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#Englands Helicon Casta placent superis, pura cum veste venite, et manibus puris sumite fontis aquam.# Englands Helicon Casta placent superis, pura cum veste venite, et manibus puris sumite fontis aquam.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2004-02 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2004-02 Aptara Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2004-03 Judith Siefring Sampled and proofread
  4. 2004-03 Judith Siefring Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2004-04 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##


  1. TO HIS LOVING KINDE FRIEND, Maister Iohn Bodenham.

  2. To his very louing friends, M. Nicholas VVanton, and M. George Faucet. (⸫)

  3. To the Reader, if indifferent.




  3. Astrophels Loue is dead.

  4. ¶A Palinode.

  5. ¶Astrophell the Sheep-heard, his complaint to his flocke.

  6. ¶Hobbinolls Dittie in prayse of Eliza Queene of the Sheepheards.

  7. ¶The Sheepheards Daffadill.

  8. ¶A Canzon Pastorall in honour of her Maiestie.

  9. ¶Melicertus Madrigale.

  10. ¶Olde Damons Pastorall.

  11. ¶Perigot and Cuddies Roundelay.

  12. ¶Phillida and Coridon.

  13. ¶To Colin Cloute.

  14. ¶Rowlands Song in praise of the fairest Beta.

  15. ¶The Barginet of Antimachus.

  16. ¶Menaphons Roundelay.

  17. ¶A Pastorall of Phillis and Coridon.

  18. ¶Coridon and Melampus Song.

  19. ¶Tityrus to his faire Phillis.

  20. ¶Sheepheard.

  21. Another of the same Authour.

  22. ¶Menaphon to Pesana.

  23. ¶A sweete Pastorall.

  24. ¶Harpalus complaynt on Phillidaes loue bestowed on Corin, who loued her not, and denyed him that loued her.

  25. ¶An other of the same subiect, but made as it were in aunswere.

  26. ¶The Nimphes meeting their May Queene, entertaine her with this Dittie.

  27. ¶Colin Cloutes mournfull Dittie for the death of Astrophell.

  28. ¶Damaetas Iigge in praise of his Loue.

  29. ¶Montanus praise of his faire Phaebe.

  30. ¶The complaint of Thestilis the forsaken Sheepheard.

  31. ¶To Phillis the faire Sheepheardesse.

  32. ¶The Sheepheard Dorons ligge.

  33. ¶Astrophell his Song of Phillida and Coridon.

  34. ¶The passionate Sheepheards Song.

  35. ¶The vnknowne Sheepheards complaint.

  36. ¶Another of the same Sheepheards.

  37. ¶The Sheepheards allusion of his owne amorous infelicitie, to the offence of Actaeon.

  38. ¶Montanus Sonnet to his faire Phaebe.

  39. ¶Phaebes Sonnet, a replie to Montanus passion.

  40. ¶Coridons supplications to Phillis.

  41. ¶Damaetas Madrigall in praise of his Daphnis.

  42. ¶Dorons description of his faire Sheepheardesse Samela.

  43. ¶Wodenfrides Song in praise of Amargana.

  44. ¶Another of the same.

  45. ¶An excellent Pastorall Dittie.

  46. ¶Phillidaes Loue-call to her Coridon, and his replying.

  47. ¶The Sheepheards solace.

  48. ¶Syrenus Song to Eugerius.

  49. ¶The Sheepheard Arsileus replie to Syrenus Song.

  50. ¶A Sheepheards dreame.

  51. ¶The Sheepheards Ode.

  52. ¶The Sheepheards commendation of his Nimph.

  53. ¶Coridon to his Phillis.

  54. ¶The Sheepheards description of Loue.

  55. ¶To his Flocks.

  56. ¶A Roundelay betweene two Sheepheards.

  57. ¶The solitarie Sheepheards Song.

  58. ¶The Sheepheards resolution in loue.

  59. ¶Coridons Hymne in praise of Amarillis.

  60. ¶The Sheepheard Carillo his Song.

  61. ¶Corins dreame of his faire Chloris.

  62. ¶The Sheepheard Damons passion.

  63. ¶The Sheepheard Musidorus his complaint.

  64. ¶The Sheepheards braule, one halfe aunswering the other.

  65. ¶Dorus his comparisons.

  66. ¶The Sheepheard Faustus his Song.

  67. ¶Another of the same, by Firmius the Sheepheard.

  68. ¶Damelus Song to his Diaphenia.

  69. ¶The Sheepheard Eurymachus to his faire Sheepheardesse Mirimida.

  70. ¶The Sheepheard Firmius his Song.

  71. ¶ The Sheepheards praise of his sacred Diana.

  72. ¶ The Sheepheards dumpe.

  73. ¶ The Nimph Dianaes Song.

  74. ¶Rowlands Madrigall.

  75. ¶ Alanius the Sheepheard, his dolefull Song, complayning of Ismeniaes crueltie.

  76. ¶Montana the Sheepheard, his loue to Aminta.

  77. ¶The Sheepheards sorrow for his Phaebes disdaine.

  78. ¶ Espilus and Therion, their contention in Song for the May-Ladie.

  79. ¶ Olde Melibeus Song, courting his Nimph.

  80. ¶ The Sheepheard Syluanus his Song.

  81. ¶Coridons Song.

  82. ¶ The Sheepheards Sonnet.

  83. ¶ Seluagia and Siluanus, their Song to Diana.

  84. ¶ Montanus his Madrigall.

  85. ¶ Astrophell to Stella, his third Song.

  86. ¶ A Song betweene Syrenus and Syluanus.

  87. ¶ Ceres Song in emulation of Cinthia.

  88. ¶A Pastorall Ode to an honourable friend.

  89. ¶A Nimphs disdaine of Loue.

  90. ¶Apollos Loue-Song for faire Daphne.

  91. ¶The Sheepheard Delicius his Dittie.

  92. ¶Amintas for his Phillis.

  93. ¶Faustus and Firmius sing to their Nimph by turnes.

  94. ¶Sireno a Sheepheard, hauing a lock of his faire Nimphs haire, wrapt about with greene silke, mournes thus in a Loue-Dittie.

  95. ¶A Song betweene Taurisius and Diana, aunswering verse for verse.

  96. ¶Another Song before her Maiestie at Oxford, sung by a comely Sheepheard, attended on by sundrie other Sheepheards and Nimphs.

  97. ¶The Sheepheards Song: a Caroll or Himne for Christmas.

  98. ¶Arsileus his Caroll, for ioy of the new mariage, betweene Syrenus and Diana.

  99. ¶Philistus farewell to false Clorinda.

  100. ¶Rosalindes Madrigall.

  101. ¶A Dialogue Song betweene Syluanus and Arsilius.

  102. ¶Montanus Sonnet.

  103. ¶The Nimph Seluagia her Song.

  104. ¶The Heard-mans happie life.

  105. ¶Cinthia the Nimph, her Song to faire Polydora.

  106. ¶The Sheepheard to the flowers.

  107. ¶The Sheepheard Arsilius, his Song to his Rebeck.

  108. ¶Another of Astrophell to his Stella.

  109. ¶Syrenus his Song to Dianaes Flocks.

  110. ¶To Amarillis.

  111. ¶Cardenia the Nimph, to her false Sheepheard Faustus.

  112. ¶Of Phillida.

  113. ¶Melisea her Song, in scorne of her Sheepheard Narcissus.

  114. ¶His aunswere to the Nimphs Song.

  115. ¶Her present aunswere againe to him.

  116. ¶His last replie.

  117. ¶Philon the Sheepheard, his Song.

  118. ¶Lycoris the Nimph, her sad Song.

  119. ¶To his Flocks.

  120. ¶To his Loue.

  121. ¶Another of his Cinthia.

  122. ¶Another to his Cinthia.

  123. Montanus Sonnet in the woods.

  124. ¶The Sheepheards sorrow, being disdained in loue.

  125. ¶A Pastorall Song betweene Phillis and Amarillis, two Nimphes, each aunswering other line for line.

  126. The Sheepheards Antheme.

  127. The Countesse of Pembrookes Pastorall.

  128. Another of Astrophell.

  129. ¶Faire Phillis and her Sheepheard.

  130. ¶The Sheepheards Song of Venus and Adonis.

  131. ¶Thirsis the Sheepheard his deaths song.

  132. ¶Another stanza added after.

  133. ¶Another Sonet thence taken.

  134. ¶The Sheepheards slumber. IN wonted walkes, since wonted fancies change,Some cause there is, which of strange cause doth rise:

  135. ¶Of disdainfull Daphne.

  136. ¶The passionate Sheepheard to his loue.

  137. ¶ The Nimphs reply to the Sheepheard.

  138. ¶ Another of the same nature, made since.

  139. ¶The Wood-mans walke.

  140. ¶Thirsis the Sheepheard, to his Pipe.

  141. ¶An excellent Sonnet of a Nimph.

  142. ¶A Report Song in a dreame, betweene a Sheepheard and his Nimph.

  143. ¶Another of the same.

  144. ¶The Sheepheards conceite of Prometheus.

  145. ¶Another of the same.

  146. ¶The Sheepheards Sunne.

  147. ¶Colin the enamoured Sheepheard, singeth this passion of loue.

  148. ¶Oenones complaint in blanke verse.

  149. ¶The Sheepheards Consort.

Types of content

  • There are 5707 verse lines!
  • There are 147 drama parts! This is verse drama.
  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

There are 20 ommitted fragments! @reason (20) : illegible (20) • @extent (20) : 1 line (10), 1 word (3), 1 letter (4), 2 letters (2), 3 letters (1)

Character listing

Text string(s) codepoint(s)
Latin-1 Supplement ¶ô 182 244
General Punctuation 8226
Superscripts and Subscripts 8308
Geometric Shapes ▪◊ 9642 9674
SupplementalPunctuation 11819
CJKSymbolsandPunctuation 〈〉 12296 12297

##Tag Usage Summary##

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16. trailer 147


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