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Compilation of algorithms for choosing optimal softball/baseball/kickball lineups based on historic offensive data. These algorithms can be invoked via the CLI by supplying arguments to the built jar, or through the web application.


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Lineup optimization tool for making sure you choose the best batting order for your softball, baseball, or kickball team. Used by for lineup optimizations but can also be run from the command line on file system data.

Example Output

$ java -jar ./build/libs/softball-sim.jar -o MONTE_CARLO_EXHAUSTIVE --Games 100000 --Innings 7 -l "Devon,Aaron,Fred,Arnold,Simon,Artimis,Grant,Julia"
Optimizer: Monte Carlo Exhaustive
T: default
G: 100000
I: 7
L: false
Possible lineups:               40,320
Games to simulate per lineup:   100000
Innings per game:               7
Threads used:                   8
Select lowest scoring lineup?:  false
{BB=1, 1B=1, E=1, Out=1}
{2B=2, 1B=4, E=4, FC=1, Out=3}
{2B=3, BB=1, 1B=63, SAC=2, E=14, K=1, FC=3, Out=36, 3B=1}
{2B=1, 1B=13, E=3, FC=4, 3B=1, Out=7}
{1B=6, FC=1, Out=5}
{2B=10, 1B=50, HRo=20, SAC=3, E=11, FC=1, HRi=2, Out=20, 3B=3}
{2B=15, BB=1, 1B=34, SAC=4, HRo=10, E=5, K=1, FC=1, HRi=1, Out=20, 3B=2}
{1B=1, K=1, Out=3}
0.55% complete -- Estimated Seconds Remaining: 904 (Estimated time total: 909)
1.16% complete -- Estimated Seconds Remaining: 866 (Estimated time total: 876)
1.78% complete -- Estimated Seconds Remaining: 815 (Estimated time total: 830)
2.39% complete -- Estimated Seconds Remaining: 798 (Estimated time total: 818)
97.63% complete -- Estimated Seconds Remaining: 19 (Estimated time total: 819)
98.26% complete -- Estimated Seconds Remaining: 13 (Estimated time total: 819)
98.89% complete -- Estimated Seconds Remaining: 8 (Estimated time total: 819)
99.52% complete -- Estimated Seconds Remaining: 3 (Estimated time total: 819)
Optimal lineup:
   Name           Avg     Slg
   Devon        0.333   0.333
   Simon        0.500   0.500
   Fred         0.554   0.595
   Arnold       0.517   0.621
   Grant        0.697   1.281
   Artimis      0.726   1.427
   Aaron        0.429   0.571
   Julia        0.200   0.200
Optimal lineup avg score:
   10.83 runs per game
    Runs | # Lineups | Histogram
    9.4  | 46   |
    9.5  | 189  | █
    9.6  | 486  | █
    9.7  | 1137 | ███
    9.8  | 2789 | ████████
    9.9  | 5415 | ████████████████
    10.0 | 6001 | ██████████████████
    10.1 | 5153 | ███████████████
    10.2 | 5052 | ███████████████
    10.3 | 4397 | █████████████
    10.4 | 4478 | █████████████
    10.5 | 3527 | ███████████
    10.6 | 1278 | ████
    10.7 | 349  | █
    10.8 | 23   |

   Worst lineup:
    Name           Avg     Slg
    Arnold       0.517   0.621
    Devon        0.333   0.333
    Fred         0.554   0.595
    Simon        0.500   0.500
    Julia        0.200   0.200
    Aaron        0.429   0.571
    Artimis      0.726   1.427
    Grant        0.697   1.281

   Worst lineup avg score:
    9.45 runs per game

Progress: 40320/40320 (100.00%)
Elapsed time (ms): 819498
Estimated time remaining (ms): 0
Exiting, optimization ended

The default dataSource for this tool is file system data in the ./stats directory.

This CLI tool expects data to be in JSON format. You can either edit the JSON in the stats directory directly (yuck) or input the data on and use the "Export To File" tool on the main menu.

Build (requires Java 11*, for windows machines, in the instructions below replace ./gradlew with ./gradlew.bat):

# Production Build (Note: this runs tests, formats code, optimizes jar)
./gradlew build

# Development Build without optimizing the jar (output jar will work as a command line tool but gcp functions will break) or running tests
./gradlew build -x proguard -x test

This will generate a runnable JAR named softball-sim.jar in ./build/libs


By default the stats used for the optimization can be found in ./stats/exampleData.json. You can replace or edit this file to use different stats.

Whether you build from source or downloaded the jar, you can run it like this:

# Example
java -jar ./build/libs/softball-sim.jar -o MONTE_CARLO_EXHAUSTIVE --Games 10000 --Innings 7 -l "Devon,Aaron,Fred,Arnold,Simon,Artimis,Grant,Julia"

# See help for available options
java -jar ./build/libs/softball-sim.jar --help

# Or use gradle, be sure to provide arguments to the run task in the build.gradle file
./gradlew run


# Run all tests, ignore cache, show output (this will remove an exiting built jar, run `./gradlew build -x test` to regenerate)
./gradlew clean test --info

# Run a particular test/tests based on a filter, show output, ignore cached results, and wait for remote debugger to be attached
./gradlew test -info --rerun-tasks --tests Aggregate* --debug-jvm


Flags (more command line flags will be available based on which optimizer and data source are supplied):

 -d,--data-source <arg>         Where to read the source data from (e.g. the stats file). Options are
                                [FILE_SYSTEM, GCP_BUCKETS]. Default: FILE_SYSTEM
 -e,--estimate-only             If this flag is enabled, the application will only run for UPDATE_INTERVAL
                                milliseconds. The produced result is useful for estimating optimization
                                completion time.
 -f,--force                     If this flag is provided, application will not attempt to use any previously
                                calculated results from cache to resume the optimization from its state when
                                it was interrupted or last run.
 -h,--help                      Prints the available flags. Help output will change depending on the optimizer
                                and dataSource specified.
 -l,--players-in-lineup <arg>   Comma separated list of player ids that should be included in the optimized
                                lineup. Defaults to all players.
 -o,--optimizer <arg>           Required. The optimizer to be used to optimize the lineup. You may specify the
                                name or the id. Options are [MONTE_CARLO_EXHAUSTIVE - 0, MONTE_CARLO_ADAPTIVE
                                - 1, MONTE_CARLO_ANNEALING - 2, EXPECTED_VALUE - 3, SORT_BY_AVERAGE - 4].
 -p,--stats-path <arg>          FILE_SYSTEM: Read. File (or directory with a single file). Path to the stats
                                file. Default: ./stats/exampleData.json
 -t,--lineup-type <arg>         Type of lineup to be simulated. You may specify the name or the id. Options
                                are [STANDARD - 0, ALTERNATING_GENDER - 1, NO_CONSECUTIVE_FEMALES - 2,
 -u,--update-interval <arg>     Time period, in milliseconds, that the application should report results.
                                Default: 5000
 -v,--verbose                   In development. If present, print debugging details on error.
 -x,--flags-path <arg>          FILE_SYSTEM: Read. Directory or File. Path that is periodically checked by the
                                application, if this file contains the text 'HALT' the application will
                                terminate. If the provided path is a directory the application will generate
                                the file name based on a hash of an optimization run's stats file and options.
 -z,--cache-path <arg>          FILE_SYSTEM: Read/Write. Directory or File. Path where results should be saved
                                as they are computed and where the application can look for cached results
                                before actually running any optimizer. This directory includes both final
                                results for completed optimizations as well as partial results for in-progress
                                or interrupted optimizations.  If the provided path is a directory the
                                application will generate the file name based on a hash of an optimization
                                run's stats file and options. Default: ./cache

Available optimizer Options


Available dataSource Options

  • FILE_SYSTEM - Gets data from files in the ./stats directory. See the stats directory in this repository for example files. Application will attempt to read data of all files in the ./stats directory. You can also specify a specific file using the -f flag.

  • GCP_BUCKETS - Gets data from GCP cloud storage buckets. This option is intended to be used only by the softball-scorer app (

Available lineupType Options

Available lineup types:

  • 0 - STANDARD

Send HTTP post on success

To facilitate integration of this command line utility into applications, the tool provides the options of specifying a url when running an optimization. The CLI will make an HTTP POST request to the specified url anytime the tool produces an optimization update (including the final completion update).

Additionally, "apiKey", "id", and a generic "stuff" flags exist for use in passing additional information in the body of this request.

This feature exists primarily to get this working with and may be removed from the repository in the future.



Other Notes

  • *All code checked into this repository must build against Java 11 for cloud computing compatibility reasons, but if you have a newer version of Java and just want to get this tool working, you can bypass the Java 11 requirement by commenting out the sourceCompatibility and targetCompatibility lines in the java section of the build.gradle file before running the build command.

  • This CLI uses ANSI escape sequences to color error messages for readability. These are not enabled by default in common Windows shells. So, on Windows you may see some text artifacts before and after error messages.


Compilation of algorithms for choosing optimal softball/baseball/kickball lineups based on historic offensive data. These algorithms can be invoked via the CLI by supplying arguments to the built jar, or through the web application.







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