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An example sign in and sign out system for express that uses express, passport, JWTs and mustache


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Express Mustache JWT Signin

Middleware components and express handlers for handling user authentication and authorization in express.

CAUTION: Plain text only passwords are still possible.

CAUTION: If you use the express-mustache-jwt-signin:hash logger (enabled by default), submitted passwords will be logged.

NOTE: Make sure you set COOKIE_SECURE to false if you want your cookies to work over HTTP for testing. Otherwise it will look like the cookie is being set, but the browser will ignore it so you won't be signed in. For production use you should only set secure cookies to be served over HTTPS with COOKIE_SECURE=true which is the default.

NOTE: Usernames are case insensitive (they are treated as lowercase internally) whereas passwords are case-sensitive.


This components in this package use the app.locals.auth and app.locals.signIn namespaces. They also sets res.locals.user on each request.

How it works

When the user signs in, the username and any claims are encoded into a JSON Web Token (JWT) and saved in the cookie. The withUser() middleware will then parse the cookie on any subsequent requests, deocde the JWT and set the value as res.locals.user. If this object is present, the user is considered signed in.

For example if your username is hello and your claims are {"admin": true} then the res.locals.user object for the response will be set to {username: "hello", admin: true}. (This is the example you'll see later in the users.yml file).

You can then test if the user is signed-in in a mustache template, as well as access the username and any claims. Here's an example of all these things in action in the ./views/partials/userStatus.mustache template:

            <strong>{{username}}</strong>{{#admin}} (Admin){{/admin}} <a href="{{#signIn}}{{signOutUrl}}{{/signIn}}">Sign out</a>
            <a href="{{#auth}}{{signInUrl}}{{/auth}}">Sign in</a>


For a full example, see the ./example directory and

The components also require the following middleware to be installed:

app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }))

Important things to point out from the example:

  • The call to prepareAuthAndSignIn() prepares the app.locals.auth and app.locals.signIn namespacecs.
  • The withUser() middleware parses the JSON Web Token from the cookie or Authorization header and sets res.locals.user with the user data.
  • The userManagerFromYml('users.yml') code prepares a user manager that has a validPassword() method that is used to check the user password and return the user information if the password is valid.
  • The setupSignIn() call installs the handlers that handle sign in and sign out views and logic.
  • Other calls prepare and set up template overlays and public file serving.

Environment Variables

All the environment variables from bootstrap-flexbox-overlay, express-render-error, express-mustache-overlays and express-public-files-overlays are available in the example, but the following are also available from signInOptionsFromEnv():

Used in setupAuth():

  • SECRET - The secret using for signing the JWT
  • SIGN_IN_URL - The URL path that the sign in page appears at
  • COOKIE_SECURE - Defaults to true which means that your cookies won't be set over HTTP by default. Set this to false when debugging locally to make sure that your cookies are set for testing.
  • COOKIE_NAME - The name of the auth cookie, default 'jwt'

NOTE: Make sure you set COOKIE_SECURE to false if you want your cookies to work over HTTP for testing.

setupSignIn() uses the options from setupAuth() as well as these additional options:

  • DASHBOARD_URL - URL that the sign in should redirect to when successful. Can be a full URL or a path. e.g `/dashboard'
  • SIGN_OUT_URL - The URL the user should visit to sign out
  • USERS_YML - The path of the users YAML file. Defaults to 'users.yml'.

Password format in yaml/users.yml

The password field can contain plain text or hashed passwords. If the password is more than 64 characters, it is treated as a hashed password.

You need the admin: true claim in order to access /hash for generating a password hashes to go in yaml/users.yml and /admin to test whether you have the admin claim or not.

The default password for the hello user in yaml/users.yaml is world.

Here's an example for the world password, using a hash:

  password: eyJoYXNoIjoiQnNKVlZ3c1hNaC9zcDJzWk1WWlBiL1d5K3EyeHJUZVY5VS82RmdSZDUrRWZCNTY3aU9hWmY4T05xQWcyR2dBQ0szb0lDcC9WbFNLQUdWSVRLbnVjaGlVeSIsInNhbHQiOiIyeWEyTnBVYXk4L0JMZ2Nkb3VZZXlsS3BvT04rSVplZ3A2aHlWRUxQWXM4Mk5UTUdHVHFuQlZnOHM3QWoxS0tLZ2lqb2Z3NlB0WFA4eTJXdnhIWkxTWktGIiwia2V5TGVuZ3RoIjo2NiwiaGFzaE1ldGhvZCI6InBia2RmMiIsIml0ZXJhdGlvbnMiOjcxNTA5fQ==
    admin: true

Visit http://localhost:8000 and sign in with username hello and password world.

You should be able to make requests to routes restricted with signedIn middleware as long as you have the cookie, or use the JWT in an `Authorization header like this:

Authorization: <JWT goes here>

Or like this:

Authorization: Bearer <JWT goes here>

You can access user data by keeping the a reference to the variable returned by userManagerFromYml('users.yml'). Its data will reload if you change the file:

const { userManagerFromYml } = require('express-mustache-jwt-signin')
const userManager = userManagerFromYml('users.yml')
// Because the userManager is running a watch for changes, need to exit explicitly.
.then(() => process.exit(0))

Note: Usernames are treated as lower-case everywhere.

Testing using setUser()

The setUser() middleware allows you to set a user explicitly without using the setupSignIn() infrastrucutre. This is handy to add for debugging, or quickly becoming a user for testing some permissions.

const { setUser } = require('express-mustache-jwt-signin')
app.use(setUser({username: 'user', admin: true}))

The data structure is simply the claims object (if there are any claims), together with an extra key named username for the username.

Make sure you set it after setupAuth() if you want the user to be overriden, otherwise the middleware from setupAuth() will overwrite app.locals.user afterwards.


npm run fix


You can test hashing with:

npm test


node bin/test-hash.js

You'll see some test output and then the test should exit without an error.

Start the example and then you can test with curl like this:


# Success
curl -X POST -v --data "username=hello&password=world" http://localhost:8000/signin
# Failure
curl -X POST -v --data "username=hello&password=INVALID" http://localhost:8000/signin

Accessing via cookie or Authorization header:

# Using SECRET='reallysecret' as above
export VALID_JWT="eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VyIjp7InVzZXJuYW1lIjoiaGVsbG8iLCJyb2xlIjoiYWRtaW4ifSwiaWF0IjoxNTQzNTg4MjE3fQ.Uj5-C3seMxxrg_H7NaDYoh4LgKE_Br4jIAPzSt8Jyic"
export INVALID_JWT="${VALID_JWT}_invalid"
# Valid
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $VALID_JWT" http://localhost:8000/dashboard
curl --cookie "jwt=$VALID_JWT;" http://localhost:8000/dashboard
# Invalid
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $INVALID_JWT" http://localhost:8000/dashboard
curl --cookie "jwt=$INVALID_JWT;" http://localhost:8000/dashboard

At the moment only JWTs with HS256 will be allowed. You can verify this with a token that uses a different algorithm like this one which uses HS512:

export ALG_JWT="eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VyIjp7InVzZXJuYW1lIjoiaGVsbG8iLCJyb2xlIjoiYWRtaW4ifSwiaWF0IjoxNTQzNTg4MjE3fQ.eym-MugNjwzmD114trr6Mss5KpenDB42MONCDqmaBJyDBisQHCehqoMyPqC80uFtIkwo3uP8N_5Vn9lbYPLB6g"
curl --cookie "jwt=$ALG_JWT;" http://localhost:8000/dashboard

You'll see:

Found. Redirecting to /signin

Response Variables

You can set metaDescription in the data of each call to res.render() to set the description meta tag.


You can generate a new password hash from the command line like this:

SECRET=reallysecret DEBUG=express-mustache-jwt-signin:hash npm run jwt-signin-hash

Or, if the pacakge is installed globally, directly like this:

SECRET=reallysecret DEBUG=express-mustache-jwt-signin:hash jwt-signin-hash


npm run fix


0.5.7 2019-03-23

  • Added in hash generation form again. Visit /hash in the example.
  • Ran npm audit fix

0.5.6 2019-03-21

  • Documented the use of SECRET when using bin/hash.js
  • Fixed a bug in bin/hash.js where the password used was always 'password' not the input

0.5.5 2019-02-17

  • Set some defaults: dashboardUrl: '/dashboard'
  • Add PJAX support, detected client-side
  • Deleted the networkError.mustache view which is provided by the pjax-pwa-overlay package.

0.5.4 2019-02-17

  • Set some defaults: signOutUrl: '/signout', dashboardUrl: '/dashboard', cookieName: 'jwt', cookieSecure: true, signInUrl: '/signin', usersYml: 'users.yml'
  • Add connect-multiparty middleware to the example for PJAX support
  • Don't sign out when someone visits the sign in page

0.5.3 2019-02-09

0.5.2 2019-02-08

  • Improved the Docker example

0.5.1 2019-02-08

  • Publish the codebase, not the example.

0.5.0 2019-02-07

  • Big refactor and simplification
  • Split out the auth side of things from the sign in and sign out side of things
  • Can use auth middleware directly, without complex setup
  • Only one way of providing credentials now, via a user manager validPassword() method.
  • Set up redirect as a template so it can be overridden
  • Changed HTTPS_ONLY to COOKIE_SECURE to be clearer
  • Removed DISABLE_AUTH and DISABLED_AUTH_USER and instead provided setUser() middleware which you can use yourself
  • Removed FORBIDDEN_TITLE and FORBIDDEN_TEMPLATE since you can always overlay a new 403 for customisation
  • Removed the admin page (instead the views/userStatus.mustache template demonstrates the use of a claim (admin)
  • Removed the generate a hash page - instead use the command line tool to generate hashed passwords
  • Upgraded express-mustache-overlays, express-public-files-overlays, express-render-error etc
  • Moved Changelog to separate

Please look in in future as this entry will move too.


An example sign in and sign out system for express that uses express, passport, JWTs and mustache







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