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#Adenochoiradelogia, or, An anatomick-chirurgical treatise of glandules & strumaes or, Kings-evil-swellings : together with the royal gift of healing, or cure thereof by contact or imposition of hands, performed for above 640 years by our Kings of England continued with their admirable effects, and miraculous events, and concluded with many wonderful examples of cures by their sacred touch / all which are succinctly described by John Browne.#

##Browne, John, 1642-ca. 1700.## Adenochoiradelogia, or, An anatomick-chirurgical treatise of glandules & strumaes or, Kings-evil-swellings : together with the royal gift of healing, or cure thereof by contact or imposition of hands, performed for above 640 years by our Kings of England continued with their admirable effects, and miraculous events, and concluded with many wonderful examples of cures by their sacred touch / all which are succinctly described by John Browne. Browne, John, 1642-ca. 1700.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2006-05 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2006-12 SPi Global Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2007-02 Mona Logarbo Sampled and proofread
  4. 2007-02 Mona Logarbo Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2008-02 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##

Types of content

  • There are 24 verse lines!
  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

There are 75 ommitted fragments! @reason (75) : illegible (27), foreign (18), illegible: missing (29), blank (1) • @extent (57) : 1 letter (46), 1+ letters (4), 1 span (1), 2+ letters (2), 1 word (3), 2 letters (1)

Character listing

Text string(s) codepoint(s)
Latin-1 Supplement æòàèâáù  230 242 224 232 226 225 249 160
Latin Extended-A ſ 383
Latin Extended-B Ʋ 434
IPA Extensions ʒ 658
General Punctuation •… 8226 8230
Letterlike Symbols ℞℥℈ 8478 8485 8456
Geometric Shapes ▪◊ 9642 9674
Miscellaneous Symbols 9791
CJKSymbolsandPunctuation 〈〉 12296 12297

##Tag Usage Summary##

###Header Tag Usage###

No element name occ attributes
1. author 2
2. availability 1
3. biblFull 1
4. change 5
5. date 8 @when (1) : 2008-09 (1)
6. edition 1
7. editionStmt 1
8. editorialDecl 1
9. extent 2
10. idno 6 @type (6) : DLPS (1), STC (2), EEBO-CITATION (1), OCLC (1), VID (1)
11. keywords 1 @scheme (1) : (1)
12. label 5
13. langUsage 1
14. language 1 @ident (1) : eng (1)
15. listPrefixDef 1
16. note 5
17. notesStmt 2
18. p 11
19. prefixDef 2 @ident (2) : tcp (1), char (1) • @matchPattern (2) : ([0-9-]+):([0-9IVX]+) (1), (.+) (1) • @replacementPattern (2) :$1&page=$2 (1),$1 (1)
20. projectDesc 1
21. pubPlace 2
22. publicationStmt 2
23. publisher 2
24. ref 2 @target (2) : (1), (1)
25. seriesStmt 1
26. sourceDesc 1
27. term 2
28. textClass 1
29. title 3
30. titleStmt 2

###Text Tag Usage###

No element name occ attributes
1. abbr 12
2. am 2
3. back 2
4. bibl 1
5. body 9
6. cell 531 @role (25) : label (25) • @cols (21) : 2 (21)
7. closer 15
8. date 7
9. dateline 8
10. desc 75
11. div 135 @type (135) : frontispiece (1), illustration (1), title_page (4), approbation (1), copyright_privilege (1), dedication (4), to_the_reader (3), encomium (1), book (2), chapter (57), list_of_authors (1), table_of_contents (4), recipe (51), text (1), table (2), publishers_advertisement (1) • @n (59) : 1 (6), 2 (6), 3 (5), 4 (5), 5 (5), 6 (5), 7 (5), 8 (3), 9 (3), 10 (3), 11 (1), 12 (1), 13 (1), 14 (1), 15 (1), 16 (1), 17 (1), 18 (1), 19 (1), 20 (1), 21 (1), 22 (1), 23 (1)
12. ex 2
13. expan 2
14. figDesc 1
15. figure 2
16. floatingText 6 @type (6) : letter (6)
17. front 3
18. g 4304 @ref (4304) : char:EOLhyphen (4177), char:punc (28), char:abque (2), char:V (19), char:EOLunhyphen (7), char:dram (71)
19. gap 75 @reason (75) : illegible (27), foreign (18), illegible: missing (29), blank (1) • @extent (57) : 1 letter (46), 1+ letters (4), 1 span (1), 2+ letters (2), 1 word (3), 2 letters (1)
20. head 130
21. hi 2763 @rend (8) : sup (8)
22. item 284
23. l 24
24. list 24
25. note 400 @place (400) : margin (400)
26. opener 13
27. p 588
28. pb 693 @facs (693) : tcp:40826:1 (2), tcp:40826:2 (2), tcp:40826:3 (2), tcp:40826:4 (2), tcp:40826:5 (2), tcp:40826:6 (2), tcp:40826:7 (2), tcp:40826:8 (2), tcp:40826:9 (2), tcp:40826:10 (2), tcp:40826:11 (2), tcp:40826:12 (2), tcp:40826:13 (2), tcp:40826:14 (2), tcp:40826:15 (2), tcp:40826:16 (2), tcp:40826:17 (2), tcp:40826:18 (2), tcp:40826:19 (2), tcp:40826:20 (2), tcp:40826:21 (2), tcp:40826:22 (2), tcp:40826:23 (2), tcp:40826:24 (2), tcp:40826:25 (2), tcp:40826:26 (2), tcp:40826:27 (2), tcp:40826:28 (2), tcp:40826:29 (2), tcp:40826:30 (2), tcp:40826:31 (2), tcp:40826:32 (2), tcp:40826:33 (2), tcp:40826:34 (2), tcp:40826:35 (2), tcp:40826:36 (2), tcp:40826:37 (2), tcp:40826:38 (2), tcp:40826:39 (2), tcp:40826:40 (2), tcp:40826:41 (2), tcp:40826:42 (2), tcp:40826:43 (2), tcp:40826:44 (2), tcp:40826:45 (2), tcp:40826:46 (2), tcp:40826:47 (2), tcp:40826:48 (2), tcp:40826:49 (2), tcp:40826:50 (2), tcp:40826:51 (2), tcp:40826:52 (2), tcp:40826:53 (2), tcp:40826:54 (2), tcp:40826:55 (2), tcp:40826:56 (2), tcp:40826:57 (2), tcp:40826:58 (2), tcp:40826:59 (2), tcp:40826:60 (2), tcp:40826:61 (2), tcp:40826:62 (2), tcp:40826:63 (2), tcp:40826:64 (2), tcp:40826:65 (2), tcp:40826:66 (2), tcp:40826:67 (2), tcp:40826:68 (2), tcp:40826:69 (2), tcp:40826:70 (2), tcp:40826:71 (2), tcp:40826:72 (2), tcp:40826:73 (2), tcp:40826:74 (2), tcp:40826:75 (2), tcp:40826:76 (2), tcp:40826:77 (2), tcp:40826:78 (2), tcp:40826:79 (2), tcp:40826:80 (2), tcp:40826:81 (2), tcp:40826:82 (2), tcp:40826:83 (2), tcp:40826:84 (2), tcp:40826:85 (2), tcp:40826:86 (2), tcp:40826:87 (2), tcp:40826:88 (2), tcp:40826:89 (2), tcp:40826:90 (2), tcp:40826:91 (2), tcp:40826:92 (2), tcp:40826:93 (2), tcp:40826:94 (2), tcp:40826:95 (2), tcp:40826:96 (2), tcp:40826:97 (2), tcp:40826:98 (2), tcp:40826:99 (2), tcp:40826:100 (2), tcp:40826:101 (2), tcp:40826:102 (2), tcp:40826:103 (2), tcp:40826:104 (2), tcp:40826:105 (2), tcp:40826:106 (2), tcp:40826:107 (2), tcp:40826:108 (2), tcp:40826:109 (2), tcp:40826:110 (2), tcp:40826:111 (2), tcp:40826:112 (2), tcp:40826:113 (2), tcp:40826:114 (2), tcp:40826:115 (2), tcp:40826:116 (2), tcp:40826:117 (2), tcp:40826:118 (2), tcp:40826:119 (2), tcp:40826:120 (2), tcp:40826:121 (2), tcp:40826:122 (2), tcp:40826:123 (2), tcp:40826:124 (2), tcp:40826:125 (2), tcp:40826:126 (2), tcp:40826:127 (2), tcp:40826:128 (2), tcp:40826:129 (2), tcp:40826:130 (2), tcp:40826:131 (2), tcp:40826:132 (2), tcp:40826:133 (2), tcp:40826:134 (2), tcp:40826:135 (2), tcp:40826:136 (2), tcp:40826:137 (2), tcp:40826:138 (2), tcp:40826:139 (2), tcp:40826:140 (2), tcp:40826:141 (2), tcp:40826:142 (2), tcp:40826:143 (2), tcp:40826:144 (2), tcp:40826:145 (2), tcp:40826:146 (2), tcp:40826:147 (2), tcp:40826:148 (2), tcp:40826:149 (2), tcp:40826:150 (2), tcp:40826:151 (2), tcp:40826:152 (2), tcp:40826:153 (2), tcp:40826:154 (2), tcp:40826:155 (2), tcp:40826:156 (2), tcp:40826:157 (2), tcp:40826:158 (2), tcp:40826:159 (2), tcp:40826:160 (2), tcp:40826:161 (2), tcp:40826:162 (2), 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29. q 18
30. row 276
31. salute 16
32. seg 1 @rend (1) : decorInit (1)
33. signed 14
34. table 2
35. text 3 @xml:lang (3) : unk (0)
36. trailer 3


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