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Adding a new project

julie freeman edited this page Apr 14, 2015 · 1 revision

Adding new projects

  • add row to projects table in db
  • add SVG image file, exported from an illustrator file with layers ID correctly. Check IDs are in the right format!
  • add JSON file with all the data rules created for animation and sound playback
  • add sound files to AWS bucket (ODI) and backup to github although this is not for playback purposes, and they are not uploaded to Heroku
  • update sound-config.JSON using the __/sound.html script (audio files on the AWS bucket must be in the correct directory structure with the correct file names.
  • add to client_projects.json
  • add to projects.json (in /data)
  • add relationships to project_rels.csv (this is important for the graph network layout of all the scenes)
  • add and commit new files to master
  • push master to staging server to test
  • push master to Heroku for live deployment


  • Add to chart.html tool
  • [About this project](About this project)
  • [Adding a new project](Adding a new project)
  • API
  • [Colour Palette](colour palette)
  • Compositions
  • [Data Mapping](Data mapping)
  • [Handover from KS](Handover from KS)
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  • [Risk register](Risk register)
  • [S3 notes](S3 notes)
  • [Sound Engine](Sound Engine)
  • [Tech docs](Tech docs)
  • [Technical requirements](Technical requirements)
  • Testing & Monitoring
  • Website
  • [Zoon Data characteristics](Zoon Data characteristics)
  • [Zoon links resources](Zoon links resources)
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