſalme.

The concluſion of the pſalme THE ARGVMENT OF the XXXIX. Pſalme.It is a Pſalme, calling the Prophete to remembrance of his adviſe, * THE ARGVMENT OF the XXXIX. Pſalme.

  * Pſalme. XXXIX.

1 A Pſalme of DAVID, committed to be ſong, to the Maiſter of Muſicke, of Ieduthun.2 I had ſaide, I w8 But nowe, ô Lord, what waite I for? mine hope is in thee.9 Deliver mee from all my back-ſlyding, lTHE ARGVMENT Of the XLII. PSALME.A Pſalme it is of doctrine, as it is evident out of the •nſcription * THE ARGVMENT Of the XLII. PSALME.

  * Pſalme XLII.

The firſt part of the pſalme.

The other part of the Pſalme. 7 Therefore I remember of thee, out of the Land of Iorden, and of the Chermonites, out of the little12 Why caſteſt thou downe thy ſelfe my ſoule? and why makeſt thou a noyſe within me? Hope in GOD, foThe Argument of the XLIX. Pſalme.Nothing doe I reaſon concerning the maker of this Pſalme. The parte * The Argument of the XLIX. Pſalme.

  * The XLIX. Pſalme.

The firſt part of the pſalme. 6 Wherefore ſhould I bee affrayde in the times of afflictione, that the iniquitie of

my foote ſteps The third part of the pſalme.

The fourth & laſt part, of the Pſalme. THE ARGVMENT, Of the LI. Pſalme.David hauing renewed battle againſt the Hummanites, ſitting idle at * THE ARGVMENT, Of the LI. Pſalme.

  * The LI. Pſalme.

1 A Pſalme of Dauid (committed) to the maiſter of the Muſick (to be ſong.)2 When the Prophet NATHAN

The other part of the pſalme, The Argument of the LXII. Pſalme.The author of this Pſalme is Dauid: And it was written at that time * The Argument of the LXII. Pſalme.

  * The LXII. Pſalme.

The firſt, part of the pſalm.

The other part of the Pſalme. The Argument of the LXV. Pſalme.It is a pſalme of thankſgiuing. Dauid burſteth foorth firſt in giuin * The Argument of the LXV. Pſalme.

  * The LXV. Pſalme.

1 A Pſalme, the ſong of DAVID, committed to be ſung, to the maiſter of Muſick.2 O God whoe art in Tz4 Thou clenſeſt the wicked thinges and our defections, which have preuailed ouer vs.5 Bleſſed is he The Argument of the LXXXIIII. PſalmeIt is a Pſalme of prayer, of Dauids, as it is likelie, being ban * The Argument of the LXXXIIII. Pſalme The LXXXIIII. Pſalme.1 A Pſalme (commited) to the Maſter of the Muſick, among the poſterity of Korac The LXXXIIII. Pſalme.

The ſecond parte of the Pſalme, the prayer. 13 O Iehoua of hoſtes, bleſsed is the man that hath his confidence in thee.O Iehova, bleſſed is the The Argument of the CXVI. Pſalme.Of this Pſalme, there are fiue partes. The firſt, he profeſſeth his * The Argument of the CXVI. Pſalme.

  * The CXVI. Pſalme.

1 I loue Iehova, for he heareth my voice, my deprecationes.2 For he hath bowed the eare vnto me, whe7 Returne vnto thy reſt, ô my ſoule, ſeeing Iehoua is beneficiall toward thee:8 Becauſe thou haſt de10 I beleeved when I ſpake thoſe things, I had ſpoken aboue meaſure.11 I had ſaid, making haſt: Ever12 What ſhal I recompenſe Iehova with? al his benefites overcome me:13 I will giue openly, the receiThe Argument of the CXXX. Pſalme.It is a ſong of Doctrine, written by ſome one of the Prophets. It i * The Argument of the CXXX. Pſalme.

  * The CXXX. Pſalme.

1 A moſt excellent ſong. Out of the deapthes I cryed vnto thee, ô Iehova, ſaying:2 O lord, harken to5 I haue waited on Iehova, my ſoule hath waited: yea, I haue an expectation in his word.6 My ſoule i7 Let Iſraell haue an expectation in Iehova: for with Iehova is loving kindneſſe, and exceeding muchThe Argument of the CXXXVII. Pſalme.A Pſalme it is of a mixt kinde, Of doctrine and of prayer, It is * The Argument of the CXXXVII. Pſalme.

  * The CXXXVII. Pſalme.

1 By the rivers of Babylonia, we ſitting there, we wept very much, when we remembred of Tzijon.2 In 7 Remember, O Iehova, againſt the Edomits, the day of Ieruſchalaim, who ſaid, vncover, vncover ſo lo Types of content

  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

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