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#D. Heskins, D. Sanders, and M. Rastel, accounted (among their faction) three pillers and archpatriarches of the popish synagogue (vtter enemies to the truth of Christes Gospell, and all that syncerely professe the same) ouerthrowne, and detected of their seuerall blasphemous heresies. By D. Fulke, Maister of Pembrooke Hall in Cambridge. Done and directed to the Church of England, and all those which loue the trueth.#

##Fulke, William, 1538-1589.## D. Heskins, D. Sanders, and M. Rastel, accounted (among their faction) three pillers and archpatriarches of the popish synagogue (vtter enemies to the truth of Christes Gospell, and all that syncerely professe the same) ouerthrowne, and detected of their seuerall blasphemous heresies. By D. Fulke, Maister of Pembrooke Hall in Cambridge. Done and directed to the Church of England, and all those which loue the trueth. Fulke, William, 1538-1589.

##General Summary##


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##Content Summary##


  1. The contentes of the seuerall treatises conteined in this Booke.

  2. ¶ A CATALOGVE of all such Popish Bookes either aunswered, or to be aunswered, which haue bene written in the English tongue from beyond the seas, or secretly dispersed here in England haue come to our hands, since the beginning of the Queenes Maiesties reigne.

    _ These Popish treatises ensuing for the most part are in answering, and those which are not (by God assistance as 〈◊〉 will serue) shall receiue their seueral replies. If the Papistes know any not here reckoned, let them be brought to light, and they shall be examined.

  3. ¶ THE AVTHOVR to the Reader.

#####Body##### THE FIRST BOOKE OF HESKINS PARLEAMENT REpealed by W. Fulke.THE first Chapter vpon occasion that this _ THE FIRST BOOKE OF HESKINS PARLEAMENT REpealed by W. Fulke. THE first Chapter vpon occasion that this aduersarie, this proclamer, and challenger (he meaneth theThe second Chapter to proue that the scriptures be not easie, reciteth certaine harde and obscure plHesk.The third Chapter to declare the newe Testament not to be easie to be vnderstanded▪ bringeth diHesk.The fourth Chapter conteineth certeine hard places of the Epistles.Fulke.M. Heskins taketh greaHesk.The first Chapter declareth the mindes and iudgements of the Fathers and Doctours, vpon the difThe sixt Chapter, declaring howe the people shall come to the vnderstanding of the scriptures.Hesk.THesk.The seuenth Chapter declaring the same by examples of the Fathers and authorities of the DoctouHeskins.The 8. Chap. exhorteth men to heare, or to read the expositions of the scriptures, & not to Heskins.The ninth Chapter declaring that our redemption was prenunci••ed by promises figures, and prHesk.The tenth Chapter toucheth the figures of Christes incarnation, passion, resurrection, and asceThe eleuenth Chapter, declareth by the Prophets of what line the Messias should come, with his cōceThe twelfth briefely toucheth a prophesie or two of the resurrection, and ascention of Christ.Hesk.IThe thirteenth Chapter, how that Melchisedech was a figure of Christ both in Priesthood and sacrificHesk.The fourteenth Chapter declareth, after the minde of Chrysostome that Iob was a figure of ChrisThe fifteenth Chapter declareth by scriptures that the figure of the pascall lambe, was a figure of Hesk.The sixteenth Chapter teacheth this matter by Tertullian, & Isychius.Fulk.This Chapter neither Hesk.The seuenteenth Chapter proceedeth in the same matter, by S. Cyprian, and Euthymius.Maister HesThe eighteenth Chapter treateth of the same matters by S. Hieronyme and Chrysostome.In this Chapter Hesk.The ninteenth Chapter continueth the proofe of the same matter by S. Augustine, & S. Cyrill.FulThe twentieth Chapter, ioyneth Saint Gregorie, and Damascen to confirme the same matter.Heskins.In tHesk.The one & twentieth Chapter concludeth the matter of the figure of the Pascall lambe, by Haymo,Hesk.The two and twentieth Chapter beginneth the application of the shewe breade to the sacrament, aThe three and twentie Chapter proceedeth in the proofe of the same by S. Augustine and Isychius.HeskThe foure & twentieth Chapter, applying the continuall reseruation of the Shew bread, to the reseruaThe fiue and twentith Chapter proueth the same by Counsells that haue bene neerer to our time.Hesk.FHesk.The sixe and twentith Chapter answereth the cheefe obiection of the aduer•aries.Our cheefe arguHesk.The seuen and twentith Chapter, answering other arguments & obiections of the proclamer.In the Hesk.The eight and twentieth Chapter beginneth to speake of the Prophesies, and first of the prophesThe nine and twentieth Chapter proceedeth to prooue the same by S. Cyprian, and Isychius.Hesk.I confThe thirtieth Chapter treateth of the same matter by S. Hieronyme and Theodoret.Hesk.The place of HiHesk.The one and thirtieth Chapter concludeth this matter of Melchizedech by S. Augustine and DamascHesk.The 32 Chapter to proue the sacrifice of our shewe bread, to be a continuall sacrifice, as the The three and thirtieth Chapter openeth the Prophecie of Malachie.Hesk.The Prophete Malachie towardeThe foure and thirteth Chapter expoundeth the prophesie of Malachie by Martialis and Ireneus.Hesk.M.The fiue & thirtieth Chapter proceedeth to the exposition of the same Prophet by S. Augustine & EuseThe sixe and thirtieth Chapter, endeth the exposition of Malachie, by Saint Hierome, and Damascen.HeThe seuen and thirtieth Chapter, maketh a brieefe recapitulation of thinges before written, with the _ THE SECOND BOOKE OF HESKINS PARLEAMENT repealed by W. Fulke. Hesk.The first Chapter declareth the offices of the olde lawe, and the benefites of the newe lawe, wHesk.The second Cha. expoundeth the sixt of S. Ioh according to the letterFulke.The summe of this liHesk.The thirde Chapter proueth by the doctours, that the sixt of S. Iohn speaketh as well of the brThe fourth Chapter beginneth a further proofe of the former master by S. Cyprian, and Euthymius.HeskThe fift Chapter proceedeth vpon the same text, by S. Augustine, and Chrysostome.Hesk.S. Augustine iHesk.The sixt Chapter proceedeth in the opening of the vnderstāding of the same text of S. Iohn, byHesk.The seuenth Chapter endeth the exposition of this text by Theophylact and Lyra.A short aunswereThe eyght Chapter declareth, by whose authoritie and power, the sacrament is consecrated & Christes Hesk.The ninth Chapter expoundeth the next text that followeth in Saint Iohn.Fulk.The text which he The tenth Chapter prouing against the aduersaries that the bodie of Christ may be & is in moe placesHesk.The eleuenth Chapter proueth, that as two bodies may be in one place: so the bodie of Christ beHesk.The twelfth Chapter aunswereth certaine obiections tha•〈◊〉 to imp••ge the Catholique doctrine oHesk.The thirteenth Chapter beginneth the exposition of an other text in the sixt of Saint Ioan.The The fourteenth Chapter expoundeth the same text by S. Augustine, and Cyrill.Hesk.Out of Saint AugustThe fifteenth Chapter continueth the exposition of the same text by Leo and Euthymius.Hesk.The placeHesk.The sixteenth Chapter endeth the exposition of this text in hand by the Ephesine Counsell.The wHesk.The seuenteenth Chapter expoundeth the next following by S. Augustine and Cyrill.The text he wiHesk.The eighteenth Chapter beginneth the exposition of the next text in the sixt Chapter of S. IohnThe nineteenth Chapter proceedeth vpon the same text by Eusebius Emiss. and S. Augustine.Hesk.EusebiHesk.The twentieth Chapter proceedeth vpon the same text by Saint Hilarie, and Euthymius.Hilarius isHesk.The one and twentieth Chapter continueth the same exposition by Chrysostome and Lyra.Fulk.ChrysThe two and twentieth Chapter continueth the exposition of the same text by S. Cyrill, and Dionyse.HHesk.The three and twentieth Chapter endeth the exposition of this text by Theophylact & Beda.Of theThe foure and twentieth Chapter beginneth the ex-position of the next text in the sixt of S. Iohn byThe fiue & twentieth Chapter, proceadeth in the exposition of the same, by Chrysostome & S. GregorieHesk.The sixe and twentieth Chapter, continueth this exposition by Saint Cyrill and Lyra.Fulke.CyrilThe seuen and twentieth Chapter, abydeth in the same exposition by Theophylact and Ruperius Tuicen.HThe eyght and twentieth Chapter, endeth the exposition of this text by Haimo & Euthymius.Hesk.As forHesk.The nine and twentieth Chapter, expoundeth the next texte that followeth in the sixt of Saint IThe Thirtieth Chapter beginneth the exposition of the nexte text by Saint Ambrose and Chrysostome.HeThe one and thirtieth Chapter proceedeth in the exposition of the same text by S. Hierome and S. CyrHesk.The two and thirtieth Chapter endeth the exposition of this text by S. Augustine and TheophylacThe three and thirtieth Chapter proceedeth to the next text in the sixt of S. Iohn.Hesk.The text is,Hesk.The foure and thirtieth Chapter beginneth the exposition of this text: Si videritis, &c. by SaiHesk.The fi•e and thirtieth Chapter proceedeth, in the exposition of the same text, and endeth it byThe sixe and thirtieth Chapter createth of the next text by Augustine, & Chrysostome.Hesk.Fulke.ThisThe seuen and thirtieth Chapter proceedeth vpon the same text, by Theophylact, & S. Bernarde.Hesk.ThThe eight and thirtieth Chapter endeth the exposition of this text by Euthymius and Lyra.Hesk.EuthymHesk.The nine and thirtieth Chapter beginneth the exposition of the next text by S. Augustine and CyThe fortieth Chapter endeth the exposition of this text, and so of the processe of the sixt of S. IoHesk.The one and fortieth Chapter beginneth, the exposition of these wordes of Christ: this is my boThe two and fourtieth Chapter, beginneth the exposition of the wordes of Christe, after the CatholikThe three and fortieth Chapter beginneth to proue the vnderstanding of Christes foresaid wordes not The foure and fortieth Chapter by occasion of the wordes of Alexander, treateth of the adoration andThe fiue and fortieth Chapter proueth by the same Doctours, that the proclamer nameth, that the sacrThe sixe and fortieth Chapter proueth by other Doctors that the sacrament is to be adored.Hesk.FirstThe seuen and fortieth Chapter proceedeth in the proofe of the adoration of the Sacrament by doctorsThe eyght and fortieth Chapter, confuteth the rest of the proclaymers wordes before rehearsed, againHesk.The nine and fortieth Chapter, proceedeth in the vnderstanding of Christes wordes, by Irenaeus The fiftieth Chapter abideth in the exposition of the same wordes by S. Cyprian and Athanasius.Hesk.The one and fiftieth Chapter sheweth the minde of Iunencus, & Euseb. Emissen, vpon the wordes of ChrHesk.The two and fiftieth Chapter openeth the minds of S. Basil, & S. Ambrose vpon the wordes of ChrThe three and fiftieth Chapter continueth in the exposition of Christes wordes by Gregorie Nicene, aHesk.The foure & fiftieth Chapter testifyeth the vnderstanding of the same words by Isychius, & S. AThe fiue and fiftieth Chapter tarieth in the exposition of the same wordes by Chrysostome and SeduliThe sixe and fiftieth Chapter abideth in the exposition of the same wordes by Theophylus and Leo.HesHesk.The seuen and fiftieth Chapter proceedeth in the exposition of the same wordes by S. Cyrill andHesk.The eigth and fiftieth Chapter endeth the exposition among the eldest Fathers by Euthymius and Hesk.The nine & fiftieth Chapter beginneth the exposition of the same text by the fathers of the latHesk.The sixtieth Chapter proceedeth in exposition of the same text by Theophylacte and Paschasius.FThe one and sixtieth Chapter continueth in the exposition of the same wordes by Oecumenius and AnselHesk.The t•o and sixtieth Chapter abideth in the exposition of the same wordes by Rupertus, and NichThe three and sixtieth Chapter, taryeth in the exposition of the same wordes by Innocentius & GermanThe foure and sixtieth Chapter, sheweth the exposition of Petrue Çluniacensis & Bessarion vpon the sHesk.The fiue and sixtieth Chapter, treateth of the bread, blessed, and giuen by Christ to the two dHesk.The sixe & sixtieth Chapter, proueth the same by S. Augustine and Chrysostome.Fulk.I sayd beforHesk.The seuen and sixtieth Chapter, proueth by the scripture•, and practises in the last Chapter haHesk.The eyght and sixtieth Chapter, proueth the same receipt vnder one kinde to be lawfull, by the _ THE THIRD BOOKE OF MAISTER HESKINS PARLEAment repealed by W. Fulke. Hesk.The first Chapter entereth by Preface into the first text of S. Paule, that toucheth the sacramHesk.The second Chapter sheweth what these foure thinges done in the olde Law, did figure in the newThe thirde Chapter expoundeth the residue of the texte: Et omnes candem escam spiritualem, &c.Hesk.FThe fourth Chapter beginneth to declare by the holy fathers of what things Manna and the waters be fThe fift Chapter, teaching that Manna and the water of the stone be figures of the body and bloud ofHesk.The sixt Chapter declareth, that Manna was a figure, by the testimonie of S. Cyprian and ChrysoHesk.The seuenth Chapter proceedeth to declare the same by Saint Hierome, and Saint Cyrill.Fulk.In tThe eight Chapter proceedeth in declaration of the same by S. Augustine and Oecumenius.Hesk.The firsThe ninth Chapter, proceedeth in the declaration of the same by Haimo & Theophylact.Hesk.Although neThe tenth Chapter, proceedeth vpon the same text, by Ruper•us & Rich. Holkot and endeth with GagneguHesk.The eleuenth Chapter declareth the prophesies of the sacrament vnder the names of Manna & the wThe twelfth Chapter, proueth by occasion of that that is sayde with further authoritie, that the sacThe thirteenth Chapter, proueth the same by scriptures & Doctors.Hesk.In the beginning of this ChaptThe fourteenth Chapter, proceedeth in the proofe of the same, by the Scriptures and doctors.Hesk.HisHesk.The fifteenth Chapter prouing all our sacraments generally to be more excellent then the sacramThe sixteenth Chapter proceedeth to the next text of S. Paule, which is: Calix cui Benedi.Hesk.This The seuententh Chapter proceedeth vpon the same text by the exposition of Chrysostome and S. HieromeHesk.The eighteenth Chapter proceedeth in the exposition of the same text by S. Augustine, and DamasHesk.The nynteenth Chapter continueth the exposition of the same text, by Isidore & Oecumenius.Fulk.Hesk.The twelfth Chapter proceedeth vpon the same text by Haime & Theophylact.It were losse of time,Hesk.The one and twentieth Chapter, proceedeth yet vppon the same text by Anselmus & Bruno.Fulk.Let Hesk.The two and twentieth Chapter, endeth the exposition of this text, by Dionyse & Gagneius.Two woThe three and twentieth Chapter, beginneth the exposition of this text: Quoniam vnus panis, &c.Hesk.Hesk.The 24. Chapter proceedeth vpon the same text by Chrysostom and S. Augustine.Fulk.Chrysostome vHesk.The fiue and twentieth Chapter proceedeth vpon the same text by Damascene and Haimo.Maister HesHesk.The sixe and twentieth Chapter proceedeth vpon the same text, by S. Cyrill and S. Thomas.Hesk.CThe seuen and twentieth Chapter proceedeth vpon the same text, by Euthym. and Hugo.Hesk.Concerning tThe eight and twentieth Chapter proceedeth vpon the same text by Oecumenius and Anselmus.Hesk.In theThe nine and twentieth Chapter treateth of the same text by Theophylact and Dionyse, and endeth withHesk.The thirtieth Chapter, beginneth the exposition of this text, Ye cannot drinke of the cup of ouHesk.The one and thirtieth Chapter, endeth the exposition of this text by Theophylact and Anselmus.IHesk.The two and thirtieth Chapter vpon occasion that it is proued, that the primitiue Church vsed tThe three and thirtieth Chapter treateth of the Masse it selfe.Hesk.Maister Heskins first with rayliHesk.The foure and thirtieth Chapter sheweth the vse of the Masse vsed and practised by the ApostlesThe fiue and thirtieth Chapter, sheweth the manner of consecration vsed and practised by the disciplHesk.The sixe & thirtieth Chapter declareth what was the intention of the Apostles & fathers in & abThe seuen and thirtieth Chapter treateth of the oblation and sacrifice of the Masse, as it was vsed Hesk.The eight and twentieth Chapter treateth of the prayer for acceptation of the oblation or sacriHesk.The nine & thirtieth Chapter treateth of the value of the Mas•• to the quicke and the dead.FulkThe fortieth Chapter treateth of priuate Masses, as the proclaymer termeth them, and solueth his argThe one and fortieth chapter prooueth that the masse may bee said and the Sacrament receiued▪ withouHesk.The two and fortieth Chapter proueth the trueth of those matters of the sacrament, by that it hThe three and fortieth Chapter maketh recapitulation of the conference of the Masses of the ApostlesThe foure and fortieth Chapter returning to the exposition of S. Paul expoundeth this text: As oftenThe fiue and fortieth Chapter abideth in the exposition of the same text by S. Basil & Rupert.Hesk.SHesk.The sixe & fourtieth Chapter beginneth the exposition of this text. Whosoeuer therefore shall eThe seuen and fortieth Chapter proceedeth in the vnderstanding of the same, by S. Basil and S. HieroThe eight and fortieth Chapter abideth in the exposition of the same text, by Chrysostome and S. AugThe nine and fourtieth Chapter continueth the same exposition by Isychius and Sedulius.Hesk.In the bThe fiftieth Chapter sheweth the vnderstanding of the same •ext by Effrem & Primasius.Hesk.Effrem isThe one and fiftieth Chapter, abydeth in the exposition of the same texte, by Cassiodorus, and DamasThe two and fiftieth Chapter endeth the exposition of this texte by Theodoret and Anselmus.Hesk.In tThe three and fiftieth Chapter beginneth the exposition of the next text of S. Paule, which is, Let Hesk.The foure and fiftieth Chapter beginneth the exposition of the Fathers vpon the same text with The fiue and fiftieth Chapter proceedeth vpon the same by Isichius and S. Augustine.Hesk.To garnisheHesk.The sixe and fiftieth Chapter endeth the exposition of this text by Theodoret, and Anselme.FulkHesk.The seuen and fiftieth Chapter expoundeth this text: For this cause manie are weake and sicke, Hesk.The eight and fiftie chapter endeth the exposition of the same text by Theophylact and Anselme.Hesk.The nine and fiftieth Chapter treateth of these wordes of Saint Paul. We are members of his bodThe Sixtieth Chapter treateth vpon this text of S. Paule to the Hebruer: We haue an altar &c.Hesk.ThHesk.The one and sixtieth Chapter maketh a recapitulation of that, that is done in this worke.Fulk.S

  1. A CONFVTATION OF AN IDOLATROVS TREATISE OF NICOLAS SANDER Doctor in Diuinitie, which mainteyneth the making and honouring of Images, by W.F. Doctour in Diuinitie. Sander.¶ A TREATISE OF IMAGES OF Christe, and of his Saintes, and that it is vnlawfull to breake the _ THE FIRST CHAPTER.

    _ Sander.THE II. CHAP.


    _ ¶ CAP. 4. or as the errour of his Printer hath made it, CAP. 3. and so continueth in that errour to the end, which I note, bicause there should be no varying in the conference of his booke and mine answere.

    _ Sander.THE V. OR IIII. CHAP.

    _ Sander.THE VI. OR V. CHAP.

    _ Sander.THE VII. CHAP.

    _ Sander.THE VIII. OR VII. CHAP.


    _ Sander.THE X. OR IX. CHAP.

    _ THE XI. or X. CHAP.

    _ Sander.THE XII. or XI. CHAP.



    _ THE XV. or XIIII. CHAP.


    _ SanderTHE XVII. OR XVI. CHAP.



    _ To the Preface.

    _ A refutation of maister Rastels confutation.

    _ SECTIO. 2. Frō the second face of the 12. leafe to the first face of the 19. leafe.Rastel.

    _ SECTIO. 3. From the first face of the 19. leafe to the second of the 23. leafe. Of the disagreement of the Gospellers.Rastel.

    _ Rastel.SECTIO. 4. From the second face of the 23. leafe, to the first of the 38. leafe. In which he taketh vpon him to proue that the English communion and seruice doth not followe Christe and his Apostles, in taking into their hand•, and blessing the cuppe and the challice, nor the primitiue Church in praying toward the East, mingling water with the wine, signe of the crosse, altars, incense, tapern, praying to Saintes, and praying for the dead.

    _ Rastell.SECTIO. 5. From the first face of the 38. leafe to the 2 face of the 41. leafe.

    _ Rastel.SECTIO. 6. From the second face of the 40. leafe to the first face of the 42. leafe.

    _ Rastel.SECTIO. 7. From the first face of the 42. leafe to the first face of the 43. leafe.

    _ SECTIO. 8. From the first face of the 43. leafe to the first face of the 45. leafe.Rastel.

    _ RastelSECTIO. 9. From the first face of the 46. leafe to the seconde face of the 47. leafe.

    _ RastelSECTIO. 10. From the seconde face of the 47. leafe, to the second face of th• 48. leafe.

    _ SECTIO. 11. From the second face of the 48. leafe, vnto the first face of the 58. leafe, Wherein he speaketh of seruice in the mother tongue.Rastel

    _ SECTIO. 12. in the 58. leafe.Rastel

    _ SECTIO. 13. From the first face of the 56. leafe to the 2. face of 59. leafe.Rastel

    _ Rastel.SECTIO. 14. From the second face of the 59. leafe, to the second face of 61. leafe.

    _ SECTIO. 15. From the second face of the 61. leafe, to the first face of the 63. leafRastel

    _ SECTIO. 16. From the first face of the 63. leafe to the second face of the 64. leaf in the which he speaketh of the sacrifice of the masse.Rastel

    _ RastelSECTIO. 17. in the 64. leafe.

    _ SECTIO. 18. From the first face of the 65. leafe to the ende of the 67. leafe.Rastel

    _ Rastle.SECTIO. 19. From the 68. leafe, to the seconde face of the 69. leafe.

    _ Rastle.SECTIO. 20. in the 69 leafe.

    _ Rastell.SECTIO. 21. in the 70. leafe.

    _ SECTIO. 22. in the same leafe to the second face of the 71. leafe.Rastel

    _ Rastle.SECTIO. 23. From the seconde face of the 71. leafe, to the 2. face of the 72. leafe.

    _ Rastle.SECTIO. 24. From the secōd face of the 72. leafe to the second face of the 74. leafe wherin he beginneth to speak of adoration of the sacramēt.

    _ SECTIO. 25. in the 74. leafe.Rastel.

    _ SECTIO. 26. From the end of the 74. leafe to the first face of the 79. leafe.Rastel.

    _ Rastel.SECTIO. 27.

    _ Rastel.SECTIO. 28.

    _ RastellSECTIO. 29. From the first face of the 89. leafe to the 93. leafe.

    _ SECTIO. 30. From the first face of the 93. leafe. to the first face of the 98. leafe.Rastel.

    _ SECTIO. 31. in the 98. leafe.Rastell

    _ SECTIO. 32. From the 99. leafe to the 103. leafe.Rastell

    _ SECTIO. 33. From the first face of the 103. leafe to the 104. leafe.Rastle.

    _ SECTIO. 34. From the 104. leafe to the 111. in which he taketh on him to defende the vanitie of Popish arguments vsed by papists vnder colour of similitudes and allusions.Rastell

    _ SECTIO. 35. From the seconde face of the III. leafe, to the seconde face of the 118. leafe.Rastell

    _ SECTIO. 36. From the second face of the 118. leafe to the 127. leafe, in which he treateth of the priuate Masse.Rastel

    _ Rastel.SECTIO. 37. in the 127. leafe.

    _ RastelSECTIO. 38. From the second face of the 127. leafe, to the 131. leafe, in which he treateth of receiuing the communion in both kindes.

    _ SECTIO. 39. From the 132. leafe to the second face of the 135. leafe of seruice in a straunge tongue.Rastel.

    _ SECTIO. 40. From the second face of the 135. leafe, to the 139. leafe, in which he speaketh of the title of the vniuersall bishop.Rastle

    _ SECTIO. 41. From the 139. leafe to the 144. leafe, in which he speaketh of the reall and corporall presence of Christes bodie in the sacrament.Rastle

    _ SECTIO. 42. From the 144. leafe to the ende of the 145. leafe.Rastell.

    _ Rastle.SECTIO. 43. From the 145. leafe. to the 149. leafe.

    _ SECTIO. 44. in the 149. leafe.Rastell.

    _ Rastle.SECTIO. 45. From the end of the 149. leafe to the 152. leafe, in whiche he woulde proue that priests haue auctoritie to offer Christ.

    _ SECTIO. 46. From the 152. leafe to the 154. leafe, in which he taketh in hand •o shape a generall aunswere to the particular questions which M. Iewell moueth.Rastel.

    _ SECTIO. 47. in the 154. leafe.Rastel.

    _ Rastel.SECTIO. 48. in the 155. leafe.

    _ SECTIO. 49.Rastel.

    • the first hath three Articles.

    • The second part containeth 12. Articles in which he falsly chargeth Caluine in his institutions with diuers Articles, which neither he nor any of vs doe holde.

    • The thirde parte conteineth foure articles.

    • The fourth part conteineth 3. articles.


  1. Faultes escaped. The first number signifieth the page, the last the number of the lines.

Types of content

  • There are 3 verse lines!
  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

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15. listPrefixDef 1
16. note 9
17. notesStmt 2
18. p 11
19. prefixDef 2 @ident (2) : tcp (1), char (1) • @matchPattern (2) : ([0-9-]+):([0-9IVX]+) (1), (.+) (1) • @replacementPattern (2) :$1&page=$2 (1),$1 (1)
20. projectDesc 1
21. pubPlace 2
22. publicationStmt 2
23. publisher 2
24. ref 2 @target (2) : (1), (1)
25. seriesStmt 1
26. sourceDesc 1
27. term 6
28. textClass 1
29. title 3
30. titleStmt 2

###Text Tag Usage###

No element name occ attributes
1. am 87
2. argument 17
3. desc 787
4. div 251 @type (251) : title_page (1), table_of_contents (1), list_of_books (1), part (168), to_the_reader (1), treatise (4), book (3), chapter (18), section (49), summary_of_part (4), errata (1) • @n (74) : 1 (4), 2 (4), 3 (4), 4 (3), 5 (2), 6 (2), 7 (2), 8 (2), 9 (2), 10 (2), 11 (2), 12 (2), 13 (2), 14 (2), 15 (2), 16 (2), 17 (2), 18 (2), 19 (1), 20 (1), 21 (1), 22 (1), 23 (1), 24 (1), 25 (1), 26 (1), 27 (1), 28 (1), 29 (1), 30 (1), 31 (1), 32 (1), 33 (1), 34 (1), 35 (1), 36 (1), 37 (1), 38 (1), 39 (1), 40 (1), 41 (1), 42 (1), 43 (1), 44 (1), 45 (1), 46 (1), 47 (1), 48 (1), 49 (1)
5. ex 87
6. expan 87
7. g 7977 @ref (7977) : char:EOLhyphen (6905), char:punc (112), char:cmbAbbrStroke (843), char:abque (86), char:EOLunhyphen (28), char:abquam (1), char:cross (2)
8. gap 787 @reason (787) : illegible (642), foreign (73), duplicate (70), missing (2) • @resp (642) : #PDCC (642) • @extent (714) : 1 span (9), 1 letter (515), 1 word (53), 2 letters (58), 3 letters (7), 1 page (72)
9. head 84
10. hi 4354 @rend (1354) : sup (1354)
11. item 38
12. l 3
13. list 2
14. note 501 @place (501) : margin (501)
15. p 1411 @n (153) : 1 (5), 2 (6), 3 (7), 4 (6), 5 (6), 6 (4), 7 (4), 8 (4), 9 (4), 10 (3), 11 (2), 12 (2), 13 (1), 14 (1), 15 (1), 16 (1), 17 (1), 18 (1), 19 (1), 20 (1), 21 (1), 22 (1), 23 (1), 24 (1), 25 (1), 26 (1), 27 (1), 28 (1), 29 (1), 30 (1), 31 (1), 32 (1), 33 (1), 34 (1), 35 (1), 36 (1), 37 (1), 38 (1), 39 (1), 40 (1), 41 (1), 42 (1), 43 (1), 44 (1), 45 (1), 46 (1), 47 (1), 48 (1), 49 (1), 50 (1), 51 (1), 52 (1), 53 (1), 54 (1), 55 (1), 56 (1), 57 (1), 59 (1), 60 (1), 61 (1), 62 (1), 63 (1), 64 (1), 65 (1), 66 (1), 67 (1), 68 (1), 69 (1), 70 (2), 71 (1), 72 (1), 73 (1), 74 (1), 75 (1), 76 (1), 77 (1), 78 (1), 79 (1), 80 (1), 81 (1), 82 (1), 83 (1), 84 (1), 85 (1), 86 (1), 87 (1), 88 (1), 89 (1), 90 (1), 91 (1), 92 (1), 93 (1), 94 (1), 95 (1), 96 (1), 97 (1), 98 (1), 99 (1), 100 (1), 101 (1), 102 (1), 103 (1), 104 (1), 105 (1), 106 (1), 107 (1), 108 (1), 109 (1), 110 (1), 111 (1), 112 (1)
16. pb 884 @facs (884) : tcp:14727:1 (2), tcp:14727:2 (2), tcp:14727:3 (2), tcp:14727:4 (2), tcp:14727:5 (2), tcp:14727:6 (2), tcp:14727:7 (2), tcp:14727:8 (2), tcp:14727:9 (2), tcp:14727:10 (2), tcp:14727:11 (2), tcp:14727:12 (2), tcp:14727:13 (2), tcp:14727:14 (2), tcp:14727:15 (2), tcp:14727:16 (2), tcp:14727:17 (2), tcp:14727:18 (2), tcp:14727:19 (2), tcp:14727:20 (2), tcp:14727:21 (2), tcp:14727:22 (2), tcp:14727:23 (2), tcp:14727:24 (2), tcp:14727:25 (2), tcp:14727:26 (2), tcp:14727:27 (2), tcp:14727:28 (2), tcp:14727:29 (2), tcp:14727:30 (2), tcp:14727:31 (2), tcp:14727:32 (2), tcp:14727:33 (2), tcp:14727:34 (2), tcp:14727:35 (2), tcp:14727:36 (2), tcp:14727:37 (2), tcp:14727:38 (2), tcp:14727:39 (2), tcp:14727:40 (2), tcp:14727:41 (2), tcp:14727:42 (2), tcp:14727:43 (2), tcp:14727:44 (2), tcp:14727:45 (2), tcp:14727:46 (2), tcp:14727:47 (2), tcp:14727:48 (2), tcp:14727:49 (2), tcp:14727:50 (2), tcp:14727:51 (2), tcp:14727:52 (2), tcp:14727:53 (2), tcp:14727:54 (2), tcp:14727:55 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17. q 326
18. seg 7 @rend (7) : decorInit (7)
19. trailer 5


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