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#Christian letters full of spiritual instructions tending to the promoting of the power of godliness, both in person and families.#

##Alleine, Joseph, 1634-1668.## Christian letters full of spiritual instructions tending to the promoting of the power of godliness, both in person and families. Alleine, Joseph, 1634-1668.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2002-02 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2002-02 Apex CoVantage Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2002-03 TCP Staff (Michigan) Sampled and proofread
  4. 2002-03 Kirk Davis Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2002-04 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##



  1. CHRISTIAN LETTERS, Full of SPIRITUAL INSTRUCTIONS, Tending To the Promoting of the Power of Godliness, both in Persons, and Families.

    _ LETTER. I. To his Wife to Dispose her to his Ac•…ptance of Taunton, on small Maintenance.

    _ LETTER II. [Prepare for Suffering.] To my dearly belo•…ed the Flock of Christ in Taunton, Grace and Peace.

    _ LETTER III. [Warning to Professors.] To my most dearly beloved, my Christian Friends in Taunton, Salvation.

    _ LETTER IV. [A Call to the Unconverted.] To the Beloved People the Inhabitants of the Town of Taunton, Grace, Mercy, and Peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

    _ LETTER. V. [Trust God, and be sincere.] To my most endeared Friends, the Servants of Christ in Taunton, Grace and Peace.

    _ LETTER. VI. [Look out of your Graves upon the World.] To my most dearly Beloved Friends, the chosen of God in Taunton, Grace and Peace.

    _ LETTER VII. [First, Christian Marks: 2. Duties.] To the Beloved, my most endearing, and endeared Friends, the Flock of Christ in Taunton, Salvation. I Must say of you as David did of Jonathan, Very pleasant have you been unto me, and your love to meJust now I received your melting Letter, to which I am not able now to return an answer, but shall w _ LETTER VIII. [How to shew love to Ministers, and live joyfully.] To the most Loving and dearly Beloved, my Christian Friends in Taunton, Grace, Mercy, and Peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

    _ LETTER. IX. [Easie Sufferings.] To the most Loving and Beloved, my Christian Friends at•…aunton, Salvation.

    _ LETTER. X. [The Love of Christ.] To my Beloved in the Lord, the Flock of Christ in] Taunton, Grace and Peace.

    _ LETTER XI. [Remember Christ Crucified, and crucifie Sin.] To the Faithful and Well-beloved People, the servants of Christ in Taunton, Salvation. I Am by Office a Remembrancer, the Lords Remembrancer for you and your Remembrancer in the behalf ofMy dear Brother Norman salutes you tenderly, desiring you to be patient, to stablish your hearts, fo _ LETTER XII. [For daily Self-Examination.] To the most Beloved People, the Flock of Christ in Taunton, Salvation.

    _ LETTER XIII. [Motives and Marks of Growth.] To the most Loving, and best Beloved, the servants of Christ in•…aunton, Grace and Peace:

    _ LETTER XV. [Perswasion to Sinners, and comfort to Saints,] To my dearly Beloved, the Inhabitants of the Town of Taunton, Grace, Mercy, and Peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.

    _ LETTER. XVI. [How to live to God.] To the Beloved People, the Inhabitants of the Town of Taunton, Grace and Peace.

    _ LETTER XVII. [Motives to set our selves to please God.] To the most Loving, and best Beloved, the servants of Christ in Taunton, Grace and Peace:

    _ LETTER, XVIII. [The Worth of Holiness,] To the Beloved People the Flock of God in Taunton, Grace and Peace. I Am now a Prisoner of the Lord for you Gentiles, and therefore have sent these few Lines, to beseecMost Dearly Beloved,This was intended for you a Week sooner then it comes to be communicated. I purp _ LETTER XIX. [1. Try. 2. Rejoyce.] To the most loving, and best beloved, the Flock of Christ in Taunton, Grace and Peace.

    _ LETTER XX. [The Felicity of Believers.] To the most beloved People, the servants of God in Taunton, Salvation.

    _ LETTER, XXI. [What do you more than others?] To the most dearly Beloved, the Servants in Taunton, Grace and Peace.

    _ LETTER XXII. [Christian Care, Faith, Self-denial.] To the most Beloved People, the Servants of God in Taunton, Salvation.

    _ LETTER XXIII. [Right Reasons in Suffering.] To the most loving, and best beloved, the Flock of Christ in Taunton, Grace and Peace.

    _ LETTER XXIV. [Councel for Salvation.] To the most beloved People, the servants of God in Taunton, Salvation.

    _ LETTER. XXV. To the loving and most beloved People, the Servants of God in Taunton, Grace and Peace.

    _ LETTER XXVI. [The Character and priviledges of true Believers.] To the loving and most beloved People, the Servants of God in Taunton, Grace and Peace.

    _ LETTER XXVII. [O•… the Second coming of Christ.] To the Faithful, and Beloved, the Servants of God i•… Taunton, Grace and Peace.

    _ LETTER XXVIII. [Of the Love of Christ.] To his most endeared Friends, the servants of God in Taunton, Salvation.

    _ LETTER. XXIX. [Warning t•… Professors of their Danger.] To the Beloved •…ople, the Inhabitants of the Town of〈…〉, Grace and Peace.

    _ LETTER. XXX. [An Admiration of the Love of God.] To the most Loving, and best Beloved, the servants of God in Taunton, Salvation.

    _ LETTER XXXI. To the most Beloved People, the Servants of God in Taunton, Salvation.

    _ LETTER. XXXII. [He that endureth to the end shall be saved.] To the most loving, and best beloved, the Serv•…ts of Christ in Huntington, Grace and Peace.

    _ LETTER XXXIII. [For Perseverance.] To my dear Friends the Servants of Christ in Luppit, Salvation.

    _ LETTER XXXIV. [To a Back-sliding Fellow Student.]

    _ LETTER XXXV. [Good Counsel to his Wise.]

    _ LETTER. XXXVI. [To his Wife, Desires after Heaven.]

    _ LETTER XXXVII. [God is a satisfying Portion.]

    _ LETTER XXXVII. [To a person of Quality to be constant.]


    _ LETTER. XXXV. [The Concernments of our Souls especially to be regarded.]

    _ LETTER. XXXVI. [Godly Counsels.]


    _ LETTER XXXVIII. [Do all in reference to God and his Glory.]

    _ LETTER. XXXIX. PRISON COMFORTS. [To a Minister in Prison.]

    _ LETTER. XL. [Directions to the Ministers of Somersetshire and Wiltshire, for the instructing of Families by way of Catechising.]

Types of content

  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

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Character listing

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