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#An exact collection of the works of Doctor Jackson ... such as were not published before : Christ exercising his everlasting priesthood ... or, a treatise of that knowledge of Christ which consists in the true estimate or experimental valuation of his death, resurrection, and exercise of his everlasting sacerdotal function ... : this estimate cannot rightly be made without a right understanding of the primeval state of Adam ... Works. Selections. 1654#

##Jackson, Thomas, 1579-1640.## An exact collection of the works of Doctor Jackson ... such as were not published before : Christ exercising his everlasting priesthood ... or, a treatise of that knowledge of Christ which consists in the true estimate or experimental valuation of his death, resurrection, and exercise of his everlasting sacerdotal function ... : this estimate cannot rightly be made without a right understanding of the primeval state of Adam ... Works. Selections. 1654 Jackson, Thomas, 1579-1640.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2005-11 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2005-11 Aptara Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2006-09 Ali Jakobson Sampled and proofread
  4. 2006-09 Ali Jakobson Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2007-02 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##



  2. A Table conteining the Principal Arguments of the ſeveral Sections and Chapters in this Book.

  3. A Table of the Texts of Holy Scripture Expounded or Illustrated in this BOOK.


  1. A TREATISE OF The Primaeval eſtate of the Firſt Man. Of the Manner how Sin found Entrance into, and is Propagated in the World. Of the Nature of Sin. Of our Firſt Servitude to it. Of that poor Remnant of Free-will left in the Sons of Adam, with directions to uſe it aright, and how we are ſet Free by the Son of God. Of Mortification. Of the Right uſe of Reaſon, or Rules of Art, for determining doubts in Divinity, &c.

    _ SECT. I.

    • CHAP. I.

    • CHAP. II.

    • CHAP. III.

    • CHAP. IV.

    • CHAP. V.

    • CHAP. VI.

    _ SECT. II.

    • CHAP. VII.

    • CHAP. VIII.

    • CHAP. IX.

    • CHAP. X.

    • CHAP. XI.

    • CHAP. XII.

    • CHAP. XIII.

    _ SECT. III.

    • CHAP. XIV.

    • CHAP. XV.

    • CHAP. XVI.

    • CHAP. XVII.

    • CHAP. XVIII.

    • CHAP. XIX.

    • CHAP. XX.

    • CHAP. XXI.

    • CHAP. XXII.

    • CHAP. XXIII.

    _ SECT. IV.

    • CHAP. XXIV.

    • CHAP. XXV.

    • CHAP. XXVI.

    • CHAP. XXVII.

    _ SECT. V.


    • CHAP. XXIX.

    • CHAP. XXX.

    • CHAP. XXXI.

    • CHAP. XXXII.


    • CHAP. XXXIV.

    • CHAP. XXXV.

    • CHAP. XXXVI.

    _ Some Notes of the Publiſhers, relating to ſeverall Chapters preceding.

    _ An Appendix, or, Sixt Section.

  2. BOth Propoſitions are (as we ſay) Hypothetical or Conditional, and if either ſhould be denyed or

    • A Note Referring to Fol. 3159. Line 3. and to Marg. Note, 1.



A Note Relating to the Chapter following.


  * CHAP. XL.

  * CHAP. XLI.


The firſt General: The manner how God doth harden.

The ſecond General Point, concerning the Pertinencie of the Objection.

The third General Point propoſed, concerning the Logical determination of this Propoſition [whom he will he hardeneth:] or, concerning the immediate or proper Object of the Induration here ſpoken of.

The fourth General Point concerning the Extent or nature of this diviſion, He will have mercie on whom he will have mercie; and whom he will be hardneth. C. Reader,THis laſt Diſcourſe was publiſhed without the Authors conſent or knowledge; as he ſays, Bo * To the Two Noble Gentlemen, his much honoured Friends: Mr. R. S. and Mr. E. S. ſonnes to the R. H. L. S. The Bleſſings of this Life, and of the Life to come be multiplied.




  * CHAP. XLV.





  * CHAP. L.

  * CHAP. LI.

  * CHAP. LII.


C. Reader,THE main Work of the ſixth Section was to prepare and clear the way for The Exerciſe of Ch _ SECT. VIII.

  * CHAP. LIV.

A Note Relating to the precedent Chapter.

  * CHAP. LV.

  * CHAP. LVI.

A Note relateing to the precedent Chapter; Firſt Paragraph, or Number 1. Thoſe words, St. Cyrill in his Parallels &c.


  1. Though he that only reades this Author by Index is unworthy both of him and it: and though the obſervant Reader may ſerve himſelf well of the Contents of the Chapters, the Table of Texts of Scripture, the Titles of every Page, and the Marginal Breifes; yet for his further Advantage is made this enſuing Table: To which every Reader may adde what he pleaſes, ſpace being left for that purpoſe, at the end of every Letter in the Alphabet.

Types of content

  • There are 238 verse lines!
  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

There are 393 ommitted fragments! @reason (393) : foreign (166), illegible (217), duplicate (10) • @resp (217) : #TECH (217) • @extent (227) : 1 letter (199), 3 letters (1), 1 word (7), 2 letters (10), 1 page (10)

Character listing

Text string(s) codepoint(s)
Latin-1 Supplement èé ôàâòóúù§îáûì¶ 232 233 160 244 224 226 242 243 250 249 167 238 225 251 236 182
Latin Extended-A ſ 383
Combining Diacritical Marks ̄ 772
General Punctuation —• 8212 8226
Geometric Shapes ▪◊ 9642 9674
Miscellaneous Symbols 9756
CJKSymbolsandPunctuation 〈〉 12296 12297
LatinExtended-D 42864

##Tag Usage Summary##

###Header Tag Usage###

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###Text Tag Usage###

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28. signed 2
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30. trailer 4


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