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def: macros for creating copattern definitions (#376)
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There are a couple of places in the 1Lab where we manually eta-expand
out copattern definitions by hand to get better goal display. This
mostly comes up when dealing with things like subcategories/forgetful
functors; Agda will very happily unfold your nicely named category into
`Restrict Blah`, which is not particularly helpful!

Manually performing these copattern expansions is a bit of a pain, so
this PR adds a small macro that performs this mechanical busywork for
us. This removes the need for the `declare-concrete-category` macro in
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TOTBWF authored Jun 21, 2024
1 parent b423ee4 commit 133d244
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Showing 16 changed files with 368 additions and 119 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/1Lab/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -201,6 +201,10 @@ under-abs (lam v (abs nm _)) m = extend-context nm (arg (arginfo v (modality rel
under-abs (pi a (abs nm _)) m = extend-context nm a m
under-abs _ m = m

extend-context* : {a} {A : Type a} Telescope TC A TC A
extend-context* [] a = a
extend-context* ((nm , tm) ∷ xs) a = extend-context nm tm (extend-context* xs a)

new-meta : Term TC Term
new-meta ty = do
mv check-type unknown ty
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243 changes: 243 additions & 0 deletions src/1Lab/Reflection/Copattern.agda
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@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
open import 1Lab.Reflection.Signature
open import 1Lab.Reflection.Subst
open import 1Lab.Reflection
open import 1Lab.Path
open import 1Lab.Type

module 1Lab.Reflection.Copattern where

-- Macros for manipulating copattern definitions.

-- Make a top-level copattern binding for an existing record.
make-copattern : Bool Name Term Term TC ⊤
make-copattern declare? def-name tm tp = do
-- Ensure that codomain is a record type.
let tele , cod-tp = pi-view tp
def rec-name params pure cod-tp
where _ typeError [ "make-copattern: codomain of " , termErr tp , " is not a record type." ]

let inst-tm = apply-tm* tm (tel→args 0 tele)

-- Construct copattern clauses for each field.
ctor , fields get-record-type rec-name
in-context (reverse tele) $
for fields λ (arg field-info field-name) do
-- Infer the type of the field with all known arguments instantiated.
field-tp infer-type (def field-name (argN inst-tm ∷ []))

-- Agda will insert implicits when defining copatterns even
-- with 'withExpandLast true', so we need to do implicit instantiation
-- by hand. There are also cases where it's better to fully
-- eta-expand than not (e.g. the 'helper' we're expanding has a
-- field defined by lazy matching, which does not reduce unless
-- applied, and would cause duplication of the big input term). So
-- we fully eta-expand clauses here.
-- First, we strip off all leading quantifiers from the field
-- type.
(field-tele , tp) = pi-view field-tp
nargs = length field-tele
clause-tele = tele ++ field-tele

-- Construct the pattern portion of the clause, making sure to
-- bind all variables. Note that copattern projections are always
-- visible.
pat = tel→pats nargs tele ++
arg (set-visibility visible field-info) (proj field-name) ∷
tel→pats 0 field-tele

-- Construct the body of the clause, making sure to apply all
-- arguments bound outside the copattern match, and apply the
-- eta-expanded arguments. We also need to apply all of the
-- implicit arguments to 'tm'.
in-context (reverse clause-tele) $
reduce (def field-name (raise nargs inst-tm v∷ tel→args 0 field-tele))

-- Construct the final clause.
pure $ clause clause-tele pat body

-- Define a copattern binding, and predeclare its type if required.
case declare? of λ where
true declare (argN def-name) tp <|> pure tt
false pure tt

-- Construct the final copattern.
define-function def-name clauses

-- Repack a record type.
-- Will also accept functions into record types like `A → Record`,
-- and will perform a pointwise repacking.
repack-record : Term Term TC Term
repack-record tm tp = do
-- Ensure that codomain is a record type.
tele , cod-tp pi-view <$> reduce tp
def rec-name params pure cod-tp
where _ typeError [ "repack-record: codomain of " , termErr tp , " is not a record type." ]

-- Instantiate the term with all telescope arguments to saturate it.
let inst-tm = apply-tm* tm (tel→args 0 tele)

-- Construct fields for each projection.
ctor , fields get-record-type rec-name
in-context (reverse tele) $
for fields λ (arg field-info field-name)
argN <$> reduce (def field-name (argN inst-tm ∷ []))

-- Builld a pointwise repacking.
pure (tel→lam tele (con ctor args))

-- Helper for the 'define' macros; Unifies the given goal with the type
-- of the given function, if it has been defined. If the function has
-- not been defined, and the first argument is 'false', then an error is
-- raised.
type-for : String Bool Name Term TC ⊤
type-for tac decl? fun goal with decl?
... | true = (unify goal =<< get-type fun) <|> pure tt
... | false = (unify goal =<< get-type fun) <|> typeError
[ "define-" , strErr tac , ": the function " , nameErr fun , " should already have been declared."

-- Usage

Write the following in a module:
> unquoteDecl copat = declare-copattern copat thing-to-be-expanded
If you wish to give the binding a type annotation, you can also use
> copat : Your-type
> unquoteDecl copat = declare-copattern copat thing-to-be-expanded
Note that, in this case, the thing-to-be-expanded must have exactly the
same type as the binding `copat`. All features of non-recursive records
are supported, including instance fields and fields with implicit
These macros also allow you to lift functions 'A → some-record-type'
into copattern definitions. Note that Agda will generate meta for
implicits before performing quotation, so we need to explicitly
bind all implicits using a lambda before quotation!

declare-copattern : {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} Name A TC ⊤
declare-copattern {A = A} nm x = do
`x quoteTC x
`A quoteTC A
make-copattern true nm `x `A

: {ℓ} (nm : Name)
{@(tactic (type-for "copattern" true nm)) A : Type ℓ}
A TC ⊤
define-copattern nm {A = A} x = do
`A quoteTC A
`x define-abbrev nm "value" `A =<< quoteTC x
make-copattern false nm `x `A

There is a slight caveat with level-polymorphic defintions, as
they cannot be quoted into any `Type ℓ`. With this in mind,
we also provide a pair of macros that work over `Typeω` instead.

declare-copatternω : {U : Typeω} Name U TC ⊤
declare-copatternω nm A = do
`A quoteωTC A
-- Cannot quote things in type Typeω, but we can infer their type.
`U infer-type `A
make-copattern true nm `A `U

: (nm : Name) {@(tactic (type-for "copatternω" false nm)) U : Typeω}
U TC ⊤
define-copatternω nm A = do
`U get-type nm
`A define-abbrev nm "value" `U =<< quoteωTC A
make-copattern false nm `A `U

Another common pattern is that two records `r : R p` and `s : R q` may contain
the same data, but they are parameterized by different values.
The `define-eta-expansion` macro will automatically construct a function
`R p → R q` that eta-expands the first record out into a copattern definition.

define-eta-expansion : Name TC ⊤
define-eta-expansion nm = do
tp reduce =<< infer-type (def nm [])
let tele , _ = pi-view tp
let tm = tel→lam tele (var 0 [])
make-copattern false nm tm tp

-- Tests

private module Test where
-- Record type that uses all interesting features.
record Record {ℓ} (A : Type ℓ) : Type ℓ where
constructor mk
⦃ c ⦄ : A
{ f } : A A
const : {x} f x ≡ c

-- Record created via a constructor.
via-ctor : Record Nat
via-ctor = mk ⦃ c = 0 ⦄ {f = λ _ 0} refl

-- Both macros work.
unquoteDecl copat-decl-via-ctor = declare-copattern copat-decl-via-ctor via-ctor

copat-def-via-ctor : Record Nat
unquoteDef copat-def-via-ctor = define-copattern copat-def-via-ctor via-ctor

-- Record created by a function.
module _ (r : Record Nat) where
open Record r
via-function : Record Nat
via-function .c = suc c
via-function .f = suc ∘ f
via-function .const = ap suc const

-- Also works when applied to the result of a function.
unquoteDecl copat-decl-via-function = declare-copattern copat-decl-via-function (via-function via-ctor)

-- Test to see how we handle unused parameters.
record Unused (n : Nat) : Type where
actual : Nat

zero-unused-param : Unused 0
zero-unused-param = record { actual = 0 }

one-unused-param : {n} Unused n
unquoteDef one-unused-param = declare-copattern one-unused-param zero-unused-param
-- This is a type error:
-- unquoteDef one-unused-param = define-copattern one-unused-param zero-unused-param
-- because the 'define' macro propagates the type of the thing being
-- defined inwards.

-- Functions into records that are universe polymorphic
neat : {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} A Record A
neat a .Record.c = a
neat a .Record.f _ = a
neat a .Record.const = refl

-- Implicit insertion is correct for the define- macro, since the type
-- of the function is given.
cool : {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} A Record A
unquoteDef cool = define-copatternω cool neat

-- Eta-expanders
expander : {m n : Nat} Unused m Unused n
unquoteDef expander = define-eta-expansion expander

-- Raises a type error: the function should have a declaration.
-- unquoteDecl uncool = define-copatternω uncool neat
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions src/1Lab/Reflection/Signature.agda
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Expand Up @@ -211,6 +211,18 @@ helper-function def-nm suf ty cls = do
_ define-function nm cls
pure nm

-- Given a well-typed `val : ty`, return a definitionally-equal atomic
-- term equal to `val`, potentially by lifting it into the signature.
-- See 'helper-function' for the naming scheme.
define-abbrev : Name String Term Term TC Term
define-abbrev def-nm suf ty val with is-atomic-tree? val
... | true = pure val
... | false = do
let (tel , _) = pi-impl-view ty
nm helper-function def-nm suf ty
[ clause tel (tel→pats 0 tel) (apply-tm* val (tel→args 0 tel)) ]
pure (def₀ nm)

make-args : Nat List (Arg Nat) List (Arg Term)
make-args n xs = reverse $ map (λ (arg ai i) arg ai (var (n - i - 1) [])) xs
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/1Lab/Reflection/Subst.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ subst-tm ρ (agda-sort s) with s
subst-tel ρ [] = []
subst-tel ρ ((x , arg ai t) ∷ xs) = (x , arg ai (subst-tm ρ t)) ∷ subst-tel (liftS 1 ρ) xs

subst-clause σ (clause tel ps t) = clause (subst-tel σ tel) ps (subst-tm (wkS (length tel) σ) t)
subst-clause σ (clause tel ps t) = clause (subst-tel σ tel) ps (subst-tm (liftS (length tel) σ) t)
subst-clause σ (absurd-clause tel ps) = absurd-clause (subst-tel σ tel) ps

_<#>_ : Term Arg Term Term
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions src/Cat/Abelian/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ images : ∀ {A B} (f : Hom A B) → Image C f
images f = im where
the-img : ↓Obj (const! (cut f)) Forget-full-subcat
the-img .x = tt
the-img .y .object = cut (Ker.kernel (Coker.coeq f))
the-img .y .witness {c} = kernels-are-subobjects C ∅ _ (Ker.has-is-kernel _)
the-img .y .fst = cut (Ker.kernel (Coker.coeq f))
the-img .y .snd {c} = kernels-are-subobjects C ∅ _ (Ker.has-is-kernel _)

Break $f$ down as an epi $p : A \epi \ker (\coker f)$ followed by a mono
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ a (unique) map $\coker (\ker f) \to X$ s.t. the triangle above commutes!
where abstract
path : other .map .map ∘ 0m ≡ other .map .map ∘ kernel f .Kernel.kernel
path =
other .y .witness _ _ $ sym $
other .y .snd _ _ $ sym $
pulll (other .map .commutes)
·· Ker.equal f
·· ∅.zero-∘r _
Expand All @@ -154,14 +154,14 @@ is the image of $f$.
(coker-ker≃ker-coker f .is-invertible.invr))) refl
∙ pullr (Coker.factors _) ∙ other .map .commutes)
(sym (decompose f .snd ∙ assoc _ _ _))
factor .sq = /-Hom-path $ sym $ other .y .witness _ _ $
factor .sq = /-Hom-path $ sym $ other .y .snd _ _ $
pulll (factor .β .commutes)
∙ the-img .map .commutes
·· sym (other .map .commutes)
·· ap (other .y .object .map ∘_) (intror refl)
·· ap (other .y .fst .map ∘_) (intror refl)

unique : x factor ≡ x
unique x = ↓Hom-path _ _ refl $ /-Hom-path $ other .y .witness _ _ $
unique x = ↓Hom-path _ _ refl $ /-Hom-path $ other .y .snd _ _ $
sym (x .β .commutes ∙ sym (factor .β .commutes))
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions src/Cat/Diagram/Equaliser/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ is an [[equaliser]] of some pair of arrows $g, h : b \to c$.
{c} : Ob
arr₁ arr₂ : Hom b c
has-is-eq : is-equaliser C arr₁ arr₂ f

open is-equaliser has-is-eq public

Expand All @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ are in fact monomorphisms:
is-regular-mono→is-mono : is-monic f
is-regular-mono→is-mono = is-equaliser→is-monic _ has-is-eq

open is-regular-mono using (is-regular-mono→is-mono) public

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ $\phi \circ i_2 = \rm{arr_2}$.
phi : Hom f⊔f.coapex reg.c
phi = f⊔f.universal reg.equal

open is-effective-mono
mon : is-effective-mono C f
mon .cokernel = f⊔f.coapex
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -201,20 +201,20 @@ the code below demonstrates.
M-image C (is-regular-mono C , is-regular-mono→is-mono) f
is-effective-mono→image {f = f} mon = im where
module eff = is-effective-mono mon

itself : ↓Obj _ _
itself .x = tt
itself .y = restrict (cut f)→is-regular-mono
itself .y = cut f ,→is-regular-mono
itself .map = record { map = id ; commutes = idr _ }

im : Initial _
im .bot = itself
im .has⊥ other = contr hom unique where
hom : ↓Hom _ _ itself other
hom .α = tt
hom .β = other .map
hom .sq = trivial!

unique : x hom ≡ x
unique x = ↓Hom-path _ _ refl
(ext (intror refl ∙ ap map (x .sq) ∙ elimr refl))
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