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Mation is a simple library to provide simple smooth animations. Animations can be interrupted or redirected, and still look natural.

For animations specifically in React components, take a look at react-mation.


Demo using mation with react-sticky

Demo using mation / react-mation with react-inform


npm install --save mation

Tutorial (Demo)

Lets make a very simple animation. Our goal is to have a button animate the growing and shrinking of a div.

To start lets make a growing and shrinking div without animations.

const { Mation, preset, spring } = mation;

const container = document.getElementById('container');
const button = document.getElementById('button');

function modifyContainer(dimensions) { = `${dimensions}px` = `${dimensions}px`;

let dimensions = 100;
button.onclick = () => {
  dimensions = dimensions > 100 ? 100 : 500;


JSFiddle Link

Simple enough. Now lets let Mation manage the size of the box. To do this, we just create a new Mation, then whenever we want to change the dimensions of the box, we call Mation#moveTo. We also must listen for value changes using Mation#on.

let dimensions = 100;
const boxMation = Mation(dimensions);

button.onclick = () => {
  dimensions = dimensions > 100 ? 100 : 500;


JSFiddle Link

There are still no animations! Since you are moving directly to the dimensions, Mation jumps to that value. To create an animation, you can add a spring.


JSFiddle Link

Click that button, and watch the box move. You can click many times and the animation still looks natural as it changes courses!

Thats great, but we want that animation to be more wobbly. To do this, our spring takes a configuration value. This value is an object with damping and stiffness properties. There are presets provided with Mation for some nice effects. These presets include noWobble (the default), wobbly, gentle, and stiff.

  boxMation.moveTo(spring(dimensions, presets.wobbly));

JSFiddle Link

Much more wobbly, and spamming the button still doesn't cause the animation to jerk unnaturally.

Mation can handle more complex movements by accepting not just numbers, but also arrays and objects. Each entry can also have their own spring configurations.

function modifyContainer({width, height}) { = `${height}px` = `${width}px`;

let dimensions = 100;
const boxMation = Mation({width: dimensions, height: dimensions});

button.onclick = () => {
  dimensions = dimensions > 100 ? 100 : 500;
    width: spring(dimensions, presets.gentle),
    height: spring(dimensions, presets.wobbly)

JSFiddle Link


Mation(initialValue, [config])

Creates a new Mation. Initial value is the initial value of the animation. Config is the default config to use for all movements without springs. If left blank, movements without springs jump to the destination immediately. See this JSFiddle for an example.

A config object is just an object with numeric damping and stiffness properties.


Creates a movement with the new destination set to the passed value.


Registers a listener for value changes. The listener should take one argument.


Removes a listener previously registered for this Mation.


Registers a listener that is called each time this Mation settles (stops moving).


Removes a settle listener previously registered for this Mation.


Registers a listener that is called each time this Mation starts moving.


Removes a move listener previously registered for this Mation.

spring(destination, [config])

Creates a spring movement to be passed to Mation#moveTo. The config defaults to presets.noWobble.


Provides preset config objects to be used with spring or Mation:

  • noWobble
  • wobbly
  • stiff
  • gentle

