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Terraform managed Atlassian stack in AWS



This template is built to run Atlassian products behind a reverse proxy. Make sure you run all instances in a private network pointing to NAT Gateway/Instance for internet access.


The template instantiates single node for each of the applications, as well as an RDS DB. All applications use this RDS instance as a data store. You are free to tweak modules listed in, e.g remove or add any that might not be needed.

Each application instance runs in isolated Auto-Scaling group for scheduling and "self-healing" purposes. "Self-healing" is achieved by re-attaching Elastic network interface and Block store from failed to freshly spun up instance. Launch configuration, in addition to initial node setup, also has an embedded Ansible playbook for application installation, that is bootstrapped via cloud-init script.


  • Non-default VPC with at least 2 private subnets
  • SSH key(s) uploaded to AWS
  • Reverse proxy configured in a public subnet
  • Set of registered domain names for each of the applications


  • Default region: eu-central-1 (Frankfurt, Germany)
  • Default server type: t2.medium (2x vCPU, 4.0GB memory)
  • Default OS: Amazon Linux 2
  • Default DB node: db.t2.micro (1x vCPU, 1.0GB memory)
  • Default DB engine: PostgreSQL

Terraform Inputs

Name Description Type Default Required
aws_region AWS region to use string eu-central-1 yes
profile AWS profile used for deployment string default no
key_name Name of the public key to install on EC2 instances string yes
vpc_id VPC ID to launch instances in string yes
private_app_subnets Private subnet ID(s) for application deployments list yes
private_db_subnets Private subnet IDs for DB instance. At least 2 is required to make DB subnet group list yes
bitbucket_instance_type EC2 instance type string t2.medium yes
bitbucket_volume_size Attached EBS volume size number 10 yes
bitbucket_url URL that will be passed down to conifgure Tomcat string yes
jira_instance_type EC2 instance type string t2.small yes
jira_volume_size Attached EBS volume size number 10 yes
jira_url URL that will be passed down to conifgure Tomcat string yes
confluence_instance_type EC2 instance type string t2.medium yes
confluence_volume_size Attached EBS volume size number 10 yes
confluence_url URL that will be passed down to conifgure Tomcat string yes
db_instance_class RDS instance type string db.t2.micro yes
db_engine DB engine to use string postgres yes
db_allocated_storage Amount of storage to allocate number 10 yes
db_username DB username string yes
db_password DB password string yes

Terraform Outputs

Name Description
db_endpoint Database endpoint
bitbucket_endpoint Bitbucket static endpoint
jira_endpoint Jira static endpoint
confluence_endpoint Confluence static endpoint


Simple Terraform code to deploy Atlassian stack in AWS








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