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#The common-vvelth of England and the maner of gouernment thereof. Compiled by the honorable Sir Thomas Smith, Knight, Doctor of both lawes, and one of the principall secretaries vnto two most worthie princes, King Edward, and Queen Elizabeth: with new additions of the cheefe courts in England, the offices thereof, and their seuerall functions, by the sayd author: neuer before published. Seene and allowed.#

##Smith, Thomas, Sir, 1513-1577.## The common-vvelth of England and the maner of gouernment thereof. Compiled by the honorable Sir Thomas Smith, Knight, Doctor of both lawes, and one of the principall secretaries vnto two most worthie princes, King Edward, and Queen Elizabeth: with new additions of the cheefe courts in England, the offices thereof, and their seuerall functions, by the sayd author: neuer before published. Seene and allowed. Smith, Thomas, Sir, 1513-1577.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2005-04 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2005-05 Apex CoVantage Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2005-06 Jonathan Blaney Sampled and proofread
  4. 2005-06 Jonathan Blaney Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2005-10 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##


  1. To the Reader.



    _ Of the diuersities of common Wealthes or gouernment. Chapter 1.

    _ What is iust or Law in euery Common wealth or gouernment. CHAP. 2.

    _ Another diuision of Commonwealthes. CHAP. 3.

    _ Example of changes in the maner of Gouernment. CHAP. 4.

    _ Of the question vvhat is right and iust in euerie common wealth. CHAP. 5.

    _ That common vvealths or gouernments are not most commonly simple, but mixt. CHAP. 6.

    _ The definition of a king and of a tyrant. CHAP. 7.

    _ Of the absolute king. CHAP. 8.

    _ Of the name of king, and thadministration of England. CHAP. 9.

    _ What is a Common wealth, and the partes thereof. CHAP. 10.

    _ The first sort, or beginning of an house or Familie, called 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. CHAP. 11.

    _ The first and naturall beginning of a kingdome, in Greeke 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. CHAP. 12.

    _ The first and naturall beginning of the rule of a few of the best men, called in Greeke 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. CHAP. 13.

    _ The first originall, or beginning of the rule of the multitude called 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 or 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 CHAP. 14.

    _ That the common Wealth or policie must be according to the nature of the people. CHAP. 15.

    _ The diuision of the partes and persons of the Commonwealth. CHAP. 16.

    _ Of the first part of Gentlemen of England, called Nobilitas maior. CHAP. 17.

    _ Of the second sort of Gentlemen, which may be called Nobilitas minor, and first of Knights. CHAP. 18.

    _ Of Esquiers. CHAP. 19.

    _ Of Gentlemen. CHAP. 20.

    _ Whether the maner of England in making Gentlemen so easilie, is to be allowed. CHAP. 21.

    _ Of Citizens and Burgesses. CHAP. 22.

    _ Of Yeomen. CHAP. 23.

    _ Of the fourth sorte of men which doe not rule. CHAP. 21.


    _ The diuision and definition of the Lawes of this Realme in generall. CHAP. 1.

    _ Of the Parlement, and the authoritie thereof. CHAP. 2.

    _ The forme of holding the Parlement. CHAP. 3.

    _ Of the Monarch, King or Queene of England. CHAP. 4.

    _ The chiefe points wherein one Common wealth doeth differ from another. CHAP. 5.

    _ Of three maners and formes of trialles or iudgements in England. CHAP. 6.

    _ Triall or iudgement by Parlement. CHAP. 7.

    _ Triall of iudgement by battle. CHAP. 8.

    _ The triall by assise or twelue men, and first of the three partes which be necessarie in iudgement. CHAP. 9.

    _ Of pleas or actions. CHAP. 10.

    _ Of the chiefe Tribunals, Benches, or Courts of England. CHAP. 11.

    _ Of the times of pleading called Termes & of the Chauncellor and Chauncerie. CHAP. 12.

    _ Of Iudges in the common Lavve of England, and the manner of triall and pleading there. CHAP. 13.

    _ Of the Kinges Bench. CHAP. 13.

    _ Of the court of common pleas. CHAP. 14.

    _ Of the two maner of issues. CHAP. 15.

    _ Of the sherife of the shire, and of the Court of Exchequer. CHAP. 16.

    _ Of the xij men. CHAP. 17.

    _ Of parties of Shires called Hundreds, Lathes, Rapes, Wapentakes. CHAP. 18.

    _ Of the court Baron. CHAP. 19.

    _ Of the Leete, or Law day. CHAP. 20.

    _ Of the proceedinges of causes criminall, and first of the Iustices of the Peace. CHAP. 21.

    _ Of hue and crie and recognisaunce taken vppon them that may giue euidence. CHAP. 22.

    _ Of the Coroner. CHAP. 23.

    _ Of the Constables. CHAP. 24.

    _ Of the Sessions of Gaole deliuerie, and the definitiue proceedings in causes criminall. CHAP. 5.

    _ Certaine orders peculiar to England, touching punishments of malefactors. CHAP. 26.

    _ Of treason, and the triall which is vsed for the higher nobilitie and Barons. CHAP. 27.


    _ Of that which in other Countreis is called Appellation, or Prouocation, to amend the iudgement, or sentence definitiue, which is thought vniustly geuen in causes criminall. CHAP. 1.

    _ What remedie is, if the sentence be thought vniustlie giuen. CHAP. 2.

    _ Of that vvhich in England is called appeale, in other places accusation. CHAP. 3.

    _ Of the court of Starre Chamber. CHAP. 4.

    _ Of the Courtes of Wardes and Liueryes. CHAP. 5.

    _ The Duchie Court. CHAP. 6.

    _ The Court of requestes. CHAP. 7.

    _ Of wiues and mariages. CHAP. 8.

    _ Of Children. CHAP. 9.

    _ Of Bondage and Bondmen. CHAP. 10.

    _ Of the court which is Spirituall or Ecclesiasticall, and in the booke of Law, Court Christian, Curia Christianitatis. CHAP. 11.

Types of content

  • There are 3 verse lines!
  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

There are 52 ommitted fragments! @reason (52) : foreign (39), illegible (11), duplicate (2) • @resp (11) : #OXF (11) • @extent (13) : 1 word (2), 1 letter (3), 3 letters (1), 2 letters (3), 4 letters (1), 1 span (1), 1 page (2)

Character listing

Text string(s) codepoint(s)
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