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SCK (Stripe Checkout for Kirby)

A plug-in for Kirby CMS to process payments with Stripe using Checkout. You can also accept AliPay and Bitcoin payments, if your Stripe account supports it.


  • Includes everything needed to add Checkout to any page and begin processing payments with Stripe.
  • Works on both desktop and mobile.
  • Checkout integration is easy with just the addition of a snippet and a template.
  • Makes use of Checkout's vast array of features and functionality.
  • Supports alternative payment methods, such as Bitcoin and AliPay, in addition to most major credit/debit cards (if your Stripe account supports it)
  • Supports Stripe's email receipt feature, so customers will receive an email confirmation of their purchase.
  • All billing and email information is passed to Stripe when creating the charge.
  • Option to collect shipping address information, which is then passed as metadata to Stripe and viewable within your Stripe dashboard.
  • Supports both decimal mark types: decimal point or decimal comma (e.g. $999.99 or €999,99).
  • Supports both left or right-positioned currency symbols (e.g. $999.99 or 999,99 kr)
  • All configuration settings are integrated into Kirby's config.php file, making them easy to find and build upon if you want to extend the plugin's functionality.

You can read about all of Stripe Checkout's features over at Stripe's Checkout documentation.

You can see a live demo of SCK with a Stripe Checkout form over at


  • Kirby 2.1+
  • PHP 5.3+
  • Stripe PHP library

SCK has been developed and tested using Kirby 2.1.1 running on PHP 5.5.27. With that, as long as you can run Kirby 2.1+ then you should be able to use this plugin.

SSL/TLS is required by Stripe:

All submissions of payment info using Checkout are made via a secure HTTPS connection. However, in order to protect yourself from certain forms of man-in-the-middle attacks, you must serve the page containing the payment form with HTTPS as well. This means that any page that a Checkout form may exist on should start with https:// rather than just http://.

Stripe has a useful guide for setting this up on their support site.


  1. Copy the included files to the appropriate folders.
  2. Download the Stripe PHP library, rename the extracted folder to stripe-php and copy it to /site/plugins/sck.
  3. Edit /site/config/config.php and insert include 'sck.config.php'; after any listed options so Kirby will load the configuration file.
  4. Edit /site/config/sck.config.php, insert your Stripe API keys and change any options as needed.

Setting up the Template

At the very least, you need to have <?php snippet('sck') ?> somewhere in the page template you're going to be using. Use the included checkout.php for info on how you can adapt or use it (comments are included), or even just modify it to fit.


To use SCK in any page, it will need three additional fields.


Stripe: true will make sure that Checkout is inserted into the page.


Amount: 10.00 will set the amount to charge your customer and display in the Checkout form. If you use a decimal comma, you can enter 10,00. For larger amounts, you can include a number divider (e.g. 2,999.99) if you wish.

The currency is set within SCK's options in the config.php file.


This is used both as the description in the Checkout form and also the description of the charge when you view it in the Stripe dashboard.

Example Page

Title: Stripe Checkout Example
stripe: true
Amount: 9.99
Description: An example purchase with SCK

Text: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. 

Test Mode vs Live Mode

Stripe provides two sets of API keys: test and live. Whether you process charges in test or live mode is dictated by the set of API keys used when inserting the Checkout form and creating a charge.

SCK requires both sets and makes it easy to switch between test and live mode. By default, test mode is enabled. It's recommended that you fully test SCK before you begin processing live charges.

The Stripe dashboard will display both live and test charges in separate views, which you can toggle using the Live / Test switch in the dashboard. Alternatively, you can jump straight to your Stripe "test" dashboard at:

Once you're happy that everything is set up how you want it, you should change the option stripe_test_mode to false. At this point, SCK will process charges using your live API keys.

Testing SCK

Stripe has some useful information about testing, and provides a number of test credit card numbers you can use.

For example, use the card number 4242 4242 4242 4242 with any future expiration date and random number for the CVC to create a successful charge.


SCK has a lot of options that allow you to customise Checkout to suit your needs.

All options are set in the included sck.config.php, which should be placed in /site/config folder. Make sure to add include 'sck.config.php' in /site/config/config.php so that Kirby will be able to use them. The configuration file is fully commented so you can easily identify what each option does.

Make sure to add include 'sck.config.php somewhere within Kirby's main configuration file at /site/config.config.php so it will load them.

For additional help, here's a list of all required options.

API Keys

By default, test mode is enabled. When you're ready to begin processing live charges, change this to false. No payments can be made when test mode is enabled.

c::set('stripe_test_mode', true);
c::set('stripe_test_secret_key', 'sk_test');
c::set('stripe_test_publishable_key', 'pk_test');
c::set('stripe_live_secret_key', 'sk_live');
c::set('stripe_live_publishable_key', 'pk_live');


Stripe has a list of all supported currencies, including their abbreviation. Refer to this when you're specifying a currency.

The currency symbol is whatever you want visitors to see and can be anything you want, either a symbol ($) or "USD". Certain currencies have the symbol located on the right-side of the amount(such as DKK).

c::set('stripe_currency', 'usd');
c::set('stripe_currency_symbol', '$');
c::set('stripe_currency_symbol_location', 'left');

Remember Me

Remember Me allows customers to save their card details wth Stripe to use again with any merchant that uses Checkout.

c::set('stripe_remember_me', true);

Shipping Address

You can also have Checkout collect shipping address details. SCK will pass this information along as metadata when creating the charge, so you can view it within the Stripe dashboard.

c::set('stripe_shipping_address', false);

Checkout Image

Custom icon for Checkout. Default is false, though it's recommended that you specify one. Icon should be at least 128x128px and .gif, .jpeg, .png or .svg.

c::set('stripe_icon', true);
c::set('stripe_icon_location', 'assets/images/logo.svg');

AliPay & Bitcoin

Stripe supports AliPay and Bitcoin payments through Checkout, but there are some restrictions. To use AliPay, you must have a USD-denominated bank account associated with your Stripe account.

To use Bitcoin, you must have a US-based bank account associated with your Stripe account.

If you do not meet this criteria, do not enable either of these options.

c::set('stripe_alipay', false);
c::set('stripe_bitcoin', false);

Charge Confirmation

When the charge process completes, the page will reload and the "Pay with Card" button will be replaced with a confirmation message consisting of a header and paragraph. You can specify what these say in the below parameters.

c::set('stripe_confirmation_heading', '<h3>Purchase Complete</h3>');
c::set('stripe_confirmation_message', '<p>Thank you for your purchase! You\'ll receive an email receipt shortly.</p>');

Redirect on Successful Charge

If you'd prefer that the charge process redirects to a specific page once completed, enable the stripe_redirect_on_success parameter and specify the page to redirect to. A custom route is used (which uses whatever you specify stripe_redirect_to_url to be) if you'd also like to perform some additional actions.

See the template checkout-success.php for example usage. An example page that you can add to your content folder is included, which uses this template and is the default location for the route.

c::set('stripe_redirect_on_success', false);
c::set('stripe_redirect_to_page', 'thanks');

c::set('routes', array(
    'pattern' => c::get('stripe_redirect_to_page'),
    'action'  => function() {
		$data = array(
		'stripeAmount' => s::get('stripeAmount'),
		'displayAmount' => s::get('displayAmount')
	  	return array('stripe-checkout-complete', $data);

Charge Information and Metadata

Since Checkout requires customers to enter their email address, name and full billing address, this is automatically passed to Stripe when a charge is created. In addition, SCK will pass as much information as possible to Stripe.

Shipping Address

If you've enabled the option, Checkout will ask a customer to enter a shipping address. This is also collected and then passed to Stripe as metadata, which makes it viewable from the relevant charge in the Stripe dashboard.


SCK created by Jordan Merrick. Contact me at


SCK: Stripe Checkout for Kirby






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