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Full configuration files for my customized setup of i3wm


  • ohmyzsh
  • vim bindings for zsh with some keybinds kept from bash like search through history with ctrl+r (ctrl+n for next suggestion) and going to start of line with ctrl+a and end of line with ctrl+e no mather what mode you are in (command/insert)
  • Multiline prompt



  • Backups enabled with every write, saved in ~/.vim/.backup
  • Auto completion of words
  • White theme called PaperColor due to me not being able to read white text on black backgrounds Can easily be switched by issuing "-c" in command mode for monokai theme
  • Edit .vimrc with, in command mode "-ev" and source the changes with "-sv"
  • Spell checking with, in command mode "-spell"


  • Basic white background color with very readable colors Overlook


  • i3-gaps with a heavily modified config. Like a red outline of the active window.

  • Movement keys rebound to HJKL instead of JKL;

  • Close windows with $mod+q instead of $mod+Shift+q (although the $mod+shift+q kills the mouseover window)

  • Custom rofi launcher instead of dmenu, still bound to $mod+d rofi

  • Easy keybind for opening up a floating vim window with $mod+Backspace and a specified starting directory making it easy to dump notes in one folder

  • Uses i3blocks instead of i3status. Couldnt figure out how to include the blocklets though. Download them with: git clone ~/.config/i3blocks

  • Battery left indicator via notify-send in a simple systemd service

  • Take screenshots with $mod+p

  • Named workspaces for what goes on in each area

  • Auto start of applications via shell script "bin/startup" By clevere use of i3-msg and some sleep magic Due to applications spawning all over the place i let i3wm start up Firefox on it's own plus one Terminal. The script then spawns a second Terminal, Teams, Spotify, Brave browser All windows spawn on their assigned workspace

  • Blurlock instead of i3lock, a little fancier. Locks screen after suspend/hibernate and after 15 minutes of AFK

  • Close dunst messages with $mod+space


  • Added name of the current day + week number to date field + clickable for a calendar pop up
  • Shows VPN status if active
  • Red battery indicator text if below 20%


  • How to enable battery notifications:

  • Copy service file and timer file to systemd user dir

  • power.cfg is a battery notification that run with the systemd profiles further down

  • Copy this script to autostart programs on boot

$ cp .local/bin/startup ~/.local/bin/

$ sudo mv systemd/power* /etc/systemd/user/

  • Enable the power timer and service

systemctl --user enable power.timer

systemctl --user start power.timer

systemctl --user enable power.service

systemctl --user start power.service

  • Done, every 5 minutes a red nagging window will remind you of how much battery is left over


  • Example of how to use sockets for ssh, so smooth


Added configuration files for conky. Its almost the same as default fori3-manjaro but updated with correct keybindings for my setup conky-info conky-keybindings