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VonMisesNet: Von Mises Mixture Distributions for Molecular Conformation Generation

This repository implements VonMisesNet, as described in the paper Von Mises Mixture Distributions for Molecular Conformation Generation. VonMisesNet is a new graph neural network that can generate conformations for molecules in a way that is both physically accurate with respect to the Boltzmann distribution and orders of magnitude faster than existing sampling methods.

Table of Contents


vonmises-icml-2023 can be installed from source:

  1. git clone
  2. cd vonmises-icml-2023
  3. conda env create -n $NAME -f environment.yml, where $NAME is the desired name of the environment. Comment out the line containing cudatoolkit if installing on a machine without a GPU.
  4. conda activate $NAME
  5. pip install -e .


Documentation can be found here.

Conformation Generation

VonMisesNet can be used to generate conformations for arbitrary molecules. To do so, create a csv file containing a SMILES string on each line, with no header. Then, run:

python --csv_path <path-to-smiles-csv> --out_path <path-to-output-pickle> --model_path <path-to-model-params> --model_config_path <path-to-model-config> --num_confs <#-confs-to-generate> --filter_confs
  • --csv_path: Path to the CSV containing SMILES strings.
  • --out_path: Path to the output pickle file, which contains RDKit mol objects with generated conformations and prediction metadata.
  • --model_path: Path to the VonMisesNet model parameters.
  • --model_config_path: Path to the VonMisesNet model config yaml file.
  • --num_confs: Number of conformations to generate per molecule.
  • --filter_confs: Optional filtering of conformations which violate minimum atomic distance thresholds.

For the model trained on NMRShiftDB data described in the paper, use:

--model_path models/

--model_config_path models/nmrshiftdb_20220924_fix_chirality.nmrshiftdb_20220924.644553492873.yaml

For the model trained on GDB-17 data described in the paper, use:

--model_path models/

--model_config_path models/gdb_20220924_fix_chirality.gdb_20220924.644918830879.yaml

See for more options. Here is an example using the provided example_smiles.csv script, which contains ethane and ibuprofen:

python --csv_path example_smiles.csv --out_path example_smiles.pkl --model_path models/ --model_config_path models/nmrshiftdb_20220924_fix_chirality.nmrshiftdb_20220924.644553492873.yaml --num_confs 560 --filter_confs

This script utilizes a Predictor class and a generate_confs function contained in vonmises.predictor. There are multiple additional options available when using these directly, such as making predictions for a list of RDKit molecule objects instead of SMILES strings. See the documentation for more details. Here is an example where we input an ethane molecule that has an initial 3D geometry:

from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
from vonmises.predictor import Predictor, generate_confs

mol = Chem.AddHs(Chem.MolFromSmiles("CCCC"))

predictor = Predictor(model_path="models/", model_config_path="models/nmrshiftdb_20220924_fix_chirality.nmrshiftdb_20220924.644553492873.yaml", use_cuda=False)
preds, metas = predictor.predict([mol])

new_mol = generate_confs(predictions=preds[0], num_confs=560, filter_confs=True)

Training Data

There are currently two datasets available to train VonMisesNet: nmrshiftdb-pt-conf-mols.db, which contains molecules from NMRShiftDB, and GDB-17-stereo-pt-conf-mols.db, which contains molecules from GDB-17.

To use these for training:

  1. cd vonmises-icml-2023
  2. Download data.tar.gz from here.
  3. tar -xvf data.tar.gz
  4. Run python, which extracts training targets from the molecules in these datasets.

To create your own dataset for training:

  1. Store generated conformations in RDKit molecule objects.
  2. Place these objects in a dictionary, mapping from unique molecule ID integer to a binary representation of the molecule object. This can be achieved via the ToBinary() method in RDKit.
  3. Save this dictionary as a pickle file.
  4. Run python <path-to-pickle> <output-db-name>, where <path-to-pickle> is the local path to the pickle file and <output-db-name> is a prefix for the database output filename, which will be saved in the data/mol-data directory.
  5. Open and add an entry to the TARGET dictionary. The key should be a unique convenient name, and the value should be a dictionary, where "data" is the path to the database file from the previous step and "targets" should be set to DEFAULT_TARGET_KINDS.
  6. Run python


To train VonMisesNet, run python expconfig/<config-yaml> <convenient-experiment-name>.

<config-yaml> is a yaml configuration file that specifies metadata, data loader, and neural network parameters for training. The dataset parameter mol_db points to the molecule dataset database file, and the dataset parameter target_file is the key that was used for that dataset in <convenient-experiment-name> is a name that will be used in checkpoint files (saved in a directory named checkpoints) and tensorboard logs (saved in a directory named tblogs).

To reproduce the models in the paper, use the expconfig/nmrshiftdb_best.yaml and expconfig/gdb17_best.yaml configuration files for the NMRShiftDB data and the GDB-17 data, respectively.

Reproducing Paper Evaluations

To reproduce figures in the paper:

  1. cd vonmises-icml-2023
  2. Download results.tar.gz from here.
  3. tar -xvf results.tar.gz
  4. Follow the step-by-step instructions in paper_figures.ipynb.


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