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#The law against bankrupts: or, A treatise wherein the statutes against bankrupts are explained by several cases, resolutions, judgments and decrees, both at common law and in Chancery. Together with the learning of declarations and pleading relating thereunto. To which are likewise added forms and directions for commissioners, and presisidents, fit for the perusal of lawyers, or merchants and tradesmen. By T.G. serjeant at law.#

##Goodinge, Thomas.## The law against bankrupts: or, A treatise wherein the statutes against bankrupts are explained by several cases, resolutions, judgments and decrees, both at common law and in Chancery. Together with the learning of declarations and pleading relating thereunto. To which are likewise added forms and directions for commissioners, and presisidents, fit for the perusal of lawyers, or merchants and tradesmen. By T.G. serjeant at law. Goodinge, Thomas.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2007-09 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2007-10 Apex CoVantage Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2008-01 Judith Siefring Sampled and proofread
  4. 2008-01 Judith Siefring Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2008-02 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##






  5. ERRATA.


  1. CHAP. I.

  2. CHAP. II.

    _ Notes, Caſes, and Reſolutions upon the Clauſes of the ſaid Statutes, relating to the Trade, Profeſſion, or Occupation of ſuch an one as ſhall be accounted a Bankrupt; and what ſhall be ſaid a buying and ſelling within the Statutes.

  3. CHAP. III.

    _ This Deſcription conſiſts of theſe ſeveral parts.

    _ Of Settlements voluntary.

    _ Of fraudulent Deeds and Settlements, in reference to Purchaſes, vide infra.

  4. CHAP. IV.

  5. CHAP. V.

    _ Who are Creditors within the Statute, and who not.

    _ Of Preference.

    _ Of Creditors coming in, and of Contribution.

    _ The Form of an Authority to receive Contribution Mony.

  6. CHAP. VI.

    _ The Stile of the Depoſitions.

  7. CHAP. VII.

    _ Commiſſioners Power.

    _ The Commiſſionrs Power in breaking up Houſes.

    _ The Commiſſioners Power concerning the Bankrupts Body, and concerning the Bankrupts Wife.

    _ Of the Examination of theBankrupt. his Wife.other Perſons as Witneſſes, Concealers, &c.And of their refuſal to ſwear and diſcover the Truth, and the Conſequence.

    _ Of the Examination of Witneſſes, and others, for the diſcovery of the Bankrupts Eſtate Real and Perſonal, and his Debts, and the penalty for refuſing to be ſworn and examined, or to diſcover.

    _ Of Perjury,By the Bankrupt,Witneſſes, Concealers and others, and the Penalties.

    _ Of Forfeitures on theſe Acts, and how to be diſpoſed.

    _ Interrogatories.

  8. CHAP. VIII.

    _ General Notes of Sales by Commiſſioners.

    _ Of the Sale and Diſpoſition of the Freehold Eſtate of the Bankrupt.

    _ Of Lands Purchaſed by, or Deſcended or Deviſed to the Bankrupt ſince he was a Bankrupt.

    _ Of Lands Mortgaged, or Eſtates on Condition.

    _ Of Lands whereof the Bankrupt is jointly ſeiſed.

    _ LandsSetled.Sold. Settlements: What ſhall be accounted Fraudulent and ſhall be avoided, and the Sale by the Commiſſioners good, and what not.

    _ What Sales and Aſſurances ſhall be avoided, and where the Purchaſers are ſafe or not.

    _ Concerning the Sale of Copyhold Lands.

  9. CHAP. IX.

    _ How, and where the Goods of a Bankrupt, liable to Execution, may be ſold by Commiſſioners, and how, and where not.

    _ Truſt. Of other mens Goods, of which the Bankrupt is in poſſeſſion, and reputed Owner: Or Bonds take in his name.

    _ Bonds.

    _ Of Goods Pawned.

    _ Diſpoſition of Rent.

  10. CHAP. X.

    _ What Goods, or other Estate of the Bankrupt may be ſold and aſſigned by them, Vide ſupra.

    _ Leaſes diſpoſed by the Commiſſioners.

    _ Advowſons, Preſentations.

    _ Common.

    _ Rents, Vide ſupra. Herriots, Reliefs.

    _ What Aſſignment by the Commſſioners ſhall be good, and what not.

    _ Declaration.

  11. CHAP. XI.

    _ Aſſignee ſhall have Debt on a Bond: Trover, Det on Contract; Indeb. Aſſumpſit: Action on the Caſe, &c. and other Remedies as the Bankrupt might have.

    _ Of Actions brought by the Bankrupt himſelf.

    _ Of Declarations by Aſſignees of Commiſſioners of Bankrupt.

    _ The Form of a Declaration by Aſſignees: Of the Commiſſioners of Bankrupts againſt a Debtor.

    _ Det per Aſſignee of the Commiſſioners of Bankrupcy, upon a Bond made to the Bankrupt.

  12. CHAP. XII.

    _ Of Pleadings to Actions brought againſt the Commiſſioners.

  13. CHAP. XIII.

    _ Of the Venue.

    _ Evidence 〈◊〉

    _ Maxims of Bankrupts.

  14. CHAP. XIV.

    _ Of Diſtribution, Vide prius ſub Titul’ Aſſignment.

    _ Notice to Creditors of making a Dividend; upon paying Contribution Mony, and proving their Debts.

  15. CHAP. XV.

  16. CHAP. XVI.

    _ Remedy for the Creditors for the Remainder of their Debts.

    _ Of the Commiſſioners Account to the Bankrupt, and of the Overplus of the Eſtate, if any be.

    _ What Remedy the Bankrupt, or Creditor, or others may have in Caſe of Miſdemeaner againſt the Commiſſioners.

    _ Allens Caſe in Chancery.

    _ Of Bills of Conformity.

  17. CHAP. XVII.

    _ Plea to an Indebitatus Aſſumpſit that it was Aſſigned by the Commiſſioners of Bankrupts.

    _ Plea to Bond for performance of Covenants (or Articles) for payment of Rent, that the Plaintiff was a Bankrupt, and that the Defendant paid the Mony to the Aſſignees of the Commiſſioners of Bankrupts.

    _ Scire Fac’ pro Creditoribus ſur Stat’ de Bankrupts ſur Judgment recuper’ per le Bankrupt envers Executrix.

    _ An Indenture of Aſſignment by the Commiſſioners of Bankrupts.

    _ Another Form of an Aſſignment.

    _ A Deed of Diſtribution from Commiſſioners of Bankrupts to the Creditors.

    _ Bill by a Principal Creditor to call the Aſſignees to Account, and diſcover what of the Bankrupts Eſtate came to their hands.

    _ Bond from the Aſſignees to the Principal Creditor in 2000 l. to pay his proportionable ſhare.

    _ Plea and Demurrer to a Bill brought by the Complainants as Creditors and Aſſignees under a Statute of Bankrupt, to avoid Leaſes, and redemiſe for ſecurity of Mony made to the Defendant by the Bankrupt, on pretence the Commiſſioners had Aſſigned the Creditors to pay the Mony to the Defendant, and he to Aſſign his Eſtate; Whereas the Commiſſioners had no power to do the ſame, and the Eſtate in Law made to the Defendant was two Years and ſix Months before the pretended Bankrupcy; and for Plea, the Defendant offers the Indentures, and a Fine levyed to him, long before the Bankrupcy.

    _ Mr. Ben. Hintons Caſe in Chancery.



Types of content

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