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Carsten Munk edited this page Dec 16, 2015 · 13 revisions

We should find a way to monetary incentivise in a trustless, decentralized manner (Ethereum):

  • Developing the software
  • Using the software
  • Helping others to begin and keep using the software too
  • Providing services for the software
  • Constructing succesful temes

As well as possible add-on goals:

  • Do great software
  • Do great hardware
  • Be a great brand

Ways to accomplish this:

  • 0-100% investment on top of any cryptocurrency transactions into a project/hardware/brand 'coin'

Configurable "VAT": On every monetary transaction done on a piece of hardware, a "Value Added Tax" (default 2.5%, but adjustable, even to 0%) is added to the amount.

That VAT amount is not sent to the receiver as in traditional VAT, but is sent to a decentralized Ethereum smart contract that will divide it along with previously registered transaction sender choices to VAT receivers on a percentage basis.

The transaction sender choices default (but are adjustable by the user, even to 0%) to the following percentages of the VAT amount:

  • X% to the Human Web project (distributed by a smart contract for project goals)
  • Y% to support nearby Human Web meetups (distributed by the Human Web meetup teme)
  • Z% to the hardware manufacturer of the device
  • A% to the brand of the device
  • B% to the person or company that sold you the device
  • C% to the first, second, third claimed referrer of the logged in digital self. If there are no referees, the % gets distributed to other percentages.
  • D% to the teme makers of the most used temes by the logged in digital self.
  • E% to own selected (charities, local support, etc)

Totalling 100%

You are only ever able to pull out as much from your receiver VAT account as you have done transactions and sent VAT amounts to; in order to incentivise keeping on using the system.

It will be possible to indicate if you prefer donation (no ties on picking up) or VAT style (can only pull out as much as you have sent VAT amounts to) for each receiver. THW project would be direct donation.

Unclaimed VAT receiver funds (over 12 months stale) will be automatically distributed along with the sender choices registered. If no sender choices are registered; it will go to the Human Web project.

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