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Please note

The master branch is lein 2.x compatible only. If you're after the older version of this project, check out the lein1.x branch.

clj-boilerplate is a clojure application skeleton that's been helping me bootstrap my personal projects. It's opinionated in it's framework choices but if you think the same way I do, this should provide you with a great head start.

Here's what's included:

  • compojure - A concise routing DSL for Ring/Clojure
  • midje - My favourite clojure testing framework
  • korma - A SQL DSL for Clojure
  • lobos - Database migrations. If you're familiar with Rails migrations, this will ring a bell
  • ring-mock - Create ring request mocks for your unit tests
  • lazytest - Watches your test files and reloads the ones you touch

Getting Started

We're using leiningen for project management so the first thing you will want to do is download all the dependencies:

lein deps

You will also need at least two databases clj-boilerplate and clj-boilerplate-test, corresponding respectively to a development and a test database. production will by default read it's configuration from the DATABASE_URL environment variable. The app ships with the postgresql driver but it should be easy to change it to any database supported by both korma and lobos.

Then start the web server:

lein ring server

You should be ready to go.


The app understands different environments out of the box. By default it assumes it's running in development mode - look at the env.clj file. All your environment specific configuration should probably go in there. It's simple and it works but if you need something more elaborate or would like to use another format for the config files, then milieu might be worth a try.

This means every lein command such as lein repl, lein ring server etc needs to know which environment they're supposed to run under - or they will default to development. That's simple enough though. So if you want to, say, run your tests against the test environment, just provide the ENVIRONMENT env variable:

ENVIRONMENT=test lein midje

Make sure you have the lein-midje plugin installed in order to run your facts and get a better/prettier output:

lein plugin install lein-midje 1.0.9

Database migrations

clj-boilerplate uses lobos to evolve your database schems. Have a look at the migrations.clj file to see the default migration that ships with the app. One of the included facts - see below - shows how to run and rollback migrations.

Included facts

In midje, tests are usually referred to as facts and clj-boilerplate includes two of them. One can be found in core.clj under the test directory. It shows we have compojure configure correctly and also demonstrates how to use ring-mock to generate a valid request maps for facts.

The other fact is located in users.clj and shows how we can integrate lobos with midje's background feature to reset the database between facts.


Copyright (C) 2012 Leonardo Borges

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.


A starting point for clojure [web]applications






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