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#Chorus poetarum, or, Poems on several occasions by the Duke of Buckingham, the late Lord Rochester, Sir John Denham, Sir Geo. Etheridge, Andrew Marvel, Esq., the famous Spencer, Madam Behn, and several other eminent poets of this age.# Chorus poetarum, or, Poems on several occasions by the Duke of Buckingham, the late Lord Rochester, Sir John Denham, Sir Geo. Etheridge, Andrew Marvel, Esq., the famous Spencer, Madam Behn, and several other eminent poets of this age.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2004-02 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2004-03 Apex CoVantage Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2004-05 Olivia Bottum Sampled and proofread
  4. 2004-05 Olivia Bottum Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2004-07 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##

#####Front##### THere is lately Publish'd, Miscellaneous Letters and Essays, on several Subjects. Philosophical, Mor

  1. THE Epistle Dedicatory, TO Sir FLEETWOOD SHEPPARD.

  2. Advertisement TO THE READER.

#####Body##### POEMS ON Several Occasions.

  1. ON His Majesty's Conquests IN IRELAND.


  3. To CHRISTINA, Queen of Sweden. By Mr. Marvel.BEllipotens virgo, septem Regina trienum,Christina, Arctoi lucida stella poli;Cernis qEnglish'd by Sir F. S.BRight Martial Maid, Queen of the frozen Zone,The Northern Pole supports thy s

  4. On the late Sickness of Madam MOHUN, and Mr. CONGREVE.

  5. On a Lady's Arrival from Holland.

  6. Engrav'd on a Medal of the French King's. PRoximus & similis regnas, Lodoice, Tonanti,Vim summam, summâ cum pietate geris;Optimus expansis ali _ English'd thus:

  7. A Letter from two Gentlemen in the Country to a Friend in the City. By Madam Behn.I.THE Gods are not more blest than he,Who fixing his glad Eyes on thee,With thy bright

  8. To the Precise Cloris.

  9. To his Departing Friend.

  10. On Cleona, walking in the Sun.

  11. Written on a Letter, sent to his Mistress.

  12. To CUPID.

  13. In Praise of Satyr.

  14. A Letter to Walter Moyle, Esq

  15. A SONG.

  16. A SONG.

  17. A Translation out of the Priapeia.

  18. Rawleigh's Ghost in Darkness: Or Truth cover'd with a Veil.

  19. The Loyal SCOT, by Cleveland's Ghost.

  20. To the Memory of the most Illustrious Prince GEORGE, Duke of Buckingham.

  21. The two ways Regulus the Roman was put to Death by the Carthaginians. WHen the bold CarthaginianFought with Rome for Dominion,Little Reg was ta'ne in the Quarrel;They led _ The other way.

  22. Caelia's Welcome into the Country from the Hurry of the Town.

    _ De Caelia & Cupidine. Vidit Amor dominam; stupuit, cecidêre sagittae;Armavit sese Caelia, fugit amor.

    • English'd thus:

    _ Mentulae verba ad Dominam.

  23. A Familiar Dialogue betwixt Strephon and Sylvia.

  24. Against, and for Life.

  25. On FORTUNE.

  26. On a Lewd Scotch Parson.

  27. The Enjoyment.

  28. LIFE.

  29. The FLEA, out of Ovid.

  30. To SYLVIA: An Excuse for having lov'd another in her Absence.

  31. No true Love between Man and Woman.

  32. A Satyr against Poetry.

  33. EPIGRAM.

  34. To the Infinitely lov'd Memory of my Dearest—

  35. The Tempest.

  36. To the Sacred Memory of Charles the First.

  37. On a Gentleman, who had been a great Penitent.

  38. To his MISTRESS.

  39. SONG.

  40. SONG.

  41. To King WILLIAM. —Similem quae praetulit aetas?Concilio, vel Marte Virum? nunc Brutus amaretVivere sub Regno tali; su _ Thus English'd.

  42. To my Friend Mr. Charles Hopkins: On reading his Translations out of Ovid and Tibullus.

  43. By SPENCER.

  44. To SYLVIA.

  45. An Imitation of Qualis nox fuit illa dii Deaeque!Quam mollis torus! Haesimus calentes;Et transfudimus hinc & hinc laOH! what a Night was that, ye Pow'rs Divine!When I lay lock'd within her Arms, she clasp'd in mine:O Types of content

  • There are 2293 verse lines!
  • There are 31 drama parts! This is verse drama.
  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

There are 7 ommitted fragments! @reason (7) : illegible: indecipherable (1), illegible: under-inked (5), illegible: obscured (1) • @extent (7) : 1 letter (5), 5 letters (1), 1 word (1)

Character listing

Text string(s) codepoint(s)
Latin-1 Supplement âêà 226 234 224
Latin Extended-A ś 347
General Punctuation •— 8226 8212
Geometric Shapes ▪◊ 9642 9674
CJKSymbolsandPunctuation 〈〉 12296 12297

##Tag Usage Summary##

###Header Tag Usage###

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2. availability 1
3. biblFull 1
4. change 5
5. date 8 @when (1) : 2004-08 (1)
6. edition 1
7. editionStmt 1
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9. extent 2
10. idno 6 @type (6) : DLPS (1), STC (2), EEBO-CITATION (1), OCLC (1), VID (1)
11. keywords 1 @scheme (1) : (1)
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14. language 1 @ident (1) : eng (1)
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18. p 11
19. prefixDef 2 @ident (2) : tcp (1), char (1) • @matchPattern (2) : ([0-9-]+):([0-9IVX]+) (1), (.+) (1) • @replacementPattern (2) :$1&page=$2 (1),$1 (1)
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24. ref 2 @target (2) : (1), (1)
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26. sourceDesc 1
27. term 1
28. textClass 1
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30. titleStmt 2

###Text Tag Usage###

No element name occ attributes
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3. byline 22
4. closer 3
5. desc 7
6. div 65 @type (65) : publishers_advertisement (1), title_page (1), dedication (1), to_the_reader (1), half_title (1), poem (41), version (10), song (5), part (4) • @xml:lang (10) : lat (0), eng (0)
7. epigraph 1
8. ex 5
9. expan 5
10. g 83 @ref (83) : char:EOLhyphen (75), char:punc (3), char:abque (5)
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12. head 85 @type (13) : sub (13)
13. hi 697
14. item 6
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16. lg 106 @n (18) : 1 (6), 2 (6), 3 (4), 4 (2)
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18. note 3 @place (3) : margin (3) • @n (2) : * (2)
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22. q 4
23. salute 2
24. signed 2
25. sp 31
26. speaker 31
27. trailer 1


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