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#Here after foloweth the prymer in Englysshe sette out alonge, after the vse of Sarum. 1538 Book of hours (Salisbury). English#

##Catholic Church.## Here after foloweth the prymer in Englysshe sette out alonge, after the vse of Sarum. 1538 Book of hours (Salisbury). English Catholic Church.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2005-09 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2005-10 Apex CoVantage Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2005-11 Emma (Leeson) Huber Sampled and proofread
  4. 2005-11 Emma (Leeson) Huber Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2006-04 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##

#####Front##### God be in my hedeAnd in myn vnderſtandynge.God be in myn eyenAnd in my lokyngeGod be in my mouthAnd #####Body#####

  1. An almanacke for. xxiij. yeres.

    _ Ianuary.

    _ February.

    _ Marche.

    _ Apryll:

    _ Maye.

    _ Iune.

    _ Iuly.

    _ Auguſt.

    _ September.

    _ Octobre.

    _ Nouembre.

    _ Decembre. ¶ 〈…〉I Am Sonday mooſte honorableThe heed of al the weke dayesThat day all thynges laborableOught fo

  2. The commaundementes of 〈…〉 gyuen by Moyſes / and expounded by 〈…〉 to our Mother tongue / very neceſſarye and expedyent for Youthe and all other for to lerne and to knowe.

  3. The ſymbole of Athanaſius.

  4. The Offyce of all Eſtates.

  5. The preface & ye maner to lyue well.

  6. Thre verytees.

  7. To the relikes in the chirche.

  8. At the eleuacyon of the ſacrament. The goſpell of ſaynt Iohan.Uve do call vpon the / we do worſhyp the / we do prayſe the / oblyſſed Tr _ The goſpell of ſaynt Iohan.

    _ The goſpell of ſaynt Luke.

    _ The goſpell of ſaynt Mathewe. They ſhall lay theyr handes on the ſycke / & they ſhall recouer. So the lorde Ieſus after he had ſpo

  9. The paſſyon. •Ur father whiche arte in heuyn ſanctifyed be thy name. 〈…〉•et thy kyngdome come. 〈…〉 hy wyl be fulf•Ur father whiche arte in heuyn ſanctifyed be thy name. 〈…〉•et thy kyngdome come. 〈…〉 hy wyl be fulf¶ 〈…〉•Ayle Mary ful of grace: our lorde is with the. Bleſſed be thou amonge women / and bleſſed be t¶ 〈…〉〈…〉•Beleue in god the father almyghty / maker of heuyn and earth. The ſeconde artycle. nd in Ie _ The. x. commaundementes. ¶ 〈…〉〈…〉•O beleue that Chryſt hathe for vs meryted To be the chyldrē and heyres of his father ſanct _ A prayer to the Trinyte. ¶ 〈…〉•Orde by the habundaunce of thy mercy: I wyll entre into thy houſe. I ſhall worſhyp the at thy

  10. The Matyns.

  11. The Laudes.

  12. The Collettes.

  13. The Matyns of the Croſſe.

  14. The houres. •orde haſte the to helpe me.•lorye be to the father / to the ſone / & to the holye ghoſte.•s it was •orde haſte the to helpe me.•lorye be to the father / to the ſone / & to the holye ghoſte.•s it was •orde haſte the to helpe me.•lory be to the father / to the ſone / and to the holye ghoſte.•s it was And fulfyll thou with grace ſupernallOur hertes that be of thy creacyon•emembre lorde author of ſal

  15. The Euynſonge.

  16. The Complyn.

  17. Prayers.

  18. The .xv. Oos.

  19. The ſeuen Pſalmes. ¶ 〈…〉• aue mercye on me lorde / for I am ſycke: heale me lorde: for my bones are brouſed.• nd my ſouBLeſſed are they whoſe iniquities are forgyuen: and whoſe ſynnes be couered.• leſſed is the man: to •omine ne in furore.•Orde reproue me not in thy fury: neyther in thyne angre correcte thou me.•or th•iſerere mei deus.•Aue mercy vpon me (o god) accordynge to thy great mercy.•nd accordyng to the mult〈◊〉 omine eraudi orationē meā.•Orde heare my prayer: and let my clamou•…re come vnto the.•ourne no•e profundis clamaui. 〈…〉•Rom the deepe places / haue I called vnto the (o lorde) lorde heare my voy¶ 〈…〉•Orde heare my prayer: wi•h thyne eares perceyue my deſyre / for thy truethes ſake heare me for

  20. The .xv. Pſalmes. ¶ 〈…〉•d dn̄m cum tribularer. 〈…〉•Cryed vnto the lorde when I was in trouble: and he herde me.•lorde •euaui oculos meos. 〈…〉•Lyfted vp myne eyes in to the hylles: from whenſe helpe ſhall come vnto me.••etatus ſum.•Reioyſed in thoſe thynges that were ſayde to me: we ſhall go in to the lordes houſe.•ur•d te leuaui oculos. 〈…〉•Nto the haue I lyfte vp myne eyes o god: whiche inhabyteſt the heuyns.•uyn •iſt quia dn̄s. 〈…〉•Xcept the lorde had ben amonge vs (let Iſrael now ſpeake) except the lorde had b•m confidunt. 〈…〉•Hey that truſte in the lorde as a mountayne of Syō: he ſhall neuer be moued / whi•n conuertendo. 〈…〉UHen the lorde tourned the captyuyte of Syon: we were made gladde.•hen was our mo•iſi dominus edificauerit. 〈…〉•Xcepte the lorde haue buylded the houſe: they haue labored in vayn wh•eati omnes. 〈…〉•Leſſed be all that feare the lorde / whiche walketh in his wayes.•or thou ſhalt eat•epe expugnauerunt. 〈…〉•Ftſones haue they aſſayled me: euyn from my youth / let Iſrael now tell it.••e profundis clamaui. 〈…〉•Rom the deepe places / haue I called vnto the (o lorde) lorde heare my voy•omine non eſt exaltatum. 〈…〉.•Orde my herte is not exalted: neyther is myne eyes ſet a lofte.•eythe•emento domine Dauid. 〈…〉•Orde haue mynde of Dauid: and of all his mekenes.•s he hathe ſworne to the•cce quam bonum. 〈…〉•Eholde how good and pleaſaunt it is for brethren to dwell togyther.•yke as oynt•cce nunc bn̄dicite dn̄m.•Oo nowe bleſſe ye the lorde: all the ſeruaūtes of the lorde.•hiche ſtande〈…〉 emembre not / o lorde / the faultes eyther of vs / or of our parentes / neyther take thou vengea¶ 〈…〉•Amercus byſſhoppe of Uienne: what tyme that a terryble earth quake fell in his prouynce (Leo t

  21. The Letany.

  22. The Dirige.

  23. Commendacyons.

  24. Pſalmes of the Paſſyon. •hou truely dwelleſt ī the hooly place: the prayſe of Iſrael.•ur fathers haue truſted in the / they•Ominus regit me. •he lorde ruleth me. &c Ye ſhall fynde in the Dirige.•Omini eſt terra. 〈…〉 he eart•udica me domine.•Udge me good lorde / for I haue entred in myn innocencye: and truſtynge in the lor•Ominꝰ illuminatio mea. •he lorde is my lyght. •Ye ſhal fynde it in the Dirige.•d te domine clamabo.•Lorde I ſhall cry to the / o god my god / be not longe ſylent towarde me / leſ•fferte domino filij. 〈…〉•Kynge to the lord / o ye ſōnes of god / bryng to the lorde the ſones of r•xalt abote domine qm̄. 〈…〉•Shall exalte the (O lorde) for thou haſte defended me: neyther haſt thou•n te domine ſperaui. 〈…〉•N the lorde haue I truſted / let me not be confounded for euer / delyuer m〈…〉 Chryſt was made obedient for vs vnto death / euyn vnto the death of the croſſe.〈…〉 Holy mother o

  25. Saynt hieroms pſalter.

  26. Prayers. ¶ 〈…〉•…mator humani.•God the louer of mankynde / whiche by thy ne electe ſeruaunt and byſſhop ſaynt •…n̄e non ſum dignus vt intres ſub tectum.•Mercyfull lorde / I am not worthy that yu ſhuldeſt entre ¶ 〈…〉•era perceptio corporis et ſanguinis tui. He very true receyuynge of thy gloryous body of fleſſ¶ 〈…〉•…bone Ieſu / O dulcis Ieſu.•Gloryous kynge / whiche amōgeſt thy ſayntes arte laudable / & neu¶ 〈…〉〈…〉 onditor celi et terre. ¶ 〈…〉〈…〉 eus patrum noſtrorū / et dominus mīe.¶ 〈…〉〈…〉 u feciſti domine cum ſeruo tuo.¶ 〈…〉〈…〉 no rogauite ne deneges mihi.¶ 〈…〉〈…〉〈…〉〈…〉 omine tu feciſſi celum et terram mare.¶ 〈…〉•…ter venit hora / clarifica filium.¶ 〈…〉〈…〉〈…〉 u deus noſter ſuauis et verus es.¶ 〈…〉•n tonſo capite corruens in terram.•Ob (his he ade clypped) fallynge flatte on the grounde worſ¶ 〈…〉•uſtus es domine / et omnia iudicia tua.•Hou arthe iuſte lorde / and all thy iudgementes are tr¶ 〈…〉•ana me domine et ſanabor.¶ 〈…〉¶ 〈…〉 #####Back#####

  27. The table.

Types of content

  • There are 133 verse lines!
  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

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Character listing

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