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Catchy Links 🔗

A catchy link shortener for more memorable urls

Features 🚀

  • Generate urls using friendly words
  • Each url maps to a determinstic shuffled range and is reversable to and from an 32bit int
  • No collisions until > 4,294,967,296 (2^32) links have been geneerated
  • Urls are locked to your own domain by default
  • Rate limiting

Why 🤷

Sharing long urls sucks. Depending on a third party service hungry for your data does too.

I wanted to solve the problem of sharing incredibly long urls containing lz-string url encoded source code for the ts-defold playground site I am hacking on. Once you have crafted a masterpiece in the code playgroud dropping in a full screen URL into discord seems like bad taste. So, this idea was born.

Setup, Config & Deploy 👷

  1. npm install
  2. Edit env.local with ENV Variables
  3. npm run boostrap
  4. npx vercel
  5. Configure ENV variables on Vercel

ENV Variables ✍️

FALLBACK_URL - This url serves two purposes

  1. Locks the url generation to the domain provided
  2. Is used when the slug is not found to redirect the user to something more useful than a 404

REDIS_URL - The connection info for the backing redis server

SENTRY_DNS - Sentry DNS connection info for error montioring

RATE_LIMIT_WINDOW - Time in milliseconds before the rate limit is reset (globally)

RATE_LIMIT_MAX - Number of hits within RATE_LIMIT_WINDOW before rate limit kicks in

RANDOM_SEED - Used in the bootstrap script so we all aren't generating the same url sequences


GET  /[slug] - Redirect to the url held by the slug

POST  /api/links - Create a new link slug by passing the url into the post body: { url: "https://epiclylong..." }

Specifics 🕴️

Built with ❤️ for 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 on Next.js, Upstash, and Sentry.

It is recomended to use Vercel integrations for Upsatash and Sentry, or do what you want, I am not your mother.

Rate limiting is using express-rate-limit and is not backed by a store. It is being used as failsafe to protect costs of running the service from someone spaming the URL, and is not strict due to the in memory ip lists running serverless.

Fork if you need a feature, PRs always welcome. 🍻