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#[The cronycles of Englond] Chronicles of England.# [The cronycles of Englond] Chronicles of England.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


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Major revisions

  1. 2003-11 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2004-01 Apex CoVantage Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2004-02 Mona Logarbo Sampled and proofread
  4. 2004-02 Mona Logarbo Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2004-04 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##


  1. ¶How the land of Englond was fyrst named Albyon / And by what encheson it was so named Ca / jIn the noble Cyte of grete Troye ther was a noble knyght / & a man of grete power that was cal

  2. How Brute was dryuen oute of the lande / And how he helde hym in grece / Ca / ij

  3. How Coryn became brutes man / And how kyng Gossar was dysconfyted Capitulo tercio

  4. How Brute arryued at Totnesse in the yle of Albyon / And of the / bataylle that was bitwene Coryn / and Gogmagog Capitulo quarto

  5. How Brute made london & called this lond Brytaygne / and Scotland Albyne / and walys Cambyr / Capitulo quinto

  6. Of kyng Madan how he regned in pees al his life / and of menprys and of Mawlyn his sones / And how Menprys slowe maulyn his broder / & how wolues drow him al to pyeces / Ca / vj

  7. Of kyng Ebranc how he conquerd Fraunce. and bygate. xx soues / and xxiij doughters /

  8. Of the kyng Brute grenesheld the fyrst sone of Ebranc the kynge / Capitulo / 8

  9. Of kyng leyl / Capitulo / ix

  10. Of kyng lud ludybras / that was kyng leyles sone / Ca / x

  11. Of kyng Bladud / that was ludibras sone how he regned / & was a good man / and a nygromancer / Ca / xj /

  12. Of kynge leyr / and of the answer of his yongest doughter that graciously was maryed to the kyng of Fraunce / Ca / xij / Capitulo xiijTHus it fell afterward that tho ij eldest doughtre•… wolde not abide till leyr hir fadr

  13. How morgan and Conedage that were neueus to Cordeyll werred vpon hir / and put hir in to prison / Ca / xiiij /

  14. How Reynold that was Conedages sone regned after hys fadre / And in his tyme it rayned blode iij dayes in tokenynge of grete deth / Ca. xv

  15. How Gorbodyan regned in pees that was Reynolds sone / & after he died & lyeth at york / ca xvi

  16. How Gorbodyan had ij sones / & how that one slew that other for to haue the herytage, & how ydoyne hir moder slewe that other. wherfor the lande was destroyed, Ca / xvij

  17. How foure kynges curtoysly helde al britayne / and whiche ben hir names. Ca / xviij /

  18. Of kyng donebaud that was clotes sone / & how he had wōne the lande Ca / xix

  19. How donebaud was fyrste kynge that euer wered crowne of gold in Brytayne, Ca / xx.

  20. How Brenne & belyn departed bytwene hem the land after the deth of donebaud hir fadre / and of the werre / Ca xxj

  21. How Belyn droof oute of this land kyng gutlach of den marke & Samyee Ca, xxij

  22. How acord was made bytwene brenne and belyn thurgh cor newen hir moder / Ca / xxiij

  23. How kyng Cormbatu•…s slewe the kyng of denmark for enche son that he wold not pay hym his truage / Ca / xxiiij

  24. How the kyng guentholen regned in goodnesse & wel gouer ned the land al his lyfes tyme / Ca / xxv /

  25. How kyng seysel regned and wel gouerned the land after Guentolen / Ca / xxvj /

  26. How kymor r•…gned after seisel his fadre / & he bygate howan that regued after. Ca / xxvij

  27. How kyng morwith dyed thurgh meschaunce thurgh a beste for his wickednesse Ca / xxviij

  28. Of Grandobodyan that was morwiths sonne that made 〈◊〉 toune of Cambrydge / Ca / xx•… /

  29. Of Artogaill. that was grandobodyanus sone how he was •…a de kyng & syth put a doune / for his wykkednesse / Ca / 〈◊〉

  30. How Hesidur was made kyng after the deth of Artogayll his brother Ca / xxxj

  31. How the britons nomen hesydur oute of prison and made hym kyng the thyrd tyme / Ca / xxxij.

  32. How xxxiij kynges regned in pees eche after other after the deth of hesydur. Ca xxxiij

  33. How lud was made kyng after the deth of ely his fadre / Capitulo xxxiiij

  34. How the britons graūted to cassibalan that was ludes brother the land in whos tyme In•…us cesar come twyes for to •…nquere the land / Ca xxxv

  35. Of the debate that was bytwene cassibalā / & ther•…e of london and of the truage that was payd to Rome / Ca / xxxvj /

  36. How lordes of the land after the deth of Cassibalan for encheson that he had none heyr / made Andragen kyng / Ca / xxxvij

  37. Of kymbalyn that was Andragenys sone a good man and wel gouerned the lande / Ca / xxxviij

  38. Of kyng guyder that was kymbelynus sone wold not pay the •…age to rome for the lande that cassibalan had graunted / & how he was slayne of a Romayn. Ca / xxxix

  39. Of kyng Armager / in whos tyme saynt peter preched in anty oche with other apostles in dyuerse countreys / Ca / xl /

  40. How kyng westmer yaf to Berynger an yland forlet / and ther this berynger made the toune of Berwyk / Ca / xlj /

  41. How kyng westmer lete arere a stone in the entryng of west merlād ther that he slow roderik / and ther he bigan first housyng Capitulo xlij /

  42. Of kyng Coyl that was westmers sone. that helde his lande in pees his lyfes tyme / Ca / xliij /

  43. How kyng lucye regned after coill his fadre / that was a gode man / and after he bycome cristen / Ca / xliiij

  44. How this land was long withoute a kyng / and how the bretons chosen a kyng / Ca / xl /

  45. Of kyng Constance that was a Romayne that was chosen kyng after the deth of Coill. for as moche that he had spoused Ele yn / that was kyng Coyles doughter / Ca / xlvj

  46. How Constantin that was kyng Constances sone. and the sone of saynt elyn gouerned and ruled the lande. and was Emperour of Rome. Ca / xlvij

  47. How Maximian that was the Emperours Cosyn of rome spoused octauians doughter & was made kyng / Ca / xlviij /

  48. How Maxymyan that was the emperours cosyn conquerd the lande of Armorican / and yaf it to Conan merydoc / Ca / xl•…x

  49. How •…rsula & xj M vyrgyns, that were in hir companye went toward lytel britayne / & all were martred at Coleyne / Capitulo quinquagesimo

  50. How kyng gowan come for to destroye this land / & how a man of grete power / that was callyd gracian defended the land / Capitulo quinquagesimo primo /

  51. How gracian made hym kyng. whan maximian was slayne and afterward the britons slewe hym for his wykkednes / Ca lij

  52. How Constantin that was the kynges broder of litil britayn was crouned kyng of moche Britayne for his worthynes / Capitulo quinquagesimo tercio /

  53. Of Constance that was kyng Constantines sonne / that was monke at wynchestre / and how he was made kyng after hyr fadres deth thurgh counseill of •…ortiger that was erle of westsexe for as moche as Aurilambros and vter his two bretheren w•… but yonge of age / And •…ortiger lete slee hym to be kyng hym self. Capitulo liiij /

  54. How the wardeyns that had tho two children to kepe that we re Constantines sones lad hem to lytel Britayne for the treson & falsenesse of •…ortiger

Capitulo quinquagesimo quinto /

  1. How Engyst and xj thousand men come in to this lande to whome vortiger yafe a place that is callid thongcastell / Ca / •…vj

  2. Of Ronewen / that was Engystes doughter / & how the kyng Mortiger spoused hyr for hir beaute /

Capi•… quinquages•…mo septimo /

  1. How Mortimer that was Mortigers sonne was made kynge / and Engyst dryuen on•… / and how Mortimer was slayne / Capitulo lviij /

  2. How the Britons chosen another tyme Mortiger to •…en hyr kyng / and Engyst come in to this land ageyn▪ and they foughten to geder / Capitulo / Lix /

  3. How vortiger went in to wales / and bygàn there a castel▪ that▪ wolde not stande without mortier tempred with •…de / Ca lx /

  4. How the kyng lete seche merlyn thurgh al wales for to 〈◊〉 with hym / Capitulum / lx•… /

  5. Of the ansuere of merlyn wherfor the kyng ayed / why hys werk myght not stonde / that he had bygonne ner proue / Ca / Lxi•…

  6. Of the signyfycation of tho two dragons that were in the •…t tom of the ponde / that foughten to geder / Ca / lxiij

  7. Of kynge Aurilambros how he pursued Mortiger & engyst / & how they dyden. Ca / lxiiij /

  8. How Aurilambros dyde redresse the land of grete Britayn that was destroyed thurgh saxons / Ca, lxv /

  9. How the Britons went for to seche the grete stones in Irlond Capitulo / lxvj /

  10. How passent that was vortigers sonne & the kyng guyllomer come in to this land / & how a traitour that was called Co•… enpoysoned the kyng Aurilambros / Ca / lxvij /

  11. Whan Aurilambros was dede a sterre in the morne was seyne with a clere lyght / & at the bought of the beme was fey•… the 〈◊〉 of an horrible dragon / Ca / lxviij

  12. Of the betokenyng of the sterre / Ca / lxix /

  13. Of Vter pendragon / & wherfor he was callyd so after ye shalle here / And how he was ouertake with grete loue of Igerne that that was therle of Cornewaylles wyf / Ca. lxx /

  14. How Vter bygate on Igerne that was the erles wyf of Cor newayl Arthur kyng / Ca / lx•… /

  15. How kyng Vter chees aloth to kepe the land of britayne whyles that he was syke / for as moche as he myght not for his sekenesse / Capitulo, septuagesimo secundo /

  16. How Artur that was the sone of Vter was crouned after his fadres deth / & how he drofe Colegryne / and the saxons / & 〈◊〉 of Almayne oute of this land / Ca, 〈◊〉. 〈◊〉

  17. How Arthur yafe bataill to the saxons whan they come ayen and besyeged the tonne of bathe. & hem ouercome / Ca / Lxxiiij

  18. How kyng Arthur axed of Merlyn the auentures of six the last kyn̄ges that weren to regne in englond / & how the land shold ende / Ca / lxxv /

  19. How Arthur ouercome guyllomer that was kyng of Irlōd And how the scottys bycomen his men / Cao. / Lxxvjo.

  20. How kyng Arthur spoused gunnore that was gunnores Co syn erle of Cornewayle / and after he conquerd of guyllomer all Irlond. Cao. / lxxvijo.

  21. How kynge Arthur come in to Fraunce, and conquerd that lande of Frolle that was a Romayn. & hym sl•…we / Cao / lxxv•…

  22. How kyng Arthur auaunced all his men / that had trauaylin his seruyce / Cao. / lxxixo.

  23. Of the letter that was sent from the Cyte of Rome for pryde to kyng Arthur / Ca / lxxx /

  24. Of the bold ansuet that kyng Arthur sent to themperour of Rome and to the Romaynes / Cao / lxxxj /

  25. Of the reuerence that arthur dyd to the emperours messagyers of Rome Ca / lxxxij /

  26. Of the kynges and lordes that comen to helpe kyng Arthur a geynst the emperour / Capitulo, lxxxiij /

  27. How kyng Arthur fought with a geant in spayne, that was callyd dynabus that slewe eleyne / that was kyng ho•…ls cosyn of lytel britayne Capitulo lxxxi•…

  28. How kynge Arthur yafe batayll to the emperour / in whiche batayll the emperour was slayne / Capitulo / lxxxv /

  29. How kyng arthur lete entier his knyghtes that he had lost in that bataylle, and how he sente themperours body to Rome / that ther was slayn in bataylle. Ca / lxxxvj

  30. How mordred the traytour to whome kynge Arthur toke hys land to kepe & his castels / and helde it ageynst hym / Ca / lxxxvij

  31. How arthur enchaced mordred the traytour. & how he was sla yne / and also kyng Arthur wounded to deth / Ca / lxxxviij.

  32. How kynge Arthur delyuerd the realme to Constantyn the sone of Cador his neuew / Cao. lxxxixo

  33. How kyng Constantin was werred of mordredes two sones / Capitulo lxxxx

  34. Of the kynges Adelbryght and of edel / Ca / lxxxxj /

  35. How this land was callyd Englond for the name of Engist and how many kynges were made after in the land Capitulo / lxxxxvj

  36. How saynt Austyn baptised & conuerted kyng adelbright / & the bisshops that made his felawes, Cao. / lxxxxvijo.

  37. How saynt Austyn wente in to wales / there that the britons were / & how they nold not be obedyent to the Archebisshop of •…ū terbury / Cao. / lxxxxviiio.

  38. How kyng Adelbryght & the kyng olfryde slewe brecinale that was a kyng of britons that helde the countre of leycestre / Capitulo / lxxxxix /

  39. How Cadewan kynge of leycestre / & elfryde kyng of northūberlond were frendes / & of the debate that after was bytwene Edwyn and Cadwalyn that were both hyr sones▪ Capitulo Centesimo.

  40. How kyng oswald was slayn thurgh kyng Cadwalyn / and peanda / And how oswy that was seynt oswaldes brother regned after hym / & slewe peand•… / Ca / C / j /

  41. How kyng Cadewaldre that was Cadewaleyn•… sone regned after his fadre / and was the last kyng of briton•… / Capitulo / C / ijo /

  42. How Cadwaladre went out of this land in to lytel britayne

  43. How kyng offa was souerayne about al the kynges of Englond / & how euery kyng werrxd vpon other / Ca / C. ij

  44. How the kyng of northumberlond osbright forlay the wyf of Buerne bocard thurgh strength and after this buerne conquerd the kyng with power & strengthe Ca C iij

  45. How the danoys toke yorke / & slewe the kyng Osbryght / and after ward kyng elle / Cao. / C / iiijo.

  46. How saynt Edmond the kyng was martred / Cao / C. vo.

  47. How hubba & hungar toke the toune of red yng / Cao. / C / vjo.

  48. Of kyng Alured / & how the danoys in his tyme prayd hym of mercy that they must goon oute of the lande / Ca / C / vij /

  49. How hubba and hungar were slayn at Chippenham / & howe the danoys brought hyr kyng to our kyng / Cao. / C / viijo.

  50. How the dandys that comen in to Frannce with gurmond co men ageyn in to englond / & of the deth of kyng alured / Ca, C ix

  51. Of kyng edward that was kyng Aluredes sone / Cao. / C / xo. /

  52. Of kyng Athelston and of edmond eldred / and of Edewyne his broder / Capitulum / C / x•….

  53. Of kyng edgar that regned aboue the kynges of scotland / & of walys. & how he was bygyled thurgh takyng of his wyfe / Cao. / C / •…o.

  54. How that kyng edgar wedded estrylde after the 〈◊〉 of Edelwold / Ca / C / 〈◊〉

  55. Of seynt Edward the martir / how estryld his stepmoder lete hym 〈◊〉 for to make eldred hir owne sone kyng / Ca / C / xiiij /

  56. Of kyng e•…dred / 〈◊〉 how the kyng sweyne of denmark helde 〈◊〉 / And how Eldred that was seynt edwardes broder was not •…ed in his Royame / & therfor he fledde in to Normandye / 〈◊〉 / C / o. 〈◊〉o.

  57. How kynge eldred come ageyne fro normandye / and how knought the danoys regned / & of the werre bytwene hym 〈◊〉 Edmond Irensyde / C•… / C / 〈◊〉

  58. Of kyng knoght. Ca / C 〈◊〉

  59. How kyng Edmond Irensyde traytou•…sly was slayn thurgh a traytonr that was callyd edryth of stratton / Cao / C / xv•…ijo.

  60. How kyng knoght seynt kyng edmondes sones both in to denmarck for to slee / and how they were sauyd / Cao. / C / xix /

  61. How kyng knoght that was a proud man conquerd Norwey & how he bycome afterward meke and mylde / Capitulo / C / xx /

  62. Of kyng harold that leuer had gone in fote. than ride •…n 〈◊〉 Capitulo / C / xxj /

  63. Of kyng hardeknoght that was harolds broder / Cao / C / xxij.

  64. Of the vylonye that the danes dyde to the englysshe men / wher for from that tyme after was no danes made kyng of englond / Capitulo / C xxiij /

  65. How Godewyn the fals traytour toke Alured vpon Gyldesdoune whan he come f•…o normandye to be kyng of englond / and dyd hym ben martred in the yl•… of ely / Cao. / C / xxiiijo.

  66. Of saynt edward the confessour that was Aluredes brother / how he was kyng of englond. Ca / o. C / xxvo. /

  67. Of the fyrste specyalyte that god shewed for edwardes loue by his lyfe / Cao. / C / xxvjo /

  68. How therle godewyn come in to englond / and had ageyne all his land. and after ward saynt edward wedded hys doughter / Cao. / C. xxvijo.

  69. How kyng edward saw Sweyne kyng of denmark drenched in the see in the sacrament as he stode & herd masse / ca / C xxvij /

  70. How the rynge that seynt edward had yeue to a poure pylgrym for the loue of god / & saynt Iohan euangelyst come ageyne vnto kyng edward Capitulo / C xxix

  71. How seynt edward dyed on the xij day / Ca, C / xxx /

  72. How Harold that was gode wyns sone was made kyng / and how he scaped fro the duk of normandye / Cao. / C / xxxi

  73. How william bastard duk of normandy come in to englond / and slewe kyng harold / Cao. / C. xxxijo. /

  74. Of kynge william Rous that was wylliam bastardes sone / that destroyed tounes & houses of Relygyon for to make the newe forest / Capitulo C / xxxiiij /

  75. Of kynge henry beauclerke that was william Rous broder / & of the debate bytwene hym & Robert Curthose his broder Capitulo / C / xxxv /

  76. Of the debate that was bytwene kyng lowys of Fraunce / & kyng henry of englond / & how kyng henryes two sones were lost in the high see / Capitulo C / xxxvij.

  77. How mawde the emperesse come ageyne in to englond. And how she was afterward wedded to geffroy the erle of Angeo / Capitulo. C xxxvij

  78. How stephen kyng henryes sustres sone was made kyng of englond / Ca•… / C / xxxviij•… /

  79. How maude the emperesse went fro wynchestre vnto oxenford And after she escaped to wallyngford / and what sorow / & dysease that she had / Capitulo, C / xxxix.

  80. How gaufryd therle of Angeon yafe vp vnto Harry the Emperesse sone all Normandye / Capitulo / C / xl /

  81. Of kyng henry the second that was the emperesse sone / in whos tyme saynt thomas of Caunterbury was chaunceler / Ca / C. xlj /

  82. Of kyng henry that was sone of kyng henry the emperesse sone. & of the debate that was bytwene hym and his fudre whyle that he was in uormandye / Capitulo / C xlij.

  83. How the Cristen lost the holy land in the forsaid kynges tyme thurgh a fals cristen man / that bycome a sarasyn / Cao / C / xliij /

  84. Of kyng rychard that conquerd all the holy land that Cristen men had lost / Cao. / xliiij /

  85. Of kyng Iohan that in the fyrst yere of his regne lost al nor mandy / Ca / C / xlvj

  86. How kyng Iohan wold no thyng done for the popes cōmaūde ment / wherfor al englond was enterdyted & suspēded / cao. C / xlvij

  87. How Stephen of langeton come in to englōd thurgh the popes commaūdement / & he went ageyne / Cao. / C / xlviijo /

  88. How kyng Iohan destroyed the ordre of Cisteaux / cao. C xliy

  89. How pandolf delyuerd a clerk / that had falsed / & coūterfeted the kynges money byfore the kyng hym self / Ca. C / L /

  90. Of the letter oblygatorye that kyng Iohan made vnto the court of Rome / wherfor the petres pens ben gadred thurgh oute al En glond / Cao. C / ljo. /

  91. How the clerkes that were outlawed oute of Englonde come ageyne / & how kyng Iohan was assoylled / Ca / C, lijo.

  92. How the enterdytyng was vndone in englond / & of the debate that was bytwene kyng Iohan / & the barons of the reame. Capitulo. C / quinquagesimo tercio /

  93. How lowys the kyngys sone of fraūce come in to englond with a stronge power of peple to be kyng of englond, Cao / C / Liiij /

  94. And in the same tyme the pope sent in to englond a legate that was callyd swalo / & of kyng Iohans deth / Cao. / C / lvo. /

  95. Of kynge henry the thyrd that was crouned at gloucestre / Capitulo / C / lvj /

  96. How lowys torned ageyne in to fraūce / & of the confyrmacion of kyng Iohans chartre / Ca, C / lvij,

  97. Of the quinzeme of goodes that were graunted for the newe chartres / and of the purue•…unce of oxe•…ford / Ca / C / lviij /

  98. Of the syege of kenelworth / & how the gentilmen were disher•… ted thurgh counceyll of the lordes of the reame of englond / & how they come ageyne and had hir landes, Ca / C, lixo. /

  99. Profecye of merlyn of the king henry the first expouned that was

kyng Iohans sone / Ca / C / lx /

  1. Of kyng edward that was kyng henryes sone▪ ca / C▪ lxj /

  2. How ydeine that was lewelins doughtir of walis p•…nce & aymer that was therles broder of mōtford were takē in the see / ca / c •…ij

  3. How lewelyn thurgh eggynge of dauid his broder werryd ageyne vpon kyng edward / Ca / C lxiij /

  4. How Dauid that was lewelyns broder prynce of wa•…s was put to deth / Cao. / C. l•…iiijo. /

  5. Of the redressyng that kyng edward made of his Iusty•…s / & of his clerkes that they had done for hir falsenesse / & how he drofe the Iewes out of englond for her vsery / & misbyleue / cao / C 〈◊〉

  6. How kyng Edward was seased in al the londe of scotland thurgh cōsent & graūt of al the lordes of scotlād / cao. / C / 〈◊〉o. /

  7. How Syr Iohan bayllol kyng of scotlande withsayd his homage / & of syr thomas Turbeluylle. Ca•… / C / lxvij•… /

  8. Of the Conquest of Berewyk / Ca / C lyviij•…

  9. How william walleys lete slee hyr hugh of Cressyngham / & of the batayll of Fonkyrke. Ca. / C, lxx•…

  10. Of the last mariage of kyng edward / & how he wēt the thyrd

tyme in scotland Ca. / C lxxj

  1. How the castel of Estreuelyne was besyeged / Ca / C. lxxij. /

  2. How Troyle bastone was fyrst ordeyned / Ca / C / lxxiij /

  3. Of the deth of william waleys the fals traytout / Ca. / C lxx. •…ij

  4. How the Scotces come to kyng edward for to amende hir t•… space that they had done ageynst hym / Ca / C lxxv /

  5. How Robert the brus chalengyd Scotland / Ca. C. lxxv•…

  6. How Syr Iohan of Comyn gaynesayd the crounyng of Syr Robert the Brus / Ca.o. C / lxxvijo /

  7. How Syr Iohan was traytoursly slayn / Ca / C / lxxviij /

  8. How kyng edward dubbed at westmestre xxiiij score knyghtes. Cao. / C. lxxx

  9. How Robert the brus was scomfyted in bataylle / & how Symond Frysel was slayne / Ca / C lxxxj /

  10. How Iohan erle of atheles was take / & put to the deth / Capitulo / C lxxxijo. /

  11. How Iohan that was william walleys broder / was putt to the deth / Cao. / C lxxxiijo. /

  12. How Robert the brus fledde from scotland to Norwey / Capitulo C lxxxiiij /

  13. How kyng edward dyed / Capitulo / C / lxxxvo. /

  14. Of merlyns prophecyes that were declared of kyng Edward that was kyng henryes sone / Ca / C / lxxxvj /

  15. Of kyng Edward that was kyng edwardys sone / Capitulo C lxxxvij /

  16. How Robert the Brue come ageyne in to Scotland. & gadred a grete power of men / for to werre vpon kynge edward. Capitulo C lxxxviij /

  17. How the toune of Berwyk was take thurgh treason / & how two Cardynals were robbed in Englond / Cao. / C, lxxxixo.

  18. How the Scottes robbed northumberlond / Cao. / C / lxxxxo.

  19. How the Scottes wold not amende hir trespaas / & therfore Scotland was enterdyted / Ca / C / lxxxxjo. /

  20. How Syr hugh the spencers sone was made the kynges chāberlayne / and of the batayll▪ of mytone / Ca. C / lxxxxijo /

  21. How kynge edward dyd al maner thyng that sir hugh the spencer wolde / Ca, C / lxxxxiij /

  22. How Syr hugh the spencer & his fadre were exiled oute of en glond / Ca / C / lxxxxiiij.

  23. How the kyng exyled erle thomas of lancastre / & al that held with hym / & how the mortimer come & yelde hym to the kynge / & of the lordes, Cao / C. lxxxxvo. /

  24. Of the syege of Thykhylle / Capitulo / C lxxxxvjo.

  25. Of the scomfiture of Burbrudge / Cao / C lxxxxvijo. /

  26. How thomas of lancastre was byheded at poūtfret / and fyue barons honged and drawen there / Ca / C lxxxxviij /

  27. How kynge Edward wente in to Scotland with an honderd thousand men of Armes and myght not •…pede, Ca. C, lxxxxixo.

  28. How Syr Andrew of herkela was take / & pnt vnto the deth that was erle of Cardoylle / Capitulo / CCo. /

  29. Of the myracles that god wrought for seynt thomas loue of lā castre / wherfor the kyng lete close the chirch dores of the prioryr of

Pountfret, for no man shold come therin to the body for to offren Capituso, CC / j /

  1. How the quene Isabel went in to France for to treten of pees bytwene hir lord the kyng of Englond / & the kyng of fraunce hir broder. Ca / CC / ij

  2. How kyng Edward sente sir edward his sone the eldest in to fraunce / Cao. CC iijo. /

  3. How the kyng exyled his quene Isabel / & edward his eldest sone. Cao. CC / iiijo.

  4. How kyng edward thurgh counceyll of the spencers sent to the douzepers of fraunce / that they shold helpe that the quene Isabell & hir sonne Syr edward were exyled out of fraūce / cao. / CC / vo.

  5. whan kyng edward lete kepe the Costes by the see & lete trie al the price men of armes & fote men thurgh Englond / Capitulo CC vjo.

  6. How the quene Isabell / & sir Edward duke of guyhenne hir son•… come to londe at here wiche / & how they dyden / Ca / CC / vijo. /

  7. How maister waltier Stapylton Bisshop of excetre that was the kynges tresorer was byheded at london / Ca / CC / viij /

  8. How kyng edward & sir hugh spencer, and the erle of Arun dell were taken / Cao. / CC ixo. /

  9. How kyng Edward was put a doune / and his dygnyte benōme. Cao. / CC / xo. /

  10. Profecye of Merlyn declared of kynge Edward the sonne of kyng edward / Cao. CC / xio. /

  11. Of kyng Edward the thyrd after the conquest / / Cao / CC xij

  12. How kyng edward went to stanhope for to mete the Scottes Capitulo / CC / xiij /

  13. Longe berde hertelees / Peynted hood witlees. Gaye cote gra•…lees. makes englond thriftlees /

  14. How the englysshmen stopped the scottes in the parke of stanhope / & how they turned ayene in to Scotland / Ca / CC / xiiijo. /

  15. ¶ Of the deth of kyng edward of Carnariuan / Ca / CC / xvo. /

  16. How the pees was made bytwene the englysshmen / & the scot tes / and also of Iustyfyeng of Troylbastone / Cao. / CC / xvijo /

  17. Of the debate that was bytwene quene Isabell / and sir Henry Erle of lancastre and of leycestre / and of the ridynge of •…edeford / Cao. / CC / xvijo. /

  18. How kyng Edward went ouer the see for to do his homage vn to the kynge of fraūce for the duchye of guyhenne / Cao / CC xix

  19. How sir rogyer mortimer bare hym proudly & so hye / cao. cc xx

  20. How Edmond of wodestoke that was erle of kent / & the kynges broder Edward of Carnariuan was byheded at wynchestre Capitulo CC xxjo. /

  21. Of the deth of sir Rogyer mortimer erle of the marche. Capitulo / CCo. / xxijo. /

  22. How kyng Edward gete ageyne vnto hym gracyously the ho mages & feautes of scotlād / wherof he was put out thurgh fals counceyll of Isabel his moder / and sir Rogyer mortimer that was newe made erle of the marche / Cao. / CC. xx•…ijo. /

  23. This was the aray of the Scottes how that they comen in bataylles ageynst the two kynges of Englond and Scotland / In the vauntward of Scotland were these lordes / Cao. / CC / xxiiijo

  24. How kyng Edward made a duchye of the Erld•…m of 〈◊〉 waylle / & also of six other erles that were newe made / and of the fyrst chalengyng of the kyngdome of fraunce / Cao CC / •…vo. /

  25. How kyng edward come to the seluys / and discomfyted alle the power of fraunce in the hauen / Ca•… / CC•… / xxv•… /

  26. How kyng Edward sayled in to Normandye and arryued at hogges with a grete hoost / Ca•… / CC•… / xxvij /

  27. How kyng edward besyeged Caleys / & how it was y wonn•… and yolde to him / Cao. / CC / xxviijo. /

  28. How kyng Edward had a grete batayll with spaynardys in the see fast by wynchelsee / Cao. / CC / xxixo. /

  29. How kyng Edward was crouned kyng of Scotland / & how Prince Edward toke the kyng of fraunce▪ & sir phelip his yonger sone at the batayll of Peyters▪ Cao. / CCo. / xxxo. /

  30. How the grete company aroos in fraunce / & the whyte cōpany in lumbardye / & of many other meruayle / Cao / CCo. / xxxjo. /

  31. Of the grete wynde / & how prince Edward toke the lordshype of guyhenne of his fadre / & went thyder. Cao. / C Co. / xxxijo. /

  32. Of the batayll of spayne besides the water of Nazers that was bitwene the prince Edward & sir henry bastard of spayn / Capitulo CCo. / xxxiijo /

  33. How Syr Robert knolles with other certayne lordes of the reme went ouer the see in to fraūce / and of hir gouernaunce / Capitulo CC / xxxiiijo. /

  34. Of the besiegyng of Rochel / & how therle of penbroke & his cō pany was ther y take in the hauen with spaynardys / & al his •…s selles y brente / Cao. / CC / xxxvo. /

  35. How the duk of lancastre with a grete hoost wente in to flaū dres / & passed by parys thurgh Burgoyne / & thurgh al fraūce til he come to burdeux / Cao. / CC / xxxvjo.

  36. Of the deth of prince Edward & of the lord latymer & dame alice peres thurgh whome & hir mayntenours the reamme many a day was mysgouerned / Cao. / CC, xxxvijo. /

  37. Of the deth of kyng edward / & sir Iohn monsterworth a knyght was drawe & honged for his falsenesse / Cao. / CC / xxxviijo. /

  38. And after kyng Edward the third that was bore in wyndesore / regned Rychard of burdeux / that was prince Edwardys sone of walys / whiche prince edward was the sone of kyng edward Capitulo / CC / xxxixo. /

  39. How quene Anne was wedded to kyng Rychard / Cao. / xlo. /

  40. How the fyue lordes arisen at Rattecotte bridge / Cao., C C / •…lj

  41. How kyng Richard spoused dame Isabel the kynges doughter of fraūce in the toune of caleys / & brought hir in to englond & let hir be crouned quene in the Abbey of seynt peters of westmynstre Capitulo / CC / xlij /

  42. Of Syr henry of Bolyngbroke erle of Derby / that regned af ter kyng Richard. whiche was the fourth henry after the cōquest Capitulo / CC / xliijo. /

  43. Of kyng henry the fyfthe that was kynge henryes sonne / Capitulo, CC / xliiijo / ANd in the / vj / yere of kyng henryes regne the fyfthe be sent his vncle syr Thonas beaufort duk of

  44. How the kyng of englond was made herityer & regent of feaū•…r / and how he wedded quene katrryne / Cao / CC / xlo /

  45. Of the lawde of kyng henry the fyfthe / & what he ordeyued for kyng Rychard. & for hym self after his deth. Capitulo ducentesimo / xlvjo /

  46. How kyng henry the / vj / regned beyng a child not one yere of age / & of the batayl of vernoyl in perche / Cao / CC / xlvij /

  47. How ther was a grete affraye lyke to haue ben bytwene the Car dynal. & the duke of gloucestre, And of the coronacion of kyng Henry the syxthe / bothe in Englond & in fraūce, Capitulo / CC / xlviij /

  48. Cao / CCo. / x•…xo.

  49. How Caleys and guyues were besyeged by the duk of Bur•… goyne. and how they were rescued by the duk of gloucestre / Capitulo CC / lo. /

  50. How Owayn a squyer of walys that had wedded quene kate ryn was arestyd / and of the scysme bytwene Eugenye and felix Capitulo / CC / ljo. /

  51. How the duchesse of gloucestre was arestyd for treson / & commytted to perpetuel pryson in the yle of man / And of the deth of mayster Rogyer Bolyngbroke / Cao. / CC / lij /

  52. How kyng Henry wedded quene Margrete / and of hir Coro nacyon / Cao. / CC / lijio.

  53. How the good duk of Gloucestre Humfrey the kynges vncl•… was arestyd at the parlement of bnry, and his deth / and how an geo in mayne was delyuerd / Capitulo Ducentesimo / liijo. /

  54. How Syr Fraūceys Aragonoys toke fogyers in Normandye And of the losse of Constantynople by the turke / Capitush. CC / liiijo /

  55. How this yere was thynsurrectyon in kente of the comyns. of whome Iak •…de an yrysshman was Capytayne / Cao. / CC / lvo. /

  56. Of the feld that the duk of york toke at brentheth in kent / and of the byrthe of prince Edward / And of the first batayl at saynt Albons' where the duk of Somer•… was slayne, Cao. CC. lvjo. ,

  57. How the lord Egremond was take by therles of salesbury•… sones / And of the robbyng of Sandwiche. Cao. / CC / lvijo.

  58. How therles of marche warwyk. & salisbury entred in to Caleys / & how therle of warrewyk went in to Irlond / Capitulo / CC / lxo. /

  59. How therles of marche. of warwyk, & of salisbury entrid in to englond / And of the felde of Northampton / where dyuerse lordes were slayne, Capitulo / CC / lxj /

  60. How the noble duke of york was slayne / and of the feld of wake feld / And of the seconde Iourneye at saynt Albons by the Quene and prynce / Cao. , CC / lxij /

Types of content

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  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

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16. trailer 5


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