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Deshan Perera edited this page Jun 30, 2023 · 12 revisions

wiki hello

Welcome to CATE

CATE or CUDA Accelerated Testing of Evolution is a GPU-powered, large-scale parallelization software solution to variant call genomic data (VCFs) processing. CATE can conduct evolutionary tests on expansive data sets in mere minutes whereas counterpart software takes days using a fraction of the computational resources.

CATE boldly claims this guarantee of speed and resource efficiency through its unique segmented file structure and its scalable algorithmic implementations that are designed to be optimized for GPU-level parallelization with adaptability for CPU and SSD technologies.

To learn more about how you can use CATE in your workflow please read through our Wiki and if you want to know about the framework that CATE implements please read our published journal article.

Wiki contents

  1. Home
  2. About
  3. Software Overview
  4. Requirements
  5. Installation
  6. How to use
  7. Citation

We hope that CATE helps you in your genomic data analysis and solves the age-old problem of large-scale data processing being limited by time and resource availability.

CATE's GitHub repository has its complete documented source code.

Good luck and we hope you enjoy using CATE.

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